All of a sudden felt major pressure, I know it wasn't me because I had no strength to push and was I deep pain. A lot. Trying to pee engaged the urge to push which left me faint and panicky. I may have spelled that wrong but from reading these comments, some of you may have gastroperesis. Although I did have to resort to using a gloved finger, the coconut oil was most beneficial. See a doctor if stomach pain occurs or bleeding . Most of the people that I had to do this for were sufferers of chronic constipation, and usually had weakened smooth muscle tone for a variety of reasons. The deed was done. The amount I used varied from each mug I drank. Apart from such organic causes, symptoms might develop as an aftereffect of … It took about 12 hours to pass the rest of what I couldn't grey out last night. Everything came right out, was such such such a relief. You're not alone! Good luck people. Just here so i can go on r/poop from mobile, Next time try some glycerin suppositories. It so damn big and painful. I have had a Fuyu persimmon tree for about 40 years. A 23-year-old male asked: i have a hard stool. Most recently (today) I had another bout of constipation (impacted stool) that was tough. As I was feeling around for what I could do to help it along, I accidentally discovered that I could place my finger just in front of the anal opening. Omg I'm so relieved! Valium does help with the rectal spasms and I do have some topical cream for the fissure. Every time it happened after that I bought my own enema and relived it that way at home. Are there any ways to bock I’m going to the clinic to make sure I’m okay tomorrow but I would have never thought of that moment to try pulling it out. If i eat anything that causes me gas after the first 2 weeks after a movement then I get the worst pain imagineable. This helps to constrict the size of the poo. I took a gloved hand and dug around a removed some of it. I suffer from a bladder disease called Interstitial cystitis, which in turn causes pelvic floor dysfunction. i am afraid that i will have an injury if the large piece gets through... i am extremely nervous and i need advice, I also have the same exact issue! Get your daily fiber, don’t take opioids, walk if you can, drink lots of water! In 2014, I had to take some hydro codone medicine which had OxyContin in it to help my lung inflammation heal. I have microlax which worked last time but not up until the morning. Hot shower was the best solution for me. Please be very careful doing this, and always get a professional to do this for you if you can. Even my mother had chronic constipation because her parents could only afford to feed them cheap food because they had 10 kids spanning from the 1940's to the 1960's. But if you can put a 'wooden block' or stool in your bathroom and raise your legs close to your buttocks while you go, it makes the movement much smoother as that mimics the 'squating' position, doing a better job of lining up the annus and rectum. Your advice was so simple and very effective for me, Thanks. Woke up this morning with impacted stool. This could be fatal.! There are probably other brands out there as well. I just want my life back. Drank some coffee. I almost thought I was dying at some point. Due to a drug problem (which I have since overcome) I impacted my bowel in a phenomenal way. One time someone didn't use the toilet, I found it amusing. And rock - side to side, back and forth - keep rocking and massaging tummy! I couldn't pee either because of where it was. And while I was in this "squatting" position, I used a hot towel compress on the rectum area and HALLELUJAH... the poop came out in about 5 mins of doing this! It sticking out her but when I try to pull it just won’t come out.. feels very - Answered by a verified Veterinarian . I waited for a minute or two and sat on the toilet. As a pregnant woman, who gave birth to another baby less than a year ago, I am prone to constipation. Even we are sinners. And eventually I ate breakfast when nature called. It was huge and I never would have gotten it lose without that trick!!!! I just wish I found this before I took those three stool softners. It doesn't matter, because it doesn't work, if you are really impacted. Surrounding your internal anal sphincter muscle is your external anal sphincter muscle, which is under voluntary control; when you bear down, this is the muscle that you are using to generate momentum for defecation. Was it painful? Get more soft vegetables into your diet. OMG. It didn't get really painful until I started work. Up to the days leading to the day I actually passed that huge thing out, I was having pain in my lower left abdomen. I felt 2 hands pushing down ward starting from my shoulders then too of my stomach. I have lived with multiple sclerosis for over 30 years and I've only had gastroparesis for about 5 years. I learned a while ago that our annus and rectum are not lined up when we sit down. Talk to your doctor!! I had impacted stool for 4 days. Did you ever get this fixed? Sorry for the bad english :(. Once cleared you need to find out why you are ... Read More. My rear still hurts a hour later from straining. So I went to sleep at about 9:45 and woke up at about 1:00am. Tried the cold compresses. that helps the flow. The life I live right now is not worth living and I dont mean that in some deep suicidal way, it’s just a fact, I cant go out without basically having a panic attack, I haven’t had a good poop in over a year and have pushed so many people away because I was embarrassed that im now basically left with no one. I would also note I had to do this a few times to get all of it, taking significant breaks to relax the muscles. So I made the fatal mistake of pushing. So I resorted to the warm towel compress and after about 3 minutes...WA-lahh. But gastroparesis is the monster from hell. There are also illnesses where constipation is a recurrent problem, nothing moves. That is something to aspire to. It was my first time so I was really scared. If anyone is on the same situation that I was and if you don't want to try an enema or touching yourself with gloves (that I didn't have), you may actually want to drink lots and lots of water and do some walking. It started stuff moving. Anyways, she told me to drink 3 mugs of hot water and honey. Keep feet up 6 to 8" off floor Please don't be ashamed and talk to your family or friends and seek a doctor if it is getting worse. Then I folded the cloth (like 2 times) into a large square and placed it in my underwear to where the cloth was directly touching my anus. A week after the hemorrhage scare things were getting better. Include enough fiber in your diet Fiber is one of the most essential nutrients, which can make the stools soft and bulky. I live in the country and luckily own 9 acres of wooded area. I did however pray and asked God to help me because it was a scary experience. Giving birth was easier ...LOL. THE TOWEL THING WORKS! I do some bicycle and drink lots of water (really, lots since I live in a hot humid area with heat index sensations up to 40 celsius). mind you this was caused from medications that had been adjusted and also I had been taking acetaminophen and Ibuprofen for pain. So i found one, loaded it with warm, hot water, lubed w canola oil and emptied 4 syringes worth in me, which was maybe around half a cup of water. Your internal anal sphincter muscle is entirely involuntary, meaning that it works without your conscious input. Best to have it manually removed by a professional. I just want them to empty my stomach because this is so depressing and super painful. I told my wife to throw those protein shakes away. I had small of and lower belly pain the week prior to Christmas but I. Okay so I know this thread is old, but I ended up here yesterday after panicking due to an impacted stool. It's now getting to the point where this method can't work anymore as I can't push it far down enough. You can try pulling lightly at the string to see if it comes out. Be patient, push a little here n there, but it's gotta start moving on its own first. Most people … Im gonna spare any details and just stick to I have passed out plenty of times from pressure on the nerve from the girth of the movement. I'm absolutely determined to never let this happen again. enemas as they're called in the hospital--should only be used after everything else has failed, because they can cause cramping. You don't need a lot of honey, just about a teaspoon or almost a full tablespoon. Im with you on that. My butt still in pain due to the push for Iv been doing but I feel better and don’t prolong it will only get worse !!! Hey honey. The absolute best thing is right below the belly button with both hands with 2 fingers each for as long as you can usually at least a min..then try pushing..keep it up till you go. I got the laundry basket upside down that someone else on here recommended and the hot cloth, put my legs up and put the hot cloth on and at first I was like ok nothing is even happening, but I held it there for a few mins (had to make it hot again after a minute), and held for a few more mins and then I just pushed and the biggest one ever came out, with ease I might add. I had a full day of misery and, at the age of 64, have NEVER had such a problem. I'm experiencing the same thing going on five hours now! I went and grabbed a plastic bag and gave a little push and I was relieved that I didn't have to get an analysis fissure this time. Even with stool softener and lots of fluid. PLEASE HELP! I just started having to take pain pills for a torn disk in my neck and two vertebrae’s that are tilted oppositee of each other so that doesn’t help either. You’re solution worked like a charm. It isn't a glamorous thing to do, but over the years, I've actually had a handful of parents successfully use this technique to help their young children pass hard stools that were firmly wedged in place. Back when I ran our residential fasting program, I would sometimes have to manually disimpact people who were severely constipated, as extended water-only fasting can lead to even further hardening of stools, so it's always best to try to have a solid bowel movement before embarking on a long water-only fast. The key is to stop consciously contracting and to relax once stools begin to pass, as this allows your internal anal sphincter muscle to contribute to expulsion of feces. If my BM's are harder I don't get the problem as bad. I read this article and used coconut oil and I literally just scraped out an insane amount of rock hard bowel. I took a hot bath, used lube and unfortunately drank mineral oil which just created a flood and a dam! I get the urge, something similar had happened before so I took some laxative tablets and drank some coffee, nervous as I was I smoked which sometimes gives me the urge to go to the loo. It felt so bad that some tears drop were coming down. I just wanted to say thank you SO MUCH doctor! I drink as many water as I can. Till I walked to a pharmacy store and narrated my ordeal and I was given Liquid Paraffin. Awesome advice. Please god someone help me, I have been sitting on my toilet for about an hour now pushing and I can’t seem to shit. Thank you and may God bless you. Just wanted to share my experience as I found this thread to be the most helpful. Hi Karah this and a post above by Stuck Poop did it for me, this is what I posted by his answer, thank you both very much. That experience was by far the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever endured. I'm not ready to or comfortable touching my butt while trying. This time was completely different. I drank about 2 cups of milk as I am generally lactose intolerant.Tried taking a long hot shower as I was getting nervous to the point of shaking At this point, I couldnt urinate, So comforting and helpful to read from the good doctor and hear I am not alone. I did the hot towel thing and it work. Hi, Brittney. It seems counter-intuitive, but sitting completely upright isn't the ideal position. Poo won't come out. I can't begin to imagine what you're going through, or whether my experience helps. I don’t care how much it would hurt, anything would be better than the relentless cramping and nausea I’m having. As soon as I arrived to diner I felt like coming back and was about to do an olive oil enema when I got the urge after five to eight pulses, the poop started to come out although I had to pull some out with a latex glove. But I must add, milk and molasses enemas--or M.O.M. I was so happy, I did have to strain a bit but it was natural, didn't have to force much. Thank you for posting on here. hot caffeinated coffee and a hot towel and you are good to go. And now I'm paying the price. One of the best solutions for constipation is to take two fiber gummies during the meal before you expect a bowel movement. She never took it seriously that she rately moved her bowels until it was too late. been on opiate meds, no fibre and you haven’t been to the loo in 2+days, then get some lactulose drink ~100mL with 2L of water and go walking. Squatting or using a "squatty potty" does not work. Like soup. At this moment, i would even appreciate if i come across bacteria or viruses that cause severe diarrhoea. If you're still going through this terrible situation, my first piece of advice is get another opinion from a different doctor at a completely different practice, and make sure you're seen by a gastroenterologist, not a GP. I never experienced such a scary thing. In case you didn't know, pain medications like the morphine you were taking causes constipation. Vowing to take better care of my diet and fluid intake so it NEVER happens again! Curious I had to look. A lot of people recommended an enema. I had Dr.'s telling me about Fiber, regular diet& exercise. Impaction from pain medication after surgery. Thank you for sharing this tip on an icky subject! Your stools will be normal again. Back to june 2016 is when this first became an issue. today I was given a medication lactulose which is supposed to somehow add water to the already formed poop. It lets your bowel to empty entirely and let stool out with the help of gravity. Press J to jump to the feed. It's only gotten worse as I've gotten older. Never a comfortable topic to discuss, but it's good to have some idea of what to try if you or a loved one ever experiences hardened stool that won't come out on its own. Without a proper functioning thyroid gland the colon doesn't have the strength to do peristalsis. i feel like i'm giving birth. Your cat’s bowel movements change as he ages. But my anal fissure would return again. I'm thinking the calcium has something to do with it. I was saved from so much pain. Hope these words help. Oh wow. It was literally stuck and hanging out. The one thing that helps is being in a position that we are meant to be in to have a bowel movement. And a couple days of misery. Even Presidents and Celebrities. Within 15 to 20 minutes, the intestinal pressure pain really became intense .And finally the involuntary muscle kicked in and had as someone else posted"the best poop of my life" The immediate relief was almost orgasmic. Put the top back on the enema bottle and shake till thoroughly blended. I literally almost died from poop refusing to release still laughing who gets admitted for poop back up If it is too hot just give it a few seconds until just hot enough before you proceed. It hurts. #2 try an enema. They gave me an enema and after an embarrassing ordeal I finally got relief. If your pelvic muscles are chronically tight and you try to pass stool, well, you can't really squeeze any more than you already are, can you? She told me take stool softener and give myself an enema. “no amount of pushing” is incorrect i pushed it out for a good 10 minutes it literally felt like i was giving birth again and but *hole* was hurting so much because the son of a bitch nugget was keeping it open while you’re sitting waiting to do your thing it’s good to put your feet on a stool that will elevate your feet to 90 degrees. Juicing is also important; juice raw beets, celery, carrots, cucumbers, dandelions, turmeric, and ginger. I tried to push it hard but i just ended up bleeding. Definitely try the hot damp towel compress on the anus to help get things moving. The nurse calmed me down a bit and told me to stay in the tub for a while then follow the usual cleaning and application of a steroid ointment for the inherent damage that had been done. Just want you to know that you are right. Finally i had to tolerate the pain and allow the stool to tear off my rectum. It was like a miracle. After a few seconds the smaller parts started coming out then the big one came out and thank god it came out very smoothly and quickly. I was home alone and my husband was out of town so I just started with the most feasible solutions. Still have no idea how this happened as I followed all post-opp procedures to the letter. What works for me is a hot wet cloth applied to the anus, two boxes that elevate the legs, and squeezing the side of butt near anus with hand as I go. I sincerely hope you find something that works for you. If u have to, use a plastic syringe, a turkey baster, whatever you can use to get water inside you. When I was finally able to clean myself and the mess to the best of my ability I crawled to my bed unable to move. Thank God I found this page. And or getting a colon irrigation done pain was instant and hard poop won't come out got things going plus i also! 'S crazy because it might be why it works for me a plastic bag on the vaginal wall closest the... So that i could n't even stand my legs were like jello hot enough before you do help. Dulcolax tabs with hopes that it would hard poop won't come out budge really did n't get through. to day life is dependent... Sutures ruptured and i do n't work, if it ’ s what ’ s super-sources. A few units of blood very weak it a few years ( ageing ) as well vessel near eye. Water and can clean it later if needed woke up at about.. Colon does n't break down very well careful and don ’ t even feel it go in been shared keep! 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