Krishna is the god of ecstatic devotion, the ultimate playboy who lures the maidens of the world into his divine play with his spiritual wisdom and epic flute playing (think Russell Brand with blue skin). 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. Hinduism is quite likely the oldest “religion” in the world—but to call it a religion wouldn’t really be accurate, because it’s more accurately a collection of beliefs. Lakshmi is a perpetually popular goddess, as she rules money and wealth. The 12 Sun-Gods are Dhata (creates living beings), Aryama (is in the wind), Mitra (is in the moon and the oceans), Varuna (is in the waters), Indra (destroys enemies of Gods), Vivasvan (is in the fire), Tvashtha, Vishnu (head of all Sun-Gods, destroys God’s enemies), Amshuman (wind), Bhaga (distributor of wealth), Pushya, and Parjanya (brings rains). He is said to be the God of death. It chronicles the life of Rama from his birth in the kingdom of Ayodhya to his decisive victory over his evil neme… He leads the army of gods and is considered as the god of war. She rides a tiger, and can perhaps be thought of as a fierce Hindu mother or aunt who rides in to take care of business. Brahma is also said to be reciting the Vedas continuously and simultaneously from each of his four mouths. All the other deities are manifestations or avatars. It is said that a different one shines in each month of the year. Hanuman, son of Anjana and Kesari, is actually an avatar of Lord Shiva It is believed that Hanuman is the eleventh avatar of Lord … He is known as Maryada Purushottama (Lord of Self-Control). According to the Nath tradition, this deity is an incarnation of Shiva. She has been worshiped in many forms throughout India for millennia. Copyright © Spiritual Ray &, Inc. We’re talking about Lord Ganesh stories for kids today! They are representative of the main elements of nature. RELATED: Here’s an Awesome Map of the Gods & Goddesses of Hinduism. She is seen as a benevolent mother among the Hindus. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. To get there, deity worship may be required and personalize may be needed. There are infinite manifestations of the supreme being according to Vedic scriptures, and the numbers 33 million or 330 million are just the way of signifying that the one god has infinite manifestations. Known by the names Panduranga and Vitthala, he is seen as an incarnation of Vishnu. People should try to live good lives as part of the reincarnation process. The other gods, Deva and goddesses, Devi are incarnations of the three supreme deities. He is the lord of procreation, and is responsible for the propagation of life on Earth. Would you like to write for us? Vamana – Appeared as a short Brahmin. Story of Lord Vishnu and his birth According to Puranas, lord Vishnu's wife is goddess Lakshmi. He is one of the most recognizable Hindu deities, and is very popular among all Hindus. Bhagavad Gita, the holy book of Hindus comprises his conversation with Arjuna. He is the son of Shiva and Parvati. Budha – Believed to be the son of Chandra and Tara, he is the god of merchandise. Shani – A demi-god, son of Surya and Chhaya, he represents career and longevity. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! Different scriptures call Rudras by different names. Dhuti is the demigod of health and magic. [ Read: Lord Shiva Stories For Kids] 3. Hiranyakashipu believed himself to be the God and there is no other god than him. If you ask a layman to approximate the number of gods in the Hindu religion, pat comes the parrot reply, ‘330 million’. This comprises five planets, the Sun, Moon, Rahu (ascending lunar node), and Ketu (descending lunar node). The reason people have the misconception that the Hindu religion is polytheistic, is because of the sheer number of gods and demigods narrated in the Vedic scriptures. Required fields are marked *, © 2012-2018 Ultraculture Incorporated. It is said in the Hindu scriptures that there are 33 Crore which is equal to 330 million gods. Parvati is the wife of Shiva and his eternal consort. He’s often referred to as Shiva the Destroyer, because he destroys false, unenlightened, ignorant consciousness with the fire of his yogic devotion. Yajnavalkya would always keep an empty front seat in his classes, so that if Janaka came, he could sit there and listen to his teachings. Ganesha Stories – 7 Most Popular Stories of Ganesha. She also grants worshipers with spiritual and intellectual advancement. They are associated with lord Shiva, known to be the gods of storm, and worshiped to gain virility. This narrative is a part of Mahabharata, in which Krishna provides Arjuna with guidance and counseling about his duty on the battlefield. Furthermore, Mitra is a negotiator for the men and gods. But this is not so. He is usually depicted with having four heads. BAPS Kids - Story Time. Ganesh Chaturthi : Six Interesting stories of Ganesha Every year, Hindus across the country celebrate the birth of their beloved elephant-headed God Ganesh in the fourth day of Bhadrapada month of the Hindu calendar. Ganesha is the god of auspiciousness. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox. By many sects in Hinduism, he is considered as the Supreme God. #2. Yoga and Hinduism are often practices that go hand-in-hand in the West but are more deeply fused and widely practiced in India. Another interesting facts is that, Once the dwarf demon ‘Apasmara’, representing ignorance challenged Lord Shiva. There are very important manifestations, and there are also a few relatively unknown ones. The book signifies material knowledge and the lotus signifies actual knowledge―that is, the knowledge of the self. Parashuram – Popularly depicted with an ax that he is believed to have received from Shiva. He is depicted as dark. Kalki, the tenth avatar of Vishnu, is prophesied to be the man who ends the world, ending the kali yuga. The male form divided itself into eleven parts – forming the 11 Rudras, while Rudranis were born out of the female form. He is a form of Vishnu (or Krishna). But material wealth is just the tip of the iceberg—Lakshmi seeks to give spiritual wealth and the true blessings of inner realization, worth more than all of the transient, intangible and ultimately meaningless wealth in the world. This way, he takes the first step of realization of the Supreme. He is seen sitting in a lotus, meditating. Shukra – He represents wealth, happiness, and reproduction. Guru – Also known by the name Brihaspati, he is believed to be the guru of gods. Meet a Few of the Psychedelic Hindu Gods and Goddesses, the Lords of India. The Hindu epics were written to create moral ideals for followers to aspire to. He is depicted in the form of Trimurti, with Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva together. Here is a list of the avatars of Vishnu in the order of their appearance. He is the god of wisdom. This beloved Hindu god is the destroyer of sins and an embodiment of joy, happiness, and love. The Navagraha are believed to influence the course of one’s life. Up to meet a few? Susna is a horned serpent-demon who aids the Asuras in their war against the Deva. They symbolize the sunrise and the sunset. He is also the ashta-dikapala (guardians of the directions) of the southeast direction. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. There are more “religions” in India than in the rest of the world combined—and more than 300 million gods. Prahlada’s faith in God. The Hindu creation story tells a continuous tale of creation, destruction and recreation. Appropriately so, because India is their birthplace. Parvati is said to convert to the fierce avatar when she is angry. He has four hands, a big belly and the face of an elephant. An incarnation of Vishnu, he is considered as the god of Ayurveda medicine. He is accompanied by his consort Rakhumai. His vehicle is a mouse. According to the scriptures, mostly Vishnu Purana, the universe came into being from his navel, and the first living being born was Brahma. Names differ across scriptures. He is one of the creator-gods, with similar powers to that of Daksha and Surya. Also known as Vasus, they are attendants of Indra and Vishnu. Shiva's bull, the protector of all the animals, who calmed down the Angry Shiva. She bestows wealth upon the deserving, and abandons the people who use money carelessly. He is the son of Brahma, and has powers similar to his brother Surya. Here are a few of the most popular ones: The Creation of the Ganges River Rama – He is known to be the most ideal man to have ever lived. She is the embodiment of kala, or time. Here are ten interesting facts about Hindu Gods. Narasimha – Is half-man and half-lion. Hinduism in India. Krishna is commonly depicted as a statesman who changes the rules shrewdly. He is considered to be the supreme being by one of the Hindu sects. The ancient Hindu texts of Puranas characterized Kali Yuga as being dominated by avarice, hatred, intolerance, lust and corruption. The son of Shiva (below), Ganesh has an elephant’s head—and his role is the Lord of Obstacles. Surya – He is Sun god and the chief of Adityas. Surya – The Sun god. According to the Vedas, there are only 33 main deities and others are just their avatars and reincarnation. Prahlada was the son of king Hiranyakashipu and queen Kayadhu. He is the god of desire. Their fight lasted a thousand years. She is also darkness personified, and is extremely powerful. She is also often depicted severing the head of Shiva, because her traditional role is to slay humanity’s greatest enemy—the ego. Ekadashi. He also takes a variety of other forms due to the many stories surrounding him. Goddess Saraswati is the eternal consort of Brahma, the creator of the world. Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! In his hands he carries – a rope (to help lead the worshipers to the truth), an axe (to cut away the devotees wrong … This includes all sensual desires, including love. Facts about Hindu Gods 1: Lord Shiva Lord Shiva becomes the main god and Hindu trinity in Hinduism. Each one has many interesting qualities and powers. She is usually shown playing the sitar, sitting in a lotus. Lord Vishnu's residence is the Ksheer Sea (Ksheer Sagar). In this dark age, the average human lifespan is the shortest, lasting about 70 years whereas, in the first era of … Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. He is believed to have fought against the seas to save lands and wiped out Kshatriyas from the earth. Kali is wrathful to her enemies, and protective and fiercely loyal of her devotees. Surya is also known as Savitr before sunrise. He restored Indra’s rule on the three worlds. Vayu – God of wind. In the end, the bottom line of every scripture states that the final goal of spirituality is that of realization of the One God. #3. In Hinduism there are three main sects – Shaivism, Vaishnavism, and Shaktism. 10 of the Most Important Hindu Gods Ganesha. Brahma is the creator of the Vedas. Mitra. The serpent also guards the essence of Amrita in its stomach. Their bed is above Sheshnag. At that time, Shiva was meditating in Mount Mandara. It is no surprise, then, that legends and mythological tales surround Lord Shiva abound. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This is not only material wealth but also the spiritual aspect of it. But Prahlada was a devout follower of Lord Vishnu and continued to pray Him despite getting repeated warnings from his father. Story of Yajnavalkya & Janaka King Janaka was one of the favorite students of sage Yajnvalkya. The Vishnu Purana states that Rudra was created out of the anger of lord Brahma and appeared in the Ardhanari (half male, half female) form. Rantidev, The King | Satsang Stories | Hindu Stories | Moral Stories |Satsang Stories | Hindu Stories | Moral Stories| You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. His divine vehicle is a mouse which is very fascinating for children. Kali is known as the demon destroyer, the goddess of time and doomsday. She is also considered to be the sister of Vishnu. Nakshatra – It is the constellation of gods that appear as stars. He is worshiped for his righteousness and valor. He is seen as the giver of strength and courage, and is very benevolent to true devotees. Prithvi – She is mother earth and the carrier of all beings. Buddha – Founder of Buddhism who preached ahimsa. He is known to be the destroyer of bad luck and obstacles. Is the bosom friend, and is invoked during oath-taking ceremonies. To invoke Agni deva the mantra is ‘Om Agnidevaya Namaha’. He is one of the seven Chiranjivis (immortals) in Hinduism. When all else fails, call on the Wrathful Mother. Kali is the most wrathful aspect of the Goddess, the archetypal feminine force of shakti which is venerated in Hinduism (a religion that not only worships women as gods just like men, but also worships them in all of their aspects, including terrible and wrathful). In Vedic philosophy, Brahma is the embodiment of intellect, and is present as intellect in all human beings. Source Interesting Lord Krishna Facts #1. Parvati has infinite power, and is even respected by the Trimurti. Jason Louv is the editor-in-chief of Ultraculture and has written for Boing Boing, VICE News, Motherboard and more. But in the scriptures, in certain instances, she has taken the form of Kali and Durga, who are chastisers. He is depicted as riding a chariot drawn by seven horses. Story of Jada Bharata from Srimad bhagavatam | About Us | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of a fish during the Satya Yuga to save the totality of living beings from a great flood. Vishnu not only maintains the universe, but also maintains dharma, or righteous, dignified behavior. It is also a religion where all of the gods and goddesses look like they’d be more at home on acid blotter art than in anything Westerners tend to think of as a “religious” environment. Read more ». He is depicted as beautiful and proud. The planets included are Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn represented by Mangala, Budha, Guru, Shukra, and Shani respectively. The first four appeared in Satya yuga, the next three in Treta yuga, the eighth and ninth incarnation was in Dwapara yuga, and the tenth will appear at the end of Kali yuga. He removes all evil from the world. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. (Bonus! Surasa is a Hindu goddess, who is described as the mother of the nagas (serpents). In the Vedas, Agni is the second-most important deva after Devapati Indra. Krishna – He is known to be the most complete avatar of lord Vishnu. Kamadhenu, the mother of all the cows, started giving birth to … Thanks for the A2A Satej One story that immediately comes to mind is that of the Hinglaj Mata Temple in Baluchistan, Pakistan. They are two Vedic gods, depicted as horsemen. He is the god of oaths and friendship. Revered as the remover of all obstacles, countless songs, stories and imagery celebrate him as one of the most popular deities […] He stands on a brick, with hands on the hips and elbows bent outwards. Agni deva is the fire god and acceptor of sacrifices. Varaha – Vishnu takes the avatar of a boar to defeat a horrible demon named Hiranyaksha. Here’s an Awesome Map of the Gods & Goddesses of Hinduism, Here’s an Awesome Map of the Evolution of World Religions, The Psychonaut Field Manual: A Cartoon Guide to Chaos Magick, 6 Spellbinding Stories of Heroism From Celtic Mythology, Introduction to Chaos Magick: Master Your Reality, Hardcore Meditation: The 8 Limbs of Raja Yoga, Advanced Chaos Magick: The Far Reaches of Sorcery, Master the Tarot: Unlock Your Destiny With the Cards, Introduction to Astral Projection: Explore the Astral Plane. (Krishna might be seen as the aspect of god that “gets you high.”) To get a sense of what devotion to Krishna and the other gods is like, try some music from the incredible Krishna Das. These epics were written in Sanskrit and in their essence described the power of the Hindu gods in poetic verse. She is considered to be the ‘Adi Shakti’ or the primordial force that keeps the universe together. The characters, philosophy and stories that make up ancient Vedic myths are indelibly linked with Hindu beliefs. Laxmi is the eternal consort of Vishnu, and is also the goddess of wealth. He is considered as a cute God as well, with his elephant head, pot belly and long trunk. He is worshiped for attaining knowledge of the Absolute Truth. He is worshiped in many parts of eastern and north-eastern India and by Hindus in Bangladesh. Andhaka - The Blind King of the Asuras - Part 1 1. Here are some fun stories and interesting facts about him 1. He is so powerful that he even brought the dead son of his Guru Sandipani as a way of paying Gurudakshina to Sandipani. In once sense, Kali is time—the force that annihilates everything. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Ganesh is prayed to at the beginning of any undertaking, and whenever a devotee faces insurmountable problems in their life or otherwise “gets stuck”—that’s when the Elephant Lord can arrive to clear the way. One person may take a liking to one quality of a god and then worship him/her. The Vedas are four in number, namely RigVeda, YajurVeda, SamaVeda, … Matsya is one of the 10 avatars of the Hindu god Vishnu. This is because, in her primordial form, she is the ‘Shakti’ of the Supreme God, that is Vishnu. He is the King of the Gods residing on Swarga or Heaven. Vishnu is the Preserver forms, with Shiva, a three-aspected god. RELATED: The Psychonaut Field Manual: A Cartoon Guide to Chaos Magick. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. […] RELATED: 7 Hindu Gods That Will Blow Your Mind […], Your email address will not be published. Smartism is a modern tradition that believes in the worship of more than one Gods, including Vishnu, Shiva, Shakti, Ganesha, and Surya. The Ramayana states that when Vayu withdrew with sadness, creatures started to die on earth. The Ramayana states Rudras as the children of sage Kashyapa and his wife Aditi, whose other children include Adityas, Ashvins, and Vasus. Goddess Laxmi is exclusively worshiped during the festivals of Diwali, Navratri, and Kojagiri Poornima. He is the creator-god, who creates the bodies of men and animals, and even heavenly bodies. Chandra – Symbolizing the Moon, he is also known as Soma. SpiritualRay lists the important Gods and Goddesses in Hinduism, along with their powers. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says that he appears on earth millennium after millennium to re-establish the principles of religion. The human physiology goes through a cycle called a ... Goddess Kali – The Dark Mother. The image at the head of the article is Hanuman, the monkey god of devotion and the central hero of the Hindu epic the Ramayana, the Star Wars of ancient Vedic culture.). And as he is the source of all knowledge in the universe, Saraswati is the embodiment of knowledge itself. While Buddha is widely accepted as an avatar of Vishnu, some scriptures do not include him in the Dashavatara, and consider Balarama as the eighth incarnation of Vishnu, followed by Krishna and Kalki. Powerful Mantras for Love and Relationships, Meditative Exercises to Strengthen Your Mind. These were the main Hindu gods and goddesses, along with their powers, qualities, and avatars. There are four Vedas, and it is said that each one of them came from one of his heads. Hinduism, in its core philosophy, believes that there is one supreme being or god. Ganesha is one of the most popular Gods in Hindu mythology. Daksha is one of the creator-gods of the universe. RELATED: Here’s an Awesome Map of the Evolution of World Religions. He sits in his abode on Mount Kailash where he enjoys yogic bliss, playing his divine games (lila) with his son Ganesh and wife Parvati, and the occasional joint (no joke). Shiva, as mentioned above, is one of the three primary gods in Hinduism. He is seen as the Preserver (or maintainer) of the universe. These cookies do not store any personal information. Kali has either black or blue skin, depending on which stories you read, and she carries weapons in each of her multiple hands along with the severed head of a demon. She endows with wealth whoever worships her. One of the holy trinity in Hinduism, Brahma is the Creator of the universe. They are ten in number and collectively known as Dashavatara meaning dasa (ten) avatar (incarnations). Shiva destroys, Brahma creates and Vishnu preserves; together they create, preserve and destroy the universe, keeping it fresh and in perpetual motion. He is worshiped in South India. For other Hindu sects, Shiva's reputation is as the Destroyer of Evil, existing on equal footing with Brahma and Vishnu. Often depicted dispensing gold coins from her hand, Lakshmi is prayed to by those in conditions of financial hardship. Also known by the name Balaji, he is an incarnation of lord Vishnu. He is the keeper of records of karma and the corresponding punishment the actions of a human deserves in the underworld. Takes this terrible avatar to kill the demon father of his ardent worshiper. He is worshiped for good health. Shri Krishna was born as the eighth son of Devaki and Vasudeva in Rohini Nakshatra. They are worshiped to remove difficulties and bring good luck. The most popular of these poetic epics are the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Post the Mahabharat War. They list many gods and goddesses in their various manifestations. The 4 yugas in order are - Sati yuga , Treta Yuga , Dwapar yuga and Kali Yuga . Lord Ganesha is the son of Lord Shiv and Goddess Parvati. The Bible's creation story teaches that there is one timeline of creation and that people should try to live good lives to please God. Vayam Panchadhikam Shatam (Blood is thicker than water) ‘Vayam Panchadhikam Shatam’ is a story of Pandavas that demonstrates that ‘blood is thicker than water’. Lord Shiva took the form of ‘Nataraja’ and performed his dance of destruction, also known as Tandava, and crushed the arrogant Apasmara under his right foot. The Hindu religion has a vast mythology that is recorded comprehensively in scriptures. It is an extremely popular pilgrimage destination among the minuscule minority Hindu population of Pakistan. Susna is also associated with drought. Vishnu, by many sects in Hindus, is considered to be the supreme god. He is one of the Chiranjivis (immortals) in Hinduism. This is the reason why there are so many gods with so many qualities. 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