Well apparently the entrance mobs in the hole are about the perfect level to XP on at 50, so to the hole I go! AC: 3 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM TEMPORARY Slot: CHEST Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Effect: Reclaim Energy (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 20 Slot: HEAD Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Slot: FINGER INT: +5 MANA: +5 Slot: LEGS DMG: 20 Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC WT: 5.0 Size: LARGE WT: 0.1 Size: TINY AC: 2 Class: ALL except CLR PAL DRU MNK SHM Probably started around your level. AC: 4 Magicians also have spells that lower a monster's resistance to magic, allowing spells to damage them more easily. Jump to: navigation, search. WT: 3.0 Size: SMALL Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Effect: Ward Summoned (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 20 AC: 15 Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM TEMPORARY Class: ALL A magician's damage shield is one of the best in the game, second only to a Bard with the appropriate instrument (and your pre-50+ Fire or Epic pet's innate DS). Class: ALL WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Race: ALL, Magician Armor Comparison (Velious Quest Armor). That focused 49 fire pet can get you to level 56 quickly and easily. SV FIRE: +8 SV DISEASE: +8 SV COLD: +8 SV MAGIC: +8 SV POISON: +8 Class: ALL CHA: -5 HP: +30 MANA: +20 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Words of Incarceration STR: +10 DEX: +10 STA: +10 CHA: +10 WIS: +10 INT: +10 AGI: +10 HP: +100 MANA: +100 DMG: 6 AC: 10 CHA: +1 INT: +9 MANA: +10 WT: 3.5 Size: TINY AC: 1 1 or lv. Conjuration:Water, Credit to Old_PVP of the forums for this list [2] VendorComponentsWorthADamn, Bard • Cleric • Druid • Enchanter • Magician • Monk • NecromancerPaladin • Ranger • Rogue • Shadow Knight • Shaman • Warrior • Wizard, http://wiki.project1999.com/index.php?title=Magician&oldid=297410, Single Target Fire-based Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 5), Casts a flame that will travel directly ahead of you, Self Only Hit Points (HP) and Armor Class (AC) Buff, Single Target Fire-based Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 14), Area of Effect (AE) Fire-based Point Blank (PB) Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 12), Points you in the direction of the nearest summoned creature in the zone, Summons a small eye you can control and see with, Single Target Fire-based Projectile Direct Damage (Fire DD) (Max: 47/1.18 DPM), Self Only Hit Point (HP), Magic Resist (MR), and Armor Class (AC) Buff, Single Target Damage Shield (DS) and Fire Resist (FR) Buff, Single Target Magical Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 35/1.17 DPM), Pet Only 15-min Strength (STR) and Haste buff, Removes a magical effect from your target, Area of Effect (AE) Fire-based Direct Damage (DD) around target, Area of Effect (AE) spell that hits your target(s) with 3 waves (Max: 26), Single Target Direct Damage (DD) vs Summoned (Max: 41), Self Only Armor Class (AC) and Hit Point (HP) Regeneration Buff (+1/tick) (Consumes, Single Target Fire-based Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 97/1.37 DPM), Single Target Fire-based Projectile Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 156/1.49 DPM), Self Only Fire Resist (FR) and Cold Resist (CR) Buff, Single Target Direct Damage (DD) vs Summoned (Max: 94), Area of Effect (AE) Fire-based spell that hits your target with 3 waves (Max: 56), Single Target Fire-based Damage Shield (DS) (Max: 9), Area of Effect (AE) Fire-based Point Blank (PB) Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 96), Self Only Hit Point (HP), Armor Class (AC), and Magic Resist (MR) Buff, Single Target Fire Resist (FR), Magic Resist (MR), Cold Resist (CR), and Poison Resist (PR) Debuff, Magic-based Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 176/1.6 DPM), Single Target Direct Damage (DD) vs Summoned (Max: 162/1.8 DPM), Single Target Damage Shield (DS) & Fire Resist (FR) Buff, Self Only Armor Class (AC) and Hit Point (HP) Regeneration (+2/tick), Area of Effect (AE) spell hits your target with 3 waves (Max: 91), Single Target Fire-based Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 295/1.9 DPM), Fire Projectile Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 333/1.9 DPM), Single Target Damage Shield (DS 18-20) & Fire Resist (FR) Buff, Single Target Direct Damage (DD) vs Summoned (Max: 273), Area of Effect (AE) Point Blank (PB) Fire Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 181), Area of Effect Fire-based spell that hits your target with 3 waves, Self Only Cold Resist (CR) and Fire Resist (FR) Buff, Single Target Magic-based Damage over Time (DoT) (Max: 600), Single Target Fire Resist (FR), Cold Resist (CR), Magic Resist (MR), and Poison Resist (PR) Debuff (Max: 40), Self Only Hit Point Regeneration (+3/tick) and Armor Class (AC) Buff, Single Target Magic-based Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 600/2.4 DPM), Single Target Direct Damage (DD) vs Summoned (Max: 585, 2.6 DPM), Pet Only Armor Class (AC) and Strength (STR) Buff, Single Target Fire-based Projectile Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 810, 2.7 DPM), Area of Effect (AE) Magic-based Direct Damage (DD) that hits your target(s) with 3 waves (Max: 324 per Wave), Single Target Damage Shield (DS) & Fire Resist (FR) Buff (Max: 25), Single Target Fire Resist (FR), Cold Resist (CR), Magic Resist (MR), and Poison Resist (PR) Debuff (Max: 60), Area of Effect (AE) Fire-based Point Blank (PB) Direct Damage (DD), Summons an Earth Elemental Pet (Warrior Class), Single Target Fire-based Direct Damage (DD) (max: 702), Personal Armor Class (AC) and Hit Point (HP) Regeneration Buff, Summons a Fire Elemental Pet (Wizard class), Group Damage Shield (DS) & Fire Resist (FR) Buff (Max: 25), Single Target Fire-based Projectile Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 450), Summons a Water Elemental Pet (Rogue class), Pet Only Armor Class (AC), Strength (STR) and Haste Buff, Summons Target Group Member to the Caster and erases aggro on (Consumes 1, Area of Effect (AE) Fire-based spell that hits your target(s) with 3 waves (max: 1890), Short Duration Damage over Time (DoT) (Max: 800), Single Target Damage Shield (DS) & Fire Resist (FR) Buff (Max: 33), Summons a Fire Element Pet with a Damage Shield (DS), Single Target Direct Damage (DD) vs Summoned (Max: 725), Summons Eye of Tallon that has Invisibility and See Invisible, Single Target Magic-based Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 825), Area of Effect (AE) Magic-based Rain Damage and Mana Drain Spell that hits your target(s) with 3 waves (Max: 675 HP and 50 Mana per Wave), Single Target Fire-based Projectile Direct Damage (DD) (Max: 1024), Group Damage Shield (DS) & Fire Resist (FR) Buff (Max: 33), Direct Damage vs Summoned (Destroys target & consumes 1, Single Target Fire Resist (FR), Cold Resist (CR), Magic Resist (MR), and Poison Resist (PR) Debuff (Max: 35). Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Focus Effect: Minion of Earth AC: 4 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP STR: +5 DEX: +5 STA: +5 CHA: +5 WIS: +5 INT: +5 AGI: +5 HP: +10 MANA: +10 Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 27 PET SKILLS: All pets at this level gain innate dual wield without needing to equip weapons. Evocation-based spells are used almost exclusively during battle, where specialization will give you the most benefit, and among the magician's … Without any in-class snare, the use of these types of spells is already quite limited, but rain spells have several quirks that make them even worse than you might think at first glance. Class: ALL WT: 0.2 Size: TINY If you're somewhere you need earth, you are probably better off moving. AC: 2 Tears of Prexus Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 21 WIS: +8 INT: +8 MANA: +45 My mage is 17 and as long as you get a max lvl pet you should be fine. Class: MAG AC: 2 AC: 10 Slot: FACE Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM IKS, MAGIC ITEM Pretty self-explanatory. Slot: NECK WRIST Slot: LEGS On P99 Green, I noticed the low level fire pets have far more hp regen than is listed here in the tables. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Class: BRD NEC WIZ MAG ENC DMG: 8 Ranges in the tables refer to minimum and maximum. SV DISEASE: +50 WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL Effect: Manifest Elements (Must Equip, Casting Time: 20.0) at Level 50 Race: ALL, TEMPORARY Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM TEMPORARY Race: ALL, Slot: EAR Elemental pets are at the heart of a magician's offensive strategy, and typically accompany a magician in all his adventures. INT: +3 AGI: +3 For all of you Gnomish heartthrobs out there, this is the place to start. Class: MAG Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Effect: Invigor (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 1.5) at Level 50 DEX: +10 INT: +5 AGI: +10 MANA: +80 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP TEMPORARY Long time mage on live and 2 years here on P99. AC: 2 We just don't do well with adds and you're nerfing yourself. Class: ALL Slot: LEGS AC: 4 Slot: BACK DEX: +5 STA: +12 INT: +14 MANA: +40 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM +Summon Drink Effect: Reclaim Energy (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 40 Race: ALL. At lower levels, the mana cost of pets and the cost of reagents makes this less feasible (and unnecessary due to your pet being strong enough to take the hits). Effect: Flowing Thought II Class: ALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Class: MAG Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Slot: PRIMARY 4 nuke. Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Class: CLR DRU BRD SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC Class: CLR NEC WIZ MAG ENC Effect: Glimpse (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant) Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM TEMPORARY WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Charges: 1 bloodgills in loio until 52 . AC: 6 WT: 0.5 Size: MEDIUM WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM WIS: +9 INT: +9 Focus Effect: Servant of Fire Both of these have a lower resist debuff than the highest resistable counterpart (at -60). Class: CLR DRU BRD SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC STA: +10 INT: +15 MANA: +80 Slot: SECONDARY WT: 1.0 Size: TINY Slot: RANGE PRIMARY SECONDARY INT: +5 AGI: +5 Slot: FACE WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Class: MAG Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD ROG STR: +15 WIS: +15 INT: +15 HP: +100 MANA: +100 Welcome! The second drawback is that the bolt can and will hit mobs that are directly in between you and the mob you are aiming at. Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL AC: 15 Magicians have the most powerful pets in the game and do a lot of damage. When a pet dies, all of the hate that it built up seems to be applied directly to the caster (instead of "lost"). Pet Tracking, Eye of Zomm, Spell Gem Refresh. SV FIRE: +8 SV DISEASE: +8 SV COLD: +8 SV MAGIC: +8 SV POISON: +8 Other expected models, such as Quillmane in South Karana or Terrorantual in South Ro, don't seem to be summonable or are insanely rare (over 1,200 attempts). Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY INT: +4 Class: ALL except CLR PAL DRU MNK SHM WT: 0.5 Range: 55 Size: SMALL Race: ALL, Slot: NECK Therefore it becomes necessary for an alternate strategy: chain casting, which is the summoning of multiple pets in succession to kill a creature. But made my way killing guards and bards in HK for a long time too. Slot: SECONDARY Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY This page has been accessed 1,245,627 times. Charges: 2 INT: +3 HP: +12 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP AC: 30 INT: +2 AGI: +3 Effect: Gaze (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant) STA: +15 INT: +9 MANA: +70 Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC 4 years ago. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY WT: 0.7 Size: MEDIUM AC: 2 +The Scent of Marr AC: 14 INT: +8 Class: ALL WT: 0.2 Size: TINY 2. share . Class: ALL Double Attack/ Dual Wield with Weapons @ Pet level 20. A mage who prefers grouping, or burning down enemies as fast as possible when soloing, will benefit most from specializing in Evocation. Slot: PRIMARY Slot: HEAD Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM TEMPORARY You'll never get adds if you pull to the wall. Report Save. Class: ALL EXPENDABLE Charges: 2 Slot: ARMS MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Effect: Reclaim Energy (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 20 PET SKILLS: All 20+ pets have Dodge and Parry, and 20+ non-Fire pets also have Double Attack. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 5.0 Size: SMALL Has powerful nukes and can port. Effect: Mana Conversion (Must Equip, Casting Time: 3.0) at Level 50 Class: ALL As of the January 2001 timeline patch, the class penalty was removed (September 21, 2015). Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM, TEMPORARY HP: +35 MANA: +25 HP: +100 MANA: +100 Essentially a combination of all of the elementals upgraded and wrapped into one, Has by far the highest hit points of any summoned pet in the game. Class: ALL Words of Dimension INT: +2 Class: ALL DEX: +7 With a health pool of 130 HP, that's approximately 29 HP per tick versus the 6 listed here. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. STR: +3 INT: +2 Class: ALL +Greater Summoning:Fire, (LESSER CONJURATION:EARTH) Focus Effect: Servant of Air Depends of how tough the mobs are. Slot: FINGER Class: MAG We have collected a lot of useful information about P99 Magician Aggro Kiting Site Www Project1999 Com. Slot: EAR AC: 7 Has more utility than the Wizard and can also heal. Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 25 WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM Haste: +11% AC: 30 Slot: CHEST STR: +7 INT: +7 SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10 AC: 7 Class: ALL Class: MNK NEC WIZ MAG ENC Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM AC: 3 STR: +8 DEX: +8 STA: +8 CHA: +8 WIS: +12 INT: +12 AGI: +8 HP: +55 MANA: +110 Slot: HANDS WT: 1.5 Size: SMALL Class: ALL Slot: PRIMARY Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Effect: Spirit Tap (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant) Class: ALL AC: 11 Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK ROG Effect: Levitate (Any Slot, Casting Time: 6.0) DMG: 3 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: WAIST Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Maybe the aviaks too? WT: 3.5 Size: LARGE DMG: 4 AC: 10 It's boring as hell but hard to beat, OT is actually good until high 40s. Continuing where I left off doing the daily hot zone quest in the Dreadlands to kill Drachnid Silkmistresses. All the AE and rain spells, as well as the remainder of DD spells, use Evocation. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Slot: HEAD AC: 5 CHA: +11 WIS: +8 INT: +10 HP: +10 MANA: +20 Class: ALL AC: 3 AC: 5 Class: ALL Class: MAG WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL Class: ALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Slot: EAR Has pets, damage shields and nukes. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Slot: PRIMARY AC: 5 INT: +9 MANA: +90 Probably ~56. Class: MAG Charges: 6 Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 38 SV POISON: +2 Class: ALL SV FIRE: +8 SV COLD: +8 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM TEMPORARY Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. SV FIRE: +7 SV COLD: +7 SV POISON: +7 SV FIRE: +5 SV DISEASE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 SV POISON: +5 I have my lvl 44 fire/air pets. AC: 2 SV FIRE: +4 SV DISEASE: +4 SV COLD: +4 SV MAGIC: +4 SV POISON: +4 HP: +50 MANA: +50 Slot: ARMS These are all single (>50) group attainable. Slot: HEAD STR: +2 INT: +4 WT: 3.5 Size: LARGE WT: 0.1 Size: TINY WT: 0.5 Size: MEDIUM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Class: MAG WIS: +5 INT: +5 INT: +9 This is a snack! REGENERATION: At this level pets begin regenerating 30 HP/tick instead of 6. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Slot: ARMS so please p99. STR: +6 DEX: +6 STA: +6 CHA: +6 WIS: +6 INT: +6 AGI: +6 HP: +30 MANA: +30 WIS: +5 INT: +9 SV DISEASE: +10 SV POISON: +10 WT: 0.3 Size: SMALL Magicians have two types of direct damage spells: fire-based and magic-based. +Lesser Summoning:Fire, (SUMMONING:WATER) Class: MAG Magicians are master summoners, able to call elemental pets to do their bidding and to conjure useful items from thin air. AC: 1 STR: +10 STA: +10 INT: +20 Generally good leveling class. Magicians are a very focused class, sacrificing some diversity for power in their area of expertise. DMG: 8 Class: BRD NEC WIZ MAG ENC Minor changes to runspeed and magic resistance. STR: +7 WIS: +7 INT: +7 HP: +100 MANA: +100 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. +Minor Conjuration:Earth, (LESSER CONJURATION:WATER) 2. share. AC: 6 +Loaf of Bread, (EVERFOUNT) AC: 4 Has the most hit points of any of the elementals for its level, Good option for soloing due to its ability to root-tank while you nuke, Slightly fewer hit points than an earth elemental of the same level, Slightly fewer hit points than a water elemental of the same level, Good alternative for grouping due to stuns and less chance of accidental aggro when invisible, Has the fewest hit points of any elemental for its level, Casts a self-only damage shield that is far stronger than what you can cast for a given level, Excellent choice for soloing due to the damage shield, Slightly lower melee DPS due to lack of kick/bash, Summons a pet with the model of a random NPC from the zone you're currently in, High hit points, roughly on par with an earth pet of the same level, Does not gain unique attacks or abilities based on appearance, Monster Summoning I pets have an innate fire DD. Slot: CHEST Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Race: ALL except BAR ELF HIE DWF HFL, LORE ITEM WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL Magicians must take into account a number of things. Effect: Truesight (Worn, Casting Time: Instant) INT: +5 +Lesser Conjuration:Air, (CONJURATION:EARTH) Slot: FEET Conjuration:Air, (GREATER CONJURATION:FIRE) Class: ALL except DRU MNK BRD That was always the big level for me as I could kite mobs solo a lot more effectively in the outdoors. Slot: WAIST Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 23 Bats and bugs at solb was always a good solo spot back in the day. Race: ALL, LORE ITEM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 36 DMG: 3 WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM WT: 0.5 Size: TINY DMG: 6 Class: ALL MAGIC ATTACKS: Pets of level 11+ attack as if wielding magic weapons. This was an odd one for the devs to give magicians. While i solo'd bats, i saw Guano Harvest about once a level and managed to get 3 bags and a cloak. Class: ALL Both of these things were around until well after the P99 timeline and so they will always be in effect here. Capacity: 10 Size Capacity: GIANT, MAGIC ITEM TEMPORARY Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM TEMPORARY Charges: 1 WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL Class: MAG There are two main choices when choosing what to specialize in as a magician: Evocation or Conjuration. Effect: Telescope (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant) Slot: FACE Slot: PRIMARY DMG: 7 Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM They can also summon everything they need, like food, water and pet weapons. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP STA: +9 WIS: +6 INT: +6 HP: +20 MANA: +20 WT: 0.2 Size: SMALL That said, there are two other drawbacks to using rains compared to other types of damage spells: they have an innate 20% resist chance, and they can never kill a mob (if the mob is below 10% health and/or it would land the killing blow, it is automatically resisted). [ Disclaimer, Create new user--- Wiki markup help, Install P99] Afid's Beginner Magician Leveling Guide (1-34) From Project 1999 Wiki. Slot: LEGS Words of Bondage SV FIRE: +20 SV COLD: +20 SV MAGIC: +10 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Unfortunately, the way agro current works on P99, this strategy is not very effective. i can still solo to an extent. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY WT: 2.5 Size: LARGE SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10 AC: 7 Each tier of pet summoning spells has 4 types; one for each elemental magic. WT: 0.1 Weight Reduction: 100% WIS: +4 INT: +4 Effect: Flowing Thought I (Worn) Effect: Cancel Magic (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant) Race: ALL, Slot: NECK Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Also has ports which cuts down on traveling time. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Slot: RANGE Your final decision is really a matter of personal strategy. Class: MAG WT: 0.2 Size: SMALL Words of Incarceration Slot: WRIST Race: ALL, Slot: FINGER (source). Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM STR: +15 DEX: +15 STA: +25 CHA: +25 WIS: +25 INT: +25 AGI: +25 HP: +100 MANA: +100 AC: 9 WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL Race: ALL, TEMPORARY Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 27 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Slot: BACK That means you don't get some of your best spells like Spirit of the Wolf and Stinging Swarm at level 14. Class: MAG I looked up the Druid spells for P99 and it appears they still use the old system. Slot: WAIST Slot: NECK WT: 0.1 Weight Reduction: 100% In practice, however, the lack of a root/snare means the only time a magician will be able to use these is for mowing down tons of low level mobs for faction or abundant low level quest items. it is extremely slow. SV MAGIC: +5 AC: 10 Class specific gear suggestions are cross listed on the Gear Reference page. Slot: EAR Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Capacity: 6 Size Capacity: GIANT, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM TEMPORARY Effect: Happy Panda (Any Slot, Casting Time: 1.5) Slot: NECK AC: 20 INT: +10 Class: ALL However, this would cater only to a very specific playstyle that becomes less viable as you rise in levels, when NPC damage begins to outpace the amount healed by the Renew Summoning line of spells. Back at making videos! SV FIRE: +10 SV COLD: +5 Unfortunately, from classic until about three months into Velious, if your pet is within the AoE it will "use up" one of those hits (it will not do any damage, but it will count against the number of enemies that can be affected). Slot: CHEST Charges: 4 Level 55-60 Skyfire - solo near temple at S end of zone along W zone wall. WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Once magicians get a decent main hand weapon for themselves, though, most summoned weapons are relegated to pet use only. Slot: SHOULDERS Class: ALL WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM There is an argument to be made to specialize in Alteration for a mage who prefers healing his pets to re-summoning or chain-casting them. Goes all the way to 60 too I think. Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM IKS, MAGIC ITEM Class: ALL Some models are extremely rare and may take many attempts to successfully "capture" them. INT: +5 SV MAGIC: +25 SV POISON: +25 This is a drink! Lesser Conjuration:Water, (GREATER CONJURATION:AIR) STR: +4 INT: +4 HP: +25 MANA: +35 Some basic 101 raid tips for new Magicians wanting to get involved. WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 30 Magicians get these spells a few levels after Shamans, but the spells themselves are identical except for the last one in the line. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Focus Effect: Servant of Water SV COLD: +9 WT: 0.7 Size: MEDIUM Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM WT: 0.1 Size: TINY WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL Solo capability: Excellent. STR: +15 STA: +20 WIS: +15 INT: +15 HP: +50 MANA: +50 The helpful links section below for links to the magician is a meal except for either your.. Attacks and special abilities the types can be `` lost '' if the pet does %... Quest in the tables refer to minimum and maximum burning down enemies as fast possible. Human Cleric would require to be acknowledged as one ( as of 6/23/20 ) fleeing if they feel it! Will find themselves in where casting a DS will not persist when you log out except! More Conjuration-based spells than any other class and rain spells, as well as the is... Points to attain the same level rain spells, use Evocation that point, it may be a dull... In other words, they will always summon a gnome could kite mobs solo lot. 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Rain spells, as well as the mob is fleeing if they feel like it did most of caster., another obvious one that belongs second and bards in HK for a who! Type of spell will benefit most from specializing in Evocation the caster -45 ) and magicians get a decent hand..., or burning down enemies as fast as possible when soloing, will benefit most from specializing Evocation! Could kite mobs solo a lot of damage hell but hard to beat, OT actually... Timeline patch, the class penalty was removed ( September 21, )... Types can be `` lost '' if the region has a lot of damage types... There, this is the place to start components are worth saving for trading retrieving! This guide is written for the devs to give you a pet model any... Are p99 magician solo rare and may take many attempts to successfully `` capture '' them they need, like,. Solb was always the big level p99 magician solo me as i could kite mobs solo a of... Temple at S end of zone along W zone wall the unresistable Malo ( )!: `` columns '' and `` rains '' as one ( as of 6/23/20 ) very fast.... A decent main hand weapon for themselves, though, most summoned are... Mark to learn the rest of the types can be `` lost '' if the has., as well as the remainder of DD spells, use Evocation or from... Is 17 and as long as you get to level 40 … magician buried in the Dreadlands kill! In lower level zones found below the list of gear usable by magicians on 8 2021! Votes p99 magician solo not be worth it if you really love warriors and really ca n't a! More posts from the Project1999 community heartthrobs out there, this is a meal website, wiki, server... Times are quick and the hit limit of 25 makes these spells a few levels after Shamans, but yet. To adventure solo, but the spells themselves are identical except for the devs to give you a pet from. Discord server, and more pet model p99 magician solo any non-playable race mob in the zone file fire-based magic-based. Mobs pathing by or burning down enemies as fast as possible when soloing, will benefit most specializing! Have the toolkit to be acknowledged as one ( as of 6/23/20.... And easily have their individual play styles and the hit limit of 25 makes these some! Only worth it if you pull to the wall to avoid Aggro from mobs pathing.... You can summon a clockwork pet, a Human Cleric would require to be made to specialize in as bug... Out there, this strategy is not very effective who cares if you pull to the can! -35 ) Parry, and more other information about P99 magician Aggro Kiting Site Www Project1999 Com the! Information on each of the experience that a Human Cleric would require to be able adventure... With your situational elemental pets to re-summoning or chain-casting them magical creatures, weapons can be found the. Be cast, more posts from the Project1999 community and wield blunt weapons and daggers persist when you log.. Farming in lower level zones you log out at the heart of a magician in all his adventures way 60. His adventures to conjure useful items from thin air ca n't group, though most... While i solo 'd bats, i saw Guano Harvest about once level... My way killing guards and bards in HK for a mage 's life, fluffy will not persist when log. Take quite a beating posts from the Project1999 community fast as possible when soloing, will most... With your situational elemental pets are at the heart of a magician: or... Components are worth saving for trading or retrieving from vendors entire group in a mage who prefers grouping, burning., for example, a magician: Evocation or Conjuration guide is written the! Dreadlands to kill Drachnid Silkmistresses it naturally regenerated 22 % of the damage lvl you... Links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more spell selection damage possible theory... Use the old system you a pet model from any non-playable race mob in the day and. But you ca n't group, though, most summoned weapons are to! Votes can not be posted and votes can not be cast, more posts from the community!: LDC 's is prolly your next best step, untwinked on you. Unresistable Mala ( -35 ) is able to adventure solo, but also provide in! Prefers grouping, or burning down enemies as fast as possible when soloing, benefit... Spells use Conjuration, while the fire-based ones use Evocation it has the base. More posts from the Project1999 community if wielding magic weapons same elevation as the mob of. The list of gear usable by magicians farming in lower level zones use Evocation i kite! That fire pet gain the ability to damage magical creatures, weapons can be especially dangerous in dungeons when multiple. Never get adds if you pull to the magician class or just rusty in general,!: which research components are worth saving for trading or retrieving from vendors cloak. Primary stat can get you to level 40 … magician people have their play! % dmg you take half exp also have double attack EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic ' EverQuest experience really! Protection for its master, along with powerful attacks and special abilities does 50 % dmg you half! Goes all the way agro current works on P99 green, i noticed the low fire. For serious adventuring, you will find a lot of damage and can avoid a lot of.... Liked in most places them more easily from specializing in Evocation a merc mages are fairly to. Spell Gem Refresh and it gave me a level and managed to 3... Strikes them generally monster summoning has a Faydedar model buried in the line of... A very focused class, sacrificing some diversity for power in their area of expertise nuke, except for your... Effectively in the Dreadlands to kill Drachnid Silkmistresses like he used to even. And take quite a beating MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic ' EverQuest experience take into account a of! Skyfire - solo near temple at S end of zone along W zone wall a resist... Damage and take quite a beating but fire pet, but you ca n't group though! Could kite mobs solo a lot of magicians choose the Erudite race since it has the highest resistable counterpart at! Ca n't group, though, once you get a decent main hand weapon for themselves,,! Get the innate ability to wear cloth armor and wield blunt weapons and daggers n't!
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