[1] She was inducted into the XRCO Hall of Fame in 1999. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. 3. Grant and Smith had partied and slept in the days following the awards show and lost track of time. The rise to fame, decline and suicide of Colleen Applegate - who was 20 when she put a rifle to her head and pulled the trigger on March 21, 1984 - are the subject of Shattered Innocence, a CBS-TV movie being broadcast tonight. Joanna Lee does an excellent job of portraying this poor young girl. We later meet her manager, Bobby Hollander, and her cocaine-dealing boyfriend, Jake Erlich, who was in jail and trying to dump her when Applegate killed herself. The one-hour documentary is the story of Colleen Applegate, a fresh-scrubbed girl with the peaches-and-cream country look, who perhaps is better known as Shauna Grant, porn queen. It was our fault. A scar strip, Thank you for asking, she says, Hoda Kotbs enigmatic Today absence finally explained on air: Hodas OK, The chance of a lifetime: Five friends ski the tallest mountain in Los Angeles, Best coffee city in the world? Colleen is related to Eugene Keith Applegate and Bradley J Lawton as well as 2 additional people. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help. Only the father seems somewhat uncharacteristically unfettered by his daughter's lifestyle, which doesn't really ring true for any father with daughters, that I've ever known. In one year, she made 30 X-rated films, had sex with 37 men on camera, contracted herpes, had an abortion and made $100,000, most of which she spent on cocaine. It's not quite that simple in the movie. At the time of Grants death, two people were playing pool in Ehrlichs house: Brenda Rosenow, a friend of Colleens, and Cal Ardigo, a friend of Ehrlichs. She was born in California but moved with her family to Minnesota in 1973. Join Facebook to connect with Colleen Applegate and others you may know. Applegate's relationship with her boyfriend ended within their first two months in California; Marcell left her to return to Farmington, Minnesota and ultimately joined the U.S. Army. The film starts in 1981, but Lee's attire is pretty much late 80s stuff (torn, tight Guess jeans), and the soundtrack is right out of the 1970s (Fleetwood Mac, Frampton). There are a lot of kids who come from Farmington, Minnesota, or Banning, Kansas. on the Internet. Lived In South River NJ, Hightstown NJ, Monroe Township NJ, Mount Holly NJ. However, despite these accolades and her beauty, Grant had some difficulty getting work due to her cocaine addiction and lack of "enthusiasm" during sex scenes. Just a nosebleed. And the various settings and decor reveal both a rural Kansas home-spun comfort and the Hollywood Californian high-life of excess. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Her name was Colleen Marie Applegate. Judy Woodruff, Alan Austin, WGBH (Television station : Boston, Mass. In the film the lead has a fake ID stating she is 21 while she is only 19 but in 1983 the legal drinking age in the US was 19 and didn't change to 21 until 1985. Here are the lyrics to that song I was talking about BTW: As a BetterHelp affiliate, we may receive compensation from BetterHelp if you purchase products or services through the links provided. The second best result is Colleen Joy Applegate age 50s in Spokane, WA in the East Central neighborhood. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Score two. Back home, Applegate`s parents were aghast, and they flew to Los Angeles to find her. Ms. Lee made only a few pictures. After news spread around Farmington about her suicide attempt, Applegate left town with her boyfriend,[1] Mike Marcell, and moved to California in March, 1982. [citation needed]), Her first pictorial's theme featured a mock camping set and was published by Club. The basic story is true. Mel Erman: And do what, go back to pornos? Without stunts or theatrics, Death of a Porn Queen delivers a powerful message about the environment of drugs and exhibitionist sex that attracted, briefly enriched and ultimately destroyed Applegate, as gossip about her careening life shocked and titillated the folks back home. In the light of porn-glamourizing films such as "Boogie Nights", this tepidness accentuates the intent of "Shattered Innocence". Add to that the morbid nature of the entire storyline; the rapid decline of a young life through the aforementioned vices (which is based on a true story), and being made specifically for television audiences, and I am surprised that this film got made at all. The glimpse of the workings of the pornography business, however, is revealing, if not pretty. 2. It is also about children and parents, small-town life and the lure of bright lights in the big city. The pay isn't bad - $100 to $1,500 depending on who's doing the shooting. Far more interesting are outtakes from her films and some eerily candid footage that WCCO obtained of Applegate, still new to Hollywood, answering an ad and first interviewing with the agent who would introduce her to the world of nude modeling and erotic films. Eventually, her identity lost, her mind and body ravaged by cocaine, Colleen Applegate committed suicide.. [citation needed], On March 23, 1984, Grant died by suicide in Palm Springs by shooting herself with an AR-15 style .22 caliber rifle.[11]. Shauna Grant) was born Colleen Marie Applegate on May 20, 1963. On March 21st 1984, Grant committed suicide at the age of twenty in Palm Springs by shooting herself with a . For a made for TV movie, it wasn't bad. Her parents and friends seem perplexed, and the answers ventured by the narrator, Al Austin, who produced the program along with Mike Sullivan and Andy Greenspan, sound as though they were cribbed from teen-age how-not-to books. When they did, they issued an ultimatum, which, of course, she ignored. The true story of Colleen Applegate/Shauna Grant arturopanduro 1 April 2000 This biopic shows us the tragic story of Colleen Applegate, who at a very young age moved to Hollywood from the midwest and became porn star Shauna Grant. Mel Erman: [nods disapprovingly] I'm closing the cupboard. She went scrambling back to Hollywood, where she received plenty of attention as a porn queen. U.S., Obituary Collection, 1930-Current. Applegate attempted suicide in December, 1981 by overdosing on prescription sinus pills. For those really interested in Shauna Grant's decline to eventual suicide this movie treats the matter very superficially. I agree with the comments above about this film. Hicks reflected on Applegate's appearance and personality, saying: "I deal with a lot of girls who are new in the business, a lot of young girls and a lot of girls from out of town. Los Angeles, Randall Emmett, Ambyr Childers settle domestic violence restraining order dispute, Column: Supreme Court conservatives may want to block student loan forgiveness. Smith, who co-starred with Grant in several movies (including Suzie Superstar, The Young Like It Hot, and Bad Girls IV), also became Grant's best friend and fellow cocaine user during that period. web pages Left on her own and reluctant to go back to making porn flicks, Miss Applegate apparently went to pieces, using up all the cocaine she could find in the process. This biopic shows us the tragic story of Colleen Applegate, who at a very young age moved to Hollywood from the midwest and became porn star Shauna Grant. '', See the article in its original context from. This is a movie that could have been tawdry and exploitative, and indeed, I recall reading that the parents of Colleen Applegate (whose life this is loosely based on) were displeased with it, saying it made the pornographers look like they were just running a business and Colleen got into trouble on her own. He got the estate instead, Sara Gilbert dissects The Conners: If theres no conflict, its not funny, The North remembers: In Northern Ireland, Game of Thrones leaves a lasting legacy, Stranger Things play that may hold key to the end taking 1959 Hawkins to West End, NBCs Chicago series have strong showings but CBS wins weekly TV ratings race, Whats on Khlo Kardashians face? His advice was not taken. And that's sad."[5]. She moved back to California in 1982 and fell into the adult movie industry. After lingering for two days on life support Colleen finally passed away on March 23 1984 just two months shy of her 21th birthday. Born Colleen Marie Applegate, she was sometimes credited as Callie Aimes, Callie Aims, or Colleen Applegate. #1. The residential address for Coleen is 601 South Quincy Strt, St Francis, KS 67756. Coleen can be reached via e-mail c_rapplgate@sbcglobal.net. The rise and fall of Dirk Diggler in Paul Thomas Andersons film. (Hicks' work was frequently featured in Penthouse. hard-copy-colleen-applegate-1990 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0. plus-circle Add Review. The Applegates - Colleen had three younger sisters and one younger brother - cooperated with the producers in hopes that the movie might prevent similar tragedies, said Applegate, who is portrayed by actress Melinda Dillon. Shauna Grant (May 30, 1963 March 23, 1984) was an American nude model and pornographic performer. She shot herself. It's quickly apparent that "Shattered Innocence" is a well-made, well-acted and written picture and it really caught me off guard. She is 17 years old at the beginning and fresh and nave as a cheerleader with a boyfriend and many dreams of fame.But unfortunately she soon leaves her parents and school for Los Angeles where she wants to find a job and be a model.But Pauleen is so young that she is ready to accept everything without compromise .Shy and reserved at first she becomes a trash model and breaks with her family.The nightmare will begin with completely nude pictures and soon cocaine addiction and porn films to pay her coke.Pauleen who dreamt of a glamorous image will only have a porn actress image for a time. She refuses to take anything that just pays minimal wage, even to start gaining experience, and when she does find a profession where the salary for modeling provides a nice wage, she's soon disrobing, and that leads to adult loops and eventually Penthouse and theatrically released adult entertainment. ", Christian Congregations (Christians Only). And if PBS ever wanted to attract more than the upper crust, the ''cultured'' or the snobs, then one way to do it would be with sex, or the promise of such. Within a year, Colleen was a gorgeous, triple-X porn starlet named Shauna Grant. You must log in or register to reply here. [7][8], On March 14, 1984, she was a multiple nominee and presenter (with John Leslie) at the 8th Annual Adult Film Association Awards show at the Coconut Grove Ambassador Hotel. She made 30 features and did numerous shorts and photo-shoots over just a year in the . Select this result to view Coleen K Applegate's phone number, address, and more. Shattered Innocence: Directed by Sandor Stern. She was completely un-hip and non-L.A."[citation needed], Her wholesome, "girl next door" looks soon landed her work posing for other magazines such as Chic, Hustler, Swank, and Penthouse. In some circles she acquired the nickname "Applecoke" and gained a reputation for being flaky. Edit Search New Search Filters (1) To get better results, add more information such as Birth Info, Death Info and Locationeven a guess will help. : 1/2 in Host, Judy Woodruff; narrator, Al Austin Segment from the television program Frontline Closed captioned for the hearing impaired VHS "FRON513K." Addeddate 2019-10-27 02:50:10 I also might mention that admirers of the big-screen films "Star 80", "Hardcore" or "Boogie Nights" (in particular, the comparison between the Adult Film Awards ceremony in Shattered Innocence and Boogie Nights is interesting) might like this film, or vice versa 7/10 Sad, but worthwhile watching. [10], Grant persuaded her friend, veteran porn performer Kelly Nichols, to take over the role Grant had been offered in Matinee Idol. The short, tragic odyssey of Colleen Applegate, who left Minnesota at 18, became porn star Shauna Grant, and killed herself at age 20. I will bring you great trailers, behind the scenes material and assorted nonsense about film and pop culture. A high school graduate leaves behind her modest life and finds work in the sex industry, but it ends in disaster. Sarah on what the Church tragically needs today, Catholic Nun Demands Impeachment of Argentinian Judge Who Granted Custody to Mother Who Murdered Her Own Son. The young woman whose innocence is shattered is based on real-life porn-star Shauna Grant. London's article was featured in the Los Angeles Times six weeks after Applegate's suicide in March 1984. Brain dead, Grant was rushed to Desert Hospital, where life support systems were disconnected after two days. Grant was buried in her favorite color, pink. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Melinda Dillion, who played Peter Billingsley's mother in "A Christmas Story", plays the mother of his real life siblings (Melissa Michaelsen and Neil Billingsley) in this film. From magazines, Miss Applegate quickly graduated to hard-core movies. AKA Colleen Marie Applegate. When the masses tune in, they will be shocked but not by sex. I think the producers and writers try to take aim at the pornography industry for the sleazy business it is, but this girl's impatience with life and desire to "have it all" the fast and easy way seem just as much to blame for what happened to her. She left her small-town home of Farmington, Minn., at age 18 to chase a dream in Hollywood. She left. WCCO reporter Al Austin does a fine job of providing a calm and candid look inside the porn business and, through interviews with Applegate`s friends, family and employers, he gives us a peek inside the head of a country girl-turned-porn star. The producers recommend ''parental discretion. The stars get the grief. She retired from adult films in 1983. Warmer storms could cause problems, Dramatic before and after photos from space show epic snow blanketing SoCal mountains, Gloria Vanderbilt told Anderson Cooper not to expect a trust fund. Includes Address (9) Phone (11) Email (3) See Results. Grant died by suicide after the arrest of her partner in March 1984. Her parents offered to pay her tuition to college if she moved back home to Minnesota but she declined thinking she would no longer feel comfortable there. "In as much . The .22-caliber slug ripped through her brain and lodged in the bedroom wall of her boyfriend`s posh home in Palm Springs. Applegate had gone from pretty country girl to major porn star. The industry makes the money. Many liberties were taken with the characters in "Shattered Innocence" but it remains fairly true to actual events/people. A few days after the awards show, Marcell, her former boyfriend flew to Los Angeles to visit her, but Grant forgot about his arrival. She ran away from her small town in Minnesota and proceeded to appear in over 30 pornographic films, earning up to $100,000 in her brief, two-year career. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Despite Karen Applegate's claims, the Palm Beach Police declined to reopen the investigation stating that there is no evidence to indicate Colleen Applegate was murdered. But an enormously compelling PBS Frontline documentary (at 9 tonight on Channels 28 and 15 and at 10 on Channel 50) lifts the storytelling to a stunning new level. Upon seeing this film again just last night (thanks in part to the "on TV, schedule links" found on this site) I was first struck by my disbelief in the probability of the main character, or any of the other porno actresses/models portrayed in the film, as being seen as physically stunning women. Colleen Marie Applegate, known professionally as A drug addict, Grant killed herself after the arrest of her partner in March, 1984. 26 Views . But they assume no responsibility for her death, and they continue to exploit the Colleen Applegates of tomorrow. Template:Multiple issuesShauna Grant (ne Colleen Marie Applegate; May 30, 1963 - March 23, 1984) was an American nude model and pornographic performer. Jonna Lee was pretty good in this role. The film doesn't have the theatrical style of something like "Star 80", but it's actually a much better film. The rise to fame, decline and suicide of Colleen Applegate - who was 20 when she put a rifle to her head and pulled the trigger on March 21, 1984 - are the subject of Shattered Innocence, a CBS-TV movie being broadcast tonight. **SPOILERS** Surprisingly good made for TV movie about the short life and violent death of Colleen Applegate who was known by her many fans as porno film star Shauna Grant. Ignoring Hicks' advice, Applegate continued working with World Modeling Agency, where she met veteran porn producer Bobby Hollander. The high school photos on the yearbook that Pauleen shows Mel would later be shown in future movies, including Soapdish. This porn does not excite, it disturbs. Her journey. You burned a hole in your nose. There's nothing new here and it's presented in an obvious, watered down, made-for-tv style with annoying over-acting by Lee. Lee's character was more of a mess than a victim. She was an actress. The question worried on tonight's ''Frontline'' offering, on Channel 13 at 10 o'clock, is how a nice girl like Colleen Applegate could have been transformed into Shauna Grant, star of ''Flesh and Lace,'' and why she should have committed suicide. Jonna Lee is convincing in every way as a natural beauty who is not mature enough to handle what she's gotten herself into. They try to intervene but she wants the family to love her on her terms, not theirs, Ocamb said. The real "Pauline" (a.k.a. [9], At the awards show, Grant agreed to work on her first adult film in 10 months, Matinee Idol. Resides in Morgantown, PA. That is no small feat in itself. She ran away from her small town in Minnesota and proceeded to appear in over 30 pornographic films, earning up to $100,000 in her two-year career. Why Netflix is dabbling in livestreaming, Before and after photos from space show storms effect on California reservoirs, Yet more rain expected to hit California in March. The gun was discharged from such close range that the bullet left virtually star-shaped holes. She was an angel from a small town, no one knew her name, No one ever thought she'd get caught up in the game, Her momma tired to tell her, it's a cold and lonely world, She was looking for a master, he was looking for a slave, He was headed for the top, she was headed for the grave, She had everything she wanted, but she had to give her, There's no reason, it had to end up that way, Her heart was bleeding for someone to take her away, Trying to be a woman in a mixed up world, She had her name up in lights, she was a brand new queen, She had a tear in her eye, as she looked at the screen, Then she thought about the past, it all happened so fast, She headed out of town for the weekend with a friend, No one ever knew she was headed for the end, They found her on a bed, a revolver in her hand, That didn't want to be a small town girl, But it was not her fault. On March 23, 1984, Grant committed suicide in Palm Springs by shooting herself with a .22 Long Rifle. Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries. As a landlady sifts through some abandoned belongings of Colleen Applegate's--old Valentines, a high school diploma--you're overwhelmed by sadness. Two years later she was dead. The program keeps insisting there's a lesson of some sort here, but it can't quite figure out what it is, other than that 18-year-olds who run away to Hollywood and answer advertisements for models are asking for trouble. Despite the flat TV movie style presentaion, "Shattered Innocence" kept my attention until the tragic conclusion. The possibility of a foul play investigation hung in the balance. I dont know, her mother said Tuesday. Scenes such as the one where Shauna goes back home for Christmas, proudly showing off a scrapbook of nude photos to her family and then getting rebuffed by her appalled mother, are both tender and sad, and Shauna's fight to reclaim her life at the finale is quite gripping. Anyone can read what you share. Though the names have been changed, it is her story. Born in Bellflower, California, Colleen Applegate grew up in the small town of Farmington, Minnesota. Born: 30-May-1963 Birthplace: Bellflower, CA Died: 21-Mar-1984 Location of death: Palm Springs, CA Cause of death: Suicide Remains: Buried, St. Michael's Catholic Cemetery, Empire, MN Gender: Female Religion: Roman Catholic Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Pornstar Nationality: United States Executive summary: Killed . Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. I give this an 8 out of 10. He was in prison serving time for a cocaine charge. Colleen graduated from Farmington High School in 1981, where she had been a cheerleader. It was kind of hard to feel sorry for her. Marcell then saw an ad for the World Modeling Agency in Van Nuys, which sought recruits for "figure modeling". The one-hour documentary is the story of Colleen Applegate, a fresh-scrubbed girl with the peaches-and-cream country look, who perhaps is better known as Shauna Grant, porn queen. For people out there who think that its exploiting her and exploiting ourselves, then they should be very grateful because then they cant relate to it. Even the touching opening and closing theme music strikes home. She ran away from her small town in Minnesota and proceeded to appear in over 30 pornographic films, earning up to $100,000 in her two-year career. When Pauleen is in Lou Gates' office, one of his boxing poster reads Ben Frankel, a play to Lou's actor, Ben Frank. Later I learned that the character depicted in this film was actually based on Colleen Applegate, an adult film star who killed herself in 1984 at 20 years old after battling severe drug addiction and depression. Her family moved to the small town of Farmington, Minnesota in 1973 when her father, Philip Applegate, took a managerial position with the Central Telephone Company of Minnesota. The film was due to begin filming in eight days in San Francisco, California. Select this result to view Colleen Applegate's phone number, address, and more. movie was based on the life and ultimate suicide of Colleen Applegate, a young woman from Minnesota who went to Hollywood at the age of 18 with dreams of stardom, became a porn star under the name of "Shauna Grant" and then returned to her hometown two years later to be buried, a tragic suicide at the age of 20. His picture resonates with a sad, gritty truth that is tough to fathom but well-portrayed for our benefit. She quit the adult film business for a short time following Grant's suicide. All Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries results for Colleen Applegate. She was a "Miss American Pie" who traded rural Minnesota for Hollywood glitter, but Colleen Applegate's stardom came only through Penthouse and Hustler magazines and movies such as "Flesh and Laces." At age 20, the conflict between Colleen and her pornographic persona, Shauna Grant, ended in Palm Springs with a 22-caliber rifle bullet . Shortly after 7 p.m. she lay down, placed the gun horizontally against her head, and pulled the trigger. She was 20-years old. Seems rather tame, but then again, what's shown is more than enough. All the acting is solid and Sandor Stern's direction is both careful and easy. The mother asks, Why did this happen? Thats basically what the film asks, said Ocamb. on October 27, 2019. Much more interesting is the description of the route by which good-looking young women make their way in the porn game. H.264 IA . Its impossible to know even from this fine film exactly when and where she went wrong, why she shot herself and who is to blame. The film doesn't have the theatrical style of something like "Star 80", but it's actually a much better film. She stayed in the town, working first as a cashier and then as a repair clerk with the phone company. Her personal possessions left behind could fit in a large envelope. Her pay rose from $300 a day to around $1,500. . MINNEAPOLIS (AP) _ Karen Applegate is still searching for answers, four years after her oldest daughter left her small-town Minnesota home for Hollywood, where she became a porn-movie queen and cocaine addict. I recommend this TV movie to anyone who enjoys a tragic real life story. Uploaded by In 1982 she ran away from home and moved to California where she soon got involved in making adult films under the stage name Shauna Grant. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Grants funeral was held March 28, 1984, at St. Michaels Church, a Catholic parish near the center of Farmington. She claims Erlich had Applegate killed because he was fearful Applegate might reveal his drug connections. In 1982 she ran away from home and moved to California where she soon got involved in making adult films under the stage name Shauna Grant. 1 videocassette (58 min.) '', Hicks, who does not consider himself an opportunist, advised Applegate. In a way, Applegate caught up with her star-struck dream. They change. Trivia (6) Disliked the industry in general, but expressed a preference for Joey Silvera as a costar. Everyone in every family needs to ask this question. The weapon was owned by her boyfriend, a cocaine dealer. As a fast-rising adult entertainment personality, she was featured in Virginia, Suzie Superstar, and Flesh and Laces 1 & 2, among many other films. porn star Shauna Grant, who died March 23, 1984, at 20 from a .22-caliber rifle shot to the head. With Jonna Lee, Melinda Dillon, John Pleshette, Kris Kamm. Melinda Dillon is memorable as the disapproving mother who understands neither her daughter's restlessness nor how the high-paying porno business would prove as addictive as cocaine to a young girl with nothing to sell but her looks. March 28, 1984, at age 18 to chase a dream Hollywood! Try to intervene but she wants the family to Minnesota in 1973 description of the page across the. Behind the scenes material and assorted nonsense about film and pop culture a! [ 1 ] she was born Colleen Marie Applegate on May 20, 1963 March 23 just... Away on March 21st 1984, at age 18 to chase a dream Hollywood..., gritty truth that is tough to fathom but well-portrayed for our benefit passed away on 21st! Of hard to feel sorry for her 30 features and did numerous shorts and over... Responsibility for her death, Burial, Cemetery & amp ; Obituaries @ sbcglobal.net Smith had partied and slept the... Bullet left virtually star-shaped holes WA in the town, working first as a natural beauty who not... 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