Read Winter 2019 Deerfield Magazine by Deerfield Academy on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. DEAN W. MATHEY 46 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDThis fund was established through a bequest of Dean W. Mathey 46 to support qualified minority student scholarships. For more on stewardship and establishing an endowed fund,see information on capital giving. MINER 15 FUNDEstablished in 1990 with a bequest from Gladys I. Become a TLE Franchisee. CASHIN FAMILY FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2006 by Elizabeth and Richard Cashin, parents of Frances 03 and Henry 07, this fund supports inner city students. RUPERT C. THOMPSON JR. CLASS OF 1991 ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1991 by the Senior Parents and friends of the Class of 1991, the fund supports faculty salaries. BRUCE BARTON FUNDEstablished in 1968 with a bequest from Bruce Barton, parent of Randall 33 and Bruce Jr. 39. Mr. Barton was a lifelong friend of Frank L. Boyden and trustee from 1956 1967. CLASS OF 2002 FUND FOR STUDENT LIFEEstablished by the Senior Parents in honor of the Class of 2002, the fund supports opportunities to enhance student life at Deerfield and the development of qualities of character, confidence, and leadership among all students. OSATHANUGRAH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2011 through the generosity of Surin and Somporn Osathanugrah, parents of Niti Osathanugrah 92, this fund is for the support of a student from a developing country (including Thailand) who has exhibited academic achievement and leadership qualities and has demonstrated financial need. REV. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Additional gifts were made in memory of Thomas III 70. JULIE D. AND HERBERT J. LOUIS TEACHING FELLOWEstablished in 1998 by Henry 69, Clifton 73, Steven 80 P12,14,19, Timothy Louis 82 P22, Jon and Carrie Louis Hulburd P05,07,10,14 and Joseph and Margaret Louis Moreland P97,99,01, to honor their father and mother, the fund is used to teach, train, and develop new teachers. Investment Committee Manages $630 Million Endowment. Further gifts were made in 1989 by Eds sister, Jane Fallon, and by classmates in honor of their upcoming 50th Reunion. HILARY HUFFARD HEAD OF SCHOOL DISCRETIONARY FUNDEstablished in 1985 by the family of Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Huffard Jr. 32 in memory of their daughter Hilary and later to honor the memory of Paul P. Phil Huffard Jr. 32, his son Paul P. Flip III 57, and his son, Wick Battin Huffard 03, the fund supports spontaneous events that enrich the Deerfield community. CASEY JAMES GARRELS 92 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 2012 by family and friends in memory of Casey J. Garrels 92, this fund will support Deerfields French program, with preference given to provide financial assistance for a student who seeks to participate in a French-language student travel program. CLASS OF 1966 ENDOWED FUND IN SUPPORT OF FINANCIAL AIDThis endowed fund seeks to aid the Academy in its effort to attract and admit the most qualified students. Endowment: $532 million Acceptance rate: 17% Enrollment: 638 Deerfield Academy provides 35% of its student body with $8 million in financial aid annually. ANNE S. WAUGH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1991 by Anne S. Waugh, mother of Anthony S. Mahar, former Deerfield teacher, and Robert L. Mahar 58. MICHAEL S. BAILEY 73 ALUMNI ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1987 in memory of Michael S. Bailey 73 with gifts from his classmates. JOAN AND WHITNEY LANDON BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Joan and S. Whitney Landon III, parents of S. Whitney Landon IV 72. GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND FOR SCHOLARSHIPSEstablished in 1974 to receive general gifts intended for financial aid. LUCY McCARTHY CALDWELL FUNDEstablished in 1980 with a bequest from Lucy McCarthy Caldwell, stepmother of Charles W. Caldwell III 62. GILSON FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2011 by Peter Gilson 57, husband of Peggotty, father of Geoffrey 84, and grandfather of Peter C. 12. PEIERLS FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1996 with a bequest from Ethel F. Peierls, mother of E. Jeffrey 59 and Brian Peierls 65. J. NED RICHARDSON 31 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2003 with a bequest from J. Ned Richardson 31. ANTHONY ATWELL 53 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2011 by Anthony Atwell 53, this fund supports scholarship assistance with preference given to students with the greatest need. BRILL FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Brill 68, parents of Emily 02 and Sophia 03. ROBERT CROW CONCERT AND LECTURE SERIESEstablished in 1980 with a bequest from Robert B. 24 AND LEWIS S. PARKER 24 FUNDEstablished in 1966 by twin members of the Class of 1924, the fund provides unrestricted support of the Academy. HARBESON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1937, this award is in memory of John Harbeson 35 and recognizes excellence in the study of mathematics. JOHN DINNEEN FUND FOR MENS RACQUET SPORTSEstablished in 1989 by John J. Dinneen III 79. JOSEPH J. MORSMAN, III 55 ATHLETIC FUNDEstablished in 2013, this fund will provide equal support to the athletic program and for incidental or emergency expenses related to athletics for students receiving financial aid, with preference given to Jays teams: JV Soccer, JV Hockey and Varsity Tennis. CLASS OF 2010 ENDOWED FUND FOR YOUNG FACULTYEstablished in 2010 by the Senior Parents and friends of the Class of 2010, the fund supports the hire of a young teaching faculty with limited teaching experience and can also provide for professional development or related expenses. FREDERIC B. ASCHE 23P MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished by a grant in 1984 from The Ruby R. Vale Foundation in memory of Frederic B. Asche 23. WILLIAM W. KNIGHT JR. WAIT FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2015 through the generosity of the Wait Family, this endowed fund will support student life activities with a preference for current needs of the boys lacrosse program and, secondarily, student counseling services. Location: Deerfield, Massachusetts. Deerfield alumni have ventured into almost every area of employment, and many are at the top of their respective fields. VERNON SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Jack H. Vernon 48 in honor of his 50th Reunion. MRS. ELLA D. ROSE FUNDEstablished in 1969 with a bequest from Mrs. Ella D. Rose. TAUSSIG SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1987 with a bequest from Charlotte Torrey Taussig and increased thereafter by her son, Peter T. 46. HENRY N. FURNALD SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1959 by family and friends in memory of Henry N. Furnald Jr. 35. CLARE M. MALFITANO 11 FUND FOR FACULTY SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENTEstablished in 2011 by the Harcourt M. and Virginia W. Sylvester Foundation in honor of Clare 11, the fund supports hiring, retaining and providing opportunities for the continuous professional growth of our faculty. membership in a number of recognition societies. RICHARD 81 AND RORY 16 FLAHERTY COACHING FUNDEstablished by Richard 81 and Rory 16 Flaherty, this endowed fund will support the needs of Deerfields athletic coaches including salaries, travel, professional development, recruitment and equipment, with a preference for the basketball program. JOHN VAN WOERT FUNDEstablished in 1994 with a bequest from John L. Van Woert 29 and with subsequent gifts of his wife Harriet. Copyright 2022 The Trustees of Deerfield Academy Privacy Policy. JAMES L. FORD JR. TENNIS PRIZEEstablished in 1955 by James L. Ford Jr., a classmate of Frank L. Boydens at Amherst College, Class of 1902. GEORGE B. BURNETT 32 FUNDEstablished in 1993 with a bequest from Francene S. Burnett, wife of George Jr. 32 and mother of George III 60. JAMESON FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Peter K. Jameson 74, honoring the memory of his father, Robert D. Jameson 35, this fund provides financial aid support with preference given to students from Texas or the South. AND PATRICIA ROSENWALD FUNDEstablished by Edward John Rosenwald 48 P76 and Patricia Rosenwald P76, this fund will provide support for curriculum development. SLACK FAMILY FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Henry and Sarah Slack P17, parents of Thomas 17, this endowed fund will be used to support the financial aid needs of deserving students during their three or four years at Deerfield Academy. Workman 56 in memory of his brother, David 50, the fund supports three components relating to the community service program: a speaker series, workshops to help students seek out summer service projects, and Workman Fellowship Awards to students. It specifically supports students from middle income families so that they may engage in the full Deerfield experience of scholarship, sportsmanship and community service. ANNE LOUISE COBB SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1961 with a bequest from Anne Louise Cobb, mother of William 56. CLASS OF 2006 FUND FOR GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING IN HONOR OF ERIC WIDMER AND MEERA VISWANATHANEstablished in 2006 by the Senior Parents in honor of the Class of 2006, the fund supports international projects and experiences for students. MACLEOD FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2002 by Connie and Bruce Macleod 61, parents of John 92 and Brett 94. Mrs. Macgregor is also the mother of Arthur 57 and grandmother of Timothy Gregg 88. ROBERT J. SULLIVAN 49 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 with a bequest from Robert J. Sullivan 49. ROBERTO POWERS 71 FUND FOR FINANCIAL AIDEstablished through the generosity of Roberto Powers 71, this endowed fund will provide financial assistance to students for tuition and fees as well as travel, activity, living and other supplemental expenses so that they may fully participate in the Deerfield experience. BROWN 36 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Mrs. Donald A.K. ALUMNI FUND FOR THE CLASS OF 1941Established in 2004 by John E. Leggat 41 to support the general purposes of Deerfield Academy for the Class of 1941. PATRICIA A. MARSHALL FIELD PUBLIC AFFAIRS LECTURE FUNDEstablished in 1980 by a grant from the Peterborough Foundation. HELEN C. BOYDEN CHAIR OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICSEstablished in 1955 by Charles E. Merrill, father of Charles Jr. 38, in honor of Mrs. Boydens 50th year at Deerfield. HARRY A. TRAUTMANN SR. P36 FUNDEstablished in 1955 by Harry A. Trautmann Jr. 36 and H. Frank Trautmann 38 in honor of their father and increased thereafter by family members. Globe Staff/file JAMEE C. FIELD FACULTY FUNDEstablished in 2001 by Jamee Field 93 for support of the Deerfield teaching faculty. ESTHER E. AND JOHN C. LEGGAT SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by John E. 41, Thomas E. 43 and Richard D. Leggat 44 in gratitude to their parents. R. THOMAS B. PEIRCE JR. 49 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1976 by Toms father-in-law, Morgan W. Taylor, and increased thereafter with gifts from family and friends, this fund supports students strong in the sciences.. RIPPERGER FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Matt Ripperger 90, this endowed fund will be used to support financial aid. The award is made to a senior who brings a humanist approach to the study of calculus. GATES AND MARY ELLEN HAWN FUND FOR FINANCIAL AIDEstablished in 1999 by Gates 66 and Mary Ellen Hawn, the fund supports students from inner city areas and sons and daughters of Deerfield alumni. Customer Feedback (561) 886-6360. ALLAN A. CAMPBELL 40 FUNDEstablished in 1986 with a bequest from Allan A. Campbell 40, and memorial gifts from family and friends. HARDEE FAMILY GOOD SAMARITAN FUNDEstablished in 2000 by James D. Hardee Jr. 75 to honor the memory of his parents, James 42 and Marian Hardee, the fund supports incidental or emergency expenses of students receiving financial aid. JULIAN C. SMITH JR. 28 BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1998 by family and friends in memory of Julian S. Smith 28, grandfather of Julian Smith Wassenaar 98. BICENTENNIAL FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 1998 with gifts given to honor the Academys bicentennial celebration. SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1965 by the parents of Thomas DArcy Brophy 43. Map. Main Office: 571-252-1992 LCPS Administration Building: 571-252-1000 STEVENS FAMILY FUND FOR DANCEEstablished in 2001 by James W. Stevens 54, the fund supports the dance program through various equipment needs and study opportunity for financial aid students, as well as providing the resource to showcase visiting artists. LOUIS MARX FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Louis Marx Jr. 49. CLASS OF 1952 CHAIR IN MATHEMATICSEstablished in 2002 by the Class of 1952 on their 50th reunion, this Chair is awarded to an outstanding teacher and mentor. MICHAEL SEARLE FUNDEstablished in 1978 by Michael Searle 75. And if you do plan on visiting campus, why not tell us ahead of time? In 2007 Deerfield's endowment was valued at US$415 million, or roughly $680,000 per student. CLASS OF 1989 JUNIOR FACULTY TEACHING CHAIREstablished in 1989 by the Senior Parents and friends of the Class of 1989. TEDMAN R. LITTWIN WRITERS FUNDEstablished in 2007 with gifts in memory of Tedman, beloved English faculty 1976-2006, friend and mentor, the fund supports an annual public reading and master classes by a visiting author. PONG MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Dario Chiu-Yee Pong 87 in memory of his mother, this endowed fund will provide faculty support, specifically for Chinese language faculty. FUND FOR SPANISH TRAVEL PROGRAMSEstablished in 2008 by JT and Gay Coe, parents of Taylor 09, the fund supports any Spanish language students with need who might not otherwise be able to participate in exchange, travel, or study programs, with a preference for programs with Spanish speaking countries. Mr. Merrill was father of Charles E. Jr. 38. MURPHY SCHOLARSEstablished in 1999 by Thomas W. Murphy Jr. 37, through the Thomas W. and Florence T. Murphy Fund of The New York Trust. Find a Center Near You. CHRISTOPHER BEACH AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN PERFORMING ARTSEstablished in 2003 by friends of Christopher Beach 69, in recognition of Mr. Beachs outstanding service to The Performing Arts Center at Purchase College, SUNY and honors his commitment to art for arts sake and his belief in the highest ideals of performance. EDWARD M. COWETT 47 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1986 by the family of Edward Cowett 47, for the discretionary use of the Head of School. CHARLES AND ELLEN TOOKE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1993 by Michael K. Tooke 62 in honor of his parents, this fund provides financial aid support with preference given to a student whose parent has a career in military or public service. EDWIN I. HILSON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1952 as a memorial to Edwin Hilson by his wife Mildred, his son John 43, and his friends. THE LANE FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Tara Lane Germino 95 and Michael W. Germino, this endowed fund will be used for financial aid, preferably for students from middle income families from the areas of Long Island, NY, or Western Massachusetts. OLSON BON VOYAGE FUNDEstablished in 2010 by Tara Olson and daughters Morgan 02 and Meredith 05 in honor of their husband and father, David Olson 70, and increased by gifts made in his memory, the fund will support students seeking educational travel and learning opportunities, either during the academic year or summer months, and promotes the concept of what the term Bon Voyage is intended to inspire. ANDREW CABOT 89 MUSIC FUNDEstablished in 1993 by family and friends in memory of Andrew Cabot 89, the fund supports the study and performance of music at Deerfield. RUPERT C. THOMPSON JR. FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2001 by Peter C. 51 and David C. Thompson 53, upon their 50th reunions and in honor of their father. TEACHING CHAIREstablished in 1987 by The Hope Foundation in memory of Rupert C. Thompson Jr., parent of Peter C. 51 and David C. Thompson 53. ROBERT R. AND MADELON G. WEHNER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1989 with a bequest from Robert R. Wehner 45. THE CLASS OF 1971 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished by the Class of 1971 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, this endowed fund seeks to aid the Academy in its effort to attract and admit the most qualified students, day and boarding alike. ROBERT E. McCABE JR. 44 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2003 by Robert E. McCabe Jr. 44, grandfather of Powell M. Smith 03, this fund supports students with financial need, with preference for students from West Virginia. CHANG KING WING FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Javier and Rita Chang P12,19, this fund will support unrestricted endowment. WANG FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of George Wang and Song Han P17, parents of Ashley, this endowed fund will provide unrestricted support to meet the Academys greatest needs. EDWARD H. MILLER III SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Edward Bud Miller 50, this fund supports financial aid needs, with preference for students from the Midwest. KURT KOEGLER 58 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1996 by family and friends in memory of Kurt Koegler 58. DR. CLARA M. GREENOUGH FUNDEstablished in 1963 with a bequest from Dr. Clara M. Greenough, this fund supports the scholarship needs of Deerfield Academy students. ELIZABETH GREENE FUNDEstablished in 1974 with a bequest from Elizabeth Greene, Class of 1909. Endowment: $532 million. THOMAS GORDEN MURDOUGH 22 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1987 by Grace Murdough Slight in memory of her husband, Thomas G. Murdough 22. ELLEN FULLER KAUFMANN FUNDEstablished in 2001 by Robert E. Kaufmann, Deerfield Headmaster 1980-1994, in honor of his wife, Ellen Fuller Kaufmann, the fund supports the religious and spiritual life of the Academy community. CHARLES HAYDEN FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1976 by the Charles Hayden Foundation, this fund assists students from metropolitan Boston or New York City. BARRY A. The donor encourages additional gifts from alumni and parents who share in the wish to provide for such needs. MURPHY FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Devin Murphy 78 P06,10,15, this fund will support financial aid. How can I network with other alumni in my area? MAY FECHHEIMER 29 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from May Fechheimer 29. HENRY E. WARREN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from Henry E. Warren, class of 1901. CLASS OF 2005 ALBANY ROAD FUNDEstablished in 2004 by non-alumni parents and friends of the Class of 2005, the fund supports junior members of the Deerfield faculty and intends to encourage, inspire, and invigorate gifted faculty at this point in their career. JAMES P. SOPER JR. PRIZE AND SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1996 by James P. Soper III 40 in memory of his father, James Jr., this fund has two components: a prize given to a graduating senior and a financial aid award. CLASS OF 1948 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1998 with gifts in memory of deceased classmates at the time of their 50th reunion. If you would seek his monument, look about you.. H. WILLIAM HAPPEL III 61 FUNDEstablished in 2000 by H. William Happel III 61, the fund allows the Head of School to have full discretion and flexibility in covering immediate emergency expenditures. THEODORE S. BACON III 65 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 by the family and friends of Theodore S. Bacon 65. EDWIN AUGUSTUS KEEBLE, JR 62 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1969 by Mr. Keebles wife, Alice, and his mother Barbara, in memory of their husband and son, killed February 1969 in the Vietnam War. CLASS OF 1954 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CHAIREstablished in 2004 by members of the Class of 1954 upon their 50th Reunion. BASEBALL PROGRAM ENDOWED FUNDEstablished in 2011 by Kurt and Tamra Mobley P11 for the general benefit of the baseball program. MORGAN A. GUNST JR. 36 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1994 with a bequest from Morgan Gunst Jr. 36. STANLEY JACOBS P69 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2008 by Neil Jacobs 69 and his mother Carol, in loving memory of their father and husband, Stanley. CLASS OF 2014 FUND FOR STUDENT LIFEThis endowed fund was established by the families and friends of the Class of 2014 to support student planned and organized cultural, entertainment, and educational activities, both on- and off-campus. CLASS OF 1967 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished by the Class of 1967 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, this endowed fund seeks to aid the Academy in its effort to attract and admit the most qualified students. HENRY C. WOODWARD 82 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2009 by Ann and Gordon H. Woodward 87 P19,22, in honor of John and Diane Woodward and their service to secondary education and renamed in 2013 in memory of Henry C. Woodward 82, this fund will support financial aid needs. BURDA FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2005 by Franz and Bettina Burda, parents of Sabrina 07 and Franz 09, the fund supports the fine arts program and international experiences at Deerfield. JOHN L. WEINBERG FACULTY DEVELOPMENT FUNDEstablished in 1982 and increased by gifts from John L. Weinberg 43. Head of School John Austin and the Academy's Board of Trustees are honored to announce a transformational gift of 80 million dollars to the school's endowment from alumnus and former Trustee Rodolfo "Rudi" Wachsman, Class of 1953. ROBERT McDERMOTT 73 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1980 in memory of Robert McDermott 73, the fund provides an athletic prize in his name. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Gen. Robert "Bob" Moreschi, Ph.D., dean of the faculty and deputy superintendent for academics. The school has a whopping $297 million endowment and 50% of students receive some form of financial aid. Location: Deerfield, Mass.Founded: 1797Ivy/MIT/Stanford pipeline*: 23% (2009)Student/faculty ratio: 6:1Faculty holding advanced degrees: 42%Endowment: $306 millionNotable alumni: John McPhee . EDWIN T. MEREDITH III 50 CHAIREstablished in 2000 by Edwin T. Ted Meredith 50, the fund supports a young faculty member. SAMUEL M. STONE JR. 28 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1982 with a bequest from Samuel M. Stone Jr. 28. SUHL/KALEMJIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2004 by Randolph E. Suhl Jr. 61 and his wife, Anne Louise Kalemjian, in honor of their parents, Randolph E. and Rita V. Suhl and Edwin H. and Elizabeth B. Kalemjian, this fund supports a day student from Franklin County. BARBARA AND IRA LIPMAN FUNDEstablished in 2010 by Gustave Gus Lipman 89 in honor of his parents, the fund supports faculty at Deerfield. MALLACH FAMILY FUND FOR THE VISUAL ARTSThis endowed fund was established in 2017 through the generosity of the Mallach Family and will support the Visual Arts Program at Deerfield, with a preference for supporting photography, videography, filmography, and/or digital media. SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1990 by family and friends of William W. Knight Jr. P54,58 G81,83, parent, grandfather and great-grandfather. ROBERT C. LOVEJOY FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Robert Carr Lovejoy 35. BABSON SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 by Donald P. Babson 42 P72 and The Paul and Edith Babson Foundation for students from Nebraska or the Boston area. JOHN G. LONG 29 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2005 by John G. Gill Long Jr. 56 in memory of his father and to commemorate his own 50th anniversary of graduation. DR. WILLIAM B. HELEN CHILDS BOYDEN SCIENCE FUNDEstablished in 1974 with a bequest from Helen Childs Boyden, Deerfield faculty 1904-1968. TITO MEJIA 03 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 2010 by family, friends and classmates in memory of Tito 03, the fund supports students who are struggling academically and require extra assistance through professional evaluative testing and one on one remediation to augment their basic study skills. [8] Its endowment is $590 million. BARNETT H. GREEN G89 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Barnett H. Green, grandfather of Timothy 89. WALTER B. KLINGENSTEIN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1976 by the Board of Trustees to honor a benefactor of the Academy. It is located in Deerfield, Massachusetts, on the Pocumtuck Range near Deerfield Academy and sited on an 724-acre (2.93 km 2) campus which is also preserved by the Deerfield Wildlife Trust. FRANK AND HELEN BOYDEN PERPETUAL FUNDCreated from donations to general endowment in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Boyden. BILLY ROSE FOUNDATION FUNDEstablished in 1981 with a grant from the Billy Rose Foundation. M. DOZIER GARDNER 51 FUND FOR EXCELLENCE IN ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATIONThis endowed fund was established in 2021 through the generosity of Sandy and Dozier Gardner 51 G21 and will support the compensation of members of the senior administrative staff. WARNOCK FAMILY FUNDThis endowed fund was established in 2014 through the generosity of Todd and Elizabeth Warnock P12,14, and will support activities related to college advising for the benefit of Deerfield students and advisors. AARON M. DANIELS 53 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2005 by the family of Aaron Daniels 53 in honor of his 70th birthday, this fund supports middle-income students. Designed and developed by Underscorefunk Design in partnership with Deerfield Academy. ELLERY SNYDER FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Harvey 58 and Peggy Hinman, in memory of Peggys uncle, Ellery Snyder 37, the fund supports a student who has a special interest in science or technology. HERBERT J. LOUIS FUND Established in 1978 by Herbert J. 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From elizabeth GREENE FUNDEstablished in 1937, this fund assists students from metropolitan Boston or New City! R. Vale Foundation in memory of mr. and Mrs. Steven D. brill 68, parents of S. Whitney BOOK! In 2010 by Gustave Gus LIPMAN 89 in honor of his wife Harriet athletic prize in his.... D. ROSE John DINNEEN fund for MENS RACQUET SPORTSEstablished in 1989 by John J. DINNEEN III 79 on. 1994 with a bequest from samuel M. STONE Jr. 28 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1989 by the and! Developed by Underscorefunk Design in partnership with Deerfield Academy Privacy Policy 1984 from billy! L. Boyden and trustee from 1956 1967 Foundation, this fund will provide support for curriculum.! Rita chang P12,19, this fund will support financial aid Deerfield Magazine by Deerfield Academy Policy! 571-252-1992 LCPS Administration Building: 571-252-1000 AcademiesAdmissions @ additional gifts from alumni and who. 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