If you fail to do so, you may miss something that is said or something the judge asks you to do. Link:https://zoom.us/j/5449559728?pwd=TGdGaVhaZTg1N2syOG1tOW42U2dSQT09, Livestream:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnj6WLmXrnry9zQmV2wyiFw, Personal Meeting Room ID: 788 729 4927 Please use the buttons below to select the appropriate case type. The public may watch Court proceedings on DeKalb County Magistrate Courts YouTube channel. Chief Magistrate Judge Berryl A. Anderson It will have a red line through it when you are muted. ;]3a_%nx-q
lK16fM@&Y4CKv1PH[. The new law, provides that the current Traffic Division be renamed DIVISION B and courtrooms enumerated as State Court Divisions B-8 (formerly Division A), Division B-9 (formerly Division B), Division B-10 (formerly Division C), and Division B-11 (formerly Division D). endobj
A ZOOM account is free. After your hearing, the clerk enters any order issued by the judge into the Odyssey system for civil matters. Link:https://zoom.us/j/2047371759?pwd=OEw4UEhBdHVCRzJTc1VTMnlTTDllQT09, Livestream:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdot1ULCRxcw1rxkG4LWfOQ, Personal Meeting Room ID: 864 920 8888 IN THE STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM ORDER The following cases comprise Division III Civil Pretrial Conference Calendar for January 12, 2021 beginning at 09:00 a.m. via Zoom until adjourned. CIVIL CASES (Non Domestic)- Standing Order for hearings via Zoom, Click here to view the Live-Stream on YouTube > YouTube Channel Live-Stream, ***The Youtube stream is for viewing only. Real Estate News Changes in Filing Fees Update Read here for more information: https://www.gsccca.org/learn/house-bill-288 Real Estate Property Fraud Registry After clicking the blue OK button, your new name will appear. Tips for Preparing and Participating in a Virtual Court Proceeding in the DeKalb County Magistrate Court. DeKalb County Magistrate Court uses ZOOM for virtual hearings. Select a Notary Service option below. STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY JUDGE WAYNE M. PURDOM DIVISION III January 14, 2022 ZOOM MEETING PLEASE CALL IN AT APPOINTED TIME Luctricia Thompson, CALENDAR COORDINATOR 404-687-7181 OR lthompson2@dekalbcountyga.gov OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT dekalbstatecourt.net to view calendars dcsctdinfo@dekalbcountyga.gov. Recently, during a system upgrade to our Real Estate Anti-fraud Registry, a glitch occurred and has generated erroneous email notifications. Court Referrals Meet the Clerk of Court Our Chief Deputy Clerk Get in touch Location The Gregory A. Adams Juvenile Justice Center 4309 Memorial Drive Decatur, GA 30032 Contact Us Phone : (404) 294-2749 E-mail : piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.gov Our Hours MON-FRI 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Each parties PORTIONS of the Proposed Pretrial Order to be received in the State Court Clerk's Office by December 29, 2022 Personal checks are not accepted. %PDF-1.7
Link:https://zoom.us/j/7887294927?pwd=eEVFVGJLdFVJcVZPN0VlYkNlajZUdz09, Livestream:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq9ojDaCGXzJzrnmM4udYhg, Personal Meeting Room ID: 936 331 7877 Welcome to the peoples court. It is with pleasure that I invite you to learn more about what we do for DeKalb County in our courts civil, criminal, ordinance, pretrial and mental health divisions. omega flowey fight scratch extreme bizarre porn movies goodwood festival of speed 2023 tickets prices. DeKalb County Government Manuel J. Maloof Center 1300 Commerce Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030 Agenda Tuesday, March 7, 2023 6:00 PM via ZOOM Planning Commission Chairperson Tess Snipes Co-Chair Jon West Member Deanna Murphy (Dist. For agency-specific information, please navigate the links below: To provide an independent, accessible and responsive forum for the just resolution of legal disputes and criminal matters in a manner that preserves the rule of law and protects the rights of all parties. Buick will be sworn in on July 9th at the DeKalb County Courthouse and will begin her duties on July 10th. To keep you safe within our facilities we have increased how often we clean high-touch surfaces and common areas. SOME CRIMINAL HEARINGS WILL TAKE PLACE VIA ZOOM. Browse our calendars to look up your case and find out it is scheduled. The Magistrate Court is not a court of record. If that does not work, or if you received a paper hearing notice, click Join a Meeting. Fulton County is making progress on eliminating its backlog of court cases, which should also help but not fix chronic jail overcrowding. DEFENDANTS WHO HAVE CASES SCHEDULED PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOUR ATTORNEYS FOR THE ZOOM LINKS. If that does not work, or if you received a paper hearing notice from the court, type. All Rights Reserved |Disclaimer|Privacy Statement, Office of the DeKalb County District Attorney, Office of the DeKalbCounty Solicitor-General. ALL PARTIES MUST ADHERE TO THE COURTS ZOOM ETIQUTTE ATTACHED, Scheduling, Rescheduling, or Cancelling a Session. The State Court was created by the acts of the Legislature of 1951, as amended. For more information regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19) and court operations, visit the Announcements page. You can request an interpreter for your case. Anyone found in violation may be held in contempt of Court and penalized to the lengths that the law will allow, including fines and incarceration. It is a non-judicial office of the judicial branch of state government. When you enter the Virtual Courtroom, your video will automatically be on and your audio muted. DeKalb County State and Magistrate Clerks do not practice law, and the employees of State and Magistrate Courts cannot act as your attorney. HlUn@+;'' . The Judges in DeKalb County have chosen to use Zoom for remote court appearances. A Participants window will appear. DEFENDANTS WHO HAVE CASES SCHEDULED PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOUR ATTORNEYS FOR THE ZOOM LINKS. Email. endobj
The Clerks Office is prohibited from providing any kind of advice, explanation, opinion, or recommendation about possible legal rights, remedies, defenses, options, selection of forms or strategies. 98 0 obj
You may start the application process online at www.in.gov/judiciary/marriage . morris. 15-1-10.1, no one is to record these proceedings unless you have prior approval of the presiding Judge. If you cannot attend the hearing or have a conflict, notify the Clerk immediately. On the right panel, hover over your name, click More and then select Rename to update your name. Link:https://zoom.us/j/5100157432?pwd=VGxaQ0poS0xjbWFaWCt2bE11eTdBdz09, Livestream:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1BTRqfkq9L2yhu0LtQUWWQ, Personal Meeting Room ID: 204 737 1759 DO NOT place the court on hold. What if I do not have access to the Internet or a phone? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolor, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention FAQs. Enter the Meeting ID provided by the court. Open the app and click the link in the emailed hearing information provided by the court. stream
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Your health and safety are our top priorities. The judge conducts the hearing. When the indictment or accusation is filed with the Clerk of Superior Court, the case is then assigned to one of ten Superior Court Judges. We apologize for any inconvenience. hb```c``d`e`[ ,
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Ph: 404.294.2099 State Court of DeKalb County 556 North McDonough Street Decatur, Georgia 30030 * It is your responsibility to confirm with the judge, probation, or your attorney as to whether a In-Person distance-learning or "At-Home" court ordered program will meet your requirements. The following Questions and Answers are not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. Additionally, you may dial 404-371-2363 to speak with a helpdesk techician. If you have a Zoom account, you can use it to join the remote hearing. From the Virtual Courtroom, click on the Participants icon at the bottom of the window. Unfortunately, there is a large backlog of cases due to the COVID19 pandemic. Ph: 404.371.2822 Through our website you can explore the variety of cases that this court handles. State Court Traffic Division. 83 0 obj
We are pleased to welcome you to the DeKalb County Courthouse and our partner facilities. Click the Rename button. Normal courtroom decorum rules apply. Please use the buttons below to select the appropriate case type. endstream
Then enter the Meeting ID provided by the court. WorkSource DeKalb; Youth Services + Seniors + VISITORS. judge morris' april criminal trial calendar will be called on tuesday, march 28, 2023, at 9:00 am via zoom. Having an account is not required to appear at the court hearing. When calling in, call in 5 minutes ahead of your scheduled court appearance and immediately place yourself on MUTE until your case is called. The visitors represented five pilot counties in North Carolina moving toward statewide implementation of the Oddyssey File & Serve System. hbbd``b` @HX7;H>1012)f`D'3V0
(if you are the Defendant with a short description such as D1 Picture damage to car). Check the lighting. See our Most Requested Services Listed Below for 24 hour online services. Employees are workingremotely during this time. Password: 12345 Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area; . Instead, a hearing is held using an online platform in order to keep everyone safe. No electronic recordings, video, still photography or audio capture of the live stream is allowed without the permission of the court. DeKalb County Magistrate Court uses ZOOM for virtual hearings. Email: dcrcinfo@dekalbcountyga.gov, House Bill 77 Legislation passed in July 2021 and made effective January 1, 2022. The Magistrate Court hears Criminal, Civil, and Ordinance matters virtually each day. Remote Court Appearance Instructions If you do NOT have a Zoom account set up, follow these instructions: ( There are instructions below if you already have a Zoom account). Please click the following link to access House Bill 77 Legislation. 8:30 am until 5:00 pmMonday through FridayExcept Holidays, Clerks Office: 404-371-2261Civil Division: 404-371-2261Criminal Division: 404-294-2150Ordinance Division: 470-542-9485Diversion Court: 404-371-2241Marshals Office: 404-371-2930, Clerks OfficeDeKalb County Courthouse556 N. McDonough StreetDecatur, GA 30030, Civil MattersDeKalb County Courthouse556 N. McDonough Street, Room 230Decatur, GA 30030, Criminal Matters3630 Camp CircleDecatur, Georgia 30032, Ordinance Matters3630 Camp CircleDecatur, Georgia 30032. For the health and safety of the public and court staff, the Magistrate Court is operating remotely. To appear in front of Judge Waller you may appear in person or telephonically. Click here to access the IT Helpdesk and create a helpdesk ticket for all your DeKalb County IT related needs. Your case may be postponed until everyone can safely participate. The Tucker Traffic Court will meet on Wednesday, March 1, at 9 a.m. at the Tucker Municipal Court, 1975 Lakeside Parkway. You will receive an email and/or letter regarding the date, time, and password for your hearing. DeKalb County Georgia State Court Division A Judges Judge Alvin T. Wong - Division A-1 Judge Kimberly K. Anderson - Division A-2 Judge Wayne M. Purdom - Division A-3 Judge Johnny Panos - Division A-4 Judge Mike Jacobs - Division A-5 Judge Ana Maria Martinez - Division A-6 Judge Kimberly A. Alexander - Division A-7 Court Calendars Enter your new name in the New Screen Name. Let us know how we can make your experience with our office better than great! Please call our Real Estate Division at 404-687-3812 to verify if any activity has occurred in relation to your property. You can use the options below to find property based on Parcel Number, Owner Name, Property Address, or Subdivision Name. Any request for the Courts recording will be denied. The main jail on Rice Street was designed for . Additionally, due to the complexities of certain cases, it is more appropriate to have an in-person hearing. Please send all Exhibits in one email. IN THE STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA 0 RD ER The within listed case numbers 19A78037 through 21A04078 are hereby ORDERED placed on the NON-JURY TRIAL CALENDAR. A second form of Government or State issued I.D. Your cellphone camera or the camera on your computer is required to participate in the hearing. A virtual hearing is one where the judge, court staff, and the parties do not come into the courthouse. During their visit, they learned about the implementation and functionality of DeKalb County's Oddyssey eFile, File & Serve System. DEKALB COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CALENDAR - ZOOM DEKALB COUNTY COURTHOUSE DECATUR, GA 30030 Tuesday March 07, 2023 TIME: 9:00 AM No Jail Courtroom SLOT CASE NUMBER DEFENDANT INFO 1 20CR1138 DEFENDANT: Strong, Clinton Jamar, Jr. Notes In Jail: N DOB: 1984 SO #: X0292675 DOA: 05/04/2018 BOND AMOUNT: Reset from 2/28 PT - Plea . %PDF-1.6
As Clerk of Superior Court,I manage all Superior Court records and land records for DeKalb County. The parties should speak directly to the judge, not to each other. To prepare to join a court hearing, you may want to watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s76QHshQnY, We also encourage participants to download the Zoom Application on either your computer or your mobile phone at least two days in advance. https://gov.georgia.gov/document/2021-signed-legislation/hb-777/download, House Bill 77 Legislation passed in July 2021 and made effective January 1, 2022. You must include your case number in the subject line of your email; and name each document or picture as follows: P1, P2, P3 etc. endobj
Important Information and Alerts:Our Physical Office Located in the Courthouse (Judicial Tower) is closed until further notice, due to flooding from busted pipes. If you do not have access to a phone, please contact the Clerk immediately at the phone number listed on your hearing notice. endstream
87 0 obj
DeKalb County Court House 2019 DeKalb Clerk of Superior Court - DeKalb County Courthouse - 556 North McDonough Street - Ground Floor Decatur, GA 30030 - (404) 371-2836, https://www.gsccca.org/learn/house-bill-288. Your screen name should reflect your title and legal name. When your case is called, the court will bring you into the Virtual Courtroom. B(7$_lK|ZE=. If you choose to appear telephonically the dial in number is 312-626-6799 you will be required to provide the meeting ID of 634 979 0734 and password of 12345. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s76QHshQnY, https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362993-Getting-Started-with-iOS, https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/200942759-Getting-Started-with-Android, https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362033-Getting-Started-on-Windows-and-Mac. How Should I Prepare for a virtual hearing? (815) 732-1130 The Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court is a Constitutional Office. Note: Chester, Davidson (Nashville), Hamilton (Chattanooga), Hickman, Knox (Knoxville), Montgomery, Rutherford, Shelby (Memphis), and Williamson Counties maintain their own sites.Links to those sites can be found in the Help section. Witnesses should plan to appear on video. dekalb county superior court april criminal pretrial calendar 03/28/2023 at 9:00 am judge shondeana c morris division 4 jail courtroom c the ases listed elow are sheduled for trial efore the honorale shondeana . Link: https://zoom.us/j/6349790734?pwd=eHpuYjhrWU1vaWhWdjNIb21WcWtyZz09, Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVwdpPRJxffdjWiC1QXdGjw, Personal Meeting Room ID: 746 235 4402 Please dress appropriately. DeKalb County and Kendall County make up the Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit. Zoom appearances in front of Judge Waller are only allowed when set by court order. Please do not do other things while on the call. You can test your equipment here: https://zoom.us/test. In DeKalb County, justice is rendered by a judicial system that includes: Juvenile Court, which holds youthful offenders accountable for their actions through probation supervision and secure detention, as well as seeks to protect the young victims of crimes. Your safety is of the utmost importance. I am Chief Judge Asha Jackson. Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7462354402?pwd=elNjdDBWc0FoR0EvSzNtNkR4eXN1UT09, Livestream:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq9ojDaCGXzJzrnmM4udYhg Centers for Disease Control and Prevention FAQs. Just like in an actual courtroom, you must give your undivided attention to the proceedings. Link:https://zoom.us/j/8649208888?pwd=QVlBbTZJN0tyY0JNWVF0WVJackZ2Zz09, Livestream:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQy8VgPV3E8K57KoCcflyWQ, Personal Meeting Room ID: 544 955 9728 <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
The State and Magistrate Clerks cannot provide legal advice and are not permitted to engage in the practice of law. Install the Zoom app from your devices app store. https://gov.georgia.gov/document/2021-signed-legislation/hb-777/download, Copyright 2023 DeKalb County State Court |, Click HERE to view the Amended Administrative Order, Information about Amnesty & Failure to Appear Calendar, Current Outage affecting Civil Case Filings via eFileGA, Locate DeKalb County Recorders Court Records, https://gov.georgia.gov/document/2021-signed-legislation/hb-777/download. Orders from Ordinance Court or Criminal Court matters can be requested from the Clerk. Password: 12345 Password: 12345 To view the Statewide Judicial Order from Judge Harold Melton, please, Scheduling, Rescheduling, or Cancelling a Session, Office of the DeKalb County District Attorney, Office of the DeKalb County Solicitor-General, Standing Order Governing All Domestic Cases, Superior Court_COVID-19_ Conferences Entered, Grand Jury Presentments and Deliberations, Order Extending and Clarifying Temporary Amendments_Miscellaneous Order, Notice of Expected Judicial Emergency Termination_Miscellaneous Order filed. Through our website you can explore the variety of cases that this court handles.Chief Magistrate Judge Berryl A. Anderson, 8:30 am until 5:00 pmMonday through FridayExcept Holidays, Clerks Office: 404-371-2261Civil Division: 404-371-2261Criminal Division: 404-294-2150Ordinance Division: 470-542-9485Diversion Court: 404-371-2241Marshals Office: 404-371-2930, Clerks OfficeDeKalb County Courthouse556 N. McDonough StreetDecatur, GA 30030, Civil MattersDeKalb County Courthouse556 N. McDonough Street, Room 230Decatur, GA 30030, Criminal Matters3630 Camp CircleDecatur, Georgia 30032, Ordinance Matters3630 Camp CircleDecatur, Georgia 30032.