Hours Monday 8 AM - 6 PM. February 28, 2023 - City Council Meeting . Public comment, whether its addressing a City Council member or a general situation within the city, should be done with positive intent, Trace said. We will never know how many infections wereprevented, but listening to science and medical professionals who know more about the spread of viruses than most of us was the wise thing to do, he said. For Mayor McEachern's Inaugural Address (January 3, 2022), please click here. At its regularly scheduled June 7meeting, the council will then be able to suspend the council rules and vote to pass second and third reading to repeal the ordinance, Becksted said Tuesday. %PDF-1.6 % City of PORTSMOUTH NH; City Council; A A A. hWmo8+UvliU J=TJ)xit!A!+~g,{3J;[8 >G00@0|I m.+Ol! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that people who have been fully vaccinated can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic., The CDC goes on to say that fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.. e'jgg The next council should start a strategic visioning process for the city leading to a new master plan process. Heres how to plan now. Many community volunteers worked long hours to make sure we had a plan that responded to varying community interests. McEachern addressed public comment near the beginning of the last City Council meeting. Senator JuddGregg of New Hampshire championedthe prospect of the city of Portsmouth acquiring the James A. McIntyre federal building for free. Arthur Clough and Mark Brighton filed a lawsuit in Rockingham Superior Court asking a judge to remove Tabor from elected office, claiming that he illegally disclosed confidential information about city bids for service. News, Portsmouth Voters Guide, 2021 Council Candidates - Oct 25, 2021 2021 Portsmouth City Council Candidate Questionnaire Portsmouth's municipal election is Tuesday, Nov. 2. We are already investing taxpayer dollars into defending the city against a lawsuit filed by the developer because the city is in breach of contract. Their complaint was reviewed by City Attorney Robert Sullivan and Mayor Deaglan McEachern. ,EX&8PhQcsaK7d(29!]Y+M/BMNH*^Zj,c&X"@` 4qV h(S+i ;.AAe3 |*)8tWEng4#0[r-\x0@T1. PORTSMOUTH, NH Two Portsmouth residents say City Councilor John Tabor broke state laws when it came time to hire a new auditing firm and they now want him booted from the council. This issue had several legal reviews in response to complaints by Brighton and Clough, and the city has found nothing thats actionable. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MUNICIPAL COMPLEX PORTSMOUTH, NH . February 22, 2021 7:00 PM Zoom Meeting . 10) Aside from the issues already raised in this questionnaire, please outline ONE other priority you would address as a city councilor over the next two years. PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCILService Leader - MASH (Children's Social Care)Salary: Band 13 55,427 -See this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. That review found no violation, according to the lawsuit. u 2023; 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; . Prescott Park Committee Report - December 2020 . who is running for city council district 6 Tatko na pesmaricu. 1 Junkins Avenue, Portsmouth, NH 03801. Portsmouth, NH 03801. Bagley suggested changing Policy 43 to formally allow for remote public comment, and to express what our desires as a council are for when they address the council and speak to the council.. City Council Meeting. 5) What changes, if any, should be made to the citys bike lanes? [.~1m1aoBZOW Members of the public also have the option to join the meeting over Zoom, a unique meeting . I also suspect that many opinions about a potential stage location and its size/shape have also changed. All Rights Reserved. Phone (603) 431-2000. 6@~|X;{|sekU/fzZ??~`PXbSCg*),8kf~f[-m]zZ%&\sZv^,5(&P `,A)$Q|-BYaI Bxmz?a5d9FH0baM{h5GjE*W"l/ _K ILl. 3) How do you feel about the current pace of development in Portsmouth? Tue, 02/28/2023 - 06:30. City Council. be commissioned by Portsmouth NH 400 in the public property known as Bohenko Park. Mayor Rick Becksted said Kane asked to meet with the City Council, and plans to bring an engineer to the meeting, which is scheduled to be held at 5:30 in City Council Chambers. 2023 - City of Portsmouth. The Mayor's Office; . hAeYM During their three minutes, they can more or less talk about anything they want, he said. We also need to involve Redgate/Kane in the discussions with the National Park Service (NPS) to decide the parameters of any development on the McIntyre site. City Council Agendas; City Council Packets ; City Council Actions; City Council Minutes; Meeting Broadcast Videos ; City Council Up and Coming Meetings; City Council Archived Meetings and Material; About; City Council Policies; Rules & Orders; Contact When we get up to speak if there are personal attacks, I would ask that you direct them to me as the chair, rather than the rest of the council that doesnt have the gavel and certainly not to staff, McEachern added. endstream endobj startxref Agenda - City Council Meeting, 21June , 2022 Page 1 | 4 . Heres how to plan now. It has been nearly 20 years since then U.S. Planning Committee, 1 March 2023. endstream endobj startxref 0 0:05. Second, we should incentivize homeowners to build accessory dwelling units in single family residential zones. 2021 Portsmouth City Council Candidate Questionnaire, 2023 All rights reserved | PortsmouthNH.com, Take Me To Church: Stand upstairs comedy series at The Stone Church, Chatham Rabbits and Rachel Sumner & Traveling Light at The Word Barn, Clifford Camerons Vinyl Quartet at The Dance Hall. How many people in your town got the shot? endstream endobj 230 0 obj <> endobj 231 0 obj <> endobj 232 0 obj <>stream Click 'Board Meetings' to play an archived Regular Board Meeting Video. 0:15. PORTSMOUTH Several city councilors warned residents about criticizing city employees during the public comment portion of their meetings. Employment Opportunities. The city was awarded the dignity of a Lord Mayoralty by letters patent dated 10 July 1928. Manchester, NH, The New Hampshire Writers Project (NHWP) is currently accepting submissions for the Biennial New Hampshire Literary Awards. But the city should not have a mask mandate now., Asked about the feedback hes received from residents, Splaine said, I sum it up in two words: its time., Adoption of the ordinance was very important, it served its purpose of helping to keep the spread down and probably saved some lives and infections, he said. Our Complete Streets Policy serves as a guide for becoming a more walkable, bicycle-friendly city. 641 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<8C772FD89DECDD4390E31977C09AF940>]/Index[617 41]/Info 616 0 R/Length 115/Prev 508030/Root 618 0 R/Size 658/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The City Council is the governing body of the City of Portsmouth and as such is the policy-making entity of the City, except where otherwise expressed in the City Charter. Resources. -As Mayor: Represent the city daily; Chairman on the council meetings; Chairman of the Legislative committee; Member of the Mayors of the round table committee. Sometimes were not going to enjoy it, sometimes were not going to like it, but nonetheless theres always a lesson for us, for you sitting there as you listen to your constituents.. Portsmouths municipal election is Tuesday, Nov. 2. endstream endobj startxref City of PORTSMOUTH NH; City Council; A A A. GOFFSTOWN, TOWN OF 326 MAST RD GOFFSTOWN, NH 03045 ATTN Police Chief: P:(603)497-4858 E:police@goffstownnh.gov Contact: 2-Way Communications Service, Inc. Michael G Bartlett 19 Durham Street Portsmouth, NH 03801-2872: P:(603)431-6288 E:mbartlett@2-way.biz Redirecting to /radio/manchester-police-and-fire-goffstown-police-s145303/ New . In Portsmouth:City reverts to 2022 outdoor dining rules for 2023.Why the new policy was ditched. what states require consummation of marriage; new milford ct police scanner; reply to opposition to motion to compel california; environmental opportunities and threats in business; CITY COUNCIL MEETING MUNICIPAL COMPLEX, EILEEN DONDERO FOLEY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, PORTSMOUTH, NH DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2022 TIME: 6:00PM Members of the public also have the option to join the meeting over Zoom, a unique meeting ID and password will be provided once you register. %PDF-1.6 % Reached Thursday, Tabor said he did nothing wrong in the open meeting discussions about the problems he saw with the bidding process. PORTSMOUTH Several city councilors warned residents about criticizing city employees during the public comment portion of their meetings. The Conservation Commission will have the following site walks on Thursday, March 02, 2023. %%EOF We do have the right to bring grievances forward, even if it involves a city employee, she added. 0:57. Full Council, 28 February 2023. Created with Sketch. Watch for notice. It is an institution, so I think we should continue it I dont think we should try to encumber it with too many rules because we cant, Tabor said of the public comment sessions. By Beverly Stoddart, A NH Writer's Life Below, City Council candidate Kate Cook responds to PortsmouthNH.com's candidate questionnaire. Attachments. A generous gift in any amount helps us continue to bring you this service. Usually it works well, and thousands have made use of the opportunity during the past 32 years., He acknowledged, "There is nothing in the public comment rule that prohibits residents from criticizingcity employees or anyone else., I agree with those who say that residents should address their observations, and criticism, toward the elected councilors and not our city employees, but there is no prohibition on that, Splaine said. Also present was Deputy City Manager/Deputy City Attorney Suzanne Woodland and Library Director Phone (603) 431-2000. The Dover City Council recently voted 8-1 to join the Statewide Transportation Coalition. Resident flat fee starts now: $5 in Hanover garage, $3 in Foundry. Call to Order 2. MUNICIPAL COMPLEX, EILEEN DONDERO FOLEY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, PORTSMOUTH, NH DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2023 TIME: 5:00PM . Finally, we should investigate additional tax abatement options for our residents who cannot afford a rising tax burden. I think that would probably be consideredconstitutional protection of free speech if a case were made of it., He suggested trying to discourage anyone from criticizing public employees during public comment or public hearings, but conceded it's a reach too far to try to prohibit it.. We must find a financially viable compromise plan in order to avoid spending considerable taxpayer dollars on this project. When spread is substantial or high, instituting a mask mandate for all city buildings would help protect our most vulnerable residents from infection, including children not yet eligible for vaccination. Unfortunately, at this point we cannot avoid litigation completely. I think the council's special meeting approach suggested by the City Attorney (Robert Sullivan) for next Tuesday, June 1st, followed by a vote ending the ordinance on June 7th, is the proper and legal way to go, he said. III. 1050. H\@=OQE&dy ! z?tc_muxilM[Ogw},Oguimc8%C~|?)a MtOi;~om8V%f"~K&]u/tWc^H?)! Portsmouth's rules and orders of the City Council, American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. But certainly not to limit those expressions, and what they say, he added. To view the contact information of a City Councilor and submit an electronic request to a Councilor, please click on their image. 6) Regarding the McIntyre building, what do you feel is the best path forward to avoid litigation and get the project done? The Swedish Presidency of the EU Council circulated new compromise text of the Cyber Resilience Act, detailing its interplay with the AI Act and more. hm8?6~6PUmk/e(:%\QcB,$!DrBsDUMr,D~QRUqqL")bT*]ADCURX*Y6Ws5&&hxtjX5zq?W~gt(==tnY[ XahT-xLSx-?l^FiHD '{Mdn,b['xi;2`]j hu&>Soz;_>&B;of*9!>>"qy E?hk^ vbi4UgB9I&4hzTf[d~5W!eilx9h5Fj)Ic%*5T: Ikp07Zn8 nW"+Md$kY"5=3uof+l-2x)D Two councilors, John Tabor and Kate Cook, stated such comments could be considered libelous. hb```>Vn!b`a`b I a8w.Nk+x%Z2Agnf!3~Gi1m|f,\NH,\~^Xr/|ft^}"tzb*7$YB{lb346 D I have always believed in public service, as a former City Councilor from 2016-2020, as President of the 501 (c) (3) PopUp NH during the height of the pandemic's uncertainty in 2020, and now as . At this point, everyone from service industry workers to young families cannot afford to live in Portsmouth, and the situation is directly impacting our police, firefighters, and teachers. If you are looking for a live meeting broadcast please visit the City'sYouTube Channel athttps://www.youtube.com/CityofPortsmouthor watch it on Comcast'sChannel 22. I think the mayor captures the primary reason why I wanted to bring this forward and thats because just because we can say anything that we want to, doesnt mean that we have to, he said. The role of the council should be to make sure our street planning falls within the policy guidelines we have defined as a priority for the city, specifically increasing access to safe streets for everyone. Council Packet. %PDF-1.6 % Civic experience: U.S. hbbd```b`` D2Hb2,AlkY +D?Z  M.20 m4 Portsmouth Public Schools. 10.03.2022-AGENDA-City Council meeting 09.19.2022-AGENDA-City Council meeting 09.12.2022-AGENDA-City Council Work Session Load More; City of PORTSMOUTH Home > City Council Council Chambers. hb```^^A1U2bw"#Wj )a8qFIRyr=Q(I}lkg9v>8Ymz~u @AH%k d0[\n:B# b ?BLILWX3111q1c|~1 3xe H (20;Zu4'o Agendas & Minutes. P.O. I think that the time is now to end the face covering ordinance, and I am hopeful that we will do so quickly, Splaine said. He encouraged the public to come out and speak to the council at public comment, whether its something positive or negative.. Everything I said at the meeting I had run by city legal staff prior to saying it, Tabor said. City Councilor Beth Moreau said during a discussion about the public comment portion of City Council meetings that our bosses are the citizens of the city, so they can criticize us (city councilors).. BoardDocs Meeting Agendas & Information; . . Click 'Work Sessions' to play an archived Work Session Video. Hours See Meetings Calendar. Tabor, who is a member of the Audit Committee, allegedly violated state law again in October when he relieved the name and number of current bidders during an open meeting, according to the lawsuit. Seconded by Councilor Blalock. Cabinet Member for Traffic & Transportation, 8 March 2023. To register, click on the link below or Splaine and Becksted discussed the mask ordinance Monday morning, the assistant mayor said. But Splaine believes keeping a portion of Portsmouths mask mandate in place would become very confusing to require that as a city., The city certainly supports any organization or business that wants to require masks for their businesses inside, he said. According to the lawsuit, Tabor told the full City Council in March that the Audit Committees bidding process for a new auditing firm was flawed because, in part, a member of the Audit Committee exchanged text messages with one of the bidders. The new bidding process is underway, and the City Council is expected to vote on a new auditing contract in January. The Prescott Park Master Plan process was a thorough and inclusive process that provided a plan for sea level rise mitigation for the park, while also planning for the long-term use of this vital community resource. Eileen Dondero Foley City Council Chambers, Eileen Dondero Foley City Council Chambers/Public Participation may be in person or via Zoom, City Council Meeting (includes adoption of CIP), Site Review Technical Advisory Committee meeting, Islington St. Project Phase 2A Public Pre-Construction Meeting, Live/Rebroadcast of Municipal Meetings (Ch22+YouTube). It is our right and you should not infringe on that, Morgan said. nnually, the City of Portsmouth reviews the asset levels for the disabled exemption fromA property taxes. The school band could give concerts there in spring, the symphony could perform in the fall, we could host an outdoor performance as part of First Night, and the Prescott Park Arts Festival would have a home base for summer performances. Then we should work through our differences of opinion towards a final consensus. Official Forms. Portsmouth has started to receive American Rescue Plan Act funds from the federal government that will ultimately total $12.88M. Conard ranked fifth among Portsmouth's city-side wage earners at $175,720.. More than half of Portsmouth's city departments, including the city manager's office, are led by women. n&ngvJ.[FTI7iUA0*#H2h]HJ7;;gfb5 )?Au(W e+l[oo+a@#D]H$jDp.bFx`,rl^uA!H` A7 hbbd```b`` DrH2 `Yk 84](b 'o20Mg`!Q@ 2 View our Maine COVID vaccine map: How many people in your town got the shot? Get out and show us youre the boss when it comes to City Council, he said. Huge crowds expected at Pease airport for Thunderbirds. We should take a multi-faceted approach to addressing this problem. Health, Wellbeing & Social Care meeting, 7 March 2023. Local Government Access Channel for the City of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA Phone (603) 431-2000. Portsmouth Resident Plotted Nord Stream Sabotage, says Hersh. I think for a reasonable person to come up here and to say they dont agree with the mayor and say they dont agree with me as a councilor, obviously I dont like to hear that, but I appreciate it, Bagley said. We depend on your support. H\n@C_Ow,!KH>a 0>w".SM&w]sC)\wO]3-4.>sTKyM;c0u=]zG~v[]N[=~/}w)w\i6\ SCReX-$xj) February 21, 2023 7:00 PM Eileen Dondero Foley City Council Chambers/Public Participation may be in person or via Zoom . Somersworth was incorporated as a City in 1893 and is located in eastern Strafford County. The Mayor's Office; City Councilor Andrew Bagley addressed Rule 43 during the recent council meeting, but did not make a formal motion. Join PortsmouthNH.com's new newsletter. Hours See Meetings Calendar. 180 days of social studies 5th grade answer key; florida high school track records; milwaukee packout mods; metallica madrid 2022; did doris hamner have polio; -Council Representative on: Citywide Neighborhood . Book/Printed Material Congress received the following intelligence from the Council of Safety, as coming from "an officer of distinction in the army . Asked to respond to comments made by the Portsmouth councilors, he said, While the Portsmouth City Council may not have a policy prohibiting public comment that is libelous, even if it did, that policy would be concerning., It is not the best practice for public comment policies to ban libelous or defamatory speech. Hours Monday 8 AM - 6 PM. We shouldnt be criticizing employees in this chamber, it is libelous to do so, she said. City resident Mark Brighton, who for years has spoken during public comment on a variety of topics, called the comments made by some councilors a way to quiet dissent., He also pointed to the 92 city employees who were paid more than $100,000 in calendar year 2021 and said they are fair game., The city manager (Karen Conard), Peter Rice (the head of the Department Public Works) or any of these department heads, Brighton said. Portsmouth, NH 03801. Periodically, I wanted to update what has been happening to a few of the authors Ive gotten to know and let folks know whats been happening for them. Our council should focus spending on urgent recovery efforts and infrastructure deficiencies brought to light by the pandemic. City also jumped from 6th in number of businesses pre-COVID to 3rd, just trailing behind Princeton, NJ and Portsmouth, NH. That said, a long period of time has passed between the initial visioning process and the groundbreaking on phase one of the project. City of PORTSMOUTH NH; A A A. Header Logo. hbbd```b``"A$d"0 sl, &d7X B@.j b /h{Lg`X )c Portsmouth, NH 03802 1756-2023 The New Hampshire Gazette - The Nation's Oldest Newspaper . The Mayor's Office . A total of 625,266 people have been fully vaccinated in New Hampshire, according to the state's latest report, representing 46.1% of the population, according to the DHHS. Roll Call 3. Meetings & Material. / = B LH4XQs B`J l 2 @ZU"!XX80I23n`:t>[7W+0qNmf7dt`y+@~ mHs00fAqe`_Q` Acompanhe-nos: bonsall oaks development Facebook. Hours Monday 8 AM - 6 PM. 218 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<08826FF8F59E804BBBC89F9EAB74A865>]/Index[204 33]/Info 203 0 R/Length 85/Prev 428015/Root 205 0 R/Size 237/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream As a city we have taken numerous steps towards reducing our carbon footprint, however, we do not have a comprehensive plan that addresses all aspects of climate change mitigation, most specifically sea level rise and its impact on our waterfront. Additionally, we must all follow the rules of the council when interacting at city meetings, and where those rules are not well-defined, we need to further define them to clearly articulate the exact expectations of our council members. InDepthNH.org is published by the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism. No prom, but Portsmouth High seniors will celebrate. . Gilles Bissonnette is the legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire. Our restaurants have suffered significant financial losses during the pandemic. Portsmouth City Hall Contact Us 801 Crawford Street Portsmouth, VA 23704 Phone: 757-393-8000 Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. public funding of media" to ensure local news outlets can stay afloat and keep communities informed about "their city council, their school board." . Tue, 02/28/2023 - 08:30. We cannot control the pace of development beyond dictating in the planning and zoning laws, and the Historic District Commission rules, the specifics of what we expect in zoning districts and character districts. On a unanimous roll call vote 9-0, motion passed. H|UYoF~G0We#H6b The concept was to allow people to address, speak directly to, city officials at a formal public meeting, Splaine said. %:p8T+ab)H8 >.3X-7eay%790dlpQ6k&434#0 [f5!g=B10 ] Trash collected as usual. Skip to main content. Mar 8th at 6:00 AM PST. The City of Portsmouth will do everything possible to place and remove barriers within 10 March 1, . Roll Call - Councilor Cook, Councilor Lombardi, Councilor Tabor all present. New Hampshire is a state in the New England region of the Northeastern United States.It is bordered by Massachusetts to the south, Vermont to the west, Maine and the Gulf of Maine to the east, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north. She added that she believes public comment is protected by our freedom of speech rights, but encouraged people to approach issues in a positive way to affect change.. As the Supreme Court has said, where the criticism is of public officials and their conduct of public business, the interest in private reputation is overborne by the larger public interest, secured by the Constitution, in the dissemination of truth, Bissonnette explained. Portsmouth City Hall Contact Us 801 Crawford Street Portsmouth, VA 23704 Phone: 757-393-8000 Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. And less than 24 hours later, the council was already planning to appoint someone to replace Jones. City Council Meeting. The council had adopted the ordinance at a time when it was necessary to reduce the spread, and it is clear that the ordinance helped prevent infections.. February 28, 2023 Receive advance notice about Portsmouth and Seacoast events, things to do, dining, discounts and more. All Rights Reserved. Age: 50. We must all first remember that we love Portsmouth, even though we do not always share the same views on what is best for the city. The City Council is the governing body of the City of Portsmouth and as such is the policy-making entity of the City, except where otherwise expressed in the City Charter. New Jersey Clean Air Council Meeting Record Meeting via Microsoft Teams Wednesday, January 20, 2021 . Portsmouth Council of PTAs; School Board. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MUNICIPAL COMPLEX, EILEEN DONDERO FOLEY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, PORTSMOUTH, NH DATE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2022 TIME: 5:30PM Members of the public also have the option to join the meeting over Zoom, a unique meeting ID and password will be provided once you register. When the city became a non-metropolitan borough in 1974 the honour was confirmed . - The New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism, Valerie Sununu Focuses On Being a Mom, Not Politics, She Tells Instagram Followers, Supreme Court Splits 2-2 on Right-to-Know Request of Sununu, Mike Morin, John Robinson, and Rebecca Kaiser Gibson: Author Updates, Everybody Has a Perspective on the McIntyre Building in Portsmouth. Teams Wednesday, January 20, 2021 process and the groundbreaking on phase one of the City Council CHAMBERS! A City in 1893 and is located in eastern Strafford County will do everything possible place! 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Please visit the City'sYouTube Channel athttps: //www.youtube.com/CityofPortsmouthor watch it on Comcast'sChannel 22 spending... Play an archived Work Session Video 7 March 2023 differences of opinion towards a final consensus any amount us... - Councilor Cook, Councilor Lombardi, Councilor Lombardi, Councilor Tabor all present 434. About a potential stage location and its size/shape have also changed Access Channel for Biennial... Session Load more ; City of Portsmouth Home & gt ; City Council is expected to vote on a roll. Collected as usual the shot Stream Sabotage, says Hersh Councilor Cook, Councilor,. An archived Work Session Video light by the New Hampshire championedthe prospect of the City.