The celebrations are short lived however as Jenni realizes that something is very, very wrong. Sage of Eyes Snippets - They have 2 seperate snippet series where Taylor reincarnates into another world. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Carol Dallon | Brandish / Dean Stansfield | Gallant, Amy Dallon | Panacea | Red Queen/Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl | Antares, Kayden Anders | Purity / Ethan | Assault / Battery, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale, Hannah | Hana | Miss Militia/Mouse Protector, Original Ashley Stillons | Damsel of Distress, Carol Dallon | Brandish/Original Male Character(s), Sarah Pelham | Lady Photon / Original Male Character(s), Neil Pelham | Manpower / Eric Pelham | Shielder, Crystal Pelham | Laserdream/Eric Pelham | Shielder, Carol Dallon | Brandish/Sarah Pelham | Lady Photon, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Brian Laborn | Grue. You can only push someone so far before they break. Abyssal Plains , which has two cape teams, the Undersiders and Breakthrough (from Ward), find themselves in the Abyss. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Taylor gets her memory wiped a few years before canon and gets Gambits (from X-men) powerset. Colin Wallis does a lot for his city, and he'll reluctantly put up with any number of mundane annoyances, if it's measurably beneficial to the heroes under his command. He's a bit shocked, but happy to roll with the punches, regardless of what kind of impact their extended romp might have on his own designation. Convenient. 18. . Just to fit in. It's not until it's too late- far too late- that Steve even realizes that his fellow beta has gone into, of all things, a spontaneous rut. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Cirno and friends, after making a fool of Lily White, steal a strange box buried beneath the junk in Marisa's house. Is this debate happening someplace I am not noticing it? Mostly it was because he found that a majority of them were annoyances that ate up attention that could be used elsewhere. Okay, well then, perhaps a Worm fanfiction is a story that has Taylor in it. She has spent significant time in the Final Fantasy, Young Justice, Kabaneri, and Elder Scrolls universes so far. Remilia honestly believes that Yuuka is going to rape her sister Flandre after capturing her in what could best be described as her. I was thinking clearly, for one, and nothing was really happening. Is a story about Uber & Leet and their crimes a Worm fanfiction? This post will also be ignoring fics that were written with the intention of being an original story, but were latter branded with "Worm" to get more views. Still better than the contents of the locker. At the top, in a hexagon as large as two of my fists sat a shard of emerald the size of my thumb. But life goes on like it always does. Gospel of the Lost Gods - Taylor and the Chicago Wards are sent into Game of Thrones just before the War of Five Kings. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A revenge murder, from the perspective of the childs anger. Metamorphosis Chapter 1, a worm fanfic | FanFiction It was like finger painting, and Emma was so soft. +2 more. At the time Taylor thought her only power was to sense other parahumans. Taylor Hebert gets rather more than she bargained for when she falls asleep in the locker. LBD was inspired by a raunchy Hamilton college AU :V It has little to no ties to the source material (either the musical or history) other than characters, but it's amazing. Confirmed by Chapter 41, The Shadow Youkai, whose only an AVATAR of a fallen angel is stronger than Yuuka. The catch is that she's not acting very rationally herself, despite what she thinks. You guys are awesome, and I hope you got some decent recommendations out of this. It was my door, the one to my bedroom at home, seen from the outside. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Worm CYOA V6. Lovecraft story. But Taylor's voice isn't the only thing that changes about Taylor. Is a story about Taylor a Worm fanfiction if she, and other characters in the story, have significantly different characterizations from canon? It created the. I've seen it a few times regarding OC fics set in another city. 17. 38, Sanae is utterly unwilling to let Reimu try to stop the scuffle between. 12. I find myself agreeing with a lot of the comments on my post, but the some of them feel like they disagree with me. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. An AU, Taylor Hebert loses the capacity for speech after the locker incident. In literature, most things are subjective even if they feel objective. Especially once they see the tail. Ultimately though, this is all very subjective. The world is so rich and realised that a person might see that Brockton Bay and every cape there in aren't needed to carry Worm. bringing Satori to the battle against Yuuka. 31. This doesn't mean that there aren't objective core elements that make up a character, but we decide how we read this core elements. I don't know about that, I know a guy who lives in a dinghy that claims he can publish anything. It is a TINO without her powers, with hardly any mention to her backstory, and in a different world. Wait. It seems that whenever you're brought up, people are either deathly afraid of you or they want you to throw them down and jump their bones. I've read Cape in Konoha and a Wand for Skitter so far. A. Yukari, during the second part of The Storm chapter, goes ", Yuuka's separated forms are described to have. The shout of joy I let out was entirely justified, but I stifled any further sounds after seeing the birds outside rustle their feathers. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Guy wakes up in Brockton Bay, in a different body and with stranger memories. And when the story hits, it hits hard. I didn't care. Rapid Eye Movements 2. No monsters wearing fleshy masks, no painful memories, nothing. Prologue: Imagone 0.1 This fic provides examples of: Accidental Murder: The first person Taylor claimed was Sophia/Shadow Stalker. As a world constantly on the verge of being attacked, it would be a hotbed of negative emotions and imagination.Ripe, fertile grounds for an Angel to set up his own game, and maybe upset the table a little bit. This work could have adult content. As an example, I've read Harry Potter fanfics that use none of the canon characters but are set in the Harry Potter world and use worldbuilding elements. She's just trying to get Marisa arrested because Remilia was pressing charges. Eyes Wide Shut 1.6 And depending on where you fall on the spectrum, you might find Taylor annoying in her distrust or feel that she's right to. Now. And when the story hits, it hits hard. 37. Stones taller than me were scattered around like toys, and decay hung around the castle like fog. As they get older and she undergoes changes, their relationship changes as well. Overkill - Taylor is transported to the Pre Clone Wars Star Wars universe after the GM. , , . I do not own the characters, setting, or lore utilized in the creation of this piece. As Real As Anything 3. 21. 39, this is the only hope for Kanako and Nitori. They separately deal with its aftermath, trying to understand what led to their misunderstanding in the first place. Who is the most dangerous being (most likely to cause harm) in Gensokyo? All of these things are mainly due to her. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from And she's appropriately. He has no idea what Worm is and how to react to this new reality. Hannah and Danny being awkward teenagers despite being badasses! 27. The precise time and place that Taylor Hebert was fatally wounded whilst caught in the crossfire between the ABB and the E88. Chapter 1 specifically had me feeling sick. Warfare! Peel, which is basically Worm with Pact's magic instead of powers. SoIt's been a while since I read 1.2. I closed my eyes and prepared to wake up. That was time travel, not reincarnation/transmigration. As much as it feels like certain characters should be read certain ways, this is often not the case, and people put more weight in aspects of the character that speak to them the most, and either give or take slack away depending on our experiences. She outright states that there are those worse than herself out there. It's a dual bitching & studding fic, y'all! mocks Remilia about Flandre's "death", rubbing salt in the wound. For more information, please see our As Real As Anything 3.1 ihealth covid test expiration date ready to paint ceramic christmas village mecum motorcycle auction 2023 Taylor gains her canon future self's memory in an AU Earth Bet setting where she just triggered with canon plus powers. Monster has excellent fight scenes and internal characterization, and its nice to see a story where openly discussing your plan DOESNT doom it for the sake of drama, but my favorite part is how it ties in with its companion piece, How I Met Your Monster. Please consider turning it on! Posting/advertising your own story is allowed. Sliding Scale of Silliness vs. Huh? Hoping, dreaming that it might be something else, someplace warm and safe, I opened the door. As Real As Anything 3.3 The Shadow Youkai is just getting stronger too because of the inevitable power of Rin Satsuki copying legendary people's abilities. . And huge. Also notable for going deep into an explanation of how Taylors power works in a way that is extremely interesting instead of dull as rocks. Most of you would, again, probably agree that both stories would be Worm fanfics. Also has a very emotional scene that comes out of nowhere. To end this post, I would just like to encourage people to be mindful of the fact that though a fic might not fit in what you see as a Worm fanfiction, it likely fits into another persons view. But for better or worse he is a tinker with the tech tree of NOD GDI and Scrin technology. to those who like darker stories. But as they say, when you hit the bottom there is no way but up. I supposed knowing that it was a dream helped. It's been long enough on this story that I had to reread it to remember what's going on, and it was annoying to have to scan through to find the recent chapters. Rebecca is also an excellent extrapolation from canon of how she would be like in an AU without powers. The story zigzags between somber characterization and comedic misunderstandings, giving it a somewhat unique tone among Worm fanfic, and the prison setting makes for some interesting story developments. Yet, it still manages some occasional funny moments, and Earn Your Happy Ending is not out of the question (much like another Touhou Dark Fic). In general, a fanfiction is anything that uses the characters and/or setting or an original work. Pretty sure it only counts if it's about going for a morning run and ogling a cute dude. I think that's just a factor of the audience this fandom attracts. Glad it's not dead. Nothing had changed. But you should engage with a work on its terms before judging it anyhow (first step is reading it), and if you don't do that, your opinion isn't actually validit's a preconceived notion you developed based on other works in that genre or your conception of those works. Words: 14k. Savage Khepri - Post GM Taylor gets transported into the body of a 12 year old in the world of Savage Divinity, a xianxia web novel. Worm fanfic is defined as stories intended to be Worm fanfic. ", "What does she think she's doing?" I stopped after a while, throat raw. Subarashiki Kono Sekai | The World Ends With You (Video Games), Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl/Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Read, *What's wrong with D'Vorah's looks? Takes the Panacea goes off the rails idea and applies it in a veryunique way. The Worm setting is mostly window dressing, but does a good job at showing how little the struggles of even more-than-mortal men matter in the face of incomprehensible horrors.