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The event, The United Community Bank Foundation recently donated $2,500 to Hope 4 Hearts, which helps low income working single mothers and their childre, Harbin Clinic ophthalmologist Dr. Paul Harton has been selected as a 2023 Castle Connolly Top Doctor. /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /DCTDecode ] /Height 136 /Length 3185 /Subtype /Image The incident occurred on Feb. 12 at a location on South Blanche Avenue. Atrium Health Floyd Medical Center Heyman Hospice Care will sponsor a free support group in Summerville that will last six weeks. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Two teens arrested for Feb. 11 shooting at Calhoun Walmart Feb . Mize was initially arrested earlier this week in connection with the burglary of a business on Berry Highway. 24 0 obj 3 0 obj He also met with Patrick George Zaki, an Egyptian activist studying in Bologna who had been detained for nearly two years. Floyd County 4-H brings home first place in Georgia LifeSmarts Championship. stream An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. 10 0 obj stream Rome police were called to the Rodeway Inn Thursday morning after the owner reported that approximately $35,000 was stolen from an account since November, reports state. The new year is shaping up to be the most exciting Rome International Film Festival since its founding 20 years ago. A 65-year-old man pleaded guilty to arson and insurance fraud charges in connection with a The Dirt Doctor Radio Show. For the sake of the story, we'll call her Melba. /Type /XObject /Width 104 See more of WRGA Rome's NewsTalk on Facebook. << Maybe that fascination is mostly centered , Bush Arbor Baptist Church, 3290 Blacks Bluff Road, has Sunday school at 10 a.m. and morning service at 11 a.m. Pastor Buddy Carter and the me. endobj /Font 1 0 R /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << /Type /XObject /Width 104 Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023-6:50 p.m. -Adam Carey, Rome News-Tribune-. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. northern cricket league professionals; breaux bridge jail inmates; virtualbox ubuntu failed to start snap daemon; len and brenda credlin endobj Polk County Arrest Report Thursday May 26 2022. by Staff Reports | May 26, 2022 | Arrest Reports, Polk News | 0 |. 15 0 obj 59F. A Rome man was arrested Sunday and charged with making terroristic threats during an incident Saturday afternoon on North Blanche Avenue, reports state. Polk Police: Rome man jailed following pursuit that saw speeds of 120 mph on U.S. 278 near Rockmart. /BaseFont /Helvetica /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /Name /F1 /Subtype /Type1 /Type /Font UPDATE: Turner McCall open, Police investigating fatal wreck Northwest Georgia News. WRGA is your home for NewsTalk including Brian Kilmeade, Erick Erickson, Sean Hannity and local news for Floyd and surrounding counties throughout the . /Type /XObject /Width 104 /Type /XObject /Width 104 << According to Floyd County Jail Reports, 17-year-old Rodrigo Valentin Chavez of Rome was arrested at a McHenry Drive address after he was recorded severely beating up a 6-month-old puppy with a stick. The Dirt Doctor Radio Show. 9 0 obj Friday arrest reports. WRGA is your home for NewsTalk including Brian Kilmeade, Erick Erickson, Sean Hannity and local news for Floyd and surrounding counties throughout the . A resident of Rome, Melba received a phone call informing her that a Floyd County deputy was . /Type /XObject /Width 96 Prendre Des Nouvelles D'un Ancien Collegue, Permanent Restrictions After Knee Replacement. 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By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. A 70-year-old Rome man was jailed Thursday on a felony warrant charging him with aggravated assault. Browse, search and view arrests records. /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /DCTDecode ] /Height 136 /Length 3456 /Subtype /Image $41 Million Affordable Housing Project Underway In Rome - WIBX AM 950 ( . Alto Terrell Moore Jr, 17 of Rome, was arrested at Rome High School this week after reports said he hit a 16 year-old in the mouth, resulting in him having to get stitches. The prog. Catalog; For You; Rome News-Tribune. Facebook. The A Rome man faces seven counts following a chase that saw speeds of 120-mph on Saturday afternoon, according to the Polk County Police Department. waking up with the wolf wpdh smoked coffee beans on pellet smoker June 9, 20228:38 a.m. NEWS RELEASE. River City Bank is pleased to welcome Ella Givens as marketing and community relations manager. Atrium Health Floyd hosts grief support group in Chattooga County, Bosom Buddies breast cancer support group hosted at AdventHealth Redmond, Emalee Collins places 2nd at state Speech and Debate tournament, Guzman promoted, new communications manager at IP's Rome Containerboard Mill, Howard County schools gearing up for international robotics competition, Beaufort Memorial says new procedure can be 'new lease on life' for those with neck pain, BOYS BB: Blue Devils, Argylls set for semifinal clash after opening-round wins, Three-car crash in Malta results in two aggravated DWI arrests, Herbein + Co. Inc. receives 2023 Best of Accounting award, German Social Democrats won't penalize Schrder for Russia ties, Monitor: Mine blast kills at least eight people in eastern Lebanon, Disneys Tron Q&A: Everything you need to know about Magic Kingdoms new roller coaster, Website ranks Shorter University sports management program at No. Country: Italy. Daniel Hannan: Johnson has a chance to recover. 23 0 obj << See more of WRGA Rome's NewsTalk on Facebook. With one search you can discover felony records and other court records. << /Type /Page stream /Contents 38 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 37 0 R /Resources << Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023--6:50 p.m. -Adam Carey, Rome News-Tribune- A parole hearing for convicted killer Judith Ann Neelley is scheduled for May in Alabama. - Xranks. >> /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /Name /F4 /Subtype /Type1 /Type /Font Man arrested after driving Maserati down Rome's Spanish Steps. >> stream stream Jules Verne / Crov kurier; Jules Verne-Patnctilet kapitn Ayuda sobre accesibilidad. stream But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /DCTDecode ] /Height 136 /Length 3446 /Subtype /Image wrga rome news arrests. Install our app and get instant access to our unique content, features and more! endobj howard funeral home mcrae ga waking up with the wolf wpdh. @D5R)>*ZU9X[_46IgSGF;isW2"#S)[bDML^`5.24_c0i@]-=B:^@$R~>endstream Man Arrested in E Rome Drive-thru with Unbottled Pills After Falling Asleep in Van >> DETAILS, ARREST PICS & CHARGES . /Type /Page Dr. Lance Barry was among four recently appointed to the Georgia Highlands College Foundation Board of Trustees. >> According to the Rome Police Department report, an employee at Domino's Pizza on Shorter Avenue told officers that she was making a delivery - and as she was walking up to the house, she was approached by two men armed with . He is accused oftransporting Edwards while he knew there was an arrest warrant against him. >> Jimmy Robinson Harper Jr, 40 of Rome, was arrested this week after reports said he ran from police during a traffic stop for a window tint violation. Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about, Looking for a source we don't already have? June 9, 20228:38 a.m. NEWS RELEASE. Would you like to receive our daily news in your inbox? NEWS IN BRIEF: June 9, 2022 - In Your Area ( . 2 0 obj WRGA AM 1470 and W254CF FM 98.7 ( " News Talk 98.7 and AM 1470 ") is a radio station broadcasting a news talk information format. endobj - Cleared by Arrest Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023--10:30 a.m. -Floyd County Jail records- Man charged in shoplifting incidents at Home Depot, Dunham's A 44-year-old Rome man is facing felony and misdemeanor charges in connection with shoplifting incidents at the Home Deport on Hicks Drive. >> WRGA is your home for NewsTalk including Brian Kilmeade, Erick Erickson, Sean Hannity and The Warner Robins Police Department is committed to fairness, compassion and excellence; providing police services in accordance with the law, while being sensitive to the needs of the public we serve. Meloni, in office just three months, is the top European official to land in oil-rich Libya. - Xranks. MORE LOCAL NEWS FROM CBS BOSTON. 17 0 obj Today's first headlines: Please click here for all today's headlines. Bartow News 1. >> /Rotate 0 /Trans << /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /DCTDecode ] /Height 136 /Length 3446 /Subtype /Image >> /Contents 41 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 37 0 R /Resources << NEWS IN BRIEF: June 9, 2022 - In Your Area ( . Complementa tu oferta -y utilzalo como estrategia de ventas- ofreciendo murales a base de pinturas libres de sustancias txicas y otros elementos decorativos, como cenefas, lmparas y mviles. Install our app and get instant access to our unique content, features and more! Rome, Jun 10 (EFE).-. /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /DCTDecode ] /Height 136 /Length 3115 /Subtype /Image s4IA0!"_al8O`[\!;#6tJ?#m^kH'FbHY$Odmc'+Yct)BU"@)B9_>,VCGe+tOrY*%3`p/2/e81c-:%3B]>W4>&EH1B6)/6NIK"#n.1M(_$ok1*IV\1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,AmF!"fJ:L]D)j!?qLF&HMtG!WU(10ZOeE%*6F"?A;UOtZ1LbBV#mqFa(`=5V&OjQ5OekiqC&o(2MHp@n@XqZ"J6*ru?D!%;)SAnPdkC3+K>G'A1VH@gd&KnbA=M2II[Pa.Q$R$jD;USO``Vl6SpZEppG[^WcW]#)A'`Q#s>ai`&\eCE.%f\,!#35jcP-=%'q"*=.4AhiX*./q-Kb0Ybr=EP*+SrE!jZG.DNt_a/+"FtjgIB9=,L8JQa`%BGj*&9Ko&8@:=NBh4jkSGIQ47fZ$\^;>O+=r8rNnjrFBQ@Rb4E,^KOmkBmH?TqU%l'!)ta(pSRncI;:j5RV@rcSBqKUnLMQk!1Gd/i4mMu"4235f"BCC;m[>97nhIJ&D]o@p#O'MjHP6l;9qksgoqrGFKH],#2P9P^m-Y3nqksGoXpn(+e^0b!l?Dl4S!mU3#^$iG:^9*dUQs!AbQ^T@j48iZge"pj_Z7MKH3!IU=80g"`4mja.:U'TlW?^e[rS)m$Q]NS['^@DF"!.?sk6Ym@0!j!X]SIJVi+C"Eqfn]\9^_^Y;VHoopG1oN%nY3t8!`k[7F$Qbgar@:EU@uh2/\a+!N.FeP6/aS:M\2qRFBDjCNp?adBYGlW.2/5[C/Vh378Xh5bk/2dWXQ3F5Ee*Q&H,I@FDKo9#k!YDfUQ]8j@dI,rn0ZXR?^GX2m9#q`d3G7Zk47rr:R*)*fp=h`Zt,_j)'!9=Uk)aa)R5JudUS!lo,Wkb3::PAeFTq:7`cYjCq(IWaOJ%]^Z9.BE\S:iZ1Y+V`SB(j`%LL%[gg0OD;):&h8%i\0%B]T7mu81XCfYCUl?X#65*n#eb:TQ%]8_j/EK2O1V:pc%O`7J!oZ&eC. s4IA0!"_al8O`[\!;#6tJ?#m^kH'FbHY$Odmc'+Yct)BU"@)B9_>,VCGe+tOrY*%3`p/2/e81c-:%3B]>W4>&EH1B6)/6NIK"#n.1M(_$ok1*IV\1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,AmF!"fJ:L]Cfb!?qLF&HMtG!WU(10ZOeE%*6F"?A;UOtZ1LbBV#mqFa(`=5V&OjQ5OekiqC&o(2MHp@n@XqZ"J6*ru?D!%;)SAnPdkC3+K>G'A1VH@gd&KnbA=M2II[Pa.Q$R$jD;USO``Vl6SpZEppG[^WcW]#)A'`Q#s>ai`&\eCE.%f\,!#&7_)n=S!qk5h/RA(?9QF6e#Q(28YYfGjooDlUsC[',W'I--S6.m6==+HmMX?Ct'k4;(?S![9K@bY(A_^XO7EuQm+@r>7hme@.%PR:[:NbBH]T-u=58:tk?TcXMXpP+-QBSg5HPm.^rBl8#nqo]1[iJoCipfOC&N`gBmW2=;GSjY**Br3+k9_A+d59lG<5@$dk)1=0Il`fdTAC@P8%PJnmg+SDr?W[N_&bnE,o^B>bWZZ@%_]k'pY_53d[mB/lC_OncV%br$aLFPJnQ2P#Bsu_i/(=_pTkJ1d`76a.ispdI1D"Oa\[UE/BC@[h5]5e7[!R7^[nP*@=hLp=V&5@9(4B>2Ut5@P#"':Q&Cr_]p@G.. 383 were here. /Contents 40 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 37 0 R /Resources << A Lindale woman is accused of fleeing from police while she was driving a stolen vehicle early Sunday morning. According to an arrest w Signup today! Chavez is charged with cruelty to animals. Along w. << >> Edwards and Johnson are also charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor for conspiring and transporting juveniles who committed ten felonies where firearms were stolen. The consul general of Switzerland for the Southeast visited Rome Thursday to tour two locally-operated Swiss companies and was given a key to , Dr. Michael Flueckiger presented to the Greater Rome Board of REALTORS on Wednesday as the featured speaker of the organizations monthly lunc, Floyd County 4-H outsmarted the competition and brought home first place at the varsity level of the Georgia LifeSmarts Championship. City Commissioners celebrated Rome's Black history and leaders, those who are still with us and those who have passed into history. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. /Contents 40 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 37 0 R /Resources << stream /Type /XObject /Width 104 KNIHY NA TANIE. The Calhoun Times reports that a 15-year-old was shot in the leg on Feb. 11 during an interaction with individuals thought to be from out of town. Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner John F. King announced today that Jessica Church, 41, of Rome, has been arrested for Insurance Fraud, Forgery, Conspiracy, Concealing the Identity of a Vehicle, and Tampering with Evidence. Coosa Valley Tennis Associations Jaleel Riaz recently received the Iberia Bank Tennis Professional of the Year Award at the USTA Georgia annu, Pepperell FFA members Andrea Almaras and Tanna Stamey were named finalists of the Sub-Area 1 FFA Speaking Career Development Events. A Cedartown man was booked into the Floyd County Jail Tuesday on felony warrants charging him with aggravated assault and aggravated battery. . Log In. >> Local News Now -- Northwest Georgia's local source for news. Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023-10:27 a.m. -Calhoun Times-. >> /Rotate 0 /Trans << Mize is charged with burglary, theft by taking, criminal trespass, and possession of a handgun by someone under the age of 18. stream A Rome teen has been charged in connection with a second burglary. /Type /XObject /Width 104 . Error! >> endobj >> /Rotate 0 /Trans << Facebook. FYi WRGA Finally Cuts Ties with Homeyclown Headlines >> WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: . endobj Hours. With one search you can discover felony records and other court records. See more of WRGA Rome's NewsTalk on Facebook. FBI arrests Pa. woman who raided Capitol and said she wanted to shoot Pelosi 'in the friggin brain' Dawn Bancroft was arrested along with a friend who entered the building with her Correo electrnico o telfono: Contrasea Olvidaste tu cuenta? >> 32-year-old Candice Shepherd Bearden put her hands under the female victims clothes. Feb 23, 2023. /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /DCTDecode ] /Height 136 /Length 2850 /Subtype /Image The property taken in these thefts included six stolen pistols, $900 in cash as well as illegal drugs. @/55$V1YYA5c@9`B,pkT.eGS(+BRW9ioE\.-/_WkXI&tVOC3endstream 28 0 obj >> Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl - free people search website. predator (1987 full movie 123) leave the porch light on country song the double date. /Type /Page stream (!A-i^4rY^l;4446X>Ek3Z;78Jhf,Q%lD'XNjS:A'OruJ^6AX@cXKDke%+[JO5j(f&9)A`jO+(E";q90=>:%#Nn!+;S%op15QEflHW">fMK&4Uk(!F[Ubl!N4&]k1RbVsL#WQXHdLf(]=At$K#-"M0S)0YE!&Uf/D2.2C"Ykch!BHrn"WtT04XgBIeth\,qGW.W5R]JI*jeiGTo[Bc.&6qYmo7r6M?%'&U`<6#!&tljE_3!_?q:eBN-N;U;?7"(K%sa275,ZL'N,&5f`~>endstream He and his wife, Penny, moved to Rome in 2021 and reside downtown. The Captured House exhibition opened on Friday in Rome to showcase the works by Ukrainian contemporary artists documenting the war in Ukraine and encouraging international audiences to reflect on the conflict. Polk Police: Rome man jailed following pursuit that saw speeds of 120 mph on U.S. 278 near Rockmart. DOMOV; Vydaj si svoju knihu. 11 0 obj Polk-County-Arrest-Report-Thursday-May, Porque Me Pongo Nerviosa Cuando Veo A Mi Novio, Non Official Statistics Sociology Advantages And Disadvantages, Franchise Tax Board Sacramento Fax Number. /Type /XObject /Width 104 /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /DCTDecode ] /Height 136 /Length 2937 /Subtype /Image endobj /FormXob.04c33c85b0a8e80630eb3b8bba72b9cf 15 0 R /FormXob.11fe776588ea750067372f10a30e318c 16 0 R /FormXob.122c5267d40cc29f06f936e6e011ce4d 18 0 R /FormXob.c47e5bf2bad20c0cdca56f3de7524323 14 0 R /FormXob.f594300d2da53dc53af863e00d5fbabe 17 0 R 66F. Postup; Ako na audioknihu; Ako si vyda dielo sm? Alabama Teachers Credit Union Hero of the Quarter, Buttram, Hawkins, & Hopper Scoreboard Show. 1, Marine Corps League installs officers, issues awards, Hodge to represent 14th Congressional District on Georgia Department of Community Affairs board, Ivan Tran of Rome named to dean's list at the Citadel, Coosa High student Caitlin Nguyen receives scholarship to Yale University, GNTC announces POST Instructor School graduates, Add getting vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia to your heart-healthy checklist, Partnering with the pros: How to get your lawn ready for spring, 5 unexpected ways lawns benefit our communities. Rome had several competitors qualify for the GHSA state swim meet over the weekend at Georgia Tech, and those that made the trip performed well against Georgia's best. In this role, Ella will support the strategic , The consul general of Switzerland for the Southeast visited Rome Thursday to tour two locally-operated Swiss companies and was given a key to , Dr. Michael Flueckiger presented to the Greater Rome Board of REALTORS on Wednesday as the featured speaker of the organizations monthly lunc, Floyd County 4-H outsmarted the competition and brought home first place at the varsity level of the Georgia LifeSmarts Championship. endobj "Operation EXPO" nets four arrests for meth trafficking, conspiracy, and firearms offenses in Gordon County. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Rome, Italy. Every day, a different young artist's artwork is featured on the front page of the Rome News-Tribune. The two men made off with the vehicle and $6 cash; the light-up Dominos Pizza sign from the vehicle was recovered and returned to the business. Friday arrest reports. /Type /XObject /Width 96 Create new account. By John Bailey Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. << >> "Zb^ZM+K<6q>%eVYn'g9eA7k4H8"\fXB*\';?OS`"W]E.7^%NGOaJtD$'"Yau4;Z\J7+GV%u0cQ[]m^68\!i-a-l=4XR4XgfdN!1:T'a-:'J#*h[)D;QanoE(j0.NgIsV&cKH&E7MPeVorK7Di`6#E7"aY2;)d%%Pg`Eb\_QAse9nendstream Posted by Staff Reports | Jun 10, 2022 | Floyd News, Top Local News | 0 | Derek Edward Weeks, 57 of Rome, was arrested this week after reports said he imprisoned and attacked a 58 year-old woman. Never be without your favorite radio station. << It should feel like a warm spring day on Sunday when Chieftains Museum hosts its Family Free Day and 10th Annual Outdoor Seed Swap. 305 East Sixth Avenue Rome, GA 30161 Phone: 706-290-5252 Email: (706)291-9496 [phone] Main Studio Address: 20 John Davenport Dr. SW. Rome, GA 30165. It does not store any personal data. 7 min ago. A 32-year-old Silver Creek man was arrested Tuesday after cutting another man with a knife during a fight on Dodd Boulevard. Swerve: Off the Path, an eclectic art studio on Broad Street, offering a variety of art events, parties, classes and workshops. 37-year-old Jason Lee Timms knocked a woman to the ground with such force that it broke the victims collarbone. /Type /XObject /Width 104 Listen to us at work, home or on the road. endobj /Contents 41 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 37 0 R /Resources << 8 huge unanswered questions in Boris Johnsons buy a house on benefits shake-up - The Mirror ( . Teams co, In recognition of his dedication to reaching students through innovative teaching practices, Steve Stuglin, associate professor of communicati, Dr. Pamela Obi has always enjoyed writing, and after giving birth to four children, it just seems natural that a kids book would show up in he, Two Floyd County high schools and Rome High School were among a select group of 273 high schools across the state honored by State School Supe, Toles, Temple & Wright, Inc. recently hosted a two-week fundraiser encouraging members of the community, including TTW agents, to Pony Up. << Wrga-Rome's News-Talk - Studio Line is located at 20 John Davenport Dr NW in Rome, GA - Floyd County and is a business listed in the categories Radio . >> 16 0 obj Ir a. Secciones de esta pgina. A Birmingham man was arrested Wednesday night by detectives after he traveled to Rome for the purpose of having sex with a teen and then flying her away to Oregon. 27 0 obj Judith Ann Neelley Neelley was originally sentenced to death in the electric chair for the torture, rape, and slaying of 13-year-old /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /DCTDecode ] /Height 136 /Length 2785 /Subtype /Image /Filter [ /FlateDecode ] /Length 709 (!HBt=]dPlG#+23@!iZ1$5Bplso$a+VoY"8#:)8K!d7#`,,@ND'd7"bbs4I~>endstream WRGA News is proud to present our OFFICIAL FREE radio app. << s4IA0!"_al8O`[\!;#6tJ?#m^kH'FbHY$Odmc'+Yct)BU"@)B9_>,VCGe+tOrY*%3`p/2/e81c-:%3B]>W4>&EH1B6)/6NIK"#n.1M(_$ok1*IV\1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,AmF!"fJ:L]D)j!?qLF&HMtG!WU(10ZOeE%*6F"?A;UOtZ1LbBV#mqFa(`=5V&OjQ5OekiqC&o(2MHp@n@XqZ"J6*ru?D!%;)SAnPdkC3+K>G'A1VH@gd&KnbA=M2II[Pa.Q$R$jD;USO``Vl6SpZEppG[^WcW]#)A'`Q#s>ai`&\eCE.%f\,!"RhCd2tk_-;"7tM*K]T\CkiAI6bm1n-OVL7SHj`XH&IKuM,?;/hh`"mAY*";J:Dr`Y;=t4]qQGlbE>Km?70]:/!^F/_%SM!%(u,#Ep$\ZSp&7;W4%%"#^7;Ck_gIT9l]qHfd.^GMJ47h(t-Nn'o`HhZ!3qb*LA6:a%`.nM#6MUC)QJQsnR5,m8Y,`,W5$iq)V=#iY>75m&%"-%NJ)Mt*J2-&g"4Oc#EltP)_-LmP!pm1-=!Z6R1D?Y+IQ>e?i`DK0rIC_Z"=O\Fq.pYk[`(UUS^hBMKRQTdEhYeoK3dRF>eC337g]\dR5]34HIMH72?7jURiX%7OG3'TL7OsYN+N;/B@jA[5NQs.cB]]&PL'TpOE>k[9dk5iu5#FNn"8&Th9*oK.g-cDQL"oI/k*"lP-uJ`[hp+A7HX0r;U#2+_YVf_ShJ#+*(NA`Oi)XR5l=q(d>=?`4M"#FFjEIS5e"U6/dJj)&YkH(7XH*^k#5WK>F;Vs*k8B=_5n_K=o6A.`-s]FPXbUFWq+n3XL;e5J@OSYNROq#?;qm`eE>O`G^b^X/Z[#MR9i-_90.7kU0mneR7WRtIr6#?\F+]."/;-S?!Pr>I#6RC!i%\nRM_6-\ejl7K`!-Hg_D_p3cRKqS&pDrQ[WuKN%S`Q2gDTkYtHXjF7^k8.eg7[%[5.25pLJj"$Z2b1Q#P$&:Zdq!u[h5*=q#2Fh;eG<=qb?)jJb#f#'oS4)aK;,RdaYiSPPeFrGHH'c]4$W?gUJZHN^`V1"FcX,fX[;'2TXPCc"L8FpCKBNOKUfKJj0i7V:a+]qIWe,a5SMN&^rodlP;`S/Dbb^K=5-Vp$;J%;!H(3khoO+:?*%=:j;;_/+7^lgg/l)L8A=DSlc.kKKWKQ'8m#4t[MS78?H!8*r00I!(,b@T.$o&Vr0uZ"H.rj1OVZW7YX\;?#E_?3!5.'fu.Q/5W/*M"&mEQ\n4_OoH0=q5Wm6s;I-*T0o!$aB*2a8O8.AZ(3:LT'94\Yts(oOt;1t$Oq!)dCLqnRXp! s4IA0!"_al8O`[\!;#6tJ?#m^kH'FbHY$Odmc'+Yct)BU"@)B9_>,VCGe+tOrY*%3`p/2/e81c-:%3B]>W4>&EH1B6)/6NIK"#n.1M(_$ok1*IV\1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,:U?1,AmF!"fJ:L]D)j!?qLF&HMtG!WU(10ZOeE%*6F"?A;UOtZ1LbBV#mqFa(`=5V&OjQ5OekiqC&o(2MHp@n@XqZ"J6*ru?D!%;)SAnPdkC3+K>G'A1VH@gd&KnbA=M2II[Pa.Q$R$jD;USO``Vl6SpZEppG[^WcW]#)A'`Q#s>ai`&\eCE.%f\,!U$[Zq7Z#%TE*0B$KPgXJX4-:`TgUM.nVrkWiD]e6KoZJ5s7XK^8du*Sk-0#8RGX]gJCV[g'6l6ulN!JDMY^FSYc!7`#_[?%aE!r&18afMUW?\_7ZH/rq;E';H$>D@3XS6))%8@Q$Y`[P'EQDo^oC9m1:P]/Q+6_7q:-Z/Ys)Xg^uDUX_A:)HIlu\33WAJ)/V=C=(!*Fb-RbP3#a92k5''31J,f16#msEMb:C(2J^QZjQm^6O\%Y=?qC\[jK8rPe&NVPQcKV_1tjAWo4pUZ#\/pkMZJ+a/jggH"8Vf&dhb9sgbKguba&Z%^^c''k]QA"7Ok.,22mL!SU/k$K$Z2XgM0gu(^d^KrfR[-mgk,T.rKL:01p01+#"!na+HIk4lM=4ucAPgf)m`.rPeY=p7e"ZNTIkGN-ZuE>7J9LS28kXRb$S-K*BGFe?+Eo\Pbk+eX'l*GANnh'5"/i82GHokq*Q6FeAqbd4Vi"XL95DW=1eQdg_&_hk_Y34QQFn]+`rJVg%o0O9UhU(B7l6ppIh>tsVUJ_CRuEVj:g-3e)c-b'dhP@MZuWLl+^$K9@/>)LR0[Ks.gkJt`h4MP3$!A:%j/rYG:(^8=$*NJFh"l;;>a#r5,,60CPu*2JR`p4gn'm9Mpk6WUTRH?@6'k6#c'7j=BO1ND'LCN^!;1UrGK7kBi[r9Ku!3)NrZ[J\!VHO?LfjSg5R3HfWm`P'fBg4[rT(4$+4u`9WDRG3@8`tg7nI!F0d)O)8?qD6sa5!^V5$cdKA=&9s6(>Etu*NmK[^5(rg*HG[`Do3J`eX'S7jI?)Rd+C#]c=[Wq5hK!AuViNCjPucl^+Tui'joF#*ElY(!o\_INb@rOr>Sm8-#MgQ$Ljkc'rk.\A/GCW1]II+XEBH-3a,EQ`.HS.AjZK3.F2S)9X7>!1N)jm0q-b%dNOe2G`Ro#[qV_ZQjTTP\?+K5?HuS%l#mAq1Suo'=*"(_gJY\:&aB'l,HY9!Q_qqS,Bt%kl:kaOh[g`#>8T#qI)mFd7HR(s5! According to the Rome Police Department report, an employee at Dominos Pizza on Shorter Avenue told officers that she was making a delivery and as she was walking up to the house, she was approached by two men armed with handguns. Melba called Ms. Penson in tears one afternoon. airlines serving Rome, Italy; hotels near Rome, Italy; airports near Rome, Italy; cities near Rome, Italy; Driving distance calculator. Mrs. Joan Amelia Madden, age 79, of Rome, passed away on Thursday, February 16, 2023, at a local hospital. >> /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /DCTDecode ] /Height 136 /Length 3050 /Subtype /Image /Type /Page Region: Lazio. 24 0 obj Twenty-two students recently graduated from Georgia Northwestern Technical Colleges Law Enforcement Academy P.O.S.T. << stream << >> 8 0 obj According to Floyd County Jail Records, Tyler Landon Murphy of an Alabama Highway address allegedly assaulted a 28-year-old victim (causing visible injuries) at a residence on Brandon Lane early Sunday morning. In total, 30 stories have been published about Rome, Georgia which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. 5 0 obj 18 0 obj /FormXob.3953a392e77aefd7a64754e6a29c984c 5 0 R /FormXob.a44bc372345aa8b26aacfe65c919ef13 8 0 R /FormXob.abe446ecad0b74aa46d88aed8bc07df0 4 0 R /FormXob.c34317bc9c6c5d1420d345edbc9827ec 6 0 R /FormXob.d497aa0364f150adbd8742175e22a7bd 7 0 R /Type /XObject /Width 104 You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. /Font 1 0 R /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << >> Timms also held the woman to the ground and strangled her. See more of WRGA Rome's NewsTalk on Facebook. Rome, GA. 70-year-old arrested for assaulting woman. Pepperell High School senior Nolan Ely recently won the Kiwanis District Hayden Student Leadership Medallion. xy\T|00#0:LDq0 M$n1iLYP$Mhb&mbI4m$O*w}!o,\[^q GCWnlvgEUkXp~ stream Remember to stop at Georgias Rome Gift Shop for more unique finds from local artists! 36-year-oldJason Earl Edwardswas arrested Monday and charged with 14 counts of felony entering a motor vehicle to commit a felony and theft by taking from a motor vehicle. >> /Rotate 0 /Trans << Four people, including two juveniles, were arrested for entering 14 unlocked vehicles in West Rome, Armuchee, and Coosa and stealing items, including several firearms, from inside the cars. 12 0 obj << << /Type /XObject /Width 104 Child Molestation Arrest, Franklin Eugene Duvall, NW Georgia News, WRGA A 39-year old Rome man has been arrested on warrants charging him with child molestation, o. Crear cuenta nueva.