The same is true as regards organs, Altars, stained-glass windows, crucifixes, and candles in our churches. Why not celebrate the Holy Communion every Sunday, say at eight or nine o’clock A. M.? By the beginning of the nineteenth century the destruction was complete. What is, and whence is, the marvelous “Gloria Deo in Excelsis”? His conference, he said, was about ready to begin using robes. John Citizen has schooled himself to wear a gray suit of readymade clothes and a derby and to carry an umbrella, but there are certain cells of his brain that yearn for a Plumed hat, a jeweled sword-hilt and golden spurs. 2. Let us rejoice, take hope, and thank God for every evidence of an increasing unity of faith, spirit, and purpose on the part of the Lutheran Church, both here and in Europe. At least one of our great metropolitan dailies commended the decision. Then you turned to us—and oh! It was worn by Luther, Paul Gerhardt, Bugenhagen, Olavus Petri, Laub, Bang, Heuch, and our own immediate forbears. Are the applications we present-day speakers make of the Law more searching, more convincing of the self-satisfied conscience of to-day than the piercing words of the old confession? First, the missionary, teaching service. I also ask for a suitable short hymn to introduce the Communion Service. It is done in the good old style of the dogmatician. No wonder an esthetic and refined soul longed for the simpler and more cheerful vestments of her church, than that black robe with its many shirrings and clumsy sleeves. She remembered nothing about hymns or music or sermon. One can always be kept neat and clean. Why not also have frequent evening Communions, say at seven-thirty or nine o’clock? Suffice to restate our premise: What Reformed kings had not finished, was completed by rationalism; and the historic church, which Luther wanted to name, “The Evangelical Christian Church,” became in its vestments and liturgy largely a copy of the Calvinistic sects. Luth. This inevitably led to the perversion of the sacramental element of worship, and the undue exaltation of the priesthood; and the whole service even to the Lord’s Supper came to be regarded as a sacrifice offered to God by the priest on behalf of the people. Chasubles can be made as part of set with a stole, with the design being incorporated onto both the chasuble and stole. Please, let us get away from home-designed robes. were invariably of a missionary character. Kretzmann says: “Acting upon the suggestion of Spener (one of the saner leaders of the Pietistic Movement), the public meetings of the congregation, public Communion and private confession were supplemented by private religious meetings in the home, private Communion and private conversation in the pastor’s study. For want of a better definition, we have spoken of, But it must not be forgotten that the Church also has an outward “visible” existence. consisted of reading and teaching the Word of God; of Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs; of supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks; of offerings or the common benefit, all culminating in the Lord’s Supper, with “the holy kiss,” and with the “agapes” or love-feasts These love-feasts soon were abused and fell into decay (I Cor. Among us it is not thought ‘Romish’ that our clergy wear the ‘chasuble’ at the Communion.”. But he does believe that God has called him through the action of that church which called him to be its pastor. He loves his flat or his bungalow, but all of him cannot live there. It is the historic heir of the ancient Church, thoroughly at home anywhere; speaking in any language; a part, even if a small part, of the Church universal of the ages. Of Common Service, p. 13 ff.) Some day there will be one Lutheran Church in America. During Holy Week and Good Fri day the beautiful “Good Shepherd” painting on the Altar was hidden by a frame covered with white cloth, upon which was a large black cross. Recent studies of church vestments are revealing that there is much historic warrant in Lutheran churches of all nationalities for the white vestment. At this point it may be worth noting that the beautiful old custom of changing the vestments (paramenta) on Altar and pulpit, with the church seasons, is coming into general use again. He cannot have had available very much material of value touching the interesting matter of vestments. The Church Historical Society of Denmark, n.d., 44 pp. The Roman Catholic confession, as adopted at Trent, dates from 1563. The one I now use was presented to me by the president of our Church, Dr. J. Some of his conclusions and assertions in the matter of church buildings, etc., are at times neither correct nor in keeping with the high idealism for which the author is such an able exponent. It is my wish, and is no doubt that of many others, that there might be more uniformity in our clerical robes. In 1528 he contended against fanatics again, and insisted on liberty to continue vestments, etc. (This confession is found on page 21 at the front of The Hymnary. Clergy Priest Church Vestments chasuble From Holy land Old City of Jerusalem . The clergy are robed in plain black robes, i. e., cassocks, over which are the neat white surplices and the stoles. ), 9. There must be some room for individual likes in the musical settings, just as there is in the symbolisms in our churches, the embroideries on our Altars, pulpits, and stoles. But I do ask that the deacon who assists at our Communion services, ordinarily be robed. I do not know of a Lutheran church in America where the 10:30 or 11 o’clock service is always conducted with the observance of the Communion. The ceremonies of the Mass are not all of one kind. This page uses cookie files to provide its services in accordance to, Covers for the breviary, icon, Holy Bible, I want to make a complaint about the product. Vestments teach important Christian truths about the ministry of the Gospel. A thorough knowledge of his church liturgy would soon teach him that. These last, further, are used infinitely oftener. If the pastor can have one book on Liturgics, by all means let him procure the above book. Today, we can seldom know from the outward appearance of the newer church buildings whether they have been erected by Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, or Methodists. What a glorious heritage we have! There never was, and there never will be a wholly perfect and spotless church upon earth until Christ shall come to claim His bride. There has therefore been an organism which we call the Church. This was the fundamental error of the Romish Church of the Middle Ages.” (P. 11 ff., Expl. (Joseph Braum: Die Liturgische Gewandung, Freiburg, 1907; Paul Graff: Geschichte der Auflösung der alten gottesdienstlichen Formen, Göttingen, 1921; A. Bugge & T. Kjelland: Alterskrud og Messeklær i Norge,” Oslo, 1919; Agnes Branting: Textilskrud i Svenska Kyrkar från ä1dre tid till 1900, Stockholm, 1920; P. Severinsen: De rette Messeklæder, Copenhagen, 1924. A liturgical service, properly carried out by properly vested minister and choir will stand the test to-day. They also wear chasubles. Christian Art, P. E. Kretzmann. Liturgical vestments have developed in a variety of fashions, some of which have become very ornate.

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