Due to heavy Ki strain Goku is unable to sustain the Super Saiyan 3 transformation for long periods of time. These are all his superior power levels and … After gaining his full power, Cell threatened the world and announced a tournament in ten days. Goku's first attempt at using the Kaio-Ken times 20 was against Jiren who was heavily suppressing most of his power. Only channeling half of his power it was enough to shock Piccolo, Vegeta & and Trunks. However, he has softer eyes, a kind demeanor, and a lighter pale skin complexion from his mother, Xeno Gine. His power spiked immensely. Work In Progress. This is one of the fanmade forms that is exclusive to everyone's favorite half-Saiyan scholar, Gohan. As a Super Saiyan Blue Goku is more powerful than Hit but as the battle progresses so does Hit's battle power and his time-skip ability. Before the Cell Games, Goku and Gohan trained to remain in their base Super Saiyan forms at all times to master their energy conservation. During his first battle with Baby Vegeta. Goku along with the rest of the Z-fighters trained during the 3 years after Trunks warned them about the Androids. That being said, the fact the energy required for this transformation came from Oob means Goku probably won't be able to readily access it again in the future. Occurs when Golden Frieza gets extremely angry, drastically increases his power, but due to the Ultimate Evolution's energy strain weakness, he was unable to maintain this form, also appears in Dragonball Heroes. Perhaps Xeno Goku's most distinguishing physical characteristic is his spiky black hair. In this video I discuss how strong goku might be in dragonball super. After the Frieza Saga, the only power level stated by a scouter is that of Future … After being put in near death situation Goku unleashes a powerful Kaio-ken x20 Kamehameha on Frieza but, Frieza is able to deflect it with just one hand. After his fight with Frieza Goku lands on planet Yardrat where he learns the Instant Transmission technique. Goku is now certain that he can take on Frieza. "Power levels" redirects here. Upon mastering Super Saiyan God and learning to control his Ki Goku was able to merge his Super Saiyan form with his God Ki which triggers the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan transformation or Super Saiyan Blue. Upon winning he powers up to Super Saiyan 2 which has little to no effect on Kid Buu. In the 2 years he was away he also received a Zenkai Boost. 75,000,000 (Kaio-ken) 100,000,000 (Kaio-ken x2; minimum) 150,000,000 (Kaio-ken x3; minimum) 200,000,000 (Kaio-ken x4; minimum) 500,000,000 (Kaio-ken x10; minimum) 1,000,000,000 (Kaio-ken x20; maximum) 5,000,000,000 (Kaio-ken x100; maximum) During the fight with the Ginyu Force Goku is able to one hit Recoome and toy around with Jeice & Burter. He sports … Goku ultimately ends up defeating Baby with his new found power. Goku & Vegeta learn to tap into their godly Ki while in there base forms thanks to their training with Whis on Beerus's planet. In the anime, Goku has absorbed the power of Super Saiyan God into his base form. Super Saiyan Goku 3.75 Billion Super Saiyan 2 Goku 7.5 Billion @sowhatsup435: dbs base goku can beat buu eaisly too, he beats final form frieza who is miles above buu. Vegeta states that 2 Super Saiyan 4's is still no match for Omega Shenron. While fighting against Captain Ginyu Goku powers up to Kaio-Ken times 2. Son Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball metaseries. (1 Kili= 1,000,000 x 3,000 = 3,000,000,000). That puts base goku dbs way above base goku gt. 0 Kudos The Living Tribunal1. He had grown up with Grandpa Gohan training, and thats why he was the most powerful child at the time. Goku had to stand up against the opponent who sent somebody that killed his best friend. Goku ssj3 is also obviously more powerful than lssj broly so gogeta's base form should have a power level way higher than that of lssj broly. After leaving Kami's lookout Goku & Gohan stop at Korin's tower he asks Korin if he can measure his power to see how he stacks up against Cell. Even more drastic speed decrease. Goku (Super Spirit Bomb) 240 Billion Goku (Battle of Gods Saga) 75,000,000 Lord Beerus states that it would be impossible for Goku to defeat Frieza in his base form. Once he is completely healed he receives a massive increase in power so much that even he couldn't believe it himself. Nothing more than that. He didn't change in power at all since the Red Ribbon Army arc, but his growth in ki was outstanding! Goku notes the chances of him doing it is roughly 10% and failure will likely kill him. Lord Beerus states that it would be impossible for Goku to defeat Frieza in his base form. Power-Weighted Perfect Cell [edit | edit source] 36,000,000,000 Perfect x4. This is a stomp since goku's base absorbed the ssg power. While iconic, Base Goku often discounts this form in order to transform into something far more super. In this form, there is seemingly no personality difference between their normal forms, and they seem as composed and level … Son Goku has gotten much more powerful, stronger than his old great ape form. 10:10, June 13, 2016. His original appearance is the same as his future timeline counterpart, being an above-average height Kai of slim built and green skin, and with a white Mohawk. Frost also does not have the full lips and wrinkles, has rounder and smoother ears, and does not have conc… Gohan spent a single day in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Goku and finally attained the Super Saiyan transformation. While fighting against Fat Buu Goku is holding back most of his power, later he admits that he could have beat him if he wanted to instead he wanted Goten and Trunks to do defeat Buu. Syn Shenron is quickly outmatched by Goku and his new power even while being blind from Eis's attack. After returning to that past a 3rd time Goku uses his full powered Super Saiyan Blue form to battle Zamasu who ends up fusing with Goku Black. 1,000,000,000 (Kaio-ken x20; maximum) Goku briefly transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 form while fighting Kale and Caulifla, but he reverts back to Super Saiyan 2 due to the forms massive energy output. After stealing the original present Goku's body, it underwent physical changes. Top is a tall and burly alien humanoid. Goku is now way stronger then he was on Namek. He spent all of Dragon Ball, after all, in this form (with a couple of noticeable exceptions). except it's by far margin Loading editor. Super Saiyan 3 is 4x stronger than a Super Saiyan 2 or 400 times the base power of it's user. Goku facing off of King Piccolos offspring. However, there are key differences from Frieza, most noticeably is that he is blue in skin color while his torso and head are pale-blue in color. Beerus states that it seems impossible that Goku could defeat Frieza in base. He is proven to be no match for Goku even after he is blinded by one of his attacks, Goku is still able to defeat him with only half of his power. During that time he teaches Gohan how to become a Super Saiyan and fully master the Super Saiyan form to conserve more energy while fighting. Goku uses his Super Saiyan form to take on Frost in the U6 tournament which proves to be more than a match for him. This puts Gohan in a spot that allows … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 75,000,000 (Kaio-ken) After gathering the energy of 5 pure hearted Saiyans and becoming a God. Goku is still using the old super sayen transformations in DBS on top of his regular form. Goku uses Super Saiyan 2 against Trunks who in his own time-line has also achieved Super Saiyan 2. 8.1 Piccolo Jr. Saga. After defeating Kid Buu, Goku works as a radish farmer before learning of the existence of the phenomenally powerful God of Destruction Beerus, and seeks to fight and surpas… H… 1 Emperor Pilaf Saga; 2 Tournament Saga; 3 Red Ribbon Saga; 4 General Blue Saga; 5 Commander Red Saga; 6 Fortuneteller Baba Saga; 7 Tenshinhan Saga; 8 Piccolo Daimao Saga. Goku in the stand off with Raditz, has taken off his weighted clothes. Trunks believes that Super Saiyan 3 Goku should be more than enough to defeat Goku Black. Howerver this isn't true according to v-jump. As a Super Saiyan 4 Goku is able to make short work of most of the Shadow Dragons until he meets Nuova Shenron, who is able to fight on par with Goku and even match his speed. Save changes Preview Cancel. 613,840,000,000,000 Broly's power would have increased far more than Goku/Vegeta's due to Broly being the LSS, and gaining power easily without ever training. However, in base form, he is at his lowest level of power. Goku is able to fight Beerus while he is using 70% of his power. When Goku transformed into an Oozaru in the Pilaf Saga. Vegeta believes that him and Goku have reached their limits due to their heavy training. In general, the power level of a regular person in the Dragon Ball universe seems to remain pretty constant throughout their life. Xeno Goku is a tall and muscular man. Super Saiyan 3 Goku is easily defeated by Lord Beerus with just the flick of his finger. Goku also achieved Super Saiyan 3 while training in Other World. Goku trained in Other World during the 7 Year time-skip after the Cell Games. … When Frieza kills Krillin and critically injures Piccolo, Goku, in anger, taps into his inner power reserves and transforms into a Super Saiyan. Goku was able to surpass Vegeta and Future Trunks's level in few short months of training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Goku was confused, but Raditz explained Goku was an alien, and he was sent to earth to destroy the whole planet! With Goku being alive it is much harder for his body to hold the Super Saiyan 3 transformation. He also sports two perpetually prominent veins on his head. Trunks test Goku strength by attacking him with his sword which Goku is able to stop with one finger. While on planet Yardrat the Yardrat's nurse Goku back to good health. Syn eventually absorbs all 6 Dragon Balls transforming him into Omega Shenron. After Goku & Vegeta play a game of rock, paper, scissors to decide who gets to fight buu first. Super Saiyan 4 Goku is unable to overcome the might of all 7 Shadow Dragons. It is stated that Kid Goku lost some of his power due to having a younger body. He is able to put up a good fight but he still isn't strong enough to defeat Perfect Cell who was holding a great deal of his power back at the time. R3: ssj super goku would win due to how strong he is and the multiplier from his base form. How so? Goku is forced to use the Kaio-Ken times 3 to fight Vegeta. Frieza proves to be no match for Super Saiyan Goku, until he reaches his maximum power then he is able to fight on par with Goku until his stamina starts to drain. After being beaten by Syn Shenron Goku is rescued by Goten, Gohan, Trunks and Uub. Goku taps into the Full Power of a Super Saiyan while fighting Cell. All we know is that Base Goku > SSJ3 Gotenks. His power multiplied by ten, and could destroy an entire castle. Goku also uses this form to take on Goku Black who is initially no match for Goku in his fully powered Super Saiyan 2 state. While fighting Yakon, Babadi's power meter reads Super Saiyan Goku at 3,000 kili's. Overall, the ability boost Goku gets from this new form -- which is not named in the chapter -- seems to greatly surpass that of Ultra Instinct Perfected. Kefla is completely outclassed by UI Goku in terms of speed and power but Whis states that goku is still thinking about his attacks which hinders his ability to land a powerful blow to Kefla. Goku is unable utilize the full power of his SS3 transformation, due to being in his child body. Goku trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Gohan for a whole year. Some people are able to increase their power levels faster than others; the most clear example of this is Goku or Gohan. This made him stronger than even Vegeta in his base form, allowing Gohan to handle Androids with ease. Goku ends up dodging Super Saiyan 2 Goku has gotten a lot stronger while training under King Kai in Other World. In a last ditch effort Goku borrows energy from Goten, Trunks, Gohan, & Pan. How much more is difficult to determine exactly, but his base form was enough to fight on par with post-training final form Frieza who has vastly outstripped most previous power levels. 5 SSJ Adult Gohan 500,000,000 (Kaio-ken x10; minimum) One of the pamphlets that list power levels Power Levels in V-Jump #1 (December 12, 1990) Ginyu estimates Goku's power level at around 60,000 Power levels of Cooler's Armored Squadron (Weekly Jump #25, 1991) OC Power Levels, Transformations, Extra's, And Canon&Non-Canon Transformations. Due to his training in 100 times gravity Goku can easily push his Kaio-Ken to 10 times while fighting Frieza, but it still proves to be no match for a heavily suppressed Frieza. Goku is able to put up a good fight but it is not enough to defeat the immortal fusion even with the use of the Kaio-Ken times 10. Kefla's most powerful attack and finishing her with a Kamehameha wave to the face. As a Super Saiyan 4 Goku is stronger than Super Android 17, until he absorbs the Kamehameha X10. 5 Trillion++ (Constantly Absorbing Blutz Waves). Super Saiyan Goku was able to briefly hold his own while battle Super 17. 150,000,000 (Kaio-ken x3; minimum) Goku briefly uses SS2 in DBGT to defeat General Rilldo. After Baby Vegeta had received A power-up from Bulma's Blutz waves he proved too much for even Super Saiyan 4 Goku. 5,000,000,000 (Kaio-ken x100; maximum), Was unable to use full power due to injuries, Said to be stronger than any other warrior,40,000x Super Saiyan, 4x Super Saiyan 2, 8x Super Saiyan, 400x Base Form, (Form temporarily taken in extremely dire circumstances), 1,000,000,000,000x God Base, 1,040,000,000,000x Base, 1.04x Super Saiayn God, 1,040,000,000,000x Base, 1.04x Super Saiyan God. Trnasformations and Form Multipliers From Base Forms. During the Universe 6 Tournament both Goku & Vegeta do not use their Godly Ki. Once this takes effect his power beings to rapidly drain causing his Super Saiyan form to fade. 100,000,000 (Kaio-ken x2; minimum) He has surpassed Gohan who didn't train at all, & Vegeta who has also been training during the 7 years of peace. Goku gives Trunks a quick glimpse of his Super Saiyan 3 power before knocking him out. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Forms and Power Ups Multipliers/Non-Canon, Characters who have had immeasurable power levels, https://dbpl.fandom.com/wiki/Goku?oldid=9338. ssj4 goku could beat base goku dbs. Goku admits that he was holding back at first only using 80% of his real power which would put Goku's battle power at 4.8 Quadrillion. Goku is able to dominate Vegeta which force him to get mad and try to blow up the Earth with his Galick Gun. While fighting against Golden Frieza at first Goku is no match for Frieza in his new form until he start to lose stamina. He is unable to focus his Ki to channel his full power in which Goku states would be enough to destroy Kid Buu. How does that make sens I have no idea. He was able to almost defeat him, but alas he was knocked out cold. Goku is able to combat with Legendary Super Saiyan Kale and Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla with ease. Goku gains his Super Saiyan 4 form after he gains control of his Great Golden Ape form his power is 10 times greater than that of a Super Saiyan 3, granting him the power to use the Kamehameha X10. after the buu saga, powers are based on Theory and multipliers DRAGON BALL CLÁSSICO Contents. Dragon Ball Power Levels Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It has been stated in many that Super Saiyan is 50 times stronger than the base power of it's user. Goku, seeing that Hit is more powerful than he thought, now unveils his new technique, the Kaio-Ken form while in Super Saiyan Blue. DBGT perfect files states that GT Goku is on par with SS3 Goku in the Buu Arc. Kaiju is A Strong Saiyan who was born with a power level of 300,000! This puts Goku at the same level of power as a Super Saiyan God. He's actually almost matched up to the Omni King: Zeno, in his C-Type transformations. When Jiren uses his full power he is able to fight on par with MUI Goku, but Jiren angers Goku by shooting an energy blast at U7 on the side lines, which angers Goku causing him to bring Jiren to his knees with his incredible power. After seeing Goku's power Ginyu decides to steal Goku's body in order to gain Goku's incredible power. Power levels can be lowered when the fighter's physical condition decreases, such as injury and exhaustion.The power level o… However, after killing the original present Gowasu, he wore his former master's matching set of gold and green Potara earrings. Goku even manages to hold up Lord Beerus's Destruction Ball leaving him completely exhausted during the aftermath. While training on the Planet of The Kai's, Goku's tail is pulled out by the Elder Kai unlocking his true Saiyan potential. Goku, in his base form, is still a force to be reckoned with. The Kaio-Ken X20 with Super Saiyan Blue proves to be futile, seeing that Goku resorts to using his trump card the Spirit Bomb. All of the levels on this list are taken from the manga, anime, movies, the official Daizenshuu guides, games and stated mathematical calculations. Goku's brother, Raditz, has arrived at earth. 200,000,000 (Kaio-ken x4; minimum) Goku is able to one-shot Nappa once he uses his Kaio-Ken Attack, although powerful it proves no match for Vegeta. Goku (w/Tail After Training on Kai Planet). This is a list of known and official Power Levels in the Dragon Ball universe. As a Super Saiyan 2. Goku is able to easily defeat Ledgic and later General Rilldo who is stated to be more powerful than Majin Buu. Goku is easily able to dominate Super Baby Vegeta 2 until he transforms into a Great Golden Ape. Goku uses his Super Saiyan form to push the Super Spirit Bomb back at Kid Buu. A Saiyan, sent to Earth as a baby with the mission to destroy it, Goku became a kind-hearted boy after he bumped his head and was adopted by Grandpa Gohan. This was Son Goku at the beginning of Dragonball. After saving him Goku asks to borrow their energy to defeat Syn Shenron pushing his Super Saiyan 4 powers far past it's very limits. This is when Goku faced off with Tenshinhan. 8 ULTIMATE GOD. He has tan colored skin, yellow eyes with dark lines under them, and a large white mustache that covers his mouth. He was almost at the power of his Oozaru form, as he fought Jackie Chun. As a Super Saiyan. During his fight with Nuova Shenron, Nouva's brother Eis Shenron interferes. To destroy the whole planet a power level blind from Eis 's attack gotten. Goku trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Gohan for a whole year in this form is equal to of. Briefly uses SS2 in dbgt to defeat Goku black after gathering the energy of 5 pure hearted Saiyans and a! 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