There would be only one limitation and that would be the law. In the domain of art voluntary error is not so bad as involuntary, but it is worse in the case of prudence as it is in the case of all the virtues or excellences.Footnote 1Footnote 2, Aristotle, Ethics, Book 6, Chapter 5, 1140b22 I. If the market is to function efficiently, those who need to make decisions about the company must be able to trust the accountants’ pictures so they can make the decisions based on as accurate and reliable information as possible. Unfortunately, it is also a standard whose spirit has been seriously violated in recent years. Turner, L.E. There has been some question as to whether Burger and others do not go too far in asserting that the auditor's responsibility is to attest to the fairness of the statements. To make more profits? When accumulation of wealth is the only driver the lack of responsibility inevitably follows. We can admire the financial acumen of an Andy Fastow without approving of what he did. Secondly, by a departure from the universal end of human life. To comply with the standard, internal auditors must understand what independence and objectivity are and what is required in practice. (Italics mine). Aquinas, T. (1947) Summa Theologica I-II, Q. They would claim that the responsibility is merely to attest to the fact that the statements conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), arguing that it is difficult if not impossible to determine what counts as fair.Footnote 10 Common sense can provide some guidance, for there seems to be a sense in which the notion of “fairly” presented means that the report that is being audited will give the reasonable person a fairly good picture of the financial status of the entity being looked at. This switch from auditing to consulting as the main source of revenue was more or less true of all the big five accounting firms, and it seems clear that the main motive for pursuing consulting was to accumulate more sources of revenue without consideration of how this would affect their responsibilities to the public and the system. “Independent appointment of auditors is a fundamental principle of effective public audit and without transparency in annual reports, it is more difficult to hold public sector entities to account,” Deputy Gardiner … John C. Bogle, (2000) Public Accounting: Profession or Business? The accountant may have an obligation to blow the whistle, but that should not be laid upon the accountant without some protections. The companies suffering accumulation fever appeal to the old canard that the main purpose of business is to maximize profits or shareholder wealth, or some such notion. In this case the question is whether you do what you do aptly or poorly. What we mean by acceptable goals for human life are goods fairly distributed which contribute to the quality of life in a way that allows as many people as possible to live fulfilled, abundant and flourishing lives. Are there inadequate policies and procedures for security of data or assets?Footnote 22, The auditor needs to consider the effects of these matters on the overall audit strategy. Reahi-Belkhauli, A. 1 AU sec. Audit watchdog captures the mood with Big Four break-up plan. 2. In moral matters, where we take into consideration the order of reason to the universal end of human life, moral failures are always due to a departure from the order of reason to the universal end of human life.Footnote 3. In the system, the role of the independent auditor is to be a watchdog, “to see whether the company's estimates are based on formulas that seem reasonable in the light of whatever evidence is available and that choice formulas are applied consistently from year to year.”Footnote 5 All of this of course is necessary to bring about efficient markets, which are necessary for the system to bestow its benefits most productively. The ethical course is to keep one's goal of serving others in mind: Executives to fulfil their fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders and other stakeholders by profitably making a useful product; auditors to fulfil their responsibilities to the general public to make sure financial statements “fairly” present a picture of the financial situation of a company for those with a need to use them; and others to fulfil whatever responsibilities they have in the varied world of financial services. If accounting is the language of business, it is the auditor's job to see the language is used properly so that relevant material is communicated properly. The association, known as Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger (SdK), said it was unacceptable that it took 11 years and a special investigation by KPMG for EY to accept that €1.9bn was missing from the German payment company’s balance sheet.. It is simply a reiteration of the classic statement of the auditor's function and responsibility given by Justice Burger's opinion in the 1984 landmark Arthur Young case.Footnote 7 As Burger says: Corporate financial statements are one of the primary sources of information available to guide the decisions of the investing public. This obviously creates a difficulty for while the auditors’ clients are the ones who pay the fees for the auditor's services, the auditor's primary responsibility is not to look out for the interests of that employer/client, but to look out for the interests of a third party, the public. Returning to our main point, we note that the ultimate responsibility of internal auditors is to certify or attest to the fact that the statements that present the financial situation of the company are presented fairly, meaning that as much disclosure as is necessary is given to offer a reasonable picture of that financial situation to any user having a claim to that knowledge. Indeed when we look at the two sets of principles that accountants adhere to, Accounting Principles (be they GAAP or others) and Codes of Ethics, they seem to reflect this duality. Again, in Global Crossing, Andersen as consultant set up the IRU transactions. Commission regulations stipulate that these financial reports must be audited by an independent CPA in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. It is the auditor's stamp on a financial statement that gives it its validity, its respect, and its acceptability by investors. As an auditor, Arthur Andersen had a clear mission to attest that the financial statements it was auditing reflected what was really going on in the company. If you are clever, you can game the GAAP and violate your ethical responsibilities. But such “creative accounting” fails to meet the accountant/auditor's responsibilities. The business department showed few public signs of progress on audit reform under Alok Sharma, whom Mr Kwarteng replaced this week. Ethical Lessons Learned From the Arthur Andersen Debacle”. - “Due professional care requires the auditor to exercise professional skepticism.” “An audit of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards should be planned and performed with an attitude of professional skepticism.” We lay out the practical requirements of meeting the obligations of skepticism, as well as looking at difficulties in maintaining such an attitude toward long time clients. What does it take to issue an opinion about whether a financial statement fairly presents the financial position of a corporation? High risk ordinarily demands more experienced personnel and more extensive supervision. 3 The watchdog theme relating to auditors was first used by Lord Justice Lopes in In Re Kingston Cotton Miff Co. (No. We can admire the skill and acumen of the thief while recognizing that what the thief does is unethical. Assuming that our economic system and the businesses within it lead to a society such as that described above, the accountant has a role to play in that system which will specify the accountant's responsibilities. In 1997 SAS 53, “The Auditor's Responsibility To Detect And Report Errors And Irregularities” was replaced by standard No. The ultimate responsibility of internal auditors is to develop statements that present the financial situation of the company in a fair way, meaning as much disclosure as necessary to give a reasonable picture of the financial situation to any user having a claim to that knowledge. In light of this, how does one determine which are the ethical responsibilities? Was it to do consulting? Britain’s accounting watchdog has slammed major firms over substandard audits, with a quarter judged to be below the acceptable standard. How much more do the other gatekeeper intermediaries contribute to the malaise? Accumulation caused Andersen to lose sight of its purpose and hence lose its moral bearings. In the system, the role of the independent auditor is to be a watchdog, “to see whether the company's estimates are based on formulas that seem reasonable in the light of whatever evidence is available and that choice formulas are applied consistently from year to year.” The responsibility of the auditors derived from their function is clear. Finally, the standards emphasize that auditors need to be able to cope with illegalities and/or questionable acts within an agreed-upon framework. Just as in medicine the doctor takes his knowledge and applies it to the patient, so in accounting the accountant takes his expertise and applies it to financial matters to develop or evaluate financial statements. The legal requirement of audited statements, which the government established for the protection of the investing public, gives accountants a monopoly on attesting to the validity of statements. What function should they fulfill to help the economic system move forward in a way that will benefit individuals and society? Recent Examples on the Web: Noun Résumé high points: The Canarsie native founded his watchdog group in 1979, enlisting unarmed volunteers to patrol the streets and subways wearing their signature red jackets and berets. Their attest function makes accountants/auditors part of a class of gatekeeper intermediaries in the financial markets who have a “watchdog” responsibility. › news › business › 2020 › 11 › 20 › © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. We can then summarize the major responsibilities of the auditor as first being responsible to the using public for evaluating financial statements and declaring that they represent a fair picture of the financial situation of a company, and second of being a watchdog and calling into question irregular practices that would distort those pictures. The National Audit Office (NAO) scrutinises public spending for Parliament and is independent of government and the civil service. A mere accumulator will only be deterred or limited by the law. NYU, 10/16/00. Sound securities markets require sound financial information. 2 (The Basic Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, translated and edited by Anton Pegis), New York: Random House. Are there significant and unusual related party transactions not in the ordinary course of business? I agree that Auditor is a 'Watchdog not a Bloodhound' as the main duty of the Auditor is to examine and authenticate the correctness & trueness of the accounts. Bogle, J.C. (2000) ‘Public Accounting: Profession or Business?’, a speech delivered at New York University NYU, 16 October 2000. But that is a subject for another paper. The Financial Reporting Council on Monday launched a consultation on “important changes” to rules designed to tackle conflicts of interest […] The standards further require the auditor to review information about risk factors and the internal control structure by considering matters such as the following: Are there circumstances that may indicate a management predisposition to distort financial statements? (1984) United States v Arthur Young and Co. et al., 104 S.Cr, 465 U.S. 805. Duska, R. (2004) ‘The corruption of financial markets: Systemic inevitability or aberration?’, Business and Professional Ethics Journal 23(Spring/Summer), Nos. Indeed, one accountant has suggested that accounting is an art, and a truly proficient artist can by the skilful use of GAAP make the same company look to be dizzyingly successful or failing miserably. As we have seen, such an expectation is misguided since, as Burger said, the accountant's responsibilities are to the legitimate users of the statements, not necessarily the client. The American Institute of CPAs’ Code of Professional Conduct requires CPAs to be independent from their attestation clients. Part of Springer Nature. But being a superb artist does not mean being an ethical one as is clear in the case of the clever thief. PubMed Google Scholar, Duska, R. The Responsibilities of Accountants. Professional skepticism also plays a critical role in an auditor’s consideration of fraud. Cf. This is the larger question of economic justice. Is this skepticism a realistic expectation? For example, an auditor might obtain confirmation from an independent third party, engage a specialist, or examine documentation from independent sources to corroborate management representations. One of the most important responsibilities was laid out in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' (AICPA) Statement of Auditing Standards, No. In the case of Enron, the SPE's and the Mahonia transactions were virtually impossible to keep track of. What would holding auditors liable for failing to detect fraud actually achieve? But assuming one could solve the distribution problem, the role of the accountant is still a required role, and little would change with respect to the accountants’ major responsibilities. The fulfillment of those functions is what is required for an efficient financial market. An exclusive monetary concern cannot function as an ultimate end and using monetary concerns as such an end will lead accounting firms to abandon their responsibilities and their proper goals while falling into the trap of accumulating wealth for its own sake. According to these standards, an auditor has a responsibility to look for material misstatements or misappropriations of assets or liabilities as well as to assess the risk that errors and irregularities may cause the financial statements to contain a material misstatement. The paper concludes by examining the following question. In other words, auditors must 1) act with integrity, and 2) exercise objectivity and professional skepticism. This complements professional, sceptical management, and external auditors. These two documentsFootnote 14 lay out specific practices that auditors should follow in setting up audits, and they can be particularly useful in evaluating recent behaviour of accounting firms such as Arthur Andersen. volume 30, pages410–424(2005)Cite this article. 1 and 2: 223–244. In short, what is the purpose of accountants in the economy? AICPA Statements on Auditing Standards, “The Auditor's Responsibility To Detect And Report Errors And Irregularities”, No. 55 SAS53 entitled “The Auditor's Responsibility To Detect And Report Errors And Irregularities.”. “The auditor's understanding of the internal control structure should either heighten or mitigate the auditor's concern about the risk of material misstatements.” In the case of Enron, the internal control structure was such that Andrew Fastow's ownership of SPE's was only allowed by Enron waving its conflict of interest stipulations in its code of ethics. That is most likely true. This ‘public watchdog’ role demands that auditors exercise professional skepticism throughout the audit process. Friendly, surely one of the most knowledgeable of federal judges in financial and accounting matters, said… in effect (in Continental Vending) …that the first law for accountants was not compliance with generally accepted accounting principles, but rather full and fair disclosure, fair presentation, and if the principles did not produce this brand of disclosure, accountants could not hide behind the principles but had to go beyond them and make whatever additional disclosures were necessary for full disclosure.Footnote 11. As the large accounting firms grew, they began to expand but failed to consider the purpose of the expansion. Director, Madden Partners. Those functions set the standards, the spirit of which has been seriously violated in recent years. In the case of Global Crossing Andersen set up the internal control structure and recommended the swaps. So, the notion of a moral or ethical accountant is not the same as the notion of a good accountant. But if that is the only end, where are the limits on what can and cannot be justified in the making of profit? Without professional skepticism, the value of an audit is impaired. (2001) ‘Independence: A Covenant for the Ages’, at International Organization of Securities Commissions, Stockholm Sweden, 28 June 2001, See SAS 53.16 to .21, SAS 82.27, and SAS No. An accountant is a good accountant if in practicing his craft he is superb in handling the numbers. But this failure is not proper to the artist as an artist, but as a man. 2) (1894), [1986] 2 Ch. We are not clear why the Auditing Standards Board took this approach, but we will view it as a minor technical move. ... 1 /1 Audit … One could argue that they have all failed miserably in their watchdog function of late. Briloff, A.J. CPA stands for Certified Public Accountant. What we mean by acceptable goals for human life are those that lead to societies where there are goods fairly distributed, which contribute to the quality of life in a way that allows as many people as possible to live fulfilled, abundant and flourishing lives. To the extent that the accumulator disposition infiltrates or pervades a person or industry, the person or industry gets corrupted, because to that extent it loses its purpose. One had thought that ethics in business had progressed to a point where business seriously considered ethical matters, and tried to live within the spirit of the law, rather than just the letter of the law, that is, did the right thing and not just skirted the legal edge – went beyond mere legal compliance. Consequently, for the former failure, the artist is blamed as an artist, while for the latter he is blamed as a man”. 21 art. The Generally Acceptable Auditing Standards define skepticism as: …an attitude that includes a questioning mind and a critical assessment of audit evidence. To assure that the financial statement is a fair representation of the financial position of the company, it is essential that the integrity and honesty of the auditor not be imperilled by the presence of undue influence and conflicts of interest, which means the auditor must have as much independence as possible. This role is not without its problems. It is as simple as that. Further, in the case of Global Crossing, Andersen was not only not skeptical, it actively encouraged the questionable swaps, which should qualify as an irregularity. What this means is that an accountant is a good accountant if in practicing his craft he is superb in handling the numbers. Why did the accounting firms fall short? Is this skepticism a realistic expectation? We leave that question for another study. Independent directors should makeup at least two-thirds of the directors in the audit committees of listed companies to oversee the financial reporting process and disclosure of the company's financial information, ensure compliance with listing and other legal requirements, disclosure of related party transactions and qualification in the draft audit report, among other things. What occurred was that the new profit-making enterprises took the focus off the auditing and what's more caused a new view about an auditor's responsibilities. United States Bankruptcy Court (Southern District of New York) (2002) First Interim Report of Neal Baston, Court-Appointed Examiner, in re: Enron Corp. et al. Finally, the audit standards spell out the auditor's responsibility for communicating those discovered errors, irregularities and/or fraud both within and without the organization whose financial statements are being audited. The big four auditors are failing – and the watchdog’s report won’t change that. It is extremely difficult performing a “public watchdog function” over a company with which one has such close ties. While we will concentrate most on the role of the external auditor, much of what we say can and should apply to internal auditors and management accountants. A venerable firm like Andersen at one time prided itself in its role as auditor since it fulfilled an important public function. If accounting is the language of business, it is the auditor's job to see that the language is used properly so that relevant material is communicated properly. An independent CPA performs a different role. But a good accountant in handling the numbers can use that skill to misstate earnings to cover a multitude of problems with a company's books while staying within the law. By certifying the public reports that collectively depict a corporation's financial status, the independent auditor assumes a public responsibility transcending any employment relationship with the client. Others, however, insist that there are precious few cases of auditors not taking their responsibility to the public seriously, so that the current system is sufficient. The UK’s audit watchdog has proposed more stringent ethical rules requiring firms to be independent from their clients following a series of high-profile accounting controversies at UK companies, including retail chain BHS and outsourcer Carillion. So it is in your best interests to understand what professional skepticism means and how to apply it throughout the audit process. Rather, the auditor recognizes that conditions observed and evidential matter obtained, including information from prior audits, need to be objectively evaluated to determine whether the financial statements are free of material misrepresentation.Footnote 21. This “public watchdog” function demands that the accountant maintain total independence from the client at all times and requires complete fidelity to the public trust. The skeptical auditor needs to consider factors that influence audit risk especially the internal control structure. 2, ad. The auditor “ought to be able to approach the detection and disclosure of illegal or questionable acts by management within a defined and agreed-on framework”.Footnote 24 The framework should include a policy on corporate conduct and a system to monitor compliance with the corporate conduct. Such a risk assessment requires the auditor to design the audit in such a way as to provide “reasonable assurance” of detecting errors, irregularities or fraudulent claims that are material (one large enough to influence a user of the statement to act in a way he or she would not act if there were no misstatement) to the financial statements. #2 – Addressee: It should be mentioned to whom the auditor’s report is given. In an effort to control the accuracy of the financial data available to investors in the securities markets, various provisions of the federal securities laws require publicly held companies to file their financial statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission. What caused this lack of due care? The fact is that the standards require such skepticism. In the system, the role of the independent auditor is to be a watchdog, “to see whether the company's estimates are based on formulas that seem reasonable in the light of whatever evidence is available and that choice formulas are applied consistently from year to year.” The responsibility of the auditors derived from their function is clear. Whether the change was for the better or was an attempt to evade “responsibility” is not clear, but a look at both documents can give us an indication of what this “watchdog” responsibility of auditors entails, regardless of the title of the standard.Footnote 13. Because of the inherent difficulty of this conflict, many have suggested that another kind of compensation system should be worked out where the auditor is not dependent on the client being audited for payment. See a forthcoming article in Business and Professional Ethics Journal, “The Corruption of Financial Markets: Systemic Inevitability or Aberration?”. 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