[leaning towards her]. NORA. Emptying the letter-box; it is quite full; there will be no room to put the
anything about it; I, and I alone, did the whole thing. I thought it
HELMER. Very well, if you will take the responsibility. It is I, Mrs Helmer. what a difference! Oh well, you may
There is comprehensive guidance on all you need to know about making and decorating a dolls' house, in both 1/12 scale and the increasingly popular 1/24 scale. you spend it all on the housekeeping and any number of unnecessary things, then
[NORA is silent.] But in the case of knitting—that can never be anything but ungraceful;
[at the window]. MAID. true that you did not love your husband? It was near; but then you came and stood in my way. Oh, what does he want now? No! with chairs around it. Well, perhaps
For a big proof of your friendship—. expenses we skylarks and squirrels have, Torvald. RANK. [Looks in.] ], NORA. situations and can shift for themselves. Did you win a prize in the Lottery? You? Between the doors stands a piano. of course he can’t be in earnest about it. you think so, Torvald? Almost
Under the ice, perhaps? NORA. I daresay you know, like everybody else, that once, many
It is already known at the Bank that I mean to dismiss Krogstad. We two have kept bravely on the straight road so
Truffles, yes. KROGSTAD. Very well, sir. Hush! NORA. If it has to happen, it is best it should be without a word—don’t
It is perfectly true, Torvald. I shall be obliged to remind
Stuff and nonsense! NORA. children? I should not think of going against
Hush! MRS LINDE. of our acquaintance, we have never exchanged a word on any serious subject. [Goes to the Christmas Tree. In The Dolls House by Katherine Mansfield we have the theme of class, prejudice, connection, hope, appearance and equality. You must coach me up to the last minute. for you whatever a man may do. Christmas Tree, and all the other fine things that were to be a surprise to us. before. Near the window are a round table, arm-chairs and a small sofa. It
who was to leave you money—. But I can assure you that my one false step, which lost me all my
NORA. I! Yes, we have known each other since then. NORA. I think
Oh, I can’t bear to think of it! Wait a minute; I will come with you. There was really no need—. have worked, and it has been my greatest and only pleasure. It was no easy matter to get away, I can tell you. Very well. Doctor Rank, what do you say to a macaroon? feel the certainty that I have done so. A Doll's House, Part 2 is a 2017 play written by Lucas Hnath.The play premiered at the South Coast Repertory, in April 2017, before transferring to Broadway at the John Golden Theatre.The play "picks up after Henrik Ibsen's 1879 play A Doll's House concludes". [crying out]. Just go in to him; he is sitting in the inner room. I knew it. But it didn’t bite you? [holding her back]. could you have the heart to put your own child out among strangers? Why do you pay any heed to that? NORA. this world?—at any rate as much as one can, and as long as one can. You said you were like a shipwrecked man clinging to some wreckage. Nora, you can’t think how I am looking forward to this evening. Very well. Do you realise what a horribly painful position
More than anyone else. difficulties in my way, although you knew what a dangerous condition my husband
MRS LINDE. KROGSTAD. No! Ah! ], NORA. You are a greater rascal than I thought. Besides, that wicked man didn’t do a
But can’t we live here like brother and sister—? MRS LINDE. He has consumption of the spine, poor creature. NURSE. nothing—she is not expecting anything? Helen! changes in the staff and in the rearrangement of the work; and I must make use
different, something extremely amusing. Dance music is heard in the room above. books. My dear darling Nora, you are dancing as if your life depended on it. HELMER. Yes, such a bad lawyer as I am. [Puts it in her pocket. Look here, Doctor Rank—you know you want to live. Yes, that is what Torvald and all the others think,
nothing but a playroom. Take it off, I tell you. HELMER. The thing itself is cursedly ugly, and the worst of it is that I shall have to
HELMER. NORA. Light footsteps are heard on the
But take off your things. So you noticed that too? from under my feet. Ah, there they are now. I assure you, Christine, I meant ever so
That is quite right, Christine. MRS LINDE. Not in the least. You couldn’t know that Torvald had
sense? [Throws down the work,
[quickly and searchingly]. No
MRS LINDE. NORA. Reply Theopilus May 29, 2017 2:20 pm Thank you so much this post really helped me a lot. I wrote a note for him. [bewildered with anxiety, stands as if rooted to the spot, and
NORA. reputation, was nothing more or nothing worse than what you have done. an end to all that you felt for me. you used. If you stood there
HELMER. so my obstinate little woman is obliged to get someone to come to her
But so soon! things. But what is this? goes on.]. And you don’t
NORA. mustn’t open a single letter—not even open the letter-box—, HELMER. HELMER. bad that this Krogstad was guilty of? I scarcely have the courage to do it. These two dolls could be the representation of the Kelvey girls because their whole life they have not fit in with everyone else. I only know that it is necessary for me. Yes; it is three years ago now. It was so big that the carter and Pat carried it into the courtyard, and there it stayed, propped up on two wooden boxes beside the feed-room door. Oh, there is no necessity to keep up the pretence of ignorance. nonsense I am talking! A DOLL’S HOUSE ESSAY QUESTION 6. has forced me into such ways as this again. MRS LINDE. told us that religion was this, and that, and the other. Narrative; Characters; 4.6. HELMER. No expedient that I mean to make use of. NORA. You know how devotedly, how inexpressibly deeply Torvald loves me; he
compatible with the limitations of art. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Do you see? And be sure you remember that it is your husband himself who
must know all about it. I presume you are a widow, Mrs Linde? [putting her arms round her neck]. account—no one in the world must know, Christine, except you. HELMER. extravagantly. A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen - Full Text Free Book File size: 0.2 MB What's this? Who else? They will
I must try and get some sense, Torvald. [Gets up restlessly.] Hush! Rank led me to expect a splendid transformation. the box.] I must try and
Does my little Nora acknowledge that at last? Be nice now, Doctor Rank, and tomorrow you
NORA. of HELMER’S room. Out of my thoughts, out of my thoughts! KROGSTAD. HELMER. Yes, that is what Torvald says now. him]. Within a year I shall be the manager’s right
Oh, how do I know whether I had or whether I hadn’t? handwriting but in one that I think I know. KROGSTAD. I think I have heard something of the kind. MRS LINDE. KROGSTAD. The Burnell family, with the exception of Kezia, consider themselves to be above … Perhaps we shall be able to
Don’t let us stand here in the draught. Speak low. As much of it as you can? HELMER. But now you must tell me all about it. If you speak slightingly of my husband, I shall turn you out of the house. NORA. Torvald—first by papa and then by you. A Doll’s House published in the year 1879. Others want to carry documents around with them on their mobile phones and read while they are on the move. The Tarantella! [Takes the letter, and shuts the door.] You have just come at a fortunate moment, Mrs Linde. HELMER. What did I tell you? MRS LINDE. laughter. partial to asparagus and pate de foie gras, don’t you? NORA. No, that is just it. [Brings his fur coat from the hall and
But now tell me, you extravagant little person, what would you like
But it cost a tremendous lot of money,
MRS LINDE. Lately I have been taking stock of my internal
her.] Hush! KROGSTAD. HELMER. You spent a whole year in Italy, didn’t you? [HELMER plays and NORA dances. NORA. HELMER. Nils, how would it be if we two shipwrecked people could join forces? up the bond and both letters, throws them all into the stove, and watches them
KROGSTAD. [makes room for her to pass him, but sits still]. A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen. HELMER. NORA. That’s right. left out in the cold. Many a time I was desperately tired;
I will go at once and see Krogstad. [clapping her hands]. [who has read the card]. Very well, I thought, you must be saved—and that was how I came to
NORA. NORA. after this, my little scared, helpless darling. NORA. They were on the top. learned at Capri. Oh, well then, we can walk down the street together. There it
A DOLL'S HOUSE ACT I (SCENE.--A room furnished comfortably and tastefully, but not extravagantly. hear me, Torvald? So that was it. MRS LINDE. KROGSTAD. Do you know, you ought to embroider. NORA. I won’t—, HELMER. But since you have kept the matter
It is a child's book with an adult perspective, such as the "Little House" books do. forgiven you. But, Nora, how could you possibly do it? KROGSTAD. you over to inquire into it, and if you had not been so kindly disposed and
do you want? HELMER. I have
Listen to her, Mrs Linde! Did you notice what good spirits Rank was in this evening? I say that we have never sat down in
I am tremendously happy. NORA. MRS LINDE. NORA. There is no one here. Stop, I tell you! [getting up and putting his papers in order]. First published in 1947, Rumer Godden's classic The Dolls' House has been delighting children for years, and this beautiful edition, illustrated by Jane Ray, will delight future generations for years to come. HELMER. NORA. HELMER. Don’t be so frightened. NORA. [smiling]. Once the first storm at
Come, come, don’t be so wild and nervous. task I must undertake first. HELMER. hadn’t been so busy I should have asked you a tremendously big favour,
No, we won’t call
Besides, I was the one responsible for it. He called me
Run away in; I have such a lot to do. If only I could have the good luck
[from the doorway on the right]. HELMER. NORA. Just fancy, my husband has been made manager of the Bank! spent it all in the Christmas week, and then on New Year’s Eve a slate
What am I to—? MRS LINDE. No, no; only lean on me; I will advise you and direct you. Yes, he has some sort of appointment there. and she has in a way become both wife and child to him. What, when I was going to get such a good place by it? Mansfield used an alternative title in other editions, including "At Karori". KROGSTAD. NORA. I was obliged to, if I wanted to be little Nora’s nurse. message from him. opens it. that I too have something to be proud and glad of. Yes, absolutely clear and certain. There they are! RANK. At the back, a door to the right leads to the entrance-hall, another to the left leads to Helmer's study. it’s all dark in
NORA. worse—a criminal! There is not the least pleasure in working for one’s self. Mother, the stranger man has gone out
My dear! NORA. Let me tell you
with lies and dissimulation; that is why I say he has lost all moral character. Far from it, my dear fellow; it is simply nothing more than this childish
[undisturbed]. It will be easiest for
NORA. make you think I have any influence of that kind with my husband? don’t believe any longer in wonderful things happening. And besides,
彼女が遺した数多くの秀作の中から、本書では1917〜1922年の間に書かれたものを4編選りすぐって収録しています。表題のThe Doll's House ほかBliss, Mr Reginald Peacock's Day, The Garden Party をご堪能 … NORA. What do you think of that? economy. NORA. ... Download EPUB Download PDF . NORA. Look there—what an uncomfortable
Very likely; but, to come to the point, the time has come when I should advise
It was necessary he should have no idea what a
glass in the letter-box. HELMER. for my two younger brothers; so I did not think I was justified in refusing his
NORA. anxious to work under some clever man, so as to perfect herself—. that you can trust me as you would trust no one else. If it is a caller, remember I am not at home. NORA. things. I mean, isn’t he the kind
at me! Let me give you a light. room, walking about uneasily. a chair, and opens the door of his room.] you either—before tonight. HELMER. [tossing her head]. Nothing more than that? But, Mr. Krogstad, I have no influence. able to play and romp with the children; to be able to keep the house
HELMER. And you have always been so kind to me. It’s wonderfully lovely to hear you say so! Not yet—and the time is nearly up. him. Christine. I don’t understand—. The best possible, for both doctor and patient—certainty. HELMER. Nora! I should never have thought the
There! [after a short pause, during which she busies herself with the Christmas
no—it’s something nasty! KROGSTAD. south. And so are those who are morally
NORA. HELMER. RANK. cloak.]. A songbird must have a
Maybe. as—. heard at the outer door.]. [Goes back into
No, but to go and tell me so. stove.]. never for a moment did I imagine that you would consent to accept this
I have all I want. [following her]. [recovering herself]. so carefully to yourself, I make bold to suppose that you have a little clearer
What do you mean? HELMER. Isn’t it possible that he was driven to do it by necessity? She is in that room. Many people prefer to read off-line or to print out text and read from the real printed page. HELMER. All your father’s want of principle—be
Haven’t you been a little bit imprudent? Now I will show you
The MAID ushers in Mrs Linde, who is in
in which you live. single thing for me. Doesn’t she look remarkably pretty? you think I was going to let her remain there after that, and spoil the effect? letters.] That our life together would be a real wedlock. NORA. RANK. she is terribly self-willed, this sweet little person. I assure you it is extremely painful for
Think about the purpose of a doll’s house like the one shown. NORA. NORA. [Goes
had a hand in anything dishonourable, amid all that time I have been struggling
NORA. Let me show you. MRS LINDE. How hot it is in here; and I have such a lot to do. It was your father himself who signed his name here? I only want to say this to you, Christine—you must be my witness. Goodnight, goodnight. MRS LINDE. What shall we
NORA. now; I think he is busy with something. afraid of a starving quill-driver’s vengeance? RANK. the table idly turning over the leaves of a book; she tries to read, but does
but all the same it was a tremendous pleasure to sit there working and earning
RANK. But there is one thing I can do
It was such a strange way of putting it. When that is over, we may expect them back. Go, go! night, after you have danced—, NORA. with a man like that, and give him any sort of promise? Mine is, and I hope it will continue to be so, as long as I hold my office. He mustn’t on any
And as soon as I am in there again
NORA. There would have been no credit in
NURSE. You will find that the whole thing is merely fancy on my part. Well, do it, then!—and it will be the worse for
life almost free from care. impossible; it must be impossible. MRS LINDE. Yes, but your father gave you the necessary funds. But his business was a precarious one; and,
Come here. RANK. RANK. It is so dark here now, but
NORA. MRS LINDE. Has he said anything to you? superior. If only I could be sure nothing would
No—it is no one. I hope it may be easier here to find something
Nora! him to deliver it, and be quick. [She sits down at one side of the
But deeds you must believe
[She goes out hurriedly through the hall door.]. He says he regrets and repents—that a happy change in his
I think I have the right to be. This is something different. Then it must be a very foolish law. She had danced her Tarantella, and it had been a
NORA. Could you really do it? Yes, after the New Year; but then it will be a whole quarter before the salary
Settle it. the saddest time I have known since our marriage. As I am now, I can be
tremendous fun if I could steal down into the maids’ room, because they
NORA. fell on my head and killed me, and—. NORA. MRS LINDE. [looking at him anxiously]. Children’s voices are heard on the staircase.]. stripped of its ornaments and with burnt-down candle-ends on its dishevelled
MRS LINDE. [MAID enters with lamp, puts it down
HELMER. listens.] What are you saying? [Goes to the door and
It is a surprise for my husband. That you have not. [Pulls her down on the sofa beside her.] NORA. HELMER. NORA. I look so nice, Torvald. [after a short pause, throws her head up and looks defiantly at him]. No, of
Ten shillings—a pound—two pounds! In the middle of the left-hand wall is a door, and beyond it a window. All these things? KROGSTAD. Go in to them, I will come in a moment. afraid it is impossible for us—. children all talk at once while she speaks to them.] ], MAID. From Rumer Godden, one of the foremost authors of the 20th century, and illustrated by two-time Caldecott Honor recipient Tasha Tudor, comes a heartwarming tale filled with imagination and creativity that is ideal for any girl who has ever loved a doll … Why do you laugh at that? and it saved Torvald’s life. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 122 pages and is … And yet—? NORA. Let Anne help you. you are quite out of your mind. And then I gave you the
It can easily be put in order—just a little patience. NORA. Can he—? Where shall I put it, ma’am? HELMER. world—a heartless woman jilts a man when a more lucrative chance turns
harm in that. and, as soon as they have found some, put the person concerned into some
What, macaroons? A doll’s house arrives at the Burnell home as a gift. HELMER. HELMER. NORA. Yes, I am. Tell me, Mrs Helmer, can you by any chance remember what day your father
Do you ask me to believe that you were brave enough to run a risk to save
What is this?—such a
NORA. yourself up well. As
short pause. That’s a thing you will never see! Then she looks at her watch.] Bank business—in a way. I have wanted you so much, Torvald dear. NORA. laugh and shout, and romp in and out of the room; at last NORA hides under the
She will be my successor in this house. Yes. a curtsey on either side, and, as they say in novels, the beautiful apparition
HELMER. Yes, help me, Torvald. HELMER. Then the Tarantella will be over. for you, Torvald. What do you say? No, no, Nora, I can’t understand
up? together with you. Yes, he is
HELMER. HELMER. This is how you would neglect your most sacred duties. NORA. Doctor Rank. ], NORA. know all about everything in the house—better than I do. [takes a cigar and cuts off the end]. us is to save the remains, the fragments, the appearance—, [A ring is heard at the front-door bell.]. dialogue it begins to grow dark.]. Author Henrik Ibsen | Submitted by: Jane Kivik Free download or read online A Dolls House pdf (ePUB) book. Not on any account. for you know so little of the burdens and troubles of life. [She looks among the things,
Torvald—it was then it dawned upon me that for eight years I had
NORA. But tell me, is Doctor Rank always as depressed as he was yesterday? parcels, Ivar. Not even papa. [Takes her hands.] Besides, he had no money to lend then; he came into his money afterwards. NORA. I may tell you that there is something that
KROGSTAD. had an hour’s illness since then, and our children are strong and healthy
[He bows, and goes out through the hall.]. evening. longed for nothing but you. [looking among his papers]. Must I hide? things? NORA. To have loved you as much as anyone else does? Can the worst—? There, you see. As you please, Torvald. It seems to me imprudent, without his knowledge, to—, NORA. No; yesterday it was very noticeable. the clergyman said is true, or at all events if it is true for me. And can you tell me what I have done to forfeit your love? the room and shuts the door into the hall. nothing. No, the
Torvald! play at? But, look here; your father has
Christine! [glancing at the card]. from him I concealed the fact, because he would not have liked it. easier than a woman—. has to suffer for my father’s youthful amusements. KROGSTAD. been living here with a strange man, and had borne him three children—. take this letter and go downstairs with it at once. Well, I should not advise you to say it. NORA. NORA. You are an odd little soul. [playing with his coat buttons, and without raising her eyes to his]. I can receive nothing from a stranger. And it is just by interceding for him that you make it impossible for me to
yesterday. In our
I promised to get you that amount—. gets up, goes to the hall door and calls out.] [walking to the window]. Is it so long since we met? I will ask for my letter back. My goodness,
And in spite of that have you the courage to—? HELMER. I should like to tear it into a hundred thousand pieces. hat.]. Why shouldn’t I look at my dearest treasure?—at all the beauty that
NORA. But twenty-four hours have elapsed since
In any case, I set you free from all your obligations. Yes, Mrs Linde
dangerous condition he was in. What do you want? a swift glance round.] well, it’s very likely I may be able to find something for you—. MRS LINDE. [as before]. older than you in many ways and have a little more experience. MRS LINDE. Oh, I am always tremendously pleased when you come. NORA. But surely you can understand that being with Torvald is a little
Narrow-minded! NORA. Literature Network » Henrik Ibsen » A Doll's House » Act II Act II (THE SAME SCENE.--THE Christmas Tree is in the corner by the piano, stripped of its ornaments … Didn’t I tell you so? very busy, Torvald? [rising]. So changed that—? KROGSTAD. I could do nothing else. No, never. Yes, I was passing by. [quickly]. She does not seem to hear him; her hair comes down and
No, I must know. In as lenient a manner as I possibly could. [Walking about.] [A little later, he opens the door and looks into
As soon as the New Year comes, I shall in a
If your little squirrel were to ask you for something very, very
Well, Mrs Linde, have you admired her? do what she wants. Certainly Torvald does understand how to make a house dainty and
NORA. MRS LINDE. But, my dearest Nora, how do you know anything
he is not to read it—. door.] [Getting
I can quite
What is that? I am going to dance! branches. loneliness, was like a cloudy background to our sunlit happiness. am quite sure that if I told Doctor Rank—. she is worth looking at. Life, and hard, bitter necessity have taught
The doll's house at the center of the story is a symbol of social privilege. Was there anything else to understand except what was obvious to all the
Then I suppose you have come to town to amuse yourself
Torvald is so absurdly fond of me that he wants
The nature of the main character, Nora, was the epitome of the struggle against the humiliating constraints of women and social conformity. idea! was telegraphed, you know—she travelled here as quick as she could. A candle here-and flowers here—The
honestly, I don’t think I’ve been one of the worst. [He nods
A barrister’s profession is such an uncertain thing,
HELMER. You are right, it has affected us both. Rank!—don’t you feel ashamed of yourself, now the lamp has come? Have you had great
responsibility, all the blame, you understand—. appease him some way or another. MRS LINDE. Never!—Ah! Isn’t there one thing that strikes you as
MAID. When I was at home, of course I loved papa best. NORA. This unhappy secret must be disclosed; they must have a
Oh, you wouldn’t understand. Yes, and in emergencies like that it is lucky to have the money. To think of his
[clapping her hands]. Both you and I would have to be so changed that—. little, Nora, believe me. This is unheard of in a girl of your age! Did a big dog run after you? consider what people will say! mustn’t take you away from Torvald and me. MRS LINDE. I arrived by steamer this morning. isn’t it? is mine, all my very own? ought to remember the condition I was in, and that he ought to be kind and
Is it my little squirrel bustling about? [takes her hand out of his and goes to the opposite side of the Christmas
HELMER. Is that not so? I used to—many years ago. offer. despair. Five o’clock. Oh, Torvald, I
NORA. I have other duties just as sacred. Many people prefer to read off-line or to print out text and read from the real printed page. A fine, spoilt lady like you—, KROGSTAD. But if
Miserable creature—what have you done? [dropping her sewing]. No, no, no! HELMER. HELMER. I mustn’t be selfish today; today I must only think
NORA. The play centres on an ordinary family—Torvald Helmer, a bank lawyer, his wife Nora I have had a talk with him. It is absolutely necessary that I should have a talk with you. I will tell you how I have been thinking we ought to arrange things, Torvald. path begins outside the doll house. There is a big black hat—have you never heard of hats that make you
NORA. I have put the keys here. [kissing her on the forehead]. But now, listen to this; I too have something to be proud and
You will see I am man enough to take everything upon myself. little backwater any longer. Those who are gone are soon
NORA. NORA. intimately as this, I cannot imagine for a moment what would have become of me
People don’t do such things, Mrs Helmer. you mustn’t see that until this evening. I really
Let me take her for a little, Anne. some slight internal weakness? RANK. Horrible! MRS LINDE. MRS LINDE. wanted to tell you that you need not take this matter too seriously. [She comes back with her cloak and hat and a small bag which
NORA. NORA. You are
MRS LINDE. NORA. Or—answer me—am I to think you have none? HELMER. Answer me! RANK. hand. father was a horrible man who committed all sorts of excesses; and that is why
With the greatest pleasure. falling—. We two need
it is quite impossible! Krogstad must ask for his letter back unread, he must find some pretence—, NORA. NORA. NORA. It's a three-act play work of 1879 by the Norwegian playwright It’s about how women are not allowed to perform certain roles and the sacrifices they make for their families. once again—. [throwing the dress down on the sofa]. the door after him. No, it would never have come into my head to ask Doctor Rank. My poor mother needs me
About The Doll’s House. But there is no need; as a matter of course he will come to dinner with us. [shrugging his shoulders]. RANK. It is all up with me. Yes, of course I will. I have fought a hard fight these three days. I could never have
And just think, she has taken a long journey in order to see you. her.] [to the MAID]. Nora … NORA. NORA. [kissing her on the forehead]. doll’s house from the direct comments of the narrator? thoughtless promise that you would speak for him, I am expected to—, NORA. KROGSTAD. Nils, did you really think that? and sews a few stitches, but soon stops.] love for me. If it were as you say, why did you write to me as you did at the time? One must live,
I really can’t
It would be perfectly infamous of you. Yes, yes—I know very well your thoughts are with me all the time. go.] But if religion cannot lead you
Yes, there you are. KROGSTAD. No,
[SCENE.--A room furnished comfortably and tastefully, but not extravagantly. It has been by no means easy for me
his fault and taken his punishment. Nora! Yet Ibsen’s masterpiece remains a … [striking a match]. Wouldn’t that be fun? I have no idea what is going to become of me. You might give me money, Torvald. For shame! Ah, there he is. husband’s subordinates! I must try and educate myself—you are not
All this evening I have
I should like to hear what it is, first. HELMER. pleasant to be in love with me. sake of money! don’t speak so loud. I am not fit for the task. NORA. Yes; you see we had money then, and the doctors insisted on our going, so we
Well, at all events you know now that you can command me, body and soul. Aha! [smiling]. HELMER. [Listens again.] It’s perfectly glorious to think that we have—that
up. How do you do, Nora? going away from here until we have had it out with one another. But, perhaps—[opens the door
NORA. She has only come to sew my dress for me. [rising]. To be able to be free from care, quite free from care; to be
I see, I see. It is a thing hundreds of thousands of women have done. HELMER. Stop, Rank; this is sheer madness. will be quiet. How did you know I had thought of that? HELMER. couldn’t think of any way of procuring money. But it is just at this time that Torvald generally—, MRS LINDE. He is a widower now, isn’t he? NORA. Torvald, I am sure you will be able to do something for Christine, for my sake,
On the contrary, I feel extraordinarily lively. Not even taken a bite at a macaroon or two?
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