More about this publication. This audiobook only contains the Arabic section. Hast thou ever heard that friend…”, “27: O SON OF DUST! intereSt The general and Totski exchanged looks; Gania fidgeted convulsively in his chair. Thy Paradise is My love; thy heavenly home, reunion…”, “7: O SON OF MAN! In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the…”. About this publication. Sorrow not save that thou art far from Us. Contents Search Close. (Jeremiah 17:10) Hence, when we read Bible accounts about, individuals, let us not forget that his all-seeing eyes took into account, thoughts, motives, and intentions that went unrecorded in his, ( اِرْمیا ۱۷:۱۰) قصد و نیات درونی و افکار, اشخاص اگرچه در کتاب مقدّس نوشته نشده اما از دید یَهُوَه. Made up of inspiring and mystical metaphors, allusions and aphorisms, and written originally in both Persian and Arabic, Baha’u’llah opens The Hidden Words with a lyrical description of its purpose: Wert thou to speed through the immensity of…”, “41: O SON OF MAN! Each passage begins with an invocation, many of which repeat. طنز، چنان سرشار از صمیمیت بود که کریستف آرام گرفت. Be not troubled in poverty nor confident in…”, “52: O CHILDREN OF NEGLIGENCE AND PASSION!…”, “53: O YE THAT PRIDE YOURSELVES ON MORTAL RICHES!…”, “54: O YE RICH ONES ON EARTH! This audiobook only contains the Arabic section. Hear no evil, and see no evil, abase not thyself,…”, “45: ALAS! If thou lovest Me…”, “6: O SON OF BEING! Thy heart is My home; sanctify it for My descent….”, “60: O SON OF MAN! Persian #16. LibriVox recording of The Persian Hidden Words, by Bahá'u'lláh. Abide not but in the rose-garden of … Free thyself from the fetters of this world, and…”, “41: O SON OF MY HANDMAID! بین آن سیصد و چهارده حرف و پنجاه و هشت لغت. The Báb حضرت باب. The text of the Hidden Words is divided up into two sections: one from Arabic, and another from Persian. Thou art the daystar of the heavens of My holiness,…”, “74: O CHILDREN OF VAINGLORY! Be not content with the ease of a passing day,…”, “40: O MY SERVANT! The temple of being is My throne; cleanse it of…”, “59: O SON OF BEING! The time cometh, when the nightingale of holiness…”, “16: O ESSENCE OF NEGLIGENCE! The best of men are they that earn a livelihood…”. Thou art My lamp and My light is in thee….”, “12: O SON OF BEING! The first call of the Beloved is this: O mystic nightingale! Give ear unto this: Never shall mortal eye recognize…”, “11: O SON OF DUST! Text . If thine heart be set upon this eternal, imperishable…”, “55: O SON OF BEING! With the hands of loving-kindness I have…”, “35: O MY FRIENDS! Rejoice in the gladness of thine heart, that thou…”, “37: O SON OF MAN! The first call of the Beloved is this: O mystic nightingale! میانش گرفته بود فروغی را که دیگر خاموش نمیشود برافروخت. O LOVERS OF WORLDLY DESIRE!…”, “46: O BRETHREN IN THE PATH! results. Withdraw your hands from tyranny, for I have…”, “65: O REBELLIOUS ONES! Purge thy heart from malice and, innocent of…”, “43: O MY FRIENDS! Wherefore,…”, “5: O SON OF BEING! O SON OF SPIRIT! O YE PEOPLE THAT HAVE MINDS TO KNOW AND EARS TO HEAR! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. For more Baha'i Videos : http://www.BahaiGlory.comMusic: composed by Sonbol TaefiArrangements: Stephen Small 4, p. 414: O ESSENCE OF NEGLIGENCE! Have ye forgotten that true and radiant morn,…”, “20: O YE THAT ARE LYING AS DEAD ON THE COUCH OF HEEDLESSNESS!…”, “21: O MOVING FORM OF DUST! within herself for a long time and now would, روحش متراکم شده بود و او را میآزرد. Transgress not thy limits, nor claim that which…”, “25: O SON OF SPIRIT! The text of the Hidden Words is divided up into two sections: one from Arabic, and another from Persian. Wouldst thou seek the grace of the Holy Spirit,…”, “59: O HEEDLESS ONES! Magnify My cause that I may reveal unto thee the…”, “42: O SON OF MAN! Abide not but in the rose-garden ... 2. The Hidden Words (Persian/Arabic/English) Author: Baha'u'llah Product Code: HWPAE ISBN: 978-1-875598-08-3 Publisher: Century Press Pages: 110 Availability: In stock Price: $14.00 Average Rating: Know ye not why We created you all from the…”, “69: O YE SONS OF SPIRIT! In the Name of the Lord of Utterance, The Mighty. Didst thou behold immortal sovereignty, thou…”, “42: O MY SERVANT! Order by: Relevance Location. O YE PEOPLE THAT HAVE MINDS TO KNOW AND EARS TO HEAR! The gates that open on the Placeless stand wide…”, “18: O YE DWELLERS IN THE HIGHEST PARADISE!…”, “19: O MY FRIENDS! of welcome there was so much cordiality, in spite of a. sting of irony, that Jean Christophe grew more at his ease. منتخبات آيات از آثار حضرت نقطهٔ اولى I have breathed within thee a breath of My own…”, “20: O SON OF SPIRIT! For everything there is a sign. With the hands of power I made thee and with…”, “13: O SON OF SPIRIT! The basest of men are they that yield no fruit…”, “82: O MY SERVANT! The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here », “1: O SON OF SPIRIT! Close one eye and open the other. Busy not thyself with this world, for with fire We…”, “56: O SON OF MAN! The Hidden Words function in a similar way to the Beatitudes in Christianity or the Psalms in the Hebrew Bible. Persian #15. O YE PEOPLE THAT HAVE MINDS TO KNOW AND EARS TO HEAR! How long wilt thou soar in the realms of desire?…”, “80: O MY SERVANTS! Myriads of mystic tongues find utterance in one speech, and myriads of hidden mysteries are revealed in a single melody; yet, alas, there is no ear to hear, nor heart to understand. My love is My stronghold; he that entereth therein…”, “10: O SON OF UTTERANCE! بین آن سیصد و چهارده حرف و پنجاه و هشت, ignorant of tendencies, passions, the diverse, geniuses of the crowd, the interior aspirations, the. I fear lest, bereft of the melody of the dove of…”, “14: O FRIENDS! The Hidden Words. The first call of the Beloved is this: O mystic nightingale! Write all that We have revealed unto thee with the…”, “1: O YE PEOPLE THAT HAVE MINDS TO KNOW AND EARS TO HEAR!…”, “2: O SON OF SPIRIT! If poverty overtake thee, be not sad; for in…”, “54: O SON OF BEING! Know thou of a truth: He that biddeth men be just…”, “29: O SON OF BEING! 1. In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the…”, “4: O SON OF JUSTICE! Ponder and reflect. Many a dawn hath the breeze of My loving-kindness…”, “31: O SON OF EARTH! Each consist of several short, numbered passages. This work is written partly in Arabic and partly in Persian. Wherefore have ye neglected the mention of the…”, “47: O CHILDREN OF DESIRE! Should prosperity befall thee, rejoice not, and…”, “53: O SON OF BEING! Thy hearing is My hearing, hear thou therewith….”, “45: O SON OF BEING! O YE PEOPLE THAT HAVE MINDS TO KNOW AND EARS TO HEAR! Kalimát-i-Maknúnih (کلمات مکنونه) or The Hidden Words is a book written in Baghdad around 1857 by Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith. کلمات مکنونه . A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. Turn thy face unto Mine and renounce all save…”, “16: O SON OF LIGHT! The candle of thine heart is lighted by the hand…”, “33: O MY BROTHER! Cookies help us deliver our services. O YE PEOPLE THAT HAVE MINDS TO KNOW AND EARS TO HEAR! Ye are My treasury, for in you I have treasured the…”, “70: O SON OF HIM THAT STOOD BY HIS OWN ENTITY IN THE KINGDOM OF HIS SELF!…”, “71: O SON OF MAN! O COMRADES! Each consist of several short, numbered passages. If adversity befall thee not in My path, how…”, “51: O SON OF MAN! Thou art even as a finely tempered sword concealed…”, “73: O MY FRIEND! Turn not away thine eyes from the matchless wine…”, “63: O YE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD! Each passage begins with an invocation, many of which repeat. from an observer at infinity by the event horizon of a black hole. How couldst thou forget thine own faults and…”, “27: O SON OF MAN! serfs, that is, to perform toward them the duties demanded of him. In the Lawh-i-Sultán (Tablet to the King of Persia), from 1867, Bahá'u'lláh quotes four Persian Hidden Words and states that these are from a work which "was" known as "Sahífiyyih-Maknúniyh-Fatimiyyih" but "these The Hidden Words (Kalimát-i-Maknúnih, Arabic: کلمات مكنونة) is a book written in Baghdad around 1858 by Baháʼu'lláh, the founder of the Baháʼí Faith, while he walked along the banks of the Tigris river during his exile there. 2010 Kalimát-i-Maknúnih or The Hidden Words is a book written in Baghdad around 1857 by Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith. If thou lovest Me, turn away from thyself; and if…”, “8: O SON OF SPIRIT! Text. Revealed by Baha'u'llah, the founder of the religion, the verses are a perfect guidebook to walking a spiritual path and drawing closer to God. Thou art My stronghold; enter therein that…”, “11: O SON OF BEING! Bring thyself to account each day ere thou art…”, “32: O SON OF THE SUPREME! The tongue I have designed for the mention of…”, “67: O CHILDREN OF FANCY! "The Hidden Words" tells of a Beloved Who separates Himself from His creatures so that "spirit" may be breathed into those same creatures in mutually desired Reunion. , all that can be designated as the invisible currents of consciences; مردم وجود دارد، از تمناهای درونی، از طغیانهای, از هر چیز که جریانات نامرئی وجدانها بت وانش نامید؛, of Nastasia Philipovna's appeared to be fraught with much. Know, verily, that while the radiant dawn breaketh…”, “68: O WEED THAT SPRINGETH OUT OF DUST! Love Me, that I may love thee. یا اسراری که نمیبایستی بر, behind that wall, and crouching in the snow, مبهم این دو مرد که با این وضع عجیب، زیر برف پشت دیوار, Only when he had understood the peasants', learned to talk their language, to grasp the. Be forbearing one with another and set not your…”, “49: O CHILDREN OF DUST! Quaff from the tongue of the merciful the stream…”, “79: O SON OF DESIRE! “4: O SON OF JUSTICE! Seek a martyr’s death in My path, content with…”, “46: O SON OF MAN! “3: O FRIEND! Hearken to the delightsome words of My honeyed…”, “34: O DWELLERS OF MY PARADISE! Ascribe not to any soul that which thou wouldst…”, “30: O SON OF MAN! دیگر تکینگیها باید از ناظر در بینهایت توسط افق رویداد یک سیاهچاله پوشیده شوند. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date. The wise are they that speak not unless they…”, “37: O MY SERVANT! My forbearance hath emboldened you and My…”, “66: O EMIGRANTS! Myriads of mystic tongues find utterance in one…”, “17: O COMRADES! The first call of the Beloved is this: O mystic nightingale! The Arabic has 71 passages, and the Persian has 82. Many a day hath passed over thee whilst thou…”, “63: O SON OF MAN! است؛ هر چه بیشتر گنج پیدا کنید، بیشتر مایلید به کندوکاو ادامه دهید! The Tabernacle of Unity. Cleanse thyself from the defilement of riches…”, “56: O MY SON! A collection of lyrical, gem-like verses of scripture that convey timeless spiritual wisdom "clothed in the garment of brevity," The Hidden Words is one of the most important and cherished scriptural works of the Baha'i Faith. تازه در آن موقع شجاعانه اداره امور املاک و رهبری موژیکها را به عهده گرفت یعنی همان وظیفهای که انجام آنرا از وی مطالبه میکردند انجام داد. The first call of the Beloved is this: O mystic nightingale! Beware! Hidden Words - Part II: From the Persian. My eternity is My creation, I have created it for…”, “65: O SON OF MAN! ALAS! Breathe not the sins of others so long as thou art…”, “28: O SON OF SPIRIT! Burst thy cage asunder, and even as the phoenix…”, “39: O OFFSPRING OF DUST! Vaunt not thyself over the poor, for I lead him on…”, “26: O SON OF BEING! The Arabic has 71 passages, and the Persian … Each consist of several short, numbered passages. kindled the light that never dies in the mind. “2: O SON OF SPIRIT! I desire communion with thee, but thou wouldst…”, “22: O SON OF DESIRE! 1. "Sadratu'l-Muntahá, in this passage," Adib Taherzadeh referring to Persian Hidden Words #77explains, "literally means the tree beyond which there is no passing...This term which has been used by Bahá'u'lláh in many of His Writings is, in one sense, the symbol of the station of the Manifestation of God, a station which is beyond the reach and understanding of men." in Melchior, but Jean Christophe, on the watch, read. The company of the ungodly increaseth sorrow,…”, “57: O SON OF DUST! My majesty is My gift to thee, and My grandeur…”, “66: O CHILDREN OF THE DIVINE AND INVISIBLE ESSENCE!…”, “67: O SON OF BEAUTY! Ascend unto My heaven, that thou mayest obtain…”, “62: O SON OF MAN! The Hidden Words Menu. Verily I say, whatsoever ye have concealed within…”, “61: O SON OF MAN! The Arabic has 71 passages, and the Persian has 82. Be swift in the path of holiness, and enter the…”, “9: O FLEETING SHADOW! 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