They tied for first place. au montant de l'investissement et au flux de trésorerie prévu. OneIndia Hindi Dictionary offers the meaning of In the second place in hindi with pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, adjective and more related words in Hindi. in the second place, legislation needs to provide for legal certainty. to be in second place (in league table, race) se classer deuxième to finish in second place (in contest, race) finir à la deuxième place to take second place (=be less important) passer après un certain nombre de choix qui sont heureux. the Communication of the Commission on the Implementation of the Data Protection Directive, the. Cet exemple ne correspond à la traduction ci-dessus. D'abord, étant donné les incertitudes quant à la taille des stocks et les connaissances incomplètes sur la dynamique des populations de poisson, l'établissement. de la prière d'intercession pour le succès du travail apostolique. of family maintenance are also envisaged. In the first place, you don't have enough money to buy one. La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualité. 9. The particular portion of space occupied by or allocated to a person or thing. provision for a filter, giving sole authority for initiating a prosecution to the Federal prosecution service, which specializes in cases of this kind. Est toujours invariable ! deux mesures en ce qui concerne le troisième axe, à savoir le droit des États parties d'acquérir la technologie nucléaire pour des utilisations pacifiques. in the second place, ... en second lieu, ... n. n. la première personne, le premier peuple, les premi ... You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...) Look it up now! ‘And in the second place, it just leaves more room for you and me.’. 279 synonyms for Second Place (other words and phrases for Second Place). of transplant societies to implement the ethics and laws now, there is. is a producer of semiconductors and it intends to expand this production, it being the. 8. take second place (to somebody/something) to be less important than someone or something else She wasn’t prepared to take second place in his life. In the second place definition is - —used when listing the most important parts of something or the most important reasons for something. EDPS expressed the view that changes to the Directive seem unavoidable in the longer term and suggested that thought be given to future changes as early as possible. Toujours invariable ! In the first place can also be used to emphasize a very important point or reason. • In the second place, it involves some intention to maintain that control on the part of the possessor. How to use second in a sentence. It's IMPORTANT to consider: Personal meaning - What the dream symbol means to you, what it reminds you of, how it makes you feel. les enfants qui appartiennent à un groupe distinct d'apprendre la langue de la majorité dont la connaissance est requise pour l'accès aux degrés supérieurs de l'enseignement. to get an accurate measurement of the true fishing effort. In the second place definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Using this Dream Dictionary Tips to Understand Dream Meaning. Elapsed time: 421 ms. Exact: 567. Synonyms for in the second place in English including definitions, and related words. [...] for several women's monasteries in France and in Rome, believed unquestioningly. place (plās) n. 1. a. abusive use of the Act for political ends," the Act of 2003 had made. In the first place you are not old and in … Meaning of second place. Signalez une publicité qui vous semble abusive. In the second place Meaning in Hindi: Find the definition of In the second place in Hindi. tenté de dire inversement, c'est également faire acte de discrimination que d'empêcher. J'espère qu'il terminera en deuxième place et que Jack Layton se retrouvera piteusement en troisième place. des mouvements et des questions qui ont pris corps après le Concile. more expensive than the MBA and Dürr bids. Documents chargeables en « glisser-déposer ». Translation for 'to tie for second place' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. et grâce à lui, il procède à un discernement délicat mais nécessaire d'expériences, de courants, de modes de participation du laïcat caractéristiques de la première période post-conciliaire. Category(s): Conditions Events. validité des autorisations dans le temps (accès à l'ensemble de la conférence ou à certaines séances) ou dans l'espace (niveau d'accès octroyé à chaque personne, qui est autorisé à aller où). Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More. of the validation of authorization in time (access to the entirety of the conference or to some sessions) or in space (who is authorized to go where). Synonyms for in the second place include secondly, also, furthermore, moreover, next, second, secondarily, besides, further and including. a distinct group from learning the majority language, knowledge of which is necessary for access to higher education. Toutefois, il est tout de même fait mention du rappel par J. Belmont des « critères de choix des différents architectes » et un tableau des rémunérations présente sommairement un classement des offres dans un ordre qui n'est pas, exactement celui des prix, l'offre Rolland, plus chère. Find more similar words at! Guess again, Terrson. Nevertheless, there is a reference to the reminder by Mr Belmont of the "criteria for choosing the different architects", and a table of remuneration presents in summary a list of the bids. Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More. second-place finish- a finish in second place (as in a race) Popularized by (and often credited to) race car driver Dale Earnhardt, Sr. (1951–2001). Un oubli important ? Reflecting the provisions of Article 2 on Scope, child support is mentioned. ‘And in the second place, it would also then change, I think, the attitude of the world towards the armed conflict.’. b. In community building, the third place is the social surroundings separate from the two usual social environments of home ("first place") and the workplace ("second place"). des Evêques aux prêtres, des laïcs aux personnes consacrées elles-mêmes. in the second placeadvadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "veryrare," "happening now," "fall down." Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : Proposer comme traduction pour "in the second place". Second trait Six à la deuxième place signifie : Il mord dans de la viande tendre, si bien que le nez disparaît. 10. is a requirement from the perspective of the right of the citizen to an effective legal protection. More example sentences. What does second place mean? the system must make allowance for very different situations in terms. Room or space, especially adequate space: There is place for everyone at the back of the room. (secondly) en second lieu loc adv locution adverbiale: groupe de mots qui servent d'adverbe. Results: 567. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. doit à sa suprématie technologique au niveau de laquelle l'aspect qualité est très important. to be considered to be less important than another thing or person and be given less attention than them. My personal life has had to take second place to my career. Exercises Vocabulary exercises help you to learn synonyms, collocations and idioms. opérations financières hors réserves de la balance des paiements. You go out into that ring and you give it absolutely everything you've got! Devenez parrain de WordReference pour voir le site sans publicités. est une exigence du point de vue du citoyen qui a droit à une protection juridique effective. Utilisez DeepL Traducteur pour traduire instantanément textes et documents. Learn more. In the second place, the modal meaning is derivable from the canonical lexical meaning but not the other way round. eighty countries, that normally meets only once per year. Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. For, in the second place, it is to identify with this difference that cultural nationalism calls its prospective subjects: ... No results found for this meaning. almost be said, conversely, it is also discriminatory to prevent children belonging to. (secondly) en segundo lugar loc advlocución adverbial: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adverbio ("en vilo", "de … The meaning of dream second place is : Dreaming you have won something other than first place in a competition - and you're happy about it - represents the idea of doing well - either you feel that you are doing well, or that you'd like to be. principes déontologiques, on n'est guère porté à croire qu'elles vont observer les nouvelles lois. Easy Learning Idioms Dictionary. or in the second place. In the first instance, I don't have the time.