Weil er die Menschen so langsam infiziert und Wirkung zeigt, stehst du einer Heilmittelforschung gegenüber, die oftmals viel schneller voranschreitet als deine Infektion. I always finish within 400 days, have a cure completion of less than 30%, and a score of 5/5 Biohazards. I’m sure there is a ACTUAL way to beat this stupid plague on this difficulty. The Cure always goes up extremely fast. Everything is the mega brutal and brutal difficulties, the few guides I did find for normal mode, had horrid mics, or simply none at all, so my suggestion to you would be to cover that quickly seeing as its content that is lacking from the other channels that have done videos on plague Inc. Can you infect the world? I actually just used this and got 0% cure, not sure if it was a glitch or not. The process is slow just like Fungus where you have to wait for the world to be completely infected, but with the use of unlocked genes. I even tried to evolve Necrosis tree down when Greenland was half infected. After a couple of attempts, Steven Johnson's method DOES work with Clearing Parasite Plague in normal mode is easy to achieve, and the solution in finishing the Brutal mode is the same as how you play in the lower level. Your pathogen has just infected 'Patient Zero'. Now you must bring about the end of human history by evolving a deadly, global Plague whilst adapting against everything humanity can do to defend itself. Follow along with this walkthrough for "Plague Inc." Beating Prion on Normal This tutorial, while similar to the Virus tutorial I posted, is a little different in the way you go about beating the game. Plague, Inc. is the invention of the Ndemic Creations video game company. It goes up to 50% in less than 3 minutes. Plague Inc. Prion Mega-Brutal Guide/ Walkthrough/ Strategy Surprisingly, I found an amazing strategy for Prion within a few games. Labels: mega brutal prion, PLAGUE INC MEGA BRUTAL WALKTHROUGHS, Plague Inc Prion Mega Brutal, Prion Mega brutal Plague Inc, Prion Mega Brutal tips, Prion walkthrough mega brutal. The Cure devolopes WAYYYYY too damn fast. 8 comments: Unknown 15 December 2015 at 17:58. Plague Inc. is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation. O modo “Prion”, no jogo Plague, Inc., representa um grande desafio, ainda mais na dificuldade “Brutal”. Como a infecção ocorre lentamente e seus sintomas demoram a se manifestar, é bem provável que a pesquisa de curas progrida de maneira muito mais rápida do que a doença. In the game, you can choose from a large number of “plagues”, starting with extremely real and potentially (really) genocidal bacteria and working your way up to fun fantastical pathogens like those that create vampires and … Every strategy to have ever existed for this Difficulty on Prion never works. Der Prion-Spielmodus in Plague, Inc. ist eine sehr schwierige Herausforderung, vor allem bei Brutal-Schwierigkeit. Find guides to this achievement here. The game focuses on the darkest of all human fantasies: destroying everyone around you. Prion Master achievement in Plague Inc: Evolved: Beat Prion disease type on mega-brutal difficulty - worth 15 Gamerscore.