At nearly every move there are many reasonable alternatives, and most have been deeply explored. Ba4 Nf6 5. López is a surname of Spanish origin. and other less-common third moves for Black. Ruy López de Segura invented the Ruy Lopez chess opening. In the 1950s, Mark Taimanov played it with some success, though it remained a sideline, as it has to this day. Zafra’s shops, bars and restaurants can be found in the surrounding streets. History. Ruy Lopez (239) C67 C65 C78 C95 C84 Queen's Gambit Declined (99) D37 D38 D30 D31 D39 Queen's Indian (91) E15 E12 E17 E16 E14 Queen's Pawn Game (88) … The main line begins with 9.exd5 Nxd5 (9...e4? In today’s featured game, between Garry Kasparov and Veselin Topalov, the Ruy Lopez … The last significant use of the Russian Defence was in the 1950s when it was played by some Russian masters. !, the Herman Steiner variation, is considered weaker) 10.Nxe5 Nxe5 11.Rxe5 c6 (Marshall's original moves, 11...Nf6, and 11...Bb7 are considered inferior, but have also yielded good results at top levels of play for Black. This opening was however not appreciated or used much at that point of time. White will try to attack on the kingside via 17.Bg5, moving forces to the kingside. The idea is that the queen will support the e-pawn, leaving the rook free to move to d1 to support the advance of the d-pawn, although there is not always time for this. [46] Bird's Defence was later used a few times in tournament play by Siegbert Tarrasch, Boris Spassky, and Alexander Khalifman. White: Ilya Smirin Black: Alexander Beliavsky Type of Game: Ruy Lopez, Morphy Defence. White can gain time after playing d4 as the black bishop will have to move, but this does not always seem to be as important as was once thought.[12]. The Breyer Variation was recommended by Gyula Breyer as early as 1911,[42] but there are no known game records in which Breyer employed this line. Today, 9.Be3 Be7 10.c3 is often used to transpose into the main line, 9.c3, while obviating the option of the Dilworth. The main line leads to unbalanced endgames which are difficult to play for both sides, though with a strong drawing tendency. It has a restaurant, free WiFi and a terrace. Magnesium intake was evaluated using a validated food frequency questionnaire every 2–4 years. The most common responses for White to 3...f5!? Ba4 Nf6 5. The Schliemann Defence Deferred, 3...a6 4.Ba4 f5, is rarely seen, with practically its only top-level appearance being in the 1974 Candidates Final, when Viktor Korchnoi adopted it versus Anatoly Karpov. This may have inspired López to write his own book, Libro de la Invencion liberal y Arte del juego del Axedrez, which was published in 1561. López also learned the term gambit from the Italian players. This can be considered the main line of the opening as a whole and thousands of top-level games have reached this position. Examined in this section are the alternatives to the main line: The Delayed Exchange Variation Deferred (or Exchange Variation Doubly Deferred) (ECO C85), 6.Bxc6, loses a tempo compared to the Exchange Variation, though in compensation, the black knight on f6 and bishop on e7 are awkwardly placed. Karpov's move, 9.Nbd2, limits Black's options. Since Black's third move does not threaten to win the e-pawn—if Black captures it, White will win back the pawn on e5[50]—White usually castles. Karpov tried 9...Nd7 several times in the 1990 World Championship match, but Kasparov achieved a significant advantage against it in the 18th game. The move ...Qd4, regaining the pawn at e4, is usually impossible in these variations once White has castled, due to the open e-file. Nowadays however, this variation is considered too passive,and players prefer to play the Berlin or the Petroff as they seem to equalise more easily. Deep Blue, Man vs. Machine, New York (1997)", " Chess Games Database & Community", "Garry Kasparov vs. Vladimir Kramnik, World Chess Championship 2000, game 1", "Garry Kasparov vs. Vladimir Kramnik, World Chess Championship 2000, game 3", "Garry Kasparov vs. Vladimir Kramnik, World Chess Championship 2000, game 9", "Garry Kasparov vs. Vladimir Kramnik, World Chess Championship 2000, game 13", Opening Report. This strategic clarity has made the Ruy Lopez, or Spanish Opening, an eternal favourite with chess players at all levels. Chess popularity increased by 857%. With accurate play, however, Black can avoid any disadvantage while holding onto the extra piece. gives Black a good game. An illustration of an open book. I own serveral books by Neil MacDonald. In particular, Spassky's back to back wins over Mikhail Tal at Tbilisi in 1965 did much to enhance its reputation, and Spassky has a career-plus score with the Breyer. White's move 4.Nc3 transposes to the Four Knights Game, Spanish Variation. In the Classical World Chess Championship 2004, challenger Peter Leko used the Marshall to win an important game against World Champion Vladimir Kramnik. The main point of 3...a6 is that after the common retreat 4.Ba4, Black will have the possibility of breaking a future pin on the queen knight by playing ...b5. White's most common reply is 4.c3, when Black may choose to play 4...f5, the Cordel Gambit, leading to sharp play, after which 5.d4 is considered the strongest reply. After 4...dxc6, the obvious 5.Nxe5? C75's main continuation is 5...Bd7 6.d4 Nge7, the Rubinstein Variation. With 9...h6 Black prepares to play 10...Re8 and 11...Bf8 without fear of 10.Ng5. Open Variation, l'Hermet Variation after 8...Kxd8, Morphy Defence: alternatives to Closed Defence, Steinitz Defence Deferred: 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 d6, Arkhangelsk Defence: 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7, Modern Arkhangelsk Defence: 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bc5, Closed Defence 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7: alternatives to Main line, Delayed Exchange Variation Deferred: 6.Bxc6, Main line: 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0-0, Yates Variation and Bogoljubow Variation: 9.d4, Morphy played 3...a6 in the second (a draw) and fourth (a win for Morphy) games of his 1858 match with, List of chess openings named after people, "Lasker vs. Capablanca, St. Petersburg (1914)", "Adhiban vs. Nakamura, FIDE World Cup (2013)", "Fischer vs. Portisch, 17th Chess Olympiad (1966)", "Fischer vs. Gligoric, 17th Chess Olympiad (1966)", "Anatoly Karpov vs. Viktor Korchnoi, Candidates Final, 1974", "Johann Jacob Loewenthal vs. Paul Morphy (1859)", "Vachier Lagrave vs. Caruana, Candidates Tournament (2020)", "Grischuk vs. Caruana, Candidates Tournament (2020)", "Introduction - Peter Svidler chess video", "Robert James Fischer vs. Petar Trifunovic (1961)", "Jose Raul Capablanca vs. Edward Lasker (1915)", "Vasily Smyslov vs. Samuel Reshevsky, USSR–USA Radio Match, 1945", "Morovic-Fernandez vs. Yusupov, Tunis Interzonal, 1985", "Ljubojevic vs. Yusupov, Tilburg Interpolis, 1987", "Short vs. Yusupov, Belgrade Investbank, 1989", "Keres vs. Euwe, FIDE World Championship tournament, 1948", "Keres vs. Reshevsky, FIDE World Championship tournament, 1948", "Anatoly Karpov vs. Viktor Korchnoi, World Chess Championship, 1978", "Garry Kasparov vs. Viswanathan Anand, World Chess Championship, 1995", "Nigel Short vs. Anatoly Karpov, Candidates Semifinal, game 6 (1992)", "Nigel Short vs. Anatoly Karpov, Candidates Semifinal, game 8 (1992)", "CHESSGAMES.COM * Chess game search engine", "Viswanathan Anand vs. Michael Adams (2013)", "Introduction to the 6.d3 Spanish - Peter Svidler chess video", "Vladimir Kramnik vs. Peter Leko, World Chess Championship, 2004", "Teichmann vs Schlechter, Karlsbad (1911)", "Jose Raul Capablanca vs. Efim Bogoljubow (1922)", "Kasparov vs. After 4.Bxc6, Black almost always responds 4...dxc6. All are excellent. Thank you Anya for your brilli Bb5. López' final chapters are devoted to odds chess, again taking the time to criticize Damiano's approaches to these games. Spanish Expeditions to the Philippines . Play normally continues 6...b5 7.Bb3 followed by 7...0-0 8.c3 and 8...d5 or 8...d6. Notable games are Fischer–Portisch,[10] and Fischer–Gligoric,[11] both played at the 17th Chess Olympiad in Havana 1966. 1910) in Österreichische Schachzeitung in 1956 and in Wiener Schach Nachrichten in 1979, although it did not become popular until the 1990s. leads to the Tarrasch Trap. Ah, my favorite chess opening in the world. The point of this manoeuver was to weaken Black's kingside. You can help Wikipedia by adding to it . Here is a review at the BCF site. White normally continues with 7.c3 and after 8...0-0 White can choose between 9.Nbd2 or 9 Re1. Alvarez - son of Alvaro, cautious. [35] The most common counterclaim is that Marshall had used a similar approach in 1917 against Walter Frere. López is a surname of Spanish origin. [3] In 1559, while living in Zafra, López was called to Rome by Pope Pius IV on ecclesiastical business. Code C65 covers alternatives to 4.0-0, including 4.d3 as well as 4.0-0 Bc5. This acting tour de force was globally recognised, her performance was so transcendental and true that people previously unconcerned about Chess became enamoured by it. The Arkhangelsk Defence is tactically justified by Black's ability to meet 7.Ng5 with 7...d5 8.exd5 Nd4! White then usually tries to attack the Black queenside via 15.a4. Ruy Lopez . For my level of play, his new book, "The Ruy Lopez: Move by Move," is simply the best opening book I own. The Chigorin Variation has declined in popularity because Black must spend some time bringing his offside knight on a5 back into the game. White threatens 7.Bxc6 winning the e5-pawn leaving Black a choice of either 6...d6 or 6...b5. An interesting gambit line 4.d4 exd4 5.c3 has also been recommended by Alexander Khalifman, although some of the resulting positions have yet to be extensively tested. The bishop in the ruy lopez puts black in an annoying position, the d pawn can't be moved without threats of doubling pawns, and kicking the bishop makes it end up on b3, cutting through the center on a really nice diagonal. The logical retreat is 18.Be3, which is met by 18...Nc5. The company is a Florida Domestic Profit Corporation, which was filed on December 8, 2004. The address on file for this person is 7670 Hooper Road Unit 12, Wpb, FL 33411 in Palm Beach County. The Smyslov Defence, Fianchetto Defence, Barnes Defence, or Pillsbury Defence (part of ECO C60), 3...g6, is a quiet positional system played occasionally by Vasily Smyslov and Boris Spassky, becoming popular in the 1980s when it was shown that 4.c3 a6! In his analysis, and especially in the games in his second book, we may trace the genesis of that theory of Pawn-play which Philidor reduced to a system two centuries later." [24][25]This has been played at the top by World No.2 Fabiano Caruana among others, and he recommends this in his video series for Chessbase. White immediately starts the battle for the centre, fighting for the initiative. Black seeks counterplay in the centre via 15...c5. Qxd8 13.Nxd8+ Kxd8 14.Kxh2 Be6 (14...f5?? The Berlin is assigned ECO codes C65–C67. 8.Re1 d5 9.Nc3!, Bobby Fischer–Petar Trifunovic, Bled 1961[18]) 8.dxe5 Be6. The main line continues with 5...exd4 (5... Nxe4 6.0-0 transposes to the Open Defence) 6.0-0 (6.e5 Ne4 is harmless) Be7 (6...Nxe4 transposes to the Riga Variation of the Open Defence) which leads to the Centre Attack (ECO C84) of the Closed Defence. White must take some care not to fall into the Noah's Ark Trap, in which Black traps White's king bishop on the b3-square with a ...a6, ...b5, and ...c4 pawn advance on the queenside. With the move order 3...a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 d6, Black waits until White castles before playing ...d6. In 1543, before a permanent Spanish colony had been settled on the islands, explorer Ruy López de Villalobos presumptuously named the two islands of Leyte and Samar as Las Islas Fil… [7] Black gains good compensation, however, in the form of the bishop pair, and the variation is not considered White's most ambitious, though former world champions Emanuel Lasker and Bobby Fischer employed it with success. An alternative to 6...d6 is 6...b5 7.Bb3 Bb7. In Italy López encountered Pedro Damiano's treatise on chess, Questo libro e da imparare giocare a scachi et de li partiti, and did not find much value in it. The Ruy Lopez (or Spanish Opening) is one of the oldest and most important chess openings, popular with amateurs as well as professional players. After 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0-0, we have: The Pilnik Variation, named for Herman Pilnik, is also known as the Teichmann Variation from the game Teichmann–Schlechter, Karlsbad 1911. The Marshall Attack is a very sharp opening system in which a great amount of theoretical knowledge is vital, and many White players, including Garry Kasparov, avoid it by playing one of the anti-Marshall systems, 8.d4, 8.a4 or 8.h3 instead of 8.c3. I have recently started playing the Ruy Lopez and I've not once found it to be drawish. Who Was Ruy Lopez? There's a few things about it that I'd love to share. Sanchez- son of Sancho, saintly. It happened gradually and it began with the arrival of Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer, in 1521. The possibility of breaking the pin with a timely ...b5 gives Black more latitude than in the Old Steinitz Defence; in particular, in the Old Steinitz, White can practically force Black to give up the stronghold at e5, but in the Modern Steinitz, Black is able to maintain control of the centre. Casa Ruy Lopez is located in the center of Zafra and next to its main square. and now the endgame is considered to favour White after 15.Be3 or Nd2 (but not 15.Nc3 c5!, playing to trap the bishop). Black normally does not fianchetto the Queen's bishop, which would transpose to regular Arkhangelsk setups, but plays ...Bg4 to increase the pressure against White's pawn centre. Ruy López' contribution to chess was mainly to its opening theory; his analysis of the King's Gambit in particular went well beyond earlier writing such as Damiano's. For example, for many years the position in Spassky--Fischer, Reykjavík 1972would have been classified as "great advantage for White". originally, but later discovered 11...c6!) [33][failed verification], This gambit became famous when Frank James Marshall used it as a prepared variation against José Raúl Capablanca in 1918; nevertheless, Capablanca found a way through the complications and won. Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese in the service of the Spanish crown, was looking for a westward route to the to the Spice Islands of Indonesia.On March 16, 1521, Magellan's expedition landed on Homonhon island in the Philippines.He was the first European to reach the islands. Alexander Alekhine played this for Black in the early portion of his career; despite his advocacy, it never achieved great popularity, and even he eventually came to consider it dubious. The Steinitz Defence Deferred (ECO C79) also called Russian Defence. To the casual observer it might seem that Black has been careless and lost a pawn; however, the sacrifice has also stripped White's kingside of its defenders, given Black a lead in development, and rendered White's 8.c3 irrelevant. Black may sacrifice a pawn with 8.c3 d5 9.exd5 Nxd5 10.Nxe5 Nxe5 11.Rxe5 Nf4. Here is a review at the BCF site. The Ruy Lopez Main Lines, arise (with a few exceptions for move order and such) after 1 e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 0-0. The Ruy López is known as one of the most common chess game openings, so naturally Beth and Townes would have both been familiar with it. White has a variety of options at move nine, including 9.c3, 9.Be3, 9.Qe2 and 9.Nbd2. White can reply with either 7.Bxc6 bxc6 8.d4 or 7.c3 Bg4 (it is too late for Black to transpose into the more usual lines of the Closed Defence, because 7...b5 would allow 8.Bc2, saving White a tempo over the two-move sequence Bb3–c2 found in other variations). Chess Game. López was also esteemed for his ability at blindfold chess. This defence shares some similarities with the Modern Steinitz and Russian Defences as Black avoids the ...b5 advance that weakens the queenside. Reshevsky had not seen the analysis and he struggled in vain to solve the position over the board with his chess clock running. Chess Game. Steinitz's opinion did not prevail, however; today, 3...a6 is played in over 65 percent of all games beginning with the Ruy Lopez.[6]. The Zaitsev can be considered to be an improved Smyslov in which Black tries to save a tempo by omitting ...h6.