PhD, UMass, 2000. Diane Mayer taught as an Instructor in the department from 1983 until 2011, when she retired as a Senior Instructor Emerita. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Nursing is a research degree designed to prepare nurse scholars to advance the art, science and practice of the discipline. She was born in New York City on August 21, 1954. Teaching in Spring 21: PHIL 2200 section 001, section 002, PHIL 3160 002 Read Dr. Greetis' CV here . Research Interests : Contemporary moral and political theory (theories of social justice, political obligation and authority, democratic theory, First Amendment issues), ethical issues in international relations (military intervention, secession, just war theory, global distributive justice, international law and society). The Philosophy Department at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs on PhD program; BA in Psychology and Philosophy from The Ohio State University, 2017; Areas of interest: Metanormativity, Metaethics, Ethics, and Moral Psychology. Semantics, Metaphysics, Logic, Epistemology. Research Interests : Tense and aspect, corpus syntax, spoken-language syntax, discourse pragmatics, prosody, Construction Grammar, simulation semantics, Latin syntax and semantics. . Chair: David Boonin PhD, Cornell, 2009. PhD, University of Colorado Boulder. Emory University 2017, M.A. Research Interests : Philosophy of Mathematics, Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Theory of Knowledge. Ph.D. program; B.A. Privacy • Legal & Trademarks • Campus Map. Welcome! MA program; BA Philosophy w/Psychology minor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (2020). For the undergraduate degree in philosophy, students must take 33 to 45 credit hours in philosophy, no fewer than 18 of which must be upper division, earning 33 credit hours with a grade of C-or better in each course in philosophy and a C (2.00) average for all work attempted in philosophy. The Graduate Program in Philosophy at the University of Colorado at Boulder is designed to provide students with broad and intensive training in philosophy. Areas of interest: Epistemology, philosophy of religion. The Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto is the top-ranked philosophy program in Canada, and one of the leading philosophy departments in the world. degree from Wellesley College in 1976, her M.A. "An elaborate, fascinating, and crucially important study of Aztec metaphysics. PhD program; BA in philosophy, University of Akron, 2000; MA in philosophy, Yale, 2004. PhD, Stony Brook, 2004; MPA, Arizona, 1997. The Philosophy minor will deepen your educational experience by providing the intellectual skills needed to understand and … Professor Emeritus • College Professor of Distinction. She received her B.A. If you need assistance, please call us at (303) 615-0900; the office phones are being forwarded. PhD program; MA Philosophy 2015, Northern Illinois University, PhD program; BA, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 2016, PhD program; BS Mathematics/Philosophy St. Peters College, 2012; MA Philosophy, Georgia State University, 2016, M.A. The University of Wisconsin–Madison Department of Philosophy is located in Helen C. White Hall, right on the shore of beautiful Lake Mendota and at the heart of the university campus. Areas of Interest: Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, PhD program; BA in Liberal Arts, St. John's College Annapolis. Policies. Areas of interest: Theory of values, aesthetics, MA program, later PhD program; BA, History and BA, Philosophy, Montana State Univ. Philosophy Student Featured on Colorado Department of Higher Education Blog Nate Evans recently published a blog post, " Philosophize this: Closing gender equity gaps in higher education ," for the Colorado Department of Education "Student Voices" series, discussing the Undergraduate Women’s Philosophy Conference. His account of this philosophy is fascinating and important, worthy of the best anthropology. UCCS is a national comprehensive research university offering bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in over 53 fields of study. PhD, Pittsburgh, 1992. PhD, Illinois-Chicago, 1996. Ancient Philosophy, History of Philosophy. Director of Undergraduate Studies: Garrett Bredeson Bachelor's - Accelerated Master's program; areas of interest epistemology (both formal and informal), philosophical logic, and philosophy of language. degree from Princeton University in 1979, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from Princeton University in 1991. The Philosophy Department was one of the original programs on the UCCS campus. Research Interests : The relationship between communications media and citizenship, with an emphasis on theoretical and practical issues of media and globalization. He has published widely in areas including ethics, metaphysics and philosophy of language, but his area of specialty is aesthetics and... DPhil, Oxford, 1980. . We are as colorful as your imagination, Art Philosophy, Inc.® is all about color and art. program; BA from Clark University in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with a concentration in Public Health, 2016, M.A. Professor • College Professor of Distinction. Our department offers both undergraduate (major, double-major, minor) and graduate (master’s) degrees. Climate Committee Chair: Brian Talbot PhD, Syracuse, 1991. PhD program; BA, University of California Davis, 2009; MA, Western Michigan University, 2018; Areas of Interest: Language, Logic, Metaphysics, Metaethics. MA program, later PhD program; BA, Biology, Grace College, 2012. The CU Denver Philosophy Department consists of engaged scholars. Contemporary Social, Moral, and Political Philosophy, often from a feminist perspective. Before starting my current position at CU in January 2020, I completed a Postdoc in the School of Economics at the University of Queensland from 2017-2019 under the supervision of John Quiggin and L. A. Paul as part of their the ARC grant investigating transformative experience and rational choice . Studies Kant, Philosophy of mind Free will and Consciousness, and Theory of Knowledge. University of Colorado Boulder. Graduate students with certain deficiencies in their prior philosophy coursework may be required to take additional remedial undergraduate courses while enrolled in the program. Alumni of Regis College's Philosophy department have been admitted to graduate programs in philosophy and other areas of the humanities. Prior to joining CU’s Philosophy Department, Dr. Linsenbard taught philosophy at New York University and, most recently, California Polytechnic University. Doctor of Philosophy in Education and Human Development, Family Science and Human Development Degree Earned: PhD Campus: CU Denver Prepares candidates for cutting-edge research and university teaching positions focused on family diversity and social justice, leading to equity and excellence for all. Areas of interest: Feminist philosophy, metaphysics, metaethics, philosophy of language. 2021 Best Colleges for Philosophy in Colorado About this List The Best Colleges for Philosophy ranking is based on key statistics and student reviews using data from the U.S. Department of Education. My research is in ancient philosophy, and particularly metaphysical and epistemological issues in Plato, the Presocratics, and Aristotle. Areas of interest: Sport and Games, Applied Ethics, Metaphysics, Law, Tech, MA program, Spring 2020; BA Universidad Autonóma de Zacatecas, PhD program; B.Sc. He had an extraordinarily productive and successful scholarly career, writing in environmental philosophy, integral theory, Heidegger and Nietzsche, and Buddhism. The Philosophy Department's main office is currently working remotely. Program Description Ph.D. Its faculty carries on a long and proud tradition of highly acclaimed teaching and research in core areas of philosophy—especially in the philosophy of science… PhD University of Southern California, 2013. MA program, later PhD program; BA University of California Santa Barbara, 2013, PhD University of Colorado Boulder, 2020. Find local Philosophy groups in Denver, Colorado and meet people who share your interests. degree from... Prof. Wes Morriston was a professor of philosophy at CU-Boulder from 1972-2014 when he retired as Emeritus Professor of Philosophy. Areas of Interest: Political philosophy, ancient philosophy, philosophy of religion, MA program; BS Business Administration, University of Southern California. He earned his MLIS from the University of Denver, and received a BA in Philosophy with minors in Medieval & Byzantine Studies and Theology & Religious Studies from the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. He retired in 1996 as Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, having previously held positions at the University of Missouri, the State University of New York at Oswego, and Hunter College... Prof. John Fisher was a professor of philosophy here from 1968 to 2011 when he retired as Emeritus Professor of Philosophy. Primary areas of interest include ancient philosophy, ethics, and moral psychology. Browse a list of faculty at University of Colorado Denver, Department of Philosophy. Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Science. The typical gap between scholar and teacher is crossed constantly by the CU Denver Philosophy Department. Toggle Actuarial Studies and Quantitative Finance, Toggle Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, Toggle Cinema Studies & Moving Image Arts, Toggle Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, Toggle Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies, Toggle Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Toggle Peace, Conflict and Security Studies, Toggle Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Toggle Chemical and Biological Engineering, Toggle Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering, Toggle Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering, Toggle Media, Communication & Information, Toggle Advertising, Public Relations and Media Design, Toggle Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), Toggle Education - Learning Sciences and Human Development, Toggle Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity, Toggle Educational Foundations, Policy and Practice, Toggle Technology, Cybersecurity and Policy, Toggle Intermedia Art, Writing and Performance, GT Pathways: GT-AH3 - Arts Hum: Ways of Thinking, Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities, Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-Global Perspective, Arts Sci Core Curr: Written Communication, Arts Sci Core Curr: United States Context, Actuarial Studies and Quantitative Finance, Actuarial Studies and Quantitative Finance - Certificate, Statistics and Data Science - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Art Practices - Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies - Certificate, South Asian Languages and Civilizations - Certificate, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences - Minor, Central and East European Studies - Certificate, Cinema Studies & Moving Image Arts - Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Ecology and Evolutionary Biology - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Ecology and Evolutionary Biology - Minor, Environmental Studies - Bachelor of Arts (BA), GIS and Computational Science - Certificate, Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, Integrative Physiology - Bachelor of Arts (BA), International Affairs - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Global Environmental Affairs - Certificate, Latin American and Latinx Studies - Certificate, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - Minor, Medieval and Early Modern Studies - Certificate, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology - Minor, Peace, Conflict and Security - Certificate, Political Science - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Neurosciences and Behavior - Certificate, Religious Studies - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Care, Health and Resilience - Certificate, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences - Minor, Foundations of Western Civilization - Certificate, Women and Gender Studies - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Global Gender and Sexuality Studies - Certificate, Business Administration - Bachelor of Science (BS), Operations and Information Management - Certificate, Social Responsibility and Ethics - Certificate, Native American and Indigenous Studies - Certificate, Elementary Education - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Interdisciplinary Studies - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Leadership and Community Engagement - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Aerospace Engineering Sciences - Bachelor of Science (BSAE), Applied Mathematics - Bachelor of Science (BSAM), Biomedical Engineering - Bachelor of Science (BSBM), Chemical and Biological Engineering - Bachelor of Science (BSCB), Chemical Engineering - Bachelor of Science (BSCHE), Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering, Architectural Engineering - Bachelor of Science (BSARE), Civil Engineering - Bachelor of Science (BSCV), Environmental Engineering - Bachelor of Science (BSEV), Computer Science - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Computer Science - Bachelor of Science (BSCS), Applied Computer Science - Post-Baccalaureate Bachelor of Science (BSACS), Creative Technology and Design - Bachelor of Science (BSTM), Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering - Bachelor of Science (BSEC), Electrical Engineering - Bachelor of Science (BSEE), Engineering, Science and Society - Certificate, Engineering Physics - Bachelor of Science (BSEP), Engineering Plus - Bachelor of Science (BSEPL), Mechanical Engineering - Bachelor of Science (BSME), Environmental Design - Bachelor of Environmental Design (BEnvD), Advertising, Public Relations and Media Design, Strategic Communication - Bachelor of Science (BS), Media Production - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Information Science - Bachelor of Science (BS), Music - Bachelor of Arts in Music (BAMus), Music Education - Bachelor of Music Education (BMusEd), Air Force Aerospace Studies (U.S. Air Force), Naval Science (U.S. Navy & U.S. Marine Corps), Anthropology - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Applied Mathematics - Master of Science (MS), Applied Mathematics - Professional Master of Science (MSAM), Applied Mathematics - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Art Practices - Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Arts of the Americas - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Asian Languages and Civilizations - Master of Arts (MA), Asian Languages and Civilizations - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences - Master of Science (MS), Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences - Graduate Certificate, Behavioral Genetics - Graduate Certificate, Biochemistry - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Molecular Biophysics - Graduate Certificate, Chemical Physics - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Cognitive Science - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Ecology and Evolutionary Biology - Master of Arts (MA), Ecology and Evolutionary Biology - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Creative Writing - Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Environmental Studies - Master of Science (MS), Environment - Master of the Environment (MENV), Environmental Studies - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Comparative Ethnic Studies - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Comparative Ethnic Studies - Graduate Certificate, Development Studies - Graduate Certificate, Population Studies - Graduate Certificate, German Studies - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Integrative Physiology - Master of Science (MS), Integrative Physiology - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Linguistics - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Cognitive Science - Graduate Certificate, Culture, Language and Social Practice - Graduate Certificate, Human Language Technology - Graduate Certificate, Mathematics - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Museum and Field Studies - Master of Science (MS), Political Science - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Neuroscience - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences - Master of Arts (MA), Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Speech-Language Pathology Assistant - Graduate Certificate, Experience Design - Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Applied Shakespeare - Graduate Certificate, Women and Gender Studies - Graduate Certificate, Business Administration - Master of Business Administration (MBA), Business Administration - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Business Analytics - Master of Science (MS), Supply Chain Management - Master of Science (MS), Business Analytic Methods - Graduate Certificate, Marketing Analytics - Graduate Certificate, Supply Chain Analytics - Graduate Certificate, Supply Chain Foundations - Graduate Certificate, Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Master of Arts (MA), Education - Learning Sciences and Human Development, Learning Sciences and Human Development - Master of Arts (MA), Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity, Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity - Master of Arts (MA), Educational Foundations, Policy and Practice, Educational Foundations, Policy and Practice - Master of Arts (MA), Aerospace Engineering Sciences - Master of Science (MS), Aerospace Engineering Sciences - Professional Master of Science (MSAES), Aerospace Engineering Sciences - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Astrodynamics and Satellite Navigation Systems - Graduate Certificate, Radio Frequency Engineering for Aerospace - Graduate Certificate, Architectural Engineering - Master of Science (MS), Architectural Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Chemical Engineering - Master of Science (MS), Biological Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Chemical Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Civil Engineering - Master of Science (MS), Civil Engineering - Professional Master of Science (MSCVE), Civil Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Engineering for Developing Communities - Graduate Certificate, Computer Science - Master of Science (MS), Computer Science - Professional Master of Science (MSCPS), Computer Science - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Creative Technology and Design - Master of Science (MS), Creative Technology and Design - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Electrical Engineering - Master of Engineering (ME), Electrical Engineering - Master of Science (MS), Electrical Engineering - Master of Science (MSEE) Online, Electrical Engineering - Professional Master of Science (MSEE), Electrical Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Biomedical Engineering - Graduate Certificate, Embedded Systems Engineering - Graduate Certificate, Power Electronics - Graduate Certificate, Engineering Management - Master of Engineering (ME), Engineering Entrepreneurship - Graduate Certificate, Engineering Management in the Aerospace Industry - Graduate Certificate, Leadership and Management - Graduate Certificate, Project Management - Graduate Certificate, Quality Systems for Product and Process Engineering - Graduate Certificate, Six Sigma Statistical Practitioner - Graduate Certificate, Environmental Engineering - Master of Science (MS), Environmental Engineering - Professional Master of Science (MSENV), Environmental Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Materials Science and Engineering - Master of Science (MS), Materials Science and Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Mechanical Engineering - Master of Science (MS), Mechanical Engineering - Professional Master of Science (MSME), Mechanical Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Technology, Cybersecurity and Policy - Master of Science (MS), Technology, Cybersecurity and Policy - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Computer and Network Security - Graduate Certificate, Wireless Networks and Technologies - Graduate Certificate, Computational Linguistics - Master of Science (MS), Organizational Leadership - Master of Science (MS), Graduate Teacher Program - Graduate Certificate, Digital Humanities - Graduate Certificate, Earth Data Analytics - Foundations - Graduate Certificate, Environmental Justice - Graduate Certificate, Hydrologic Sciences - Graduate Certificate, Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology - Graduate Certificate, International Affairs - Graduate Certificate, Language Technology - Graduate Certificate, Native American and Indigenous Studies - Graduate Certificate, Quantitative Methods for Behavioral Sciences - Graduate Certificate, Satellite System Design - Graduate Certificate, Space Weather and Applications - Graduate Certificate, Water Engineering and Management - Graduate Certificate, Strategic Communication Design - Master of Arts (MA), Media Research and Practice - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Communication - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Interdisciplinary Documentary Media Practices - Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Emergent Technologies and Media Art Practices - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Emergent Technologies and Media Art Practices - Graduate Certificate, Interdisciplinary Documentary Media Practices - Graduate Certificate, Information Science - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Intermedia Art, Writing and Performance - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Journalism Entrepreneurship - Master of Arts (MA), Media and Public Engagement - Master of Arts (MA), Artist Diploma: Chamber Music Performance - Graduate Certificate, Artist Diploma: Opera and Solo Vocal Performance - Graduate Certificate, Artist Diploma: Orchestral Performance - Graduate Certificate, Artist Diploma: Solo Instrumental Performance - Graduate Certificate, Artist Diploma: String Quartet Performance - Graduate Certificate, Artist Diploma: Vocal Coaching - Graduate Certificate, Arts Administration - Graduate Certificate, Music Education - Master of Music Education (MMusEd), Musical Arts - Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA), American Indian Law - Graduate Certificate, Entrepreneurial Law - Graduate Certificate, Environmental, Natural Resources and Energy Law - Graduate Certificate, Health Law and Policy - Graduate Certificate, International Law - Graduate Certificate, Juvenile and Family Law - Graduate Certificate, Clery Act Annual Security & Fire safety report.