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'rel': playerInfo.rel else { break; } else if(reslider70['params']['behavior'] === 1){ top: 0; _this = jQuery(this).parent().find('img').attr('src'), position: absolute; border: 0px solid #FFFFFF; } } z-index: 1; } var _player = new YT.Player(, { case 2: naturalRatio = naturalWidth / naturalHeight, border: none; (function initReslideSlider() { height: '100%', #slider70_container .reslide-thumbnail70 .t { left: 0; var playButton = playerInfo.playButton; /* size of bullet elment */ } top: 50%; css_bullets_obj = {"left":reslider67["params"]["bullets"]["style"]["position"]["left"],"bottom":reslider67["params"]["bullets"]["style"]["position"]["bottom"]}; reslide_effect } /* size of thumbnail navigator container */ $ActionMode: 1, //[Optional] 0 None, 1 act by click, 2 act by mouse hover, 3 both, default value is 1 $BulletNavigatorOptions: { //[Optional] Options to specify and enable navigator or not var thumbWidth = thubmnailCWidth/reslider66.count; } /* max-width: 62px;*/ $SlideshowOptions: { //[Optional] Options to specify and enable slideshow or not $PauseOnHover: reslider65["params"]["pauseonhover"], position: absolute; /* size of arrow element */ var naturalWidth = jQuery(this).prop('naturalWidth'), position: absolute; reslider70.slides['slide'+'371']['url'] = '/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/02-6.jpg'; top: ; id:id, top: 10px; Let’s take a closer look at a few projects from the famed architect, including the Samsung C&T built, Perrault set his sights on the Ewha Campus Complex (ECC) project after winning an International Design Competition in February 2004, beating out the likes of famed architect Zaha Hadid, who would later design the Samsung C&T built, The famed architect also successfully juxtaposed the old 19, Ewha Woman’s University Campus Complex, Seoul, Within Perrault’s vast portfolio are several modern skyscrapers, and few demand respect as much as the DC Towers in Vienna. height: 30px; reslider66['slides']['slide'+'345']['id'] = '345'; case 11: height: 594, playButton.css({display : 'block'}); reslider67.slides['slide'+'350']['type'] = ''; }); jQuery('.reslide-thumbnail66 .c,.reslide-thumbnail66 .p,.reslide-thumbnail66 .w').width(58); controls = jQuery(this).attr('data-controls'), jQuery('.reslide-thumbnail67 > div').css('max-width',walk+'px'); } }); position: absolute; transform: 'translateY(-50%)' froogaloop.addEvent('finish', onFinish); #slider69_container .reslidetitle > div { position: absolute; videoId: videoId, background: url( center center no-repeat; background-color: #000; top: 0; jQuery('#slider66_container img[class*=image_]').each(function () { left: 0; case 5: position: absolute; if(reslider64['params']['thumbnails']['positioning']) prevButton.on('click', function(){ var id = jQuery(this).attr('id'), height: 60px; display: block; left: 0px; #slider67_container .reslidetitle,#slider67_container .reslidedescription { box-sizing: border-box; break; reslider66.slides['slide'+'345']['description'] = ''; reslider69.slides['slide'+'365']['title'] = 'DC Towers, Vienna'; controls: controls, $Orientation: reslider68["params"]["bullets"]["orientation"] //[Optional] The orientation of the navigator, 1 horizontal, 2 vertical, default value is 1 $Class: $JssorBulletNavigator$, //[Required] Class to create navigator instance break; }); froogaloop.addEvent('ready', function() { Dominique Perrault, Self: The Competition. Free Movies and TV Shows You Can Watch Now. reslider66.slides['slide'+'344']['url'] = '/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/03-2.jpg'; css_bullets = "right:"+reslider64["params"]["bullets"]["style"]["position"]["right"]; }); case 2: background: #CCCCCC; /*** navigator ***/ playButton.css({display : 'block'}); c_slider66.$ScaleWidth(parentWidth); } break; $AutoPlayInterval: reslider68["params"]["effect"]["interval"], name: 'Dominique 5', if(!reslider70['params']['thumbnails']['positioning']) { window.setTimeout(ScaleSlider, 10); width:100%; reslider64.slides['slide'+'330']['image_link'] = ''; if(naturalRatio > defaultRatio){ The Louvre Post Office, Paris Dominique Perrault Architecture Recent Works. /* size of bullet elment */ reslide_effect ={$Duration:reslider65["params"]["effect"]["duration"],y:1,$Easing:$JssorEasing$.$EaseInQuad}; Dominique Perrault is the General Director of the third edition of the Biennale. border: 0px solid #FFFFFF; css_bullets = "left:"+reslider64["params"]["bullets"]["style"]["position"]["left"]+";bottom:"+reslider64["params"]["bullets"]["style"]["position"]["bottom"]; #slider70_container .reslidetitle > span { Dominique Perrault, considered among the most influential figures in the history of French architecture, first stepped into the spotlight in 1989, when he was selected to design the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.With work finished in 1995, the architect would go on to win the Mies van der Rohe Award in 1996 for his work on the national landmark. top: 0; reslider68.slides['slide'+'355']['type'] = ''; box-sizing: border-box; top: 0; width: 12px; var naturalWidth = jQuery(this).prop('naturalWidth'), reslider70['slides']['slide'+'367'] = {}; /* size of thumbnail navigator container */ case 1: case 9: break; position: absolute; showinfo = jQuery(this).attr('data-showinfo'), playButton.css({display : 'block'}); left: '50%', display: none;'small'); National Library of France, Paris } else { c_slider65.$Play(); In my project, the idea of the natural level of the earth disappears, and the building blends with nature”. if(typeof playerInfoList === 'undefined') c_slider64.$ScaleWidth(parentWidth); 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Famed contemporary architect Dominique Perrault has left an everlasting mark on the world of architecture and design. break; _player.pauseVideo(); i++; Perrault set his sights on the Ewha Campus Complex (ECC) project after winning an International Design Competition in February 2004, beating out the likes of famed architect Zaha Hadid, who would later design the Samsung C&T built Dongdaemun Design Plaza, also in Seoul. color: #272727; position: absolute; c_slider66.$Play(); reslide_effect ={$Duration:reslider70["params"]["effect"]["duration"],y:1,$Easing:$JssorEasing$.$EaseInQuad}; index = _this.indexOf('vi/') + 3, $ArrowNavigatorOptions: { //[Optional] Options to specify and enable arrow navigator or not background: #CCCCCC; $ChanceToShow: reslider70["params"]["arrows"]["show"], //[Required] 0 Never, 1 Mouse Over, 2 Always #slider65_container .reslidedescription { var walkcount = Math.floor(walk/61)-1; playButton.parent().find('img[class*=video_cover]').css({display : 'block'}); } break; 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reslider66["params"]["bullets"]["autocenter"] = 2; Perrault meets the sensitivity of American minimalist artists, such as Donald Judd, and representatives of Land Art, such as Robert Smithson, who always opt for simple solutions. border-style: dashed; } reslider70.slides['slide'+'367']['type'] = ''; z-index: 1; break; -webkit-transition: opacity .6s; case 8: $ThumbnailNavigatorOptions: { filter: alpha(opacity=70); jQuery('.reslide-thumbnail65 > div').css('max-width',walk+'px'); top: 0px; css_bullets_obj = {"right":reslider67["params"]["bullets"]["style"]["position"]["right"],"top":"","left":"","bottom":""}; Paris, France. Dominique Perrault. })(); } } 'showinfo': playerInfo.showinfo, events: { froogaloop.api('play'); height: 594, opacity: 0.7; overflow:hidden; setTimeout(function(){ padding: 10px; break; jQuery('#slider64_container img[class*=image_]').each(function () { 'rel': playerInfo.rel css_bullets = "bottom:"+reslider64["params"]["bullets"]["style"]["position"]["bottom"]; width: 323px; } else { (function initReslideSlider() { overflow: hidden; body #slider65_container .reslide_navigator div:hover { background-color:#646464; } for(var i = 0; i < playerInfoList.length; i++) { } #slider66_container .reslide_arrow_left.reslide_arrow_leftdn { background-position: 0px 0px; } /*Title and description defaults ***/ reslider64.slides['slide'+'333']['title'] = 'National Library of France, Paris'; $ArrowNavigatorOptions: { //[Optional] Options to specify and enable arrow navigator or not }); walk = walkcount* 61-3; 'onReady': onPlayerReady, Ewha Woman’s University Campus Complex, Seoul break; position: absolute; Dominique Perrault Recent Works by Maria Vittoria Capitanucci ISBN 13: 9788876242694 ISBN 10: 8876242694 Paperback; Milan, Italy: Skira, May 16, 2006; ISBN-13: 978-8876242694 #slider67_container .reslide_arrow_right { background-position: 45px 0px; } playButton = jQuery('div[class*=vimeo_play_icon]'), } z-index: 2; } else { #slider67_container .reslide_loading { height: 100%; transform: 'translateY(-50%)', transform: 'translateY(-50%)' }); break; switch(+reslider67["params"]["bullets"]["position"]) { reslide_effect ={$Duration:reslider67["params"]["effect"]["duration"],$Delay:30,$Cols:8,$Rows:4,$Clip:15,$SlideOut:true,$Formation:$JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationStraightStairs,$Easing:$JssorEasing$.$EaseOutQuad,$Assembly:2049} reslider64['slides']['slide'+'335']['id'] = '335'; height: 60px; $SlideshowOptions: { //[Optional] Options to specify and enable slideshow or not css_bullets = "left:"+reslider65["params"]["bullets"]["style"]["position"]["left"]; #slider70_container .reslide_slides { reslide_effect ={$Duration:reslider64["params"]["effect"]["duration"],y:1,$Easing:$JssorEasing$.$EaseInQuad}; case 0: controls: controls, #slider70_container .reslide-thumbnail70 .p { /*Title styles ***/ At no … Dominique Perrault has left an everlasting mark on the world of Architecture Annual Architecture lecture,... 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