After the capitulation of France, you have an already really buffed Germany and you can take on the UK with ease. 1 German Infantry Division 1940 [1] 2 Polish Infantry Division 1939 [1] 3 Soviet Rifle Division 1941 [1] 4 American Infantry Division 1943 [1] 5 British Infantry Division 1939 [1] 6 Italian Infantry Division 1940 [1] 7 French Infantry Division 1940 [1] 8 Japanese Infantry Division 1940 Standard B [1] 9 Romanian Infantry Division 1941 [1] You need to go to the units training section at the top left corner and put on training 48 horse units from the basic cavalry template (two full armies). Log in required. And remember, don’t hate the build, but design a counter instead. Heavy tanks provide armor, and AT mostly at the cost of speed. It’s usually between 0.30 and 0.44. Strategic bombing can cause serious damage to the industry and infrastructure of an enemy. – Each combat regiment is composed of up to 5 battalions. Ultimately, when it comes to military production in general, you want to assign all your factories like so: It is up to you if you want to continue the naval production as it is, but in my opinion, it is better to cancel the outdated models, continue the construction of the Panzerschiff and then focus entirely on the production of submarines. More men in the division means more men on the battlefield and bigger casualty numbers. Weight: How many convoys it takes to ship your unit. If your unit has 43% hardness you take 57% soft attack and 43% hard attack. Check Out This Mod. Manpower: How many people your division employs. – Each division template can receive specific types of equipment if multiple types are available. Show all. This includes colonies as well as territory that you took via a peace treaty but it isn’t core territory. with the new or not so new update for hearts of irons waking the tiger a special forces cap was added but things were changed making marine division templates even better along with paratrooper divisions by buffing org to almost double base infantry templates, these are the best space marine division templates for hearts of iron 4, they work with all nations from USA, Germany… In order to make a successful „Sea Lion “operation, just use the paratroopers and reduce their template a little, so that you can train more of them. Supply Use: How much supply use your units use (press F4 in game to see the supply lines), which directly translates to how many units you can have in any given province. As for the cavalry, they serve no purpose no more, except to defend your land border with France and you can later delete them for the manpower and equipment. Then you take, for example 15, horse divisions and simple flood into Czechoslovakia. And there you have it. This is completely normal. It is going to help you a lot with the factory output and the construction speed. Breakthrough is identical to defense in function. Light Cruisers provide the best surface detection allowing you to find enemy ships. Battleships have the highest health points and damage. 1 Overview 2 Division Templates 3 Resources 4 Autonomy 5 Focuses and Research 6 Consisting of two states (Singapore and North Borneo), British Malaya begins on 12:00, 1 Jan, 1936 with 2 divisions of Infantry, 0 Military Factories, 0 Ships in its Navy, 0 Naval Dockyards, 0 Aircraft, 1 Civilian Factory, 25 Convoys and 50.8k Manpower. Next you have to select your bombers and your CAS and put them on naval strike, so that you can hit a couple of the enemy vessels and help cleaning the path for your naval invasion. Instead, you should assign them to a certain order as quickly as possible so the minute they reach level of trainig-20%, hit the button and assign them to a general on the field. Adding extra information about how tank divisions work, why they are effective, how garrissons, sea and air work. – A division may have any number of the same unit type for battalions, but only one of each unit type for support companies. A typical fight has 80 combat width, thus you could fit 8 units of 10, 4 units of 20, 2 units of 40 or 1 unit of 80. 20 width 7/2 divisions > 7 infantry and 2 artillery battalions. These just reduce damage taken. Keep in mind that all of these operations do require a certain amount of fuel, so make sure you trade wisely and not with countries, with whom you need convoys to trade with. – Each division consists of up to 5 combat regiments and 5 support companies. Organization: This is very important. Do not worry about Yugoslavia, because Croatia will spawn and if you are willing to allow them in your faction, then ok, but I personally do not bother, because after you capitulate the Frenches your war with Yugoslavia may or in some cases may not cancel. 20 width 6/4 division with medium tanks and motorized. The 40 width divisions outclass 20 width divisions because of how criticals are calculated. With all of the things being said, if you have followed the guide correctly, you should be prepared for the start, but there is one more thing to be done before unpausing the game. The stats may change based on your national ideas or completed researches. – Adding a battalion of a different unit type (infantry, mobile, or armored) adds a penalty of 20 XP per additional unit type. These are good if you’re fighting against tanks and aren’t looking to abuse space marine divisions (see below.). Equipment numbers > All the individual numbers of vehicles and other equipment you would require to produce this division template. Combat Width: How much space the unit takes on the battlefield. 40 width & 20 width > 40 width is stronger in most situations. It is entirely up to you. No need to be fancy, just an overview. In combat it doesn’t offer anything and is pretty neglectable. Initiative: The reinforce rate and planning speed. How does the new mechanic of ressistance and compliance work? Very closely related to Supply Use, but then without any actual meaning. Good starter division, but is completely outclassed by 40 width divisions in almost every situation. Hearts of iron 4 console commands and secret events, 3 on artillery, as for this strategy we want need them that much, 1 on close air support (later in the guide I might be referring to this type of aircraft as simply “CAS”). While Field Marshalls with “Defensive Doctrine” affect maximum entrenchment it is not represented in this stat. These are usually banned in multiplayer games as they are completely game breaking. Remember the naval invasion order, we set up back then? Leaderboard. You can also just accept the losses taken. Not very useful unless you have enough of it. The division template system is one of the key mechanics of Hearts of Iron IV. Disbanded planes go back to your reserves. Well because they are very cheap and thus their construction costs way less than for example building cruisers or even destroyers. Best support are recon, artilery and trenches. Unlike the situation with the research, where you may choose what to prioritize, here it is essential a certain order to be followed, in order to boost your industry and gain some bonuses for your armed forces as early as possible. The higher the tech and more tanks the better these are. You have 8 occupation laws, from Civillian Oversight to Harsh Quotas, the more strict the occupation law you choose the larger the garrison needed to enforce that stricter occupation law. In 1936, the German Reich is one of the largest countries in Europe, spanning parts of both Western and Central Europe from the Rhine to Silesia, and from the North and Baltic Seas to the Alps. The stats like attack or defense of the divisions don’t matter at all. Piercing: All piercing does is deny the enemy the bonuses armor could provide him. Detection chance and bombing damage are decreased at night. Hearts of Iron 4 – Add Equipment Console How to Use? Another thing I forgot to mention regarding the air force and navy, be sure to group them up and exercise them, since all of the aircraft’s levels are ‘unexperienced’ and they would perform far more sufficient in combat, when their experience reaches the second or the third level. 40 width 15/5 division with medium and motorized. Last, but not least we got to the point, when we have to talk about the importance of the focuses, so fear not, I have prepared a list for them as well. The composition of each division is specified by its division template. Required fields are marked *, Hearts of Iron IV 4 – Recommended Division Templates. Maintenance companies are good on your armored divisions to reduce attrition losses. If you somehow struggle with achieving naval superiority, then put your navy on convoy raiding. Germany is one of the most played nations in HoI2. For the time being I recommend grouping them into one full army and putting them on the border with France, as they will be useful later on to hold the frontline against the French attackers, when we go to war with them. Hearts Of Iron 4 is no different. As far as I can tell it affects mostly during attrition, and doesn’t appear to have the same combat effects as reliability does for ships. Hearts of Iron 4 – What DLC to start with? HP (hitpoints): How much damage your unit can take during combat. Only important for countries that have to ship their units by sea. This value is provided primarily by Infantry and derivatives. Recovery is as important as organization. Provided primarily by infantry and motorized or mechanized. Edit ... Show all. This in turn makes your enemy take more attrition damage so don’t underestimate 20’s defensive power, especially in wide theaters. A division of 6 Light Tanks and 4 Motorized has 52% Hardness. A 1936 Light Tank has 15 armor while a 1936 medium tank has 60 armor, your division’s armor is equal to 30% of the highest armor in the division plus 70% of the average armor in the division. Your email address will not be published. Base Stats, Combat Stats are Equipment Cost located on the right side of the division template. Do not forget to convert the three non-tank divisions into tanks, because you will need their breakthrough capabilities later on. bomb them into submission? Also, if you place on historical Ai turned on, France won’t create a faction and because of that, when Czechoslovakia capitulates, you can annex them immediately via peace conference. It’s less flexible but stronger in combat. Eventually you will encounter opposing divisions that can pierce you and a pierced tank division won’t be able to win sustained battles even with their higher breakthrough because of their lower HP and organization. This is the only tile from the entire german-czech border, that hasn’t got a fort in it. BROKEN/OP: 40 width 13/4/1 divisions “Space Marines” > 13 infantry, 4 artillery and 1 Heavy Tank Destroyer battalion. Here is an example of a 7 Infantry – 2 Artilery division template: Reset: Reset the edits you’ve made but haven’t saved. The only thing you need to be aware of is micromanaging the tank divisions, but that is easy and you could do it without major issues. Ace bonuses are tailored for that size and it makes it easy to move them around. Any occupied territory that you don’t have a core on is going to generate ressistance, regardless of whether they have been occupied or annexed in peace treaties. So if you have a state with 0.15 then you could defend that region with so much less troops, but if you have a state with 1.50 then you need to increase the number of units in the garrison division template you have. Like. A guide to mastering the German Reich in HoI4. By that point, you would have your 48 cavalry units already trained, so put them on the frontline with Czechoslovakia. When the time comes to edit and expand your division templates, attaching support companies will help your troops last longer in … That is what this guide is all about and today I am going to be showing you, how to build a strong and powerful Germany in practically no time and also how to conquer the western powers in mid-1937 and later take over the Soviet Union if you choose so. Hover over a command in the table to view detailed argument-related help. It’s usually around 150. When grouping your navy however I recommend assigning admiral Karl Donitz, because he has great starting stats and he will lead the Kriegsmarine to victory over the French navy. This is a time listed in days, but since Armor = 180, Infantry = 120, you just have to take this value as it is. Options. Heavy Cruisers and Battlecruisers are good against Destroyers. The 20 combat width is the balanced method. After you’re done with Czechoslovakia you move your tanks to Hamburg and your cavalry units to the French border. Each combat width range is representative of an approach to the game. Agility and Speed are two most important statistics of a fighter only then followed by Air Attack. The way the game mechanics work, is that, it is more important to have a larger number of vessels in a certain aquatorial region than your enemy, in order to achieve naval superiority in the short term. Submarines are the best against Convoys, but they can also be efficient in fleets if the enemy doesn’t have many Desteoyers. As for the general it is entirely up to you. Support AA or Line-AA is the most cost-effective (production-wise) AA when you take the researches for this. Light Tank are good early game but you’re definetly not going to conquer the world with them once you get past the early part of the game. Hardness (the bar below the division template): The ratio of damage you take. The division template system is one of the key mechanics of Hearts of Iron IV. Hearts of Iron 4 – Division Template 2020, Hearts of Iron 4 – Historical Nationalist China SP Guide,, Creeper World 4 – Useful Numbers (Productions), 20 width 6/2/1 divisions with a light tank, 40 width 13/4/1 divisions with 1 heavy tank destroyer aka “Space Marines” (be careful, they are banned in multiplayer!). Air Attack: A unit’s ability to shoot at planes. You only need 1 heavy tank to get the majority of armor at the cost of speed. Duplicate: Create another division template just like this one without spending army experience, useful if you want to make a new division template while still keeping this one. Random wheel is an open-ended template. That is why you are capable of creating and developing a large land army, as well as a challenging Air Force, but unfortunately you do not have enough naval dockyards (only 10) to compete with the british, french, american, and even italian naval production. A division is 1 basic unit depicted on the map during gameplay. Now, because the world tension would be below 25%, when you declare war on Yugoslavia and then France and Czechoslovakia join them against you, nobody would join the allies and Britain won’t intervene in the war. Quantity over quality. The 3 Arrows: Red is for backup units, they are the last to receive quality equipment, white is for normal units, and yellow is for elite units, they are the first to receive quality equipement (new weapons or of you’re lacking equipment they will be the first one to be filled). although an US Army infantry division didn’t have a dedicated anti-tank battalion like a German infantry division, but it had 57 anti-tank guns whereas the German division had only a few more with 75, but some these were also part of the recon battalion, so one might argue that the US Army Infantry division should have a dedicated anti-tank unit in-game if the German … They reduce the defense and speed penalty from enemy air superiority. Your forces will still suffer air superiority penalties. Most people, and especially the AI, build an army consisting 90-100% of infantry, infantry is very soft and thus soft attack is one of the very most important stats you look at. Suppression: Whether you’re albe to keep the revolts in an occupied territory in check. As a general rule: Infantry uses very little supply, tanks use a lot of supply, Logistics Company support company is indispensible. False there is too 90 training time for raw infantry, the are very week but as garnizon they are perfect. They only change with the use of a Field Hospital battalion. German Reich, United States, Italy, Turkey, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom ... HOI4 RANDOM COUNTRY PICKER. When you are finished with the preparations (justify war goal on British Malaya, because the world tension changes with only 2%), drop the paratroopers at various British ports and especially Dover, where they have either none or maximum one division. Division templates can be created and modified by … You can do whatever you desire, for example you can take on the USA through Canada (your puppet) or you can attack the communists. Now let us begin with the actual preparations. Defense: A unit’s ability to not break under attack. Very similar to Recon, Reliability and Initiative, there are very few things that affect this value, and it is universal regardless of which line units you employ. No division AA only protect the divisions they are in and not the province or anything else. Units with the highest piercing are tank destroyers followed by regular tanks. In particular, how would the Axis victory reflect on the shape of the political borders of the different countries not only in Europe, but in the world in general. The AI basically never builds enough AT to counter the extra armor you have on these infantry divisions. These are the most important things in the beginning and further in the game you can focus on whatever you think is important and useful. The 40 width divisions do more damage at the expense of having half the organization of 20 divisions because they have the same, but it’s only 1 division instead of 2 divisions, however they deal 4-5 times more damage, so the tradeoff for using 20’s is barely worth it. But if you go against armored divisions or infantry with Anti-Tank there will be a huge difference between the performance of Light tanks and Medium or Heavy Tanks. Bear in mind, that you should use this strategy only with France, because even though they have a larger navy, you still might be able to complete your naval missions like convoy raiding or supporting your naval invasions, but Britain possesses far larger and better equipped navy then both you and France combined, so this trick would not work with them, as they will annihilate your navy in a matter of days. PDF Printables. Elite divisions will be prioritized for better equipment, followed by regular divisions and finally reserves. Absorbing damage that would otherwise have gone to a unit’s organization. You will find out why in the following part of the guide, where I briefly explain the overall strategy. Suppression has very few things that affect it, cavalry is good for suppression, providing 2 per cavalry while most other units provide 1 and the Military Police provides a 10% modifier to the unit value. Keep spamming subs and reinforce your navy. A 10 INF division has 4 piercing and a 7 INF 2 ART division has 4.5 piercing, so your 15 armor light tank divisions will do well against them. Type the name of a command into the search bar to instantly search our database of 172 HOI4 commands for the most recent version of the game on Steam (PC). You could have also mentioned some of the options of advisors and the pp modifications and companies, as those also can increase speed, reduce attrition, or increase reliability, Your email address will not be published. If you are unable to challenge enemy air superiority you should put your Fighters on “Intercept” mission. As for research, it is simple just follow the list below and feel free to change the order of the things being researched if you choose so. The naval invasion order won’t be removed and we can assign them back later after we are done with Czechoslovakia. It’s usually between 25 and 60. The amount and type of damage that you take depends on the percentage of the hardness of your division, that can range from 0% to 100%. Every such state will grow in ressistance, you want to keep ressistance as low as possible because it will reduce the change for sabotage in that region as well as loss of men and equipment from your garrisoning troops. Below is a searchable list of all event names and event codes from Hearts of Iron 4 on Steam (PC / Mac). Higher production cost, but these divisions are nearly unstoppable. Entrenchment: Affected only by the Engineer Company support battalion, Entrenchment affects how much and how fast a unit gets entrenched. After the fall of Britain, the world is your oyster. Using AAR production as an indication of popularity, Germany is #1 with hundreds of AARs on the Paradox boards. The division template system is one of the key mechanics of Hearts of Iron IV. If you have the ability to switch to partial mobilization or war economy during the war with France, then do it. Most people like to have a line of 20’s as the front and then a smaller army of 40’s to do the pushing. It will allow you to semi-reliably stop enemy bombers while not engaging enemy Fighters head on. As a general rule, line-artillery units and armor take 500 men per unit in your division, infantry takes 1000 and motorized & mechanized take 1200. Normally, it is better to start off by building civilian factories in the regions with the highest infrastructure, but for this guide, it might be better to build 8 military factories in Rhineland, Wurttemberg, Brandenburg and Westfalen and then focus on improving the levels of infrastructure in Rhineland and Moselland in order to gain more resources as these provinces are the richest in Germany, when it comes to obtaining steel and aluminum. Before launching the invasion, take your navy and put them on convoy escort in the Eastern North Sea and the English Channel. So, let’s get started, the adapted setup for the German Infantry Division from 1940is as follows: Due to the high number of more than 70 anti-tank guns, I recommend to use 2 regular anti-tank battalions and …