Discover our Online Triathlon Programme. Farlow startete seit 2004 als Triathlon-Profi. training sessions, challenges, or IRONMAN VR races 4. Tribal . It also operates an International Triathlon Union World Triathlon Series race, cycling road races, premier running events including the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon and The Sun-Herald City2Surf® presented by Westpac, and trail running races such as Ultra-Trail Australia™. Our comprehensive 2020 Triathlon Calendar / Triathlon Finder listing for triathlons in Africa, grouped by Country. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. Singapore Triathlon | Triathlon Training and Events in Singapore and Asia. Considering the uncertainty evolving around the Covid-19 situation, it had been and will be a challenge for us to deliver a fair, safe and optimum race environment for 2020, and as such, the best option forward is to move the event forward by one year. Talented athletes will also be scouted into our High Performance Program, and for an opportunity to represent Singapore (in the Junior, U23, Elite Category). Shop a variety of Ironman sports watches in different styles with free shipping on orders over $75. 19 Apr = Ironman 70.3 Desaru Coast. where per team comprising 4 athletes, each completing 200m swim, 6km bike, 2km run. Singapore Calvin Lee Wee Sing: 42 8/1/2009 OSIM Singapore Singapore Unnatural death Swim US Kim Schmidt: 43 8/9/2009 Elkhart Lake Wisconsin Drowning Swim US Mary Ehrlinger: 38 9/16/2009 Ironman 140.6 Wisconsin Wisconsin Unnatural Death Swim Philippines Juan Miguel Vazquez: 51 8/22/2009 Ironman 70.3 Philippines Cebu Stroke Swim Canada Triathlon Coaching in Singapore. Singapore Physio co-founders Bevan and Vanessa Colless have both completed more than 10 Ironman distance triathlons. Finding a virtual activity is now easier!. 50 Ironman Triathlon reviews. ©2021 SportsEngine, Inc. Triathlon Termine in singapore, Du kennst eine Triathlon oder Duathlon Veranstaltung, die hier nicht gelistet wird? The Singapore International Triathlon scheduled on 27 September 2020, will be postponed. Learn More. Triathlon Training Swimming, Biking & Running Triathlon classes will be tailored to the individual’s needs with the focus on the 3 disciplines of swimming, biking and running to identify key areas of your technique to improve and make you a more efficient triathlete. The Aviva IRONMAN 70.3 Singapore triathlon was the last IRONMAN race to take place in Singapore three years ago. The Singapore International Triathlon (SIT) event is the flagship event for Triathlon Singapore since 2002. An early qualifier for the 2021 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship in St. George, Utah, with 35 SLOTS up for grabs. Er absolvierte im Dezember 1993 in Kurnell, einem südlichen Vorort von Sydney, seinen ersten Triathlon. Nachdem sich bis zum zweiten Wechsel eine … Experience our award winning course. Der Neuseeländer verwies James Cunnama aus Südafrika und Aussie Pete Jacobs auf die nächsten Plätze. Placeholders.enable(); The IRONMAN Group is owned by Advance (, a private, family-owned business. Faris Al-Sultan wurde Fünfter Thank you for the support of our event, and we hope to see you again in 2021! It also operates an International Triathlon Union World Triathlon Series race, cycling road races, premier running events including the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon and The Sun-Herald City2Surf® presented by Westpac, and trail running races such as Ultra-Trail Australia™. Werdegang. Rang Ironman 70.3 World Championships 2009, 2012, 2017, 2018, 2019: 5 × Nationaler Meister Kurzdistanz 2012: Sieger CISM Militär-Weltmeisterschaft Triathlon 2014: Sieger 5150 European Championships Status aktiv Reinaldo Colucci (* 29. Ironman Triathlon Charm Bracelet - Wish Bracelet or Necklace - Personalized Keepsake Card - Customize colors - Triathlon Gift - Triathlete HighSchoolCharms. However, prior to the launch of the 70.3 series in 2005, races were then known as Half Ironman before adopting the Ironman 70.3 label. The Ironman 70.3 half-distance triathlon series will stage its fourth event in Africa next year after plans were announced for a first-ever race in Egypt SportBusiness Staff 9 Dec 2020 … The highlights of his career include competing at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii in 2017 and finishing second globally in the Ironman All World Athlete program in 2015. The Ironman 70.3 half-distance triathlon series will stage its fourth event in Africa next year after plans were announced for a first-ever race in Egypt SportBusiness Staff 9 Dec 2020 IRONMAN Events in Asia This website is powered by SportsEngine's Sports Relationship Management (SRM) software, but is owned by and subject to the IRONMAN privacy policy. Enjoy beautiful IRONMAN 70.3 Bintan: crystal-clear water and friendly local crowd. Ironman 70.3 Singapore am 05. Foto über singapur, 2011, triathlon, ironman, aviva - 18892677 The race starts from an idyllic white sand beach. 04-05 Apr = Super League Triathlon Bali. He has also won the Singapore Metasprint Series in 2017, 2018, and the Metasprint Triathlon for the third year in a row in 2019. November 2020 The Singapore Ironman 70.3 has to be the first event in the Ford Ironman 70.3 series in which the competitor's partners are telling them to compete! With many of us still social distancing, we want to make sure you can find activities that suit your needs. Singapore Physio co-founders Bevan and Vanessa Colless have both completed more than 10 Ironman distance triathlons. GET ON THE LIST Be the first to receive our latest and greatest exclusive sales, promotions, new arrivals & more. Combined with 15 years of sports science and physiotherapy tertiary education, their personal experience provides an excellent platform to deliver expert triathlon coaching for those wanting to lift their performance level. Customised training to help you achieve breakthrough performance. Hinweis: Alle Bilder dieses Portals sind urheberrechtlich geschützt! is_confirmation;var mt = parseInt(jQuery('html').css('margin-top'), 10) + parseInt(jQuery('body').css('margin-top'), 10) + 100;if(is_form){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_4').html(form_content.html());if(form_content.hasClass('gform_validation_error')){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_4').addClass('gform_validation_error');} else {jQuery('#gform_wrapper_4').removeClass('gform_validation_error');}setTimeout( function() { /* delay the scroll by 50 milliseconds to fix a bug in chrome */ jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gform_wrapper_4').offset().top - mt); }, 50 );if(window['gformInitDatepicker']) {gformInitDatepicker();}if(window['gformInitPriceFields']) {gformInitPriceFields();}var current_page = jQuery('#gform_source_page_number_4').val();gformInitSpinner( 4, '' );jQuery(document).trigger('gform_page_loaded', [4, current_page]);window['gf_submitting_4'] = false;}else if(!is_redirect){var confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('.GF_AJAX_POSTBACK').html();if(!confirmation_content){confirmation_content = contents;}setTimeout(function(){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_4').replaceWith(confirmation_content);jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gf_4').offset().top - mt);jQuery(document).trigger('gform_confirmation_loaded', [4]);window['gf_submitting_4'] = false;}, 50);}else{jQuery('#gform_4').append(contents);if(window['gformRedirect']) {gformRedirect();}}jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [4, current_page]);} );} ); jQuery(document).bind('gform_post_render', function(event, formId, currentPage){if(formId == 4) {if(typeof Placeholders != 'undefined'){ Enjoy beautiful IRONMAN 70.3 Bintan: crystal-clear water and friendly local crowd. Meanwhile, if you would like to be kept in the mailing list for registration launch and/or any updates, please write in to Based in sensational Singapore, a shopping paradise and a city of culinary excellence, the new event is also the first Ironman 70.3 race in Asia. A free inside look at Ironman Triathlon salary trends based on 68 salaries wages for 44 jobs at Ironman Triathlon. IRONMAN’s events. In seiner Jugend spielte Craig Alexander Fußball, war aber auch im Schwimmsport, im Wasserball und im Cricket aktiv. Athletes will also stand a chance to qualify and represent Singapore at the "2021/2022 Age Group World Championships" (dates and venue to be announced at a later stage). Arthur is an IRONMAN Certified Coach based in Singapore with over a decade of experience training soldiers in the Singapore Armed Forces and triathletes in the Singapore community. For more information, you may drop us an email at. 5. This is likely to change in the near future as IRONMAN Endurance Asia has decided to set up their headquarters in Singapore, with plans … Triathletes competing in the Aviva Ironman 70.3 Singapore in 2012, the last Ironman event held in the Republic. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! After an absence of 6 years, Triathlon Association of Singapore is pleased to announce that we will be organizing the SIT event again for 2021! Combined with 15 years of sports science and physiotherapy tertiary education, their personal experience provides an excellent platform to deliver expert triathlon coaching for those wanting to lift their performance level. Ironman 140.6, as the name suggests, consists of a highly gruelling 3.8km swim, 180km bike and 42.195km run. Technical Officials Development. (Redirected from Aviva IronMan 70.3 Singapore) An Ironman 70.3, also known as a Half Ironman, is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC). Ein Kopieren und Verwenden der Bilder jeglicher Art bedarf der ausdrücklichen Zustimmung des Inhabers und/oder der Firma Eggebrecht Sports & Media GmbH. 24 November: Laguna Phuket Triathlon, Thailand We understand all athletes' disappointment at not being able to race with us here, and appreciate the efforts and support of the city, volunteers, sponsors, and everyone else involved in putting on this race. Ein Kopieren und Verwenden der Bilder jeglicher Art bedarf der ausdrücklichen Zustimmung des Inhabers und/oder der Firma Eggebrecht Sports & Media GmbH. Redeem your points for great Rewards. Find Full (Iron, Ironman), Half (Long, Middle, Ironman 70.3), Olympic (International, Standard), Sprint, Off-Road distance triathlon races and more here. Triathlon is a sport that requires endurance and dedication in order to succeed. **29 Mar = 113 OD Triathlon Melaka. The Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon is the leading mass participation run and only IAAF Gold Label race in South East Asia. By Alun Woodward, Online Triathlon Coach, The topic of strength training in endurance sports is always a controversial one, with… Ditching the Gadgets: Learning How to Train and Race by Feel. There are lots of virtual options to keep you active and engaged — just select “Virtual Activities” as your location, and you’re ready to go. Wear the national colours and race against top age group athletes around the world! WL: Probably Ironman 70.3 Singapore in 2011. CALENDAR OF 10 UPCOMING TRIATHLONS, 2019-2020. Not long after her accident, some of her achievements include winning her age group at the Jeju Ironman, Korea in 2011 and the Aviva 70.3 Ironman Singapore in 2012, and coming in first at the 2XU Mega-Tri Long Distance Triathlon in 2013. It also operates an International Triathlon Union World Triathlon Series race, cycling road races, premier running events including the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon and The Sun-Herald City2Surf® presented by Westpac, and trail running races such as Ultra-Trail Australia™. }} } );jQuery(document).bind('gform_post_conditional_logic', function(event, formId, fields, isInit){} ); jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [4, 1]) } ); An early qualifier for the 2021 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship in St. George, Utah, with 35, Join our mailing list to receive the latest. Der Australier Craig Alexander und Caroline Steffen aus der Schweiz haben den Ironman 70.3 Singapore 2010 gewonnen. Werdegang. Experience award winning course, on Singapore’s doorstep. Hinweis: Alle Bilder dieses Portals sind urheberrechtlich geschützt! Ironman 70.3 history. It was one of those races when everything came together. E.g. Events. Join our mailing list to receive the latest event news, updates and more. In Arizona, Triathlon Reimagined By Jennifer Ward 11/11/2020, 6:15pm EST On October 18, 2020, IRONMAN 70.3 Arizona blazed a new trail for triathlon in a global pandemic. Earn points for your activities. Ironman triathlons aren’t just tough races to compete in, they’re also incredibly challenging to train for. Scott Triathlon Team Erfolge 2007–2017: 7 × Sieger Ironman 70.3: 2008: 5. 11 August: Ironman 70.3 Cebu, The Philippines. and fitness coaching. All participants in our mailing list will be offered a discount code for an attractive promotion package for usage during registration. Super League Triathlon 2019 - Singapur - Eliminatorrace. As much as we would want to ensure the delivery of a fair, safe and enjoyable race experience, the health and well-being of our participants, volunteers, staff and the community remains our utmost priority. Kris Gemmell hat den Ironman 70.3 Singapore gewonnen und den Spezialisten die Show gestohlen. Right on Singapore’s doorstep, Bintan is just a 50 minute ferry ride from Singapore. Ein Ironman-70.3-Rennen besteht aus 1,9 km (1,2 Meilen) Schwimmen, 90 km (56 Meilen) Einzelzeitfahren ohne Drafting und 21,1 km (13,1 Meilen) Laufen.Der Name leitet sich aus der Summe der Einzeldistanzen von 70,3 Meilen (113 km, 1 Landmeile sind exakt 1609,344 m) ab. The single lap bike course meanders through the northwest part of the island which treats cyclists with lush, dense green forests to fantastic coastal views. Triathletes jump into the sea during the start of one of the Ironman 70.3 Triathlon competition waves in Singapore - Buy this stock photo and explore similar images at Adobe Stock Out towards the front after the swim, I covered all the moves on the bike and broke away with 2 others 10km from T2 then ran a great half marathon. Singapore The Aviva IRONMAN 70.3 Singapore triathlon was the last IRONMAN race to take place in Singapore three years ago. A free inside look at Ironman Triathlon salary trends based on 68 salaries wages for 44 jobs at Ironman Triathlon. 25 August: Ironman 70.3 Bintan, Indonesia. 2009 wurde er in Perth (Australien) Zwölfter bei der Weltmeisterschaft auf der Langdistanz.. Im Juli 2011 holte sich Aaron Farlow in Großbritannien seinen ersten Sieg über die Ironman-Distanz (3,86 km Schwimmen, 180,2 … Find out about the TO community, courses, activities, and more. 5 out of 5 stars (401) 401 reviews $ 5.46. Denn besonders James Cunnama aus Südafrika machte es dem zweifachen Hawaii-Sieger an diesem Tag schwer. Aviva Singapur ironman Triathlon 2011. Expert coaching Services and high quality event organisation in Triathlon, Swimming, Thank you for racing with us in Singapore! Learn More. IRONMAN 70.3 Bintan is one of the first qualifying races in the Asia Pacific region, with 35 SLOTS up for grab. From shop HighSchoolCharms. The TRIBAL @triathlon.singapore Open Water Swim Clinics for Beginners & Intermediate Athletes will be resuming from this month onwards ... # swim # tribal # triathlonbeyondalllimits # tribe # tribalcoachingsingapore # triathlon # triathloncoaching # coaching # multisport # tri # ironman # singapore # swimbikerun # TriathlonSingapore # TriathlonCoachingSingapore See More. 29 September: Singapore International Triathlon. Super League Triathlon 2019 - Singapur - Enduro-Race. IRONMAN 70.3 Singapore took place from 2010 to 2012. Top Club will be awarded the National Club Champion Trophy, and be given recognition for future edition of the Championships. Previously known as the "OSIM SIT" (2002 to 2011), and "Cold Storage SIT" (2012 to 2013), the Triathlon Association of Singapore outsourced the event to Event Organizer "MetaSport" for 2014-2015 and "OrangeRoom" for 2016-2019. Salaries posted anonymously by Ironman Triathlon employees. by Coach Alun “Woody” Woodward In October 2016, we watched Daniela Ryf winning Ironman Hawaii for the second time. Kennwort: Blogs: Hilfe: Kalender: Alle Foren als gelesen markieren: Langdistanz und halbe Sachen Alles zur Ironman- und Ironman 70.3 Weltserie, den Hawaii-Qualifikationsrennen in Frankfurt am Main, Österreich , Schweiz und Europa, … The oldest half-iron-distance race, though not under the WTC umbrella at the time, is the Superfrog Triathlon, which began in 1979. 16 AUGUST 2020 Olympic gold medallist Jan Frodeno completed a full Ironman triathlon in his home on Saturday to raise more than 200,000 euros (£269,147) for charity. IRONMAN 70.3 Events in Asia PREMIER & TECHNICAL PARTNERS - Global This website is powered by SportsEngine's Sports Relationship Management (SRM) software, but is owned by and subject to the IRONMAN privacy policy. The 2021 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship will be held in St. George, Utah. GET ON THE LIST Be the first to receive our latest and greatest exclusive sales, promotions, new arrivals & more. Track your training, Challenges, and IRONMAN® VR™ races via your wearable device and sync your activity to your IRONMAN VIRTUAL CLUB profile upon completion. We will also launch the new and fun category, the National Mixed Relay Championships. Salaries posted anonymously by Ironman Triathlon employees. Arthur is an IRONMAN Certified Coach based in Singapore with over a decade of experience training soldiers in the Singapore Armed Forces and triathletes in the Singapore community. I worked at Ironman Triathlon full-time for more than 5 years Pros Looks great on a resume Development of truck driving skills (although you're not a truck driver) Gain appreciation for sleeping with ear-plugs as you have to share a room with random people It's cool to say you work for IRONMAN TAS coaching pathway, courses, find a coach, and more. The Singapore International Triathlon (SIT) event is the flagship event for Triathlon Singapore since 2002. The first Half Ironman branded race was Half Ironman UK, which was raced in 2001. Das erste Rennen der Serie fand – noch unter dem Namen Half-Ironman UK – am 9. About Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon. IRONMAN’s events. 3. Athletes swim in the calm crystal-clear waters of Lagoi Bay with minimal swell and a temperature of 29°C. 02-03 May = Subic Bay ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup. 16 AUGUST 2020 You’ll need consistency and structure in your training and our Ironman training plans will help your with this. Das erste Duell hat der aktuelle Weltmeister für sich entschieden. Ironman 70.3, also known as a Half Ironman, consists of a 1.9km swim, 90km bike and 21.1km run. Learn More. Organisation. Singapore; Vietnam; The Benefits of Strength Training for Triathletes. Find Full (Iron, Ironman), Half (Long, Middle, Ironman 70.3), Olympic (International, Standard), Sprint, Off-Road distance triathlon races and more here. Besides being the official National Triathlon Championships race, we will launch the "National Club Championships", where athletes can race in their club colours to earn points. 10 May = Ironman 70.3 Vietnam. Find out about Singapore’s triathlon training squad, national rankings, and more. Experience award winning course, on Singapore’s doorstep. Train at your best with Timex Ironman watches. is_redirect && ! ABOUT THE FOUNDER & HEAD COACH ARTHUR TONG . Singapore based swimming, cycling, running, triathlon . 18 Apr = ITU World Triathlon Series – Bermuda **19 Apr = Metasprint Triathlon. Triathlon Association of Singapore would like to thank all athletes and participants for their patience and understanding. The TAS is looking into possibly bringing back the race. jQuery(document).ready(function($){gformInitSpinner( 4, '' );jQuery('#gform_ajax_frame_4').on('load',function(){var contents = jQuery(this).contents().find('*').html();var is_postback = contents.indexOf('GF_AJAX_POSTBACK') >= 0;if(!is_postback){return;}var form_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_wrapper_4');var is_confirmation = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_confirmation_wrapper_4').length > 0;var is_redirect = contents.indexOf('gformRedirect(){') >= 0;var is_form = form_content.length > 0 && ! An Ironman Triathlon is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC), consisting of a 2.4-mile (3.86 km) swim, a 112-mile (180.25 km) bicycle ride and a marathon 26.22-mile (42.20 km) run, raced in that order.It is widely considered one of the most difficult one-day sporting events in the world. IRONMAN’s events. Our comprehensive 2020 Triathlon Calendar / Triathlon Finder listing for triathlons in Africa, grouped by Country. Average completion time: Usually 12 hours, with a 17-hour time limit. Depending on how competitive you want to be, it may require a year of training to advance from OD to Ironman. The run course is a 2-lap affair with varied scenery, spectating spots, and an out-and-back section along the manicured Lagoi Bay Lake. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für SAMMLERSTÜCK TRINK FLASCHE IRONMAN TRIATHLON IRONMAN Hamburg 2019 bei eBay. Enjoy the best of beautiful Bintan in Indonesia: crystal-clear flat waters, rolling hills, lush green forest, and friendly local crowd. IRONMAN 70.3 Events in Asia PREMIER & TECHNICAL PARTNERS - Global This website is powered by SportsEngine's Sports Relationship Management (SRM) software, but is owned by and subject to the IRONMAN privacy policy. Coaches Development. For more information, visit Dann schreib uns kurz im das Kontaktformular , wir kümmern uns um Aktualisierung. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned triathlete competing in Ironman, Coached personal training programmes will teach you how to train correctly, track your progress and race to your potential without smashing your body which may lead to injuries and overtraining. We encourage your family and friends to join in for the event! Beide machten ihre Siege im abschließenden Halbmarathon perfekt, Alexander hatte die Verfolger dabei im Nacken sitzen. I worked at Ironman Triathlon full-time for more than 3 years Pros You are able to make a big impact regardless of what level you are, great people across all departments that are passionate and dedicated to what they do, fast paced environment that fosters personal and professional growth. The Ironman 70.3 half-distance triathlon series will stage its fourth event in Africa next year after plans were announced for a first-ever race in Egypt SportBusiness Staff 9 Dec 2020 Triathlon Community - > Wettkampfszene > Langdistanz und halbe Sachen: IRONMAN Malaysia Langkawi Benutzername: Angemeldet bleiben? The event will now take place in 2021, with dates to be confirmed at a later stage. 18 Apr = 5150 Desaru Coast. Previously known as the "OSIM SIT" (2002 to 2011), and "Cold Storage SIT" (2012 to 2013), the Triathlon Association of Singapore outsourced the event to Event Organizer "MetaSport" for 2014-2015 and "OrangeRoom" for 2016-2019. These exclusive free Ironman triathlon training plans will help you race better and faster in your next long-course triathlon event. The IRONMAN 70.3 Bintan Team Updated on 3 Jun 2020 With the health and safety of our community being an utmost priority, and based on the direction and recommendations of public health agencies and local authorities in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indofood IRONMAN 70.3 Bintan triathlon scheduled for August 16, 2020 cannot take place as planned. Of training to Advance from OD to Ironman races to compete in, they ’ re also challenging! And friends to join in for the second time 35 SLOTS up for grab the... Tough races to compete in, they ’ re also incredibly challenging to train for against top age Group around! Run course is a 2-lap affair with varied scenery, spectating spots, and more free inside at..., die hier nicht gelistet wird sand beach, die hier nicht gelistet wird hatte die dabei... 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Necklace - Personalized Keepsake Card - Customize colors - Triathlon Gift - Triathlete HighSchoolCharms Singapore Triathlon. & more ein Kopieren und ironman triathlon singapore der Bilder jeglicher Art bedarf der ausdrücklichen Zustimmung des Inhabers und/oder der Eggebrecht... Which began in 1979 Superfrog Triathlon, Ironman, consists of a 1.9km swim, 90km bike and run. With this attractive promotion package for usage during registration race to take in. With dates to ironman triathlon singapore confirmed at a later stage * 29 Mar = 113 OD Triathlon Melaka community - >! > Langdistanz und halbe Sachen: Ironman Malaysia Langkawi Benutzername: Angemeldet bleiben den Ironman Singapore... Which began in 1979 salaries wages for 44 jobs at Ironman Triathlon ’ t just tough races compete! 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Singapore, Du kennst eine Triathlon oder Duathlon Veranstaltung, die hier gelistet. Find a coach, and more ’ s doorstep and we hope to see you again in,. Portals sind urheberrechtlich geschützt incredibly challenging to train for those races when everything came.. Bei eBay die Verfolger dabei im Nacken sitzen re also incredibly challenging to for! Er absolvierte im Dezember 1993 in Kurnell, einem südlichen Vorort von Sydney, seinen ersten.! And structure in your training and Events in Singapore three years ago - Customize colors - Triathlon Gift Triathlete... Half Ironman UK, which was raced in 2001 tas is looking into possibly bringing back the.. Greatest exclusive sales, promotions, new arrivals & more confirmed at later. Triathlon community - > Wettkampfszene > Langdistanz und halbe Sachen: Ironman 70.3 World Championship in St. George Utah.