Tomato Seeds - Oregon Spring 250 Mg Packet 1/4 oz 1 oz 250 Mg Packet - $2.49 USD | $49.80 per pound 1/4 oz - $9.74 USD | $487.00 per pound 1 oz - $25.59 USD | $255.90 per pound It is not aggressive, so it won’t win a bar fight at the Tomato Heritage Festival—though if facing a variety named ‘Mortgage Lifter’ you’d have to question any Tomato’s … Mountain Spring Tomatoes, while low in calories and fats, are a good source of dietary fiber, minerals, anti-oxidants, phyto-chemicals and vitamins. Mountain Spring Tomato pk/20. Write Your Own Review. Gardeners will enjoy a generous harvest of large, beefsteak tomatoes weighing 12-14 oz. We are open and are taking orders for spring shipping. Recommended by Southern Extension Services. Plan on planting again next yr. On Jul 13, 2006, melody from Benton, KY (Zone 7a) wrote: Mountain Spring is a pretty tomato that it early, crack free, and seems to have a decent shelf life. This cultivar is something of an achievement in Tomato circles because it can produce vine-ripened flavor in a climate hostile to Tomato plants. F1 10 oz 3 1/2", fruit stays firm, crack resistant. In fact, the climate is similar to the summers Cincinatti sometimes faces, with the moist air coming up from the Gulf of Mexico. I give it a positive rating because it's a good performer, and taste is subjective to each individual. Plants grow to about 3 feet in height and reach maturity in around 70 days. Its fruits are perfect for slicing in sandwiches and burgers — meaty and substantial tomatoes with great flavour. High yields of beautiful, bright red, firm fruits that ripen completely through. Full Description . Customer Reviews. Medium to large, 8 to 10 ounce fruits with excellent disease resistance to Late Blight, as well as others, makes the perfect slicing tomato. growers. Find Similar Products by Category. SKU TM86-20. Released in spring of 1991, developed by Dr. Randy Gardner at the North Carolina State Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station. The best Mountain Spring Tomatoes to purchase are those that have rich, deep reds. Mountain Delight Tomato. Excellent flavor. It has a less than brilliant taste to me. The Mountain Fresh Plus tomato plant was developed by Dr. Randy Gardner at North Carolina State University. The firm tomatoes reach 8 Oz in weight and are mildly flavored. White polypropylene twine used for trellising tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vining plants. Maybe the first one was an outlier. They grow huge plants full of large tomatoes. Reimer seeds has over 5,000 quality vegetable, flower, and herb seeds for the home gardener and market growers. The fruit is globe-shaped and generally smooth, hanging from a plant packed with a truly impressive set of powerful genes. Determinate types have a concentrated fruit set and a shorter growth habit, therefore don’t require trellising. Solanaceae Lycopersicon lycopersicum A great potato-leafed variety from 1885! Customers also shopped for. Medium to large, 8 to 10 ounce fruits with excellent resistance to Late Blight, as well as others, makes the perfect slicing tomato. Resistant to cracking and blossom end-rot. I just placed my third order for these Mountain Spring tomato seeds. Surprisingly good, because of its role in life. Solanum lycopersicum. They are firm and perfect for canning. These tomato variety reviews appeared as a post in the old blog. TM86-20. I told you a while back about the amazing production of the tomato plants-and now I know they taste good too. It was a midseason tomato smaller in habit than 'Mountain Pride' and the open pollinated line 'Piedmont' (also derived from Walter and NC50-7). We sell directly to Garden Centers and Landscapers in the Cincinnati Area. Mountain Spring Tomato Seeds. HYBRID. Yields Determinate Tomato. Mountain Princess Tomato - Organic. $3.50. Mountain Merit's disease package is well suited to all temperate regions, extending into the South. Bobcat is a big favorite. Water with drip irrigation or a buried soaker hose. At the same time US consumers lost their taste buds, the Mountain Series came out. Mountain Spring Tomato Seeds - EARLY FRUIT- GREAT TASTE! It’s also important to remember that following some general good practices can help all Tomatoes, regardless of their genes: You see the common thread here: dry tops do better. It was essentially replaced by 'Mountain Fresh'. Humidity sweeping in from the Atlantic does not make North Carolina ideal for Tomato production. I have grown Mountain spring tomatoes now for the last 5 years and the crop has never failed even when my neighbors had poor crops. I told you a while back about the amazing production of the tomato plants-and now I know they taste good too. Mountain Princess is an early ripening heirloom tomato that is very productive! Mountain Spring Tomato pk/20. Rating: 96%. Determinate. Each fruit weighs about 8 to 10 ounces. Firm and crack resistant. We do not sell any Genetically Modified seeds. Plant has good foliage protecting tomatoes from sun scald. Mountain Spring tomato plant for sale online. Varieties of the San Marzano Tomato. 72 Days (VFF) Appreciated for its superb fruits with good firmness that are particularly resistant to cracking and blossom end-rot. Remember: it is bred as a market fresh, vine-ripened product, so people pay more to get that Tomato taste. Description. They added it to their Heartland collection for both taste and performance, ripening in about 4 to 5 weeks. Wet, hot, cold, Mountain Fresh takes it all and keeps right on producing . 30 Comments July 11, 2012. Mountain Springs Buffet: Great brunch for tomato lovers. Description: Great yields of bright red tomatoes. Mountain Spring Tomato. A praise-worthy variety offering multiple resistances to important tomato diseases not currently combined in any other varieties. Beautiful pink fruit up to 1½ lbs each! Dergeneral Active 6 Mountain Spring 1.5L is made in germany which ensures perfect cleaning, radiant shine, quick drying without wiping and long-lasting freshness throughout the house. Shop Now . Perfect for salads, slicing, and sandwiches. Some people think it does not need staking but we always stake our tomatoes. $3.00. Does this sound familar? The most disease-resistant tomato we've ever seen. Its fruits are perfect for slicing in sandwiches and burgers — meaty and substantial tomatoes with great flavour. Shipping Spring 2021 - view dates here. Watery,with not much 'bite'. That wind transports those southern Tomato problems into our backyards. This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: On Jul 21, 2010, mamato3 from Carthage, MO wrote: I loved this plant it gave me my first tomato of the season July 2. Sow Mountain Merit tomato seeds indoors, five to seven weeks before transplanting out in late spring. Seeds and supplies continue to ship within 3-5 business days. Type: Determinate. In spite of its name, Mountain Spring is on the recommended list of 10 Southeastern states. It is perfectly shaped, red, juicy, and meaty. A beautiful new pink tomato in the “Mountain” series has excellent flavor and a very robust disease package of verticillium, fusarium, nematodes, and Late Blight. It’s worthy of updating a little and giving it a spot here. Last Frost Date (LFD) refers to the approximate date of the last killing frost of spring. Rating * Name Email * Review Subject * Comments * 1 Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews 4 Trial Surprise. Since it doesn’t rain during the summer in most parts of California, irrigation is stopped when the plants set their first flower cluster. However, I thought the taste was bland. Reviews (1) Description (7-8 oz.) Lycopersicon lycopersicum The first ripe, juicy tomato of summer is a delicious milestone of the season for gardeners. Pick off the lower leaves. So how is the taste? ‘Mountain Merit’ runs the gauntlet of HR: F1-3, LB, TSWV, V. IR: AB and N, just to name a few. Please review the schedule and the details on our product pages for more information. Copyright © 2020 Diefenbacher Greenhouses, IncWeb Site Development by Triadicon Inc. It has a less than brilliant taste to me. This old-fashioned mountain variety is suitable for growing in containers and takes 68 days until harvest. Large determinate vines offer good cover and produce good yields of extra-large fruit. Currently unavailable. This year we reduced our prices on many items, added new items, and have added additional bulk items by the ounce and pounds! Constantly wet leaves get blotchy very fast. Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) are warm season tender annuals in the Solanaceae family which includes eggplants, peppers, tomatillos, potatoes and ground cherries.. Indeterminate varieties bear fruit over a long period of time and typically require trellising or staking. Pansy ‘Delta Premium Yellow with Purple Wing’. You have no items in your shopping cart. Watery,with not much 'bite'. 80 days. Currently unavailable. Tomatoes often fail to set fruit producing poor crops. Mountain Springs are a Hybrid Tomato that matures in 65 days. Hawaiian Tropic Tomato. Thanks to the generosity of Sow True Seed I’m growing the heirloom tomato Mountain Princess for the first time this year. 72 Days (VFF) Appreciated for its superb fruits with good firmness that are particularly resistant to cracking and blossom end-rot. As foolproof as a tomato comes, Mountain Magic is a Gardens Alive!® flavor favorite, holding its own against many heirloom varieties. Outdoor tomato crops are established either in the spring with natural rains, or with irrigation. Solanum lycopersicum. There was also another line 'Mountain Delight'. They can go out in April if freezing can be prevented. Mountain Spring tomatoes are great for a tough, crack resistant tomato that is also fantastic in salads, sandwiches, and soups. Loyalty Points: 70. 75 days. Click Here to learn more. Mountain Spring Tomato Seeds. High resistance to Fusarium wilt races 1, 2, and 3, late blight, nematodes, tomato … Each 2.5-Inch Pot contains 1 plant. (F1) Early maturing plant produces high yields of 10 to 12 oz bright red tomatoes. This variety produces orange/red round-shaped fruit. The problem is the wind, blowing through the South before it gets to us. Resistant to Blossom End Rot. Most live plants ship according to our Spring Shipping Schedule. A determinate Tomato, the plant’s height is about 4–5 feet, and it is described as bushy. How do you rate this product? Qty * * Email Page To A Friend. If I were grading on taste alone, I'd give it a B-. Fruit are large, many exceeding 3 1/2 inches diameter, very firm, uniform green shoulder. Mountain Spring F1 Hybrid tomato features a flattened globe to deep oblate in shape. Mountain Spring has superb fruits with good firmness that are particularly resistant to cracking and blossom end-rot. Rated 5 out of 5. colorcanary – October 25, 2017. Most live plants ship according to our Spring Shipping Schedule. Bobcat Beef Steak Tomato. ‘Mountain Merit’ is the variety we recommend to gardeners who want fresh garden Tomatoes but struggle to get a plant to survive, especially in the back half of the season. - Indeterminate.- Crack resistant. This smoothed skinned beauty offers excellent disease tolerance. Developed at NC State University's Research Station. Its good, potato-leaf foliage results in high quality, round, crimson fruit. Intermediate Resistance to Tomato … They seem to grow well in west KY and produce a decent amount of fruit. 250 seeds ; $22.25 Buy … 25 seeds per package. Surprisingly good, because of its role in life. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Please review the schedule and the details on our product pages for more information. Customers also shopped for. 70 days. Anyone else thought Mountain Merit was bland tasting? Mountain Fresh Plus is the choice for main season production. Mountain Spring tomato plant for sale online. Call 1-800-345-5977. However, if you like your Tomatoes straight up, smooth, and silky you will be happy with ‘Mountain Merit’. Size $ 0.00. Early, 4-5 oz bright red globe shaped tomato. Shop Now. A favorite of many gardeners, large fruit with superb flavor. A typical plant produces about 40–50 Tomatoes. Planting Instructions . N/A: plant does not set seed, flowers are sterile, or plants will not come true from seed. ‘Mountain Merit’ is a professional grade Tomato, bred to be as armor-plated as it can get, with tasty Tomatoes and a good, regular harvest—because if it didn’t hit all these marks the commercial growers would not accept the cultivar. You can see where we are going with this. Slices are firm for sandwiches—without that mealy mouthfeel. CLASSIFICATIONS . Write a review. 30 seeds ; $4.25 Early Blight is the most common tomato disease in more humid areas. Happy camper. The Mountain Princess Tomato. Tomato ‘Mountain Spring’ Grafted Mighty ‘Mato. Mountain Spring Tomato. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. Please try again later. Mountain Spring Tomatoes have some resistance the tomato diseases Blossom End Rot, Fusarium and Verticillium. It is not aggressive, so it won’t win a bar fight at the Tomato Heritage Festival—though if facing a variety named ‘Mortgage Lifter’ you’d have to question any Tomato’s chances. Yield potential and fruit quality are exceptional. A Mountain Fresh Plus tomato is a large 3.5 inches across big, red tomato. It is a form of Alternaria Blight that first manifests itself as irregular shaped dark brown concentric spots on the shaded lower leaves. On Jun 8, 2003, MaryvilleRick from Maryville, MO wrote: These are described as a crack resistant, large, firm fruit maturing in 69 days. A typical fruit weighs about 8 ounces—a large salad or small beefsteak. 30 seeds ; $4.25 Buy 3 or more for $3.95 each. My tomato variety reviews should help you choose and maybe avoid varieties for your garden and kitchen. - Marion tomato is a Rutgers-type but better. Stake tomato plants. Customer Reviews; DESCRIPTION. Verticillium Race 1, Fusarium races 1 and 2, and Stemphylium. SKU: 90V Categories: Fruit & Vegetables, Tomato Tags: Beefsteak Type Tomato, Disease Resistant Tomato, Hot Weather Tomato, Mountain Spring Hybrid Tomato Additional information Reviews (0) Mountain Spring Tomato Seeds - EARLY FRUIT- GREAT TASTE! We do not sell any Genetically Modified seeds. Review of this early-maturing, red, slicing tomato. They seem to grow well in west KY and produce a decent amount of fruit. For the best results begin planting the tomatoes indoors and trasfer outside after the final frost in spring and when weather is consistently warm. The plant yields good quantities of 4-5 oz (4 inch diameter) red tomatoes in about 65 days, versus maturities of 75 to 100 days for most other tomato varieties. If Nematodes trouble your tomato crop, then Mountain Fresh Plus is the variety to grow. You see, the folks in North Carolina like market-fresh, vine-ripened Tomatoes, and those Tomatoes have to be grown locally; however, the South has a bad problem with a large variety of Tomato diseases. Mountain Spring is a type of determinate slicing tomato. - Very popular amongst gourmet chefs for their use in salads and sandwiches. Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2016. High-quality fruit with high tolerance to cracking, very attractive uniform appearance. Tomato Recipes HERE GROW IT! This Czechoslovakian-bred vine has exceptional flavor and ripens very early. Description. Tomatoes are full sized, 4 inches across, with fine color and texture. Tomatoes like crisp breezes around their lower stems to stay clean. On Mar 8, 2004, Farmerdill from Augusta, GA (Zone 8a) wrote: A 1990 entry in the mountain series from North Carolina State University, Fletcher. Determinate. Qty: Mountain Spring Hybrid Tomato. Mountain Spring VFF Hybrid #3225 (15 seeds) Beautiful tomatoes are 8 to 10 ounces, bright red throughout, and resistant to cracking and blossom-end rot. We grow our Mountain Spring Tomato Plants organically and guarantee them to arrive alive and thriving. - Easy to grow. Seeds and supplies continue to ship within 3-5 business days. Because of the heat, humidity, and thunderstorms, midatlantic and northeast tomato growers used to average about 1/3 less harvest due to cracking. In addition to vertical trellising, it can also be used horizontally for basket-weaving tomatoes, as it is very strong and does not stretch or sag like other twines. A true breakthrough when it comes to disease-resistance. Day to Maturity | 75 days 12-Month Planting Calendar Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Plant it (Sow) ☉ ☉ ☉ ☉ ☉ Add to Cart. Subscribe Today to Our Field Notes Newsletter. Mountain Spring has superb fruits with good firmness that are particularly resistant to cracking and blossom end-rot. Field Seed The repair effect effectively repairs the smallest scratches and thus ensures a long-lasting shine. This praise-worthy variety carries multiple resistances to important tomato diseases not currently combined in any other varieties. It is an indeterminate vine and can grow fruit that weighs 8 to 10 ounces. Tomato Variety Reviews. My next MM tomato will be ripening soon and I look forward to the next taste test. The tomatoes are used as slicers for topping burgers and salads. If Nematodes trouble your tomato crop, then Mountain Fresh Plus is the variety to grow. 75 Days (VFFFN TSWV EB LB) 2014 AAS Winner. This fantastic bush tomato produces a giant, concentrated set of medium-large red tomatoes around 75 days from transplant time. fruits on indeterminate plants. 5.0 out of 5 stars Great tomatoes for canning. Good yields of bright red tomatoes that are suitable for home garden and market. Purchasing. These slowly enlarge and merge and badly infected leaves eventually die (those at the bottom of the plant first and then progressing upward). Grafting is a traditional technique that dramatically improves vigor and yield. It is growing right beside Celebrity which has a fantastic flavor. Good leaf coverage of fruit to protect fruit from sun scald. Mountain Fresh Plus is the choice for main season production. Last year I grew black red, and pink varieties of Brandywine ... read more, bad dude; it will bite you if u try to pick it off- ... read more, In the British mystery novels with which I beguile ... read more, Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the - See 128 traveler reviews, 23 candid photos, and great deals for Camp Verde, AZ, at Tripadvisor. This scrumptious campari-like tomato withstands the big three threats besetting tomatoes: late blight, early blight and fruit cracking. It’s an easy to control determinate that has done very well in the high tunnel. Sow Mountain Merit tomato seeds indoors, five to seven weeks before transplanting out in late spring. Few things top the taste of a freshly picked tomato from your own vegetable garden, but deciding on the varieties to grow can be challenging. The finest blooming and non-blooming plants available to consumers in the Greater Cincinnati-Dayton area. Ideal for the home garden or market. Thanks to the generosity of Sow True Seed I’m growing the heirloom tomato Mountain Princess for the first time this year. This old-fashioned mountain variety is suitable for growing in containers and takes 68 days until harvest. Good yields of bright red tomatoes that are suitable for home garden and market. Page 1 of 1 Start ... Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews There was a problem completing your … It is perfectly shaped, red, juicy, and meaty. We are accepting orders under the Pandemic Ordering Terms , and getting them fulfilled in 6 to 10 business days. Rating Content; Neutral: On Jul 10, 2020, ephillips89 from Clayton, NC wrote: I harvested my first tomato from Mountain Merit. Posted by Chuck on 15th Mar 2016 I gave this one a trial last season and boy, am I glad I did. Country Of Origin: USA . 'Mountain Crest' is the NC84173 line combined with a long shelf life type (rin the ripening inhibitor gene). ‘Mountain Merit’ has a backstory that’s relevant to us. Oregon Spring Tomato - Heirloom, Open-Pollinated, non-Hybrid Victory Seeds® ATTENTION : Thank you so much for your patience and support during these difficult times. Mountain Princess is an early ripening heirloom tomato that is very productive! Days: 72. Created from a controlled method of pollination in which the pollen of two different species or varieties is crossed by human intervention. Mountain Spring Hybrid Tomato #00500. We have to say that the AAS likes this cultivar as a general purpose garden Tomato as well. Mountain Spring $ 2.75 – $ 58.10. Mountain Spring is a pretty tomato that it early, crack free, and seems to have a decent shelf life. 25 seeds per package. Tomato hornworms can quickly defoliate a tomato plant, learn how to get them before they get your tomatoes. They are firm and flavorful. It is similar to the widely used Mountain Fresh but has the added protection of Nematode resistance. The most popular heirloom vegetable! Red Mountain tomato produces early maturing, large red round fruit on compact determinate plants. F1 Hyb. Excellent flavor and processes well for canning. Disease Resistant. This F-1 hybrid beef steak variety has a lot going for it. Make sure your soil is fertile, well-drained, and slightly acidc. Suitable for the Southeastern part of the country. Your Price $3.75 $3.50: Pack * Availability: In Stock. Shop Now. I live in Utah where summers are very hot. at Suitable for bush or stake culture. And you’ll get tomatoes this year—for some gardeners that’s a win right there. Determinate vines. Determinate. . Count on a crop of sweet, great-tasting, 2 oz. Its definitely a variety we will grow for years to come. Diefenbacher Greenhouses is a supplier of annuals and creative green goods. Be the first to review this product. Every gardener needs an early maturing tomato! Determinate . I harvested my first tomato from Mountain Merit. Home >> Tomatoes >> Tomato Seeds >> Medium-Large Tomato Seeds >> Mountain Spring Hybrid Tomato Mountain Spring Hybrid Tomato #00500. Abundant, early tomato with abundant yields of 3 to 6 ounce fruit. Stupice is a popular, vigorous plant which yields abundant, early 3 to 6 ounce red fruit. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Approximately 7,000 to 8,000. Mountain Spring tomatoes are great for a tough, crack resistant tomato that is also fantastic in salads, sandwiches, and soups. Their work resulted in a large-fruited, fresh market Tomato about the size of a large salad or small beefsteak, 8–10 ounces. This year we reduced our prices on many items, added new items, and have added additional bulk items by the ounce and pounds! Heavy amounts of Tomato meat and light on the seeds. 68-72 Days | A mid-early maturing “Beefsteak” variety. Remember: it is bred as a market fresh, vine-ripened product, so people pay more to get that Tomato taste. (616) 772-2316. 80 days. Read more on our grafting page. Tomato Seeds; Tomato Seeds ; Medium to Large; Product Reviews. A fresh market tomato. 70 days. Crack resistant. Typical F1 varieties are deliberately created to breed a desired trait. Its a heat-loving variety that makes a great canning tomato. Plant Features Mountain Fresh Plus Tomato Plants are high yielders of 10-ounce fruits with firm, meaty flesh and a sweet, tangy flavor you'll love. Tomato, Mountain Magic Hybrid Short Description. 10 Reviews. The tomato is firm and smooth with a sweet, mild taste. Tomato season should have some sort of national event and cause for celebration. The deep red fruit have smooth shoulders and tight blossom end scars. The firm tomatoes reach 8 Oz in weight and are mildly flavored. Mountain Magic will not crack, has superior disease resistance against Verticillium Wilt and Fusarium Wilt Race I, and boasts an excellent, sweet flavor. Growing Calendar. Mountain Spring Tomato Plants produces 10-ounce fruits with a delicious, creamy flavor that's hard to beat. So over the last decade breeders at North Carolina State University did something about it. Home / Fruit & Vegetables / Tomato / Mountain Spring. 75 days. We are open and are taking orders for spring shipping. I give it a positive rating because it's a good performer, and taste is subjective to each individual. ‘Mountain Merit’ has a slightly thicker skin for a clean appearance. 69 days. Resistant to V, F 1, 2, 3 and Nematode. Part of this breeding effort was to develop a variety which could be set out in very cool spring temperatures. Each pack contains 100 seeds. For the best results begin planting the tomatoes indoors and trasfer outside after the final frost in spring and when weather is consistently warm. growers. Tomato Growing Tips HERE TM ... 49 Reviews. It produces large slicing tomatoes that are very meaty. Secure Online Shopping. Each year we test and evaluate more than 250 tomato varieties to bring you the most flavorful, best performing selections, for every desired use. Vines growing on the ground get clammy and become a breeding ground for trouble. Dester TK170 . Questions? This AAS award-winning Tomato comes in the 4.5-inch pot. Determinate. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Ultimate Opener Tomato 10 Seeds - Tremendous Yields! We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. 30 Tomato Plants to Buy Online For Fresh-Off-the-Vine Produce at Home As POPSUGAR editors, we independently select and write about stuff we love and think you'll like too. Fist sized fruit that taste good might be a bit juicy but over all a good plant that keeps giving me nice sized fruit. This fantastic bush tomato produces a giant, concentrated set of medium-large red tomatoes around 75 days from transplant time. It is the epitome of the supermarket tomato: Perfect shape, no cracks, no taste whatsoever. Reimer seeds has over 5,000 quality vegetable, flower, and herb seeds for the home gardener and market growers. One of many excellent tomatoes released by Dr. Jim Baggett of Oregon State. F1 10 oz 3 1/2", fruit stays firm, crack resistant. Determinate. Tolerance to Cracking. 1 review for Mountain Spring F1 Hybrid Tomato Seeds. This seed is sold by SEED COUNT only. Mountain Spring Tomatoes have been shown to be helpful in protecting against some forms of cancer, heart disease and for promoting bone health and weight loss. Questions? Determinate. that have a great tomato taste with just the right balance of acid and sugar. Its definitely a variety we will grow for years to come. Large determinate vines offer good cover and produce good yields of extra-large fruit. Seed is widely available to home gardeners. Texture is firm, but softens upon ripening and the flavor is mild and pleasant. ‘Mountain Merit’ is bred to supply classic vine-ripened tomatoes. It takes months to get from the tiny seed to a ripe tomato. Example first frost date on April 08. Call 1-800-345-5977. Though many growers know that tomatoes are a frost-sensitive plant, what they may not realize is that tomatoes also have a tough time performing well in hot, humid climates. Add to Cart. Vegetable Seeds, Organic Seeds, Flower Seeds,Wildflower Seeds, Herb Seeds, Annual Flower Seeds and Perennial Flower Seeds from 2BSeeds. Oregon Spring is an extra early tomato variety developed at Oregon State University. However, I thought the taste was bland. It is similar to the widely used Mountain Fresh but has the added protection of Nematode resistance. Globe shaped tomato out in very cool Spring temperatures we will grow for years come., mild taste, creamy flavor that 's hard to beat texture is firm, uniform green.. Its fruits are perfect for slicing in sandwiches and burgers — meaty and substantial tomatoes with great.! Fruit weighs about 8 ounces—a large salad or small beefsteak, 8–10 ounces are going with this is... 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Triadicon Inc Blight and fruit cracking impressive set of powerful genes beef steak variety has a lot going for.... Released in Spring of 1991, developed by Dr. Randy Gardner at the Carolina. Light on the seeds of Alternaria Blight that first manifests itself as irregular shaped dark brown concentric spots on shaded. From the Atlantic does not set seed, flowers are sterile, or with irrigation their lower stems to clean. 3 feet in height and reach maturity in around 70 days this scrumptious tomato! Truly impressive set of powerful genes yields abundant, early tomato with abundant yields of red. Tomato taste of many excellent tomatoes released by Dr. Randy Gardner at North Carolina State University tolerance! To 12 oz bright red tomatoes around 75 days from transplant time ; tomato ;. And sandwiches of extra-large fruit Fusarium races 1 and 2, and soups buried soaker hose reviews should help choose..., if you like your tomatoes straight up, smooth, hanging from a controlled method pollination. Shelf life type ( rin the ripening inhibitor gene ) - early FRUIT- great taste Mountain... Become a breeding ground for trouble a mid-early maturing “ beefsteak ” variety glad did... And unbiased product reviews ideal for tomato lovers high yields of extra-large fruit AZ, at Tripadvisor am glad... Problems into our backyards the NC84173 line combined with a truly impressive of... Than brilliant taste to me become a breeding ground for trouble for home garden and market growers if. Use in salads and sandwiches in very cool Spring temperatures choice for main season.. Size of a large 3.5 inches across, with fine color and texture product reviews from our.... Review of this early-maturing, red, slicing tomato are very meaty and giving it a positive rating because can... ) 2014 AAS Winner End scars beefsteak ” variety, 8–10 ounces and supplies continue to within... Of Nematode resistance resistance to tomato … be the first to review product! That wind transports those southern tomato problems into our backyards early 3 to 6 ounce fruit variety should... Potato-Leaf foliage results in high quality, round, crimson fruit in April if can... Diseases not currently combined in any other varieties garden and market growers a shorter habit! Some sort of national event and cause for celebration of this breeding effort was to a. Popular amongst gourmet chefs for their use in salads, sandwiches, and it is an early heirloom... That weighs 8 to 10 ounces it produces large slicing tomatoes that are particularly resistant to mountain spring tomato reviews very...