Books at this level, like Biscuit and Pete the Cat: Too Cool for School, have short compelling stories, and are written with simple vocabulary. He likes movin', groovin', and schoolin'. Is he scared? He has so many options to choose from. I gave the book a 5 out of 5 stars because I thought it was such a cute book and I like Pete the Cat's charismatic character. Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons Bracelet. your own Pins on Pinterest Pete the Cat My First I Can Read book list in publication order, reading level information, appropriate reading age range, and additional book information. Date(s) Used: Mar. Great for Preschool/Kindergarten/First grade - Pilgrim Cat Fun!15 EDITABLE Pete is one unflappable cat. Categories/Genres for this class fulfilled by this book: Easy Reader Estimate of grade level of interest: Pre-school, Kindergarten and First Grade Estimate of reading level: Lexile® Measure: 140L DRA: 16 Guided Reading: J Brief description: Pete the cat ventures out for a day at the beach with his brother, Bob. Welcome to our YouTube Channel for teachers, parents and kids! To find out more read our. Pete the Cat is the go-to book for many kindergarten and elementary classrooms. Whether the buttons of his favorite shirt keep popping off or he's going to school for the first time, Pete never loses his cool. With five super-cool stories in one box for reading on the go, this collection of My First I Can Reads is perfect for shared reading with a child. Find the latest Pete the Cat books including Pete the Cat picture books, Pete the Cat song books, Pete the Cat I Can Read! Oh Pete the Cat, don’t we all just love him to bits? PreK-K, 1-2. Categories/Genres for this class fulfilled by this book: Easy Reader Estimate of grade level of interest: Pre-school, Kindergarten and First Grade Estimate of reading level: Lexile® Measure: 140L DRA: 16 Guided Reading: J Brief description: Pete the cat ventures out … AR Quiz Availability: Reading Practice, Recorded Voice ATOS Book Level: 1.2 Interest Level… Paperback Fiction Guided Reading Level: E - G Grade Level: K - 2 Go to view sample books and pages. Date of Publication: 2010. book, perfect for shared reading with a child. TpT. The Misadventures of Pete the Cat, a coffee table book of James’s art, was released in 2006. But some of the cupcakes have gone missing! Makes reading a little bit easier to do around the house they aren't too long and don't take too long to read which is nice Let’s look at how these levels correspond to different grade levels in K-3. ... Pete the Cat's Super Cool Reading Collection. After reading Pete the Cat's Got Class, choose from three leveled reading passages that relate in... My Favorites ... Grade Level: PreK - 3rd: ISBN: 9780062304100. Pete has a pair of white shoes that he loves so much, he can't help but sing, "I love my white shoes! J. Genre. by James Dean (6 times) Valentine Mice! You successfully shared the article. My favorite leveling system is the Fountas & Pinnell text level gradient – also called the guided reading levels. Reading the Pete the Cat Thanksgiving book? Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block Red Riding Hood by James Marshall One sheet has 3 "13 by 2 1/4" trims. Finally, Pete learns that it's not what you wear but how you wear In this groovy story, Pete just can't decide which outfit to wear to school! Title list: • A Pet for Pete • Pete at the Beach • Pete's Big Lunch • Play Ball! ISBN: 0061906220. Pete just can't decide which outfit to wear to school! Level 3: Evidence to construct an answer comes from both the text and experience, requiring an inference or conclusion to be made Quick Checks for Assessing Leveled Book Comprehension Comprehension Quizzes are a fast, easy way to assess how well students comprehend their reading and are great resources for text-dependent questions. Date(s) Used: Sep. 2014 Synopsis: Pete the Cat is backand this time hes rocking in his school shoes. Pete the Cat books rock. Pete the Cat is wearing his favorite shirt — the one with the four totally groovy buttons. Her dreams of becoming a published children’s book author became a reality in 2013 with the release of her first children’s book, Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses. 2016. Illustrator: James Dean By submitting your email address, you … No matter where he goes, Pete the Cat always keeps his cool! No matter where he goes, Pete the Cat always keeps his cool! 2016 Synopsis: Pete the Cat goes walking down the street wearing his brand new white shoes. Pete the Cat's Sing-Along Story Collection. But then he gets hot and thinks about jumping into the ocean to cool off. Browse the complete list of Pete the Cat picture books, I Can Read! Pete the Cat inspired file folder activities and worksheets leveled and differentiated to different learners. There are printables for back to school, reading, math and so much more. By submitting … Text Complexity; Lexile Level… Pete the Cat is the go-to book for many kindergarten and elementary classrooms. But Pete doesn't have enough time to make one for everyone. I know right?! Use with Pete the Cat, Rocket Writes a Story, Splat the Cat or a "Pets are Friends" theme. Pete the cat is WAY young for 2nd grade. Author: Eric Litwin Illustrator: James Dean Date of Publication: 2011 ISBN: 0061910244 Grade Level: Kindergarten (GLCs: Click here for grade level guidelines. Reading Level Chart Search Advanced Search . Reading Level: AR Levels 1.2-1.7GLE 1.0-2.0F&P/GRL E-JDRA 8-16Lexile® measure 210L-490LCompanion/Related Series: list of all Pete the Cat series, Book 1 Summary: Pete the Cat is ready to play baseball! Select from a variety of best-selling titles to enhance your guided reading program. Grade Level. 159070 EN Pete the cat shares his big lunch with his friends. All rights reserved. Add to Reading List Share this Book. I Love My White Shoes. Pete the Cat: Three Groovy Books Collection. The case of the Climbing Cat ICR2 0019 1.2 1314 103 Big Max and the Mystery of the Missing Giraffe ICR2 0020 1.2 403 104 The Best Seat in Second Grade ICR2 0021 1.2 616 105 X-Men The Last Stand Meet the X-Men ICR2 Discover (and save!) Pete the Cat is absolutely stylish with his four groovy buttons, and once your students make their own button bracelets, they will have the purr-fect accessory to wear. He likes movin', groovin', and schoolin'. Pete the Cat: Too Cool for School. Pete the Cat I Can Read! by Eric Litwin and James Dean. counting. From New York Times bestselling artist and author James Dean, these five favorite Pete the Cat paperbacks are sure to make reading fun for early readers. It was published by Scholastic in 2008. Synopsis: Pete the Cat goes walking down the street wearing his brand new white shoes. Level A Books I Can Run Big Cat ... Level E Books Pete Won’t Eat ... Do you have any suggestions how to help in getting my daughter from level D to level J she’s in second grade and we are way behind in reading level? Pete the Cat: Play Ball! Follow the coolest cat ever- Pete the Cat- in James Dean's original book series. books including Pete the Cat: Too Cool for School. Jan 29, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Ro France. Explore classroom activities, puzzles, teacher resources and … I love my white shoes!" The first step to helping children become great readers is reading aloud to them. If you try one of these Pete the Cat activities, send us a picture at 11 Resources . Rock out with Pete as he puts a fresh spin on a familiar Halloween tune! In this first installment of the Pete saga, Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, (find at your local library or purchase from Amazon) written by Eric Litwin and illustrated by James Dean, our favorite cool cat is walking along in his fancy white shoes, singing a groovy song, and feeling all good. Reading the Pete the Cat Thanksgiving book? Pete the Cat is going scuba diving! 1. But let me tell you, they L.O.V.E. Past Books by Grade Level Printer-friendly version Pete the Cat Saves Christmas Last updated Thursday, December 12, 2013 Author: James Dean Date of Publication: ISBN: 0062110624 Grade Level… Look out for a confirmation email from us.
Want to connect now? But when the game doesn't go Pete's way, what will Pete do? Pete the Cat: Pete at the Beach. Related Book Resources. ...more, This site uses cookies. Luckily there is a whole ocean for Pete to cool off in, but it looks scary. A Read Out Loud Book: Pete the cat and the missing cupcake by Kimberly & James Dean Reply to this … Illustrator: Eric Litwin. These resources were all free at the time that I found them. Sweet treats for a cool cat! by Wong Herbert Yee (5 times) This is My Town by Mercer Mayer (4 times) In the City (Beginning literacy) by Susana Pasternac (4 times) Today we read a great kid's featuring one of my favorite characters Pete the Cat. Pete and his mom and his brother are spending the day at the seashore. Fiction. GUIDED READING LEXILE® MEASURE Grade Level Equivalent DRA LEVEL. TM ® & © 2020 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved. Browse the Pete the Cat book series for sale at The Scholastic Parent Store. Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete. 24 Words, 12 Pages, 5.5"x5.5" Go to: Level (Choose Guided Reading Level), then choose Genre, Subject, Grade. Our Guided Reading 6-Book Sets help you tailor your instruction to meet individual and small-group interests and needs! books, and more. Your young reader will sing and boogie to the beat with Pete the cool, blue cat — along with his many animal pals — as they share groovy adventures in the popular Pete the Cat book series. Here are free Pete the Cat activities, freebies and books listed all in one place so you won't have to go digging to look for them. Pete the Cat: Pete's Big Lunch Dean, James AR Quiz No. Pete the Cat's Got Class by James Dean • Part of the Pete the Cat Series. This video is about Pete the cat and the missing cupcakes read by Jacqueline Mitchell Number of Books in Series: 14 so far Good For: New York Times Bestseller, Favorite Character, Fun Take on “Five Little Pumpkins”, Engaging Illustrations Topics and Themes: Pumpkins, Counting, Sing-Along, Halloween Receive book suggestions, reading tips, educational activities, and great deals. Then I checked out some of the books, to see if he'd like them. And Pete the Cat's Groovy Guide to Life. Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes. Book Finder can also suggest the right leveled books and Leveled Book Database can help you, as well. Sep 13, 2015 - What is the first week of school without Pete The Cat ? Find all the latest Pete the Cat I Can Read! Enter the guided reading level that you want and a list of books will come up. PK-2 (64) 1-5 (6) Curricular Area. This fun, NO PREP, EDITABLE Thanksgiving Cat Literacy fun activity pack with 68 pages and a craft! There is a whole ocean for Pete to cool Pete's team, the Rocks, is playing the Rolls. Add to Reading List Share this Page. Good For: Popular Character, Engaging Read-Aloud, Staying Cool, Funny Illustrations Topics and Themes: Cupcakes, Kindness, Mystery Get 10% off your first order at the Scholastic Store Online when you sign up! Will Pete find a way to have fun painting Goldie and have time to finish his homework? Fans of Pete the Cat will delight as Pete takes the grooviest train trip in this hilarious adventure. He has fun collecting shells and building a sand castle, but the beach is very hot. TN. Who could have taken them? These resources were all free at the time that I found them. You can use red pipe cleaners, but the thick chenille yarn will "Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes" was illustrated by James Dean. 495 Resources including; 25 Videos; 53 Book Readings ... Add Multiple Titles to Reading List. Along the way, his … Grade Level: 1st (GLCs: Click here for grade level guidelines.) There are printables for back to school, reading, math and so much more. Find us on social media!

. Pete the Cat's Train Trip is a My First I Can Read! Select a reading level Guided Reading Accelerated Reader Lexile. It is 31 pages long. Pete the Cat Meet Pete, the groovy blue cat. Guided Reading Level AReading Recovery Level 1Genre: InformationalAccelerated Reading Quiz Available: ATOS Book Level: 1.2On the Back: "Read this book to find out what animals do during the day in Africa." Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons. But what happens when Today we read a great kid's featuring one of my favorite characters Pete the Cat. From New York Times bestselling artist and author James Dean, Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete is a My First I Can Read Book, which means it's perfect for shared reading with a child. Share his adventures with your beginning reader. Pete discovers the library, the lunchroom, the playground, and lots of other cool places at school. We’d love to see it! Pete the Cat. Shop on the Blog. Word Count 577. Meet Pete, the groovy blue cat. Age Group: 3 - 8 years Pete the Cat My First I Can Read Book List: Other Websites for Additional Information: Copyright © 2008-2021 WebData Technology Corporation. Appropriate titles of equal value may be substituted if any of the listed titles are unavailable at shipping time. by James Dean. Written in simple rhyme, with colorful illustrations, the authors have created dozens of purfect books to help encourage positive self esteem in little ones. Title Details: Reading Level: ... Series: Pete The Cat I Can Read Dean, James 9780062404282 Fiction A Day in Africa - Level A/1. Pete the Cat and his friends are busy as can be baking cupcakes for a party, where Pete can’t wait to perform with his groovy band. Thanks for signing up! Teacher Favorites For Every Grade Voices Shop By Flyer Book Finder Book Finder Pete the Cat Cool Reading Collection with 10 Books and Backpack Clip by Kimberly and James Dean illustrated by … Fantasy (fiction), Trade Book, Lexile 240 . Everyone's favorite cool cat is now featured in leveled readers written for successful independent reading! Here are free Pete the Cat activities, freebies and books listed all in one place so you won't have to go digging to look for them. Print on LEGAL size paper. Themes: animals. Browse the Pete the Cat book series for sale at The Scholastic Parent Store. Pete the Cat is absolutely stylish with his four groovy buttons, and once your students make their own button bracelets, they will have the purr-fect accessory to wear. by Bethany Roberts (6 times) Pete the Cat: Pete's Big Lunch by James Dean (5 times) The Fall Festival by Mercer Mayer (5 times) Did You See Chip? I'm also using my Pete the Cat whole group AND small groups. Welcome to our YouTube Channel for teachers, parents and kids! This fun, NO PREP, EDITABLE Thanksgiving Cat Literacy fun activity pack with 68 pages and a craft! Thank you! Rock out with Pete as he puts a fresh spin on a familiar Halloween tune! By using you consent to our use of cookies. Posted: (2 days ago) Everyone's favorite cool cat … Pete the Cat is having a great time at the beach, finding seashells and building sand castles. Great for Preschool/Kindergarten/First grade - Pilgrim Cat Fun!15 EDITABLE activities (color by letter/sight word, writing prompts, etc)Easy Pilgrim Cat cr By James Dean , Eric Litwin. Books Learn to read with Pete the Cat books! Art (1) English Language Arts (63) Health (1) ... Pete the Cat Series. Top Sites About Pete The Cat Reading Level Posted: (3 months ago) Pete the Cat Reader Grades K-2 by - Scholastic. If you print on … See below for complete list of titles. This boxed set of My First I Can Read paperbacks is an excellent choice to share in the home or classroom, in particular for children ages 3 to 6. Before he hits the water, Captain Joe tells him about all the sea creatures he might find, and Pete is super excited to see a seahorse. Follow the coolest cat ever- Pete the Cat- in James Dean's original book series. Date (s) Used: Mar. Didn't know anything about them, until I saw a Pete the Cat class at my local library for my K-5 grade and signed him up. Pete, the street-smart cat philosopher, never loses his cool, no matter what. him! Pete the Cat My First I Can Read Series Grade Level: 1st (GLCs: Click here for grade level guidelines.) Lexile, Official or Publisher Website for Pete the Cat My First I Can Read Series. 8 Total Resources View Text Complexity Discover Like Books Grade; PK-2; Genre; Humor; Year Published 2016. Pete the Cat: Play Ball! My son is 7 in grade 1 and not the strongest reader but does enjoy these books Pete the cat is fun and silly. books, and Pete the Cat song books by James Dean. I CAN READ Fiction Collection - Set of 20 Titles for Levels E, F, & G - Paperback This is a specially curated collection of one of the most popular series of fiction readers for grades K - 5. Pete the Cat: Pete's Big Lunch. Pete’s ready for the cupcake party—but first he’ll have to solve a tricky mystery! Author: James Dean Pete is one cool cat! Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Pete The Cat. Something's holding him back. No matter what little surprises come his way, his motto is: "It's all good." Pete has a pair of white shoes that he loves so much, he can't help but sing, "I love my white shoes! Each title has been specifically identified as popular with students and ideal for classroom … Pete, the street-smart cat philosopher, never loses his cool, no matter what. 160625 EN Pete is spending the day at the beach. Pete has fun collecting shells and building a sand castle until he gets too hot. Pete the Cat: Pete at the Beach Dean, James AR Quiz No. Let’s look at how these levels correspond to different grade levels in K-3. Grades. Home > Preschool-Grade 2 > Language Arts > Emergent Readers Pete The Cat I Can Read Series I 10 books Students will love practicing their reading … Repeated phrases allow young readers to read some words along with their parents. Worksheets and file folders are separated into 3 groups; yellow, green and red.Yellow Group:File Folders and Worksheets for the following skillsOne to … Some of the worksheets for this concept are Including pete the cat work, About the book, Author illustrator, Pete the cat out of this world, Pete the cat the first thanksgiving by james dean kimberly, Pete the cat big easter adventure english edition by james, Setting the scene, Pete the cat i love my white shoes. ATOS Book Level: 1.2: Interest Level: Lower Grades (LG K-3) AR Points: 0.5: Rating: Word Count: 237: Fiction/Nonfiction: Fiction: Topic - Subtopic: Animals-Cats; Behavior-Sharing; What Kids Are Reading, 2018-Kindergarten: Top 25 Fiction/Nonfiction Books; What Kids Are Reading, 2018-Grade 1: Top 25 Fiction/Nonfiction Books; What Kids Are Reading, 2019-Grade 1: Top … And lots of other cool places at school of these Pete the Cat pack.... in whole and. The Cat- in James Dean • Part of the books, to see if he Like... When the game does n't have enough time to make one for everyone it looks scary Cat Literacy fun pack! And schoolin ' to our use of cookies out with Pete as he puts a spin! Book, perfect for shared reading with a child … reading the Pete the Cat Level Equivalent DRA.. You print on … reading the Pete the Cat books Pete • Pete 's team, the,! 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