Won't we? var year = currentDate.getFullYear(); Script Font suitable for logo, branding, greeting card, poster and any design that you create. Reading a good script should be just like watching a good movie. How's he do that, Dinky? I know. Tod: No. Big Mama: When you're the best of friends. Tod bounds over a small stream. Amos slowly turns around and limps off screen. Let go I say! Squeeks slowly appears behind them. Dinky and Boomer dive in after him. They're after Tod! Tod emerges. Yeck! Tampermonkey is used to run so called userscripts (sometimes also called Greasemonkey scripts). You know maybe there's something I can do. Those days are over. Say. Now… now let's see darlin'. Here comes a whopper! [The woodpecker is drilling into the tree.]. The man pulls out a sack from the car. Now get of my property! Boomer: Hoo hoo hoo! She puts him down and takes his collar off. Dinky: Hey lookie there. He wouldn't hurt a thing! Boomer (from inside the snow): Hey Dinky! Tod runs through some more tall grass. all the. Tod sadly continues on his way. Because it's either education or elimination! Copper stands his ground. The fox looks behind. Tod is staring back at the house. My temper I dare not vouch for. Big Mama: Honey. Chief chases, but his barrel catches on the water, and he is yanked back again. Amos: Now when that fox comes traipsin' along, suspectin' nothin'. Come inside and see the wonders that await. I think I've done real good trackin' down them varmints for you. But remember-- He's new here in the forest. Hey. Let him have it! A cold wind blows, and he starts to shiver. She tries to grab it, but the fox becomes scared. He lunges and bites down on one of Copper's front paws. Boomer gets up and straightens out the bends on his beak. Finally, they break. Dinky: Do I look like worm? Wake up! The terrible trap snaps shut with a loud 'SNAP! Tod hops out of Chief's barrel and runs. It was your fault! Elimination. Dinky and Boomer both reach the end of the branch and look around. are a screenwriter not a layout artist, so no kerning the letters or fudging on the line spacing. Big Mama: Neither one of you sees your natural boundaries. Chief is right behind him. Copper growls furiously. As the car pulls out onto the road, Copper looks back. . Several skins are stretched out on racks outside. [The camera fades to a close-up of the widow sitting]. Amos: Aw come on, Chief. [The camera moves back inside the burrow]. A mix of sadness and concern falls on his face. Dinky quick! Why didn't you. During the post-release promotions of Heart Attack (2014), Jagannadh stated that he planned to make a film based solely on family values in his next venture with Godavari shores and regional backdrop. He sees the commotion and opens his mouth in dismay. Tod gazes longingly upon the farm from atop a cliff in the forest. I-I'm a huntin' dog now. Dinky smiles, and they laugh. It's available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, and Firefox. Copper's gonna be glad to see me. Why don't you grow up?! I can't help it! Ya can't peek! Not only would your script be ruined but maybe that hotshot producer’s jacket as well! The closing notes to the music finish the film as Tod and Vixey cuddle. The devil himself couldn't have done no better! Chief continues growling, but Copper playfully chases after the rabbit. Forest animals can be heard. it's a. . Now go ahead and close your eyes and count. Amos (concerned): Watch it! . I never miss. He bites the bear's ear, pulling with all his might. Click here for more detailed information on the specific elements that make up a professional screenplay. Vixey does the same. Vixey curiously glances back. YOU CLUMSY BONEHEAD!!!!!! . [The camera follows them through several scenes of running before they stop]. Right, Copper? The bridge buckles, and cracks, but sends Tod falling off balance. Go on! Young Tod: And we'll always be friends forever. He almost falls off, but grabs onto the bridge with his front paws, then hangs for dear life. . You're thieven' fox was after my chickens! Tod pull his tail back. Copper gasps and hurries forward and steps between Tod and Amos. Big Mama: You poor little fella. . . She is woken up by the sounds of tapping. I know. Copper looks around anxiously. Widow: There there. So prior to submission take a good honest look at your pages. Copper: 1. . Amos: That fox of yours almost killed Chief, and I'm gonna get him! Chief: How do you like that? He then stops and looks over to the road and figures out where Tod is, despite being undeterred. . I don't know if I'll like that. Nuvotech Limited. Pictured below is a screenshot from Script Studioshowing a correctly formatted screenplay. You overgrown pup, you. Chief then continues with Copper in his mouth. Tod glances back at Vixey. [The camera moves back to Tod playing with the butterfly]. Dinky (sternly to Tod): Stay out of this, kid. Sure beats sleepin' in that barrel. They escape deeper into the burrow as shots ricochet around inside. I. . . Amos: I ain't got no job. He growls, and Copper imitates. Tempe! Tod: W. . Hoo hoo hoo. . Copper (nervously): He's wakin' up! [The camera pulls back to reveal the widow looking into the mirror]. The log becomes vertical as he tries to chase the fish. That's him all right. Movies. He then stops and looks back at Tod. He's chasing a badger. Vixey: Wha. Now now. [The camera floats ahead of the running vixen and moves across grasslands and a farm] [The camera zooms in on a tree] An owl appears from a hole in the tree, wondering what all the commotion is about. . A fresh, clean copy of your screenplay on the proper paper (US Letter) and securely fastened with two solid brass brads is essential. Temper Cast & Crew - Get Telugu movie Temper cast and crew, star cast details and information. A sad and stunned Tod watches her as she leaves. Big Mama: Honey! Vixey: W. . Big Mama (a little guilty): I'm sorry, Tod. MONTAGE: This is used for a series of related or contrasting images that are often set to music. . He can get awful mean! The photo is of Tod celebrating his first birthday. Copper starts counting again while Tod runs to a nearby tree stump, runs around it, then hops on. [The camera pans back to include the lake in front of the waterfall]. Tod walks away from the arguing pair and spots a butterfly. Parentheticals aka Dialogue Directions should be 3.1" from the left margin or  6 spaces from the start of Dialogue. As they move along, Chief spots a rabbit. He stares down a small hole in the top then puts an ear to it to listen. [The camera moves over to a makeshift scarecrow]. Chief is pulled off his feet. Abigail! MAX lines per page:  52 – 56 (including blank lines). [The camera moves through various scenes of Copper sniffing around]. Useful when multiple characters are speaking to each other or in reference to props or objects. Old Chief's got him on the run! [The camera opens on a misty forest] [The camera slowly moves through the scenery] Tod keeps running. Big Mama: When these moments have passed, will that friendship last? Tod. Copper's back! A loud thunderclap frightens him, and he darts into a burrow. Amos: Come on, Copper! Some burning embers nearly fall on top of them. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Add in a professional cover letter and you'll at least have a fighting chance! Tod grows alert. That thing's loaded! It's me. I just know you're gonna love the forest. Come on. Music: Tracks has been created by Anoop Rubens. Boomer (enthusiastically): Oh sure, Dinky! Tod. When reports of their second collaboration emerged in early 2014, neither of them confirmed the reports. I've never seen anyone. If they can't you need to go back and trim the fat! ZOOM, PAN, TILT, DOLLY IN/OUT, BOOM UP/DOWN, ANGLE ON, etc should be avoided if at all possible in your first few scripts. It starts to rain. Obviously films over two hours do get made all the time, but new writers who are trying to get their foot in Hollywood’s door should hang on to that 4 hour epic until you are an established player! Tod bounds off a tree. so downhearted, Big Mama. If you could hurt, Your swords are now too massy for your strengths And will not be uplifted. If it weren't for you, Copper'd never turned into a good huntin' dog. Boomer: Now how do you like that g-g-guy?! Tod continues walking. You're gonna need some caring for. You're not even aware, you're such a funny pair. Amos aims his gun, but looks up, then gasps in shock. Copper: Tod, I'm serious. Dinky and Boomer fly on screen and land on a branch. I was sure I heard someone knocking. A squirrel leaps into the branches above him, causing some water drops to fall on Tod's head. Oh boy. Widow (tenderly): Now not so fast. Of whom your swords are temper'd, may as well Wound the loud winds, or with bemock'd-at stabs Kill the still-closing waters, as diminish One dowle that's in my plume: my fellow-ministers Are like invulnerable. A good trick is to find any place where you have used a Camera Cue and simply WRITE what that movement would reveal. JOHNNY HERO                (re: the fallen knife)           Go ahead, tough guy. Go on! Or perhaps find more literate friends! Now you know what to do. I never forget a tree. We'll get him. Easy, Abigail. Faint gunshots break the tranquility. The man pulls out a puppy. Can't tell these young whippersnappers anything. Tod secretly squeezes his body through the window. Dinky: (irritated) Now see what you've done?! Big Mama: When you're the best of friends... Copper peeks out from within the barrel and sees Tod. Vixey: Tod? [The camera pans over to Chief and Copper, who are drinking from their bowl]. It looks sad. You guys are always teasing me. Copper: (shakes himself dry) I gotta. You've cost us our breakfast! [Click Here To Read Temper Movie Songs Review here] Cinematography: Deserved big applause. Widow: Tod, stop looking at me like that. [The camera pulls back to include Big Mama, who's sitting in a tree]. You're the funniest thing I ever saw! And I'd rather have a dog than a dollar. Dinky and Boomer fly over to some kind of shed and push it open. The badger looks around in anger and sees Tod. An owl appears from a hole in the tree, wondering what all the commotion is about. The dog wakes up. He then sneezes and flies backward into a drain pipe. He emerges, carrying a stick in his mouth. Squeeks looks over the wood and sees Boomer. I'll help you find him. Tod peeks his head out and looks around, extremely tired. She counts the chicks as they hop across in front of them. Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Porcupine: Mr. Digger, sir. Vixey: Handsome? Big Mama: Now if you're so foxy and old Chief's so dumb, then why does the hound get the fox on the run? Mercy! Tod (confident): Aw Chief. (She stands up in anger.) . Tod still looks very much drunk with love. Hmph. She sighs sadly and looks at Tod, who is hiding under the stove, now knowing that her pet is no longer safe. Say! Oh excuse me! Here! He was dropped out here and left all alone without a friend in the world. Chief doesn't hear Amos, successfully obeys, and is struck and wounded by the train, but in the fall, falls off the bridge by tumbling down the steep cliff helplessly into the river below, and breaks his leg too. Amos appears over a small hill. (He let's out a howl.). He gives her a lick, and she hugs him tightly. "Best of Friends" starts playing. Don’t give that overworked reader an easy excuse to bin your baby! Big Mama (excited): Uh oh! Dinky: He won't get away this time. It's not my fault, you know. He turns around and leaves. 0:34. Copper smiles and shakes his head. Ha ha ha! He spots a hole.) B-b-b-beautiful! He starts sniffing the snow. [He walks forward and pets Copper] Come on, boy. For example. We. It's all right. Big Mama: You're right. She stops to look around for a bit. Squeeks escapes and continues along the telephone line. Dinky (glowered): Look at that little creep. You're like everyone else around here! Will ya?! No, I just can't leave you out here all alone. 3. . Copper leaps at the bear again as Amos tries to get his own trap off his foot, despite that the iron grip of it still holds his foot as tight as possible, as this self called battle goes on. Vixey is sitting in the morning light, looking exceptionally beautiful. Chief starts barking and aggressively tries to get at Tod. So, to He's one of the family now. He's a huntin' dog now. As the title suggests, Temper will definitely raise the eyebrows of every watcher. He pulls hard and drags the barrel along. [The camera pans across the scenery and stops at a waterfall with a lake in front]. The widow looks down at her wilted plant. I don't believe it! She lovingly pets him. And now that is a natural fact. She laughs and nudges Amos on the shoulder and continues bandaging. He don't know nothin' about f-f-fishin'! First, grab your pencil. I think I hear somethin'. She smiles, embarrassed, and pulls away. Tod struggles to get up. Tod (apologetic): Sorry! And don't forget! He fires. Who can say if there's a way? Copper: Poor Chief. And I. . Tod pokes his head out. Reluctantly, Tod slowly crawls back to her. Squeeks appears from within the pot. you're the most gorgeous. I just wanted to say goodbye to Copper. Amos: Well boys. Widow: Come on now. You know that? He then looks over and spots the widow's house. Tod (amused): No. Then along comes a hunter with a buckshot load. It talked about concepts like, 'Who is God?' Hey! Big Mama: Whew! Chief: Well now. - OFF SCREEN: Dialogue or sounds that are heard in the scene/location, but not actually seen. [She flies off. Tod: Well. Copper: Somethin' I never smelled before, Chief. Listen! Amos is carrying some logs back to his house. Tod's joy fades as he notices the sadness on her face. Tampermonkey is used to run so called userscripts (sometimes also called Greasemonkey scripts). Stop pestering Abigail. it's a baby fox. So instead of, “We hear a blood-curdling scream in the distance.” You could just as easily type, “A blood-curdling scream echoes in the distance.”. The Enterprise meets God in space; God is a life form, and I wanted to suggest that there may have been, at one time in the human beginning, an alien entity that early man believed was God, and kept those legends. – POINT-OF-VIEW: This is a way of showing a scene as seen from a specific character's perspective. [The camera fades to a close-up of a set up trap], [The camera then pans across a line of more set up traps until it reaches Amos setting the last one]. . If we, the audience, hear it then why don’t you just WRITE IT! Suddenly, a speeding train, blowing its whistle, appears from around a bend, and bears down on poor Tod, who finds himself trapped, but gasps in horror, then safely ducks between the rails beneath the vehicle, which sails right over him toward Chief, who, still in the way, has to jump. Dinky sees him. We ain't gonna do none of that. Amos looks. And I found out I needed you too! Let him have it! Suddenly, they hear a gun cock. Big Mama shakes her head and walks over to Tod. Suddenly, he hears someone approaching and goes back underneath. Chief (proudly): Uh uh! Will you come here?! Widow (angry): Amos Slade, you trigger-happy lunatic! Farewell is like the end. The bear tries to bite Tod, but misses, then bites down only on rock. He's sure makin' a big fuss over a little old hurt leg. Seeing Tod there, he lets out a long, sad howl. Many fans debate if the videos are fake due to the destruction and arguing while Violette2d seems to be real. He then looks out the side as Widow Tweed thinks to herself. Tod is glowing with joy, but the widow is very much unhappy. He looks back, sees Boomer, and squirms away. ', and ends up breaking the stick apart, as the thunderclaps, which means Tod will be put in for a rude awakening if he steps into the wrong direction and getting caught by one of Amos' nasty traps. Big Mama: Last night was pretty miserable for you. 1:01. Maybe you were looking for one of these terms? Chief looks really sore. There are also some episodes where Violette is offscreen all the time due to her camera shy personality. Big Mama: Ha ha! Suddenly, Amos Slade calls out from the distance. Chief: Smellin' and trackin' ain't enough. Copper: Tod. Amos points to the barrel, and Copper slinks inside. He brings one paw up and is ready to strike the fox. Copper hides in his barrel. As he reaches the top, the bear takes a swipe at him. Dinky: Brr. No I-I-I do it this way all. Wanna try it, Copper? Ideally it can be enjoyed cover to cover in a single 90 minute to 2 hour session and have the audience (reader) sucked in from the first page to the last. that's a nice name. Tod closes his eyes as the bear brings his paw down hard and takes out a chunk of the bridge, which breaks apart and sends the two animals plummeting into the river below. Badger (angry): Hold it, sonny! Widow: Oh my. A reference to Conan the Barbarian in a recent video posted to Twitter by Arnold has countless fans calling for King Conan to happen. The vixen appears beside a wooden fence. It is Copper, and he sees Tod. Bee Movie Script - Dialogue Transcript According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. The master says I gotta stay home. Squeeks tries to take shelter back in the hole as Boomer breaks the piece of wood binding his beak. Bye. They both scramble inside as the shot misses. Tod moves off screen. Just don't get your hopes too high. . It flashes many colors. Big Mama: If only the world wouldn't get in the way. He looks over to a nearby bush and sniffs the air. Copper: Aw come on, Chief. I don't know. Sure! Note: Hollywood Script Express has you covered, providing all the recommended materials to ensure your script is professionally presented! Tod: After last night, nothin' looks beautiful. Tod glances and spots Vixey. Copper nudges Chief. It's been kinda lonesome around here without you little rascals. Oh no! Badger: (angrily) DAD GRANIT!!!! Amos: He's just a little runt now, but he'll grow. Now. Big Mama starts singing. No no no. Ha ha. Vixey giggles. We'll get him this time. She stops the car and carries Tod out. With N.T. The man gets out of the car, and the dog stretches. ... Ocean’s Eight—you might want to temper your expectations a bit. Tod escapes and continues to battle the big black grizzly bear. You. I can smell my way back. SUPERIMPOSE: This is for written information (time, date, location, etc…) given to the audience that appears on screen. Big Mama and Dinky have picked up a piece of laundry. Thinking it is safe, Tod slowly gets up to head in another direction. Vixey (still giggling): I'm sorry. Tod appears from around a barrel and watches the car leave. Why don't you go ask her? Whatcha doin'? Dinky: Hey kid! Tod (terrified): Aah! Okay. . (He takes a long sniff in the air. It tries to hide from her. Yes sirree. 2. . Tod is sent flying and lands hard on the log bridge across the waterfall. The master's just cookin' grits and fatback. B. V. S. N. Prasad was expected to produce this film under the Sri Venkateswara Cine … Come on, Chief. He glances back at Widow Tweed. . A second shot is heard, and birds fly out of the grass. What happened to ya? Tod can barely open his eyes. Let me see. They continue arguing. A look of horror forms on Tod's face. He'll be comin' right through here headin' for water. Big Mama: The forest is beautiful this morning. He's cranky. Boomer: There's something very familiar about those eyes, Dinky. Yet from your sadness, our happiness grew. The farm is in the distance. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Amos aims and fires. Despite being small and more agile, Copper struggles to get up, and jumps on the bear and his back, but is no match for the giant bear, who swats the dog. Amos walks away. Tod sadly takes shelter underneath a tree. After Andhrawala (2004), Puri Jagannadh and N. T. Rama Rao Jr. unsuccessfully tried to collaborate for another movie several times. Copper sniffs at him.) His quills then accidently poke Tod, and Tod wakes up in shock. Not me. . Amos: That does it. The shock then turns to sadness. You'll soon be yourself. "Appreciate the Lady" finishes playing. Big Mama: Big Mama, you'd better lose a few pounds. Tod: (he jumps to the ground.) Includes: Tempe! Big Mama's gonna be right back. Tod: (pulls down Chief's lips) Wow! Big Mama: You know? He lets out a fake whine. Warm stove. How's this for a huntin' dog? Get out, Tod! Chief rolls his eyes, goes back, and picks him up. (Kicks the car) Get goin'! . They disappear into some leaves. Vixey stays behind. With shaky hands, he raises his gun and fires. Young Tod: Copper? Also, resist the urge to add any graphics or logos. Widow: The fire's glow that kept us warm. Tod and Vixey enter and head toward the water's edge. He fires and misses again as Copper chases after Tod, who sets off the final trap. [The camera fades to a shot of Big Mama's tree], [The camera zooms in on the tree and then on Big Mama]. US Letter) with no watermarks. INTERCUT: This is often used when showing two or more characters interacting from two separate locations… A telephone call is the most obvious use, but it is also quite handy for parallel action such as the opening of Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train. Chief makes a face and looks at Amos. "Goodbye May Seem Forever" ends as the wind picks up. You gotta think nasty! He licks it up. Big Mama: You gotta stop showin' off and start showin' up. Get ready, Boomer. Laser printing is also a must, as many a script will see some poolside or happy hour reading and ink-jet runs when wet. Are we, Copper? . Widow (tenderly): Well bless my soul! Chief sniffs the puppy, which gives him a lick on the nose. var currentDate = new Date(); Is he ever big! Big Mama (fondly): Goodbye boys! But I'm too late. He heads back to the house with Copper following. [The camera opens on yet another day of hunting]. Amos struggles to free himself as the bear rages onward toward Amos and reaches him. Shootin' up my radiator! . Not so fast. But in my heart's the memory, and there you'll always be. Suddenly, Tod starts barking eagerly. The hen looks back and notices Tod. Tod: And we'll keep on being friends forever. Tarry hootin' around the woods! Boomer: Hey. female! Tod takes off for the car but just misses it. There he is! Okay, Boomer. Amos raises his gun and shoots, hitting one. Chief: Hmm. For a moment, he doesn't see Tod. Tod climbs into the mailbox. Tod brings the flower over to Vixey. Big Mama (laughing): Oh my goodness. . . Suddenly, she sees something and gets up. I'll check it out. Well, what does he look like? i.e. Back off! Tod appears from around a bush. Tod reverses direction and turns back and heads toward a bridge. The bear then tosses him up onto the slope. They all perch on the fence and look down at the pup. I need your help. Yes sirree. Suddenly, Copper hears a noise and wakes up. . Tod: You're a silly. She hugs him tightly. Movie Script appears to be a blue book with yellow buttons on him, in CTC 7, a piece of him was ripped of and a bowtie was added to him. (Louder) Give me that gun! I never forget a tree. Tod's eyes widen in surprise. . (Pause) Hey! Copper and Tod continue playing. Amos: (angrily) Dag nabit, woman! Widow: Oh! Squeeks is warming himself by the stove. The left side of your script should have a 1 1/2" margin. We couldn't find any scripts or writers for your search query. You gotta earn your right to sit up front. Tod then jumps up and bites down on Copper's neck. He yawns and stretches. Squeeks gasps as she pours some water into the pot. The lower end of the scale for comedies and the upper for dramas or action. . Copper pauses, a slight frown on his face. Can it? Try to avoid adding any specific dates or draft numbers to your Title pages as it might make the reader think your material has been around the block a few times… And everyone in Hollywood is looking for new material. . There's no time to lose. Big Mama: ‘Cause you're the best of friends. Finally, Tod reaches the burrow and escapes inside. And it's about time, too. [The camera fades to a shot of a hole in a tree]. Big Mama: Well what did you plan to do if you ran into old Chief? Get out of the way! Tod: Is that him making that awful noise? Copper and Chief are asleep. He's gettin' away! Widow: Now just a minute! Big Mama: Honey. Hoo hoo hoo! Below is an example of how the cover page and script binding works. Widow Tweed tries to maintain control of the car. Tod: Oh no. [The camera changes to a shot of the widow's house and then to a close-up of a window]. She points the gun to the sky and shoots. Widow: I remember how we used to play. Amos: My radiator! Sonny, you've got a lot of learnin' to do about a-sniffin' and a-smellin'. He makes it and runs over to Tod. He finally reaches her. Vixey gracefully bounds across the stream while Tod splashes across. ), https://transcripts.fandom.com/wiki/The_Fox_and_the_Hound?oldid=145364. They take off and hide in a mailbox. Amos is hiding behind a rock, his gun ready. Now. As they fight, Copper rakes his teeth across the bear's muzzle, creating a deep wound and antagonising him even more. Now I'm thinkin' though. If that little rascal's gonna make me a good huntin' dog, he's gotta learn to mind. Tod walks over to the door and scratches at it. Now hold it just one minute! I can outfox that dumb old dog any time. Aw, shucks. You're hurtin' my foot, woman! Get in the back, half pint. Amos: Where is he?! Amos is tying down a pile of skins to his car. Copper looks behind and sees Tod. Userscripts are little computer programs that for example add download buttons to YouTube pages, cleanup your Facebook timeline or help playing an online game. (She giggles.) Suddenly, they hear a car backfire and look behind. Amos aims and fires at the mailbox, making a big hole in it. (starts to look). Using a script formatter like Script Studio will automatically put your screenplay into the correct format, saving you time and hassle. Chief presses his nose up against Tod, pinning him to the side of the barrel. Badger: You barge in on somebody's house like you own it! Boomer (ticked off): Which way did he go?! The sounds of barking dogs follow. It's something else. Amos (relieved): Well. Tod: Uh oh! He gets further and further inside. The widow is cooking something on the stove. And you're a fox. Dinky and Boomer fly on screen, landing on the fence. Amos hops in his car and gives chase. Tod struggles to get up but fails. [The camera fades to a shot of Copper, who is tied up to his barrel]. P.O.V. As in “We see”, “We hear”. Copper grows alarmed. Tod! Amos is covering up all of his steel traps with leaves. He misses. Chief walks over to the car's front seat and is surprised to see Copper sitting there. Finally, Copper reaches a stream. . Now you listen good, Tod. . It's you again! Who. Tod. (He looks back at Boomer.) Tod (angry): Go ahead. He playfully reaches out to touch one of the chicks. It's Amos. Boomer: Yeah. Consarnit! He then grows frightened and hides behind the stove. Ha ha! why that's awful! With an inventory of over 8,000 items available for sale at propstore.com we're proud to offer you the chance to own the ultimate movie collectable. Big Mama: Well. It appears to be wilted. Suddenly, Vixey spots Amos aiming his gun at them. (amused) Oh no. She urges them along. Copper then turns and starts sniffing some more. He then takes off his hat and fans the fire. Tod cautiously looks around as he walks. Squeeks disappears down the hole again, and Boomer drills right through the branch so hard that the branch breaks off and falls away. Bin your baby squeeks pulls a sock over his body and lies down a... Moves Tod 's tail and throws it on the log, closing his again. 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