But just minutes before we were to meet, Danny called me on my cell phone and asked to change the location again, to the Post Office in Benton, Ill. Court-approved, legal DNA testing requires: 1. a picture to be taken of the one tested 00:19 Welcome today to the Carter Report, 00:21 We have a great program today because we have a great guest. But I KNOW Brandy worked there at that time. I am on one side only - the side of Truth. When the problems between Danny and Linda became known, I was just as much in the dark as anyone else who was not directly at 3ABN or close by. court papers posted here, Danny agreed to pay Brandy $2,000 a month for Obviously it was not for security reasons, because on the special holiday programs at 3ABN, Danny has his whole family on camera, including all of his grandchildren even when they were babies and young children. He has conned you completely. Today, 3ABNs lineup of television networks consists of 3ABN, 3ABN Latino, 3ABN Proclaim!, 3ABN Russia, 3ABN Dare to Dream Network, 3ABN Kids Network, and 3ABN Franais. with his former wife, Linda Sue Shelton. Why was Trinity not allowed to stand on her own feet rather than Danny holding her over his shoulder like a baby, something a 9-year old doesnt usually like. he is currently building a home, the In the spring of 2004, I received a phone call from Danny Shelton. website for case information for Franklin County, Illinois, the after accusing her of spiritual adultery. During the conversation, Danny refused to meet with Linda with or without me present and said that Linda actually owed him money in the divorce. Apparently no parent is claiming this child as a deduction on his or her income tax. Please enter your email address below to create account. 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feetregarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Linda's attorneys. states in part: However, that real estate was apparently given to Danny Shelton by 3ABN instead. This is probably one of the only sites left in all of southern Illinois!. In that agreement, Danny decided (for unexplained reasons) to drop the demand that I put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested, even though for the previous couple of months he had held to his requirement of demanding that I put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested. I made the same offer to those guys that if they could prove that Brandy was here before Nov. 2004, or that she spent anytime at 3ABN prior to Nov. of 2004 I would give them $10,000! Others in top positions in the SDA denomination have said, 3ABN represents the Adventist church, and Danny represents 3ABN, so we must support Danny Shelton. But I ask, Even if he is wrong? Where is your obligation to pursue truth? So the DNA test results cannot be taken as proof that Danny is not the father of Trinity Murray. If she says yes then we can work out the details of putting the money in escrow in advance of the testing. If she has a tape or video where I saidsomething to that effect,then why all the secrecy? From: Lorraine Day Linda and her daughter, Alyssa, decided to play a trick on Dan and came up with the idea of buying a Pregnancy test to plant in her belongings, knowing that Danny could not let that go by. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Anchors of Truth Replay In this world of uncertainty, we need solid anchor points that will weather any storm. And I know that the Lord sees everything we do, so my word is good. I grimaced, and told her in no uncertain terms that neither Chik juice nor any kind of meat substitute was allowed on the Health Plan. I asked him if the wife of this couple that he was counseling had committed physical adultery. The idea of no accountability has the potential for making my faith look bad. I asked him how this woman had demonstrated that she had given her heart to another man. Danny was quite vague with his answer. Brandy apparently unmarried at the time - became pregnant by Shawn Brannack, and gave birth to daughter Jody, Nov. 15, 1993. It was interesting that even after I had sent him this agreement, I heard that information was appearing on chat sites on the internet that I was supposedly the one holding things up. No matter how much you try to tell me something different, I know that is the case. But Xerox copies of identification documents are NOT acceptable. I was not allowed to take her picture, or take her fingerprints, or to examine her identification documents directly. How could you make such a blatant mistake and say no mistake? Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin So why do you care so much? He would have to accuse her again of adultery citing the pregnancy test as his proof - and thereby he would have to admit that he had been going through her things. Danny admitted to me that they did that. Danny rightly identified the Remnant of Bible prophecy as those who keep the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. after redacting out addresses, phone numbers, the names of minors, I was gone over the holidays and just got back today and read your e-mail. If you think Linda was done so wrongly by me then you could take the money and give it to her. He said, No.. I don't have to ask Linda things that I have experienced myself. That's the only time I laid eyes on Brandy until she came here Nov. 11 2004. From: Lorraine Day 48 acres of land was given to Danny in exchange for $96,000. And why did Trinity not say a single word? To: Danny Shelton The 3ABN International network has the same/similar lineup of programs as 3ABN's flagship network. (Unless, of course, it was not Trinity that was to be tested.) Danny has a daughter and eight grandchildren. But no one thinks you are an idiot. Walsh, eventually known as "Miss Brenda" to viewing fans, had become an international Adventist celebrity. Or is everyone so terrified of Danny Shelton's vengeance with his demonstrated propensity either to fire - or sue - anyone who doesn't agree with his version of events or who even whispers a kind word about Linda and her innocence. And this began a full two years before Danny suddenly started accusing Linda. I know it makes for a good story of why I wanted to dump Linda according to you and others but it is not true. 6. Three Angels Broadcasting Network offers a wide variety of family friendly Christian programming, 24 hours a day. Danny has repeatedly stated that I would not post these results, but he is obviously wrong. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Pastor Jim Gilley, who served as president of Three Angels Broadcasting Network from 2007 through 2015. In that case she wouldn't have any work records at that time at 3 ABN. Danny Shelton 3ABN Founder & Corporate Consultant In 1984, the Holy Spirit impressed Danny to "build a television station that would reach the wor. In 2001, Walker said his brother got him a part-time job in the production department of 3ABN in West Frankfort, where Shelton then worked. Is everyone so apathetic or so blinded by their own self-righteous attitude that they have no interest anymore in Truth? When one demands a large sum of money like that, naturally there would be few who could or would put up that amount of money, and take all the time that I took in hammering out a DNA testing agreement and traveling to Southern Illinois to take the DNA specimens. By the way, since YOU brought up the subject of the paternity of Brandy's child, why would you come to the conclusion that I was accusing YOU of being the father of Brandy's child? To my knowledge there has never been any Brandy who worked there before the now Brandy Shelton. ". The Three Angels Broadcasting Network, or 3ABN, is a Christian media television and radio network which broadcasts Seventh-day Adventist religious and health -oriented programming, based in West Frankfort, Illinois, United States. Greg Morikone has recently been named the network's new president as Danny Shelton, its founder, has decided to step away from that role. Was Brandy married to him when she became pregnant? You are mistaken. is missing from Part III of Schedule J. (Doc. I didn't make any accusations against either one of you. At that time, Brandy was pregnant, apparently by a man other than her husband, because she gave birth to Trinity just 4 months later (February 26, 2000), and gave Trinity the last name Murray. Yet Kevin Murray was NOT her husband when she became pregnant with Trinity. I dropped everything I was doing and went immediately. The name Trinity is also curious, particularly since Brandy at the time of Trinitys birth apparently was not particularly religious or maybe not religious at all. She was miserable and decided to give up. Why? It doesnt take an Einstein to figure it out. I never even knew her then. We are not owned or operated by any person or outside organization, and neither are we funded by any church or denomination, although many of our employees and volunteers are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Let's face it, this has been nothing but a witch-hunt against Linda Shelton, to get rid of her once and for all, so Danny Shelton could marry his twenty-years-younger "trophy wife"! Must Read:Mom in Pain #1 Finally, Brandy did get out of the truck, but as the videotape will show, she was furious. Danny Shelton is the founder of 3ABN, a nonprofit organization with the vision to "mend broken people" through the powerful messages of God's Word. If you can prove from work records, Work records can be expunged as completely as you have expunged ALL evidence that Linda ever worked at 3ABN, or even stepped foot on the property. That could certainly apply to events that occurred WHILE your were married if, indeed, joint funds from your marriage were later taken offshore. One that would counteract the counterfeit.. Without the direct evaluation of the proper original documents for identification, without pictures, without fingerprints, it is impossible to objectively prove she is Trinity Murray. He said, No, it is not true. I then asked him if he would be willing to have DNA testing done to prove it was not true. After Danny first made the accusation of spiritual adultery (and later physical adultery) against Linda in late February or early March of 2004, Linda states he became obsessed with having her followed by private investigators, rifling through her belongings himself, and recording her conversations. Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:51 AM There is a witness who was privy to a conversation Danny Shelton had with Brandy's mother long before 2004, telling Danny that Brandy was coming out for a job interview. Where's the proof. Danny Shelton, founder of Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), stepped down Friday, September 27, 2019, from his position as president of the international Adventist television ministry. One sermon that stands out for us is the Sabbath sermon by Danny Shelton. Brandy is on her way back from Fla. with her daughter. That appears to be a clear case of adultery by Brandy the very sin of which Danny Shelton has FALSELY accused Linda!! Are you aware that in 2002, after 18 years of marriage to Linda and at a time when Linda was virtually finished with her childbearing years - Danny Shelton suddenly decided to have a vasectomy? Trinitys last name on her birth certificate is Murray. According to available public records, Brandy was still married to Shawn Brannack when she became pregnant (in May or June of 1999) with Trinity by a man other than her husband, according to Brandy, herself, since she is the one who designated Trinitys father as Kevin Murray. _Subject: Re: Genetic Profiles follow up question. I was only allowed to hear select portions of the tape. Upon investigation, he discovered three-phase power lines a few hundred feet (about a hundred meters) away from the propertysimply following a country road. PDF file of court papers posted here, On It appears that if someone does not believe as you would like them to believe, that you just keep saying the same thing over and over and over again - in hopes that the person will decide that you must be right. To answer your question. Where is your intestinal fortitude to tackle a difficult problem? ----- Original Message ----- I did not come up with that. And that is exactly where Danny wants Linda! Firing Linda for no reason, humiliating her publicly, falsely accusing her of adultery, destroying her reputation, and throwing her out of her home, job and marriage on false charges - is NOT Okay with God, irrespective of the unjust laws of the State of Illinois. new property nearby. It is none of her business and does not affect us dividing our marital assets, which are not worth very much. News reports stated that Whoa! Why do you care so much that I worked with Brandy when I was there? per the terms of a non-compete employment agreement vote by the Board of Trustees. Each series of DNA tests costs approximately $450.00. Why would Danny Shelton waste that money getting secretly tested if he knew he was not the father of Trinity? Once final, it will mark the end of the third marriage for each. Sometime between 2004 and 2006, I heard that Danny was going with a woman named Brandy. She told me that he would negotiate a settlement for her but he wanted 15% commission. Danny deliberately and falsely - made Linda the object of contempt to point the finger away from him and towards Linda - in order to cover up his own despicable behavior! During this time, Danny Shelton sent me between six and twelve e-mails saying, in essence, I know youre not going to come to Southern Illinois because I know that you know I am not the father of Trinity. It happened over and over again. No I never met Brandy so I could not have fathered her child since I had not laid eyes on her for well over 20 years. Schedule J of that filing, on page 33 That is all processed food that is forbidden on the Health Plan and highly likely to contain MSG which is very harmful to any sick patient, particularly someone with cancer. But she continued to refer to it as ugly juice. I then asked if the woman had committed physical adultery with another man, and he answered, No. I asked, Does the wife still want to be married to her husband? Danny Sheltons answer was, No. But I later found out that last answer by Danny was not true! But he did. Later I was able to establish by my 1999 Schedule book that I worked with Brandy in June of 1999.). $155,688 in income in 2009. So far, I am totally healthy and strong as an ox. Additionally, 3ABN Radio, and 3ABN Latino came on board in successive years. They can be altered easily in the process of copying. Oh, in my ignorance why do I need a paternity test on her father as I know who the father is. DNA Diagnostics Center performs 3 out of 4 private paternity tests. certainly Jim Gilley would not have signed the Form 990 under penalty of perjury, declaring that 3ABN had given Why would you assume that I meant something else? As I said, I worked with Brandy when I was there and I have not been there since 2000. I did not know what the issues were on either side nor did I favor one over the other. Honestly you guys must think I am an idiot. The only way any Board member could have endorsed Dannys re-marriage was to have proof of Lindas adultery which none of you have nor does Danny Shelton! We donors have a right to know the truth. But there is PUBLIC evidence that Brandy not only committed adultery and became pregnant with her second child by another man while she was married to Shawn Brannack, but also that her first child was born out of wedlock, the sin of fornication, according to the Bible. But you believed her without proof. PDF posted here which contains Brandy's divorce filing, The parties acknowledge that the Husband had a home which he was awarded pursuant to his agreement Shelton, you must be the luckiest man I know, because you have a clean sweep of every satellite in the horizon without microwave interference on those two acres. To: Danny Shelton To travel several hours to and from a certified DNA testing laboratory would have been a major imposition on the Sheltons, including the child, Trinity Murray, who would have missed a day of school. That's not the kind of "bargain" an innocent man would try to negotiate. When Danny contacted the power company, he asked why those lines ran through open fields, away from any factories or heavy machinery. Could it be that the child who was tested was NOT Trinity Murray, and any friend of Dannys who might be passing by could point that out? Thousand Palms, CA 92276. As we grieve his loss, we take comfort in the words of 1 Thessalonians 4:14, which reminds . Then she said, Well then, I want some Bean Juice. Again, I asked what she meant by Bean Juice. She explained that it is the juice from the cooking of beans, something she liked to drink it. I learned in 2008 that Brandy had a child, Trinity, who was born in February of 2000. The Actual Lawsuit And why would Brandy get tested too, something that is not always required in Paternity testing? Is that a direct answer enough for you? Lorraine, she never proved that to you. I want to hear both sides of any issue I investigate. Shelton now faces criminal charges in Virginia's Fairfax County tied to Walker's and another man's abuse allegations. All of these pieces of information are required when one is tested at a DNA testing laboratory, and these were all requested by the laboratories to which I sent the materials. Case in point: You just made the statement that I told Linda that if she consulted an attorney prior to signing the agreement she would get nothing. The document appeared to have been crumpled up and thrown into the trash - and possibly later retrieved straightened out somewhat, and signed. the PDF, Tommy, if convicted, could receive a life sentence. But no one had brought them. In addition, we provide programs that especially target the needs of urban audiences, including Christian money management, parenting, and ex-offender rehabilitation. I had to tell the laboratories that the ones being tested refused to provide the information. Linda had no clue that Danny had already made plans to divorce her long before she traveled to Norway, in February of 2004, to visit her son. Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:57 PM The cost is the same. Sometime in the spring of 2004 (possibly March or April), Danny called me on the phone and said that he was counseling a couple on their marital problems because the wife of the couple had committed Spiritual adultery. I responded, Danny, I have never heard of such a term. I have no goal in collecting money from you or anyone else. A variety of family-oriented programs address everything from child development to parenting, and childrens programming teaches important values, character building and life skills. (All the documents included in this posting are in the public domain.). Circumstantial evidence it is, but a lot stronger circumstantial evidence than anything you have against Linda Shelton. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit company, and are governed by a Board of Directors who work very hard behind the scenes to ensure we stay true to our mission. And she is said to have first arrived at 3ABN on November 11, 2004. (Mollie Steenson and her husband), Evangelical Christians whose tendency can be to adore their leader, some have said, in almost a cultic way. If the DNA testing laboratory requires that Danny and Brandy sign another specific consent to allow me to obtain a copy of the DNA testing results that I paid for and traveled to Southern Illinois to obtain, I am assuming they will be willing to do so. Select portions of the testing worked with Brandy when I was only allowed to hear both of. 'S the only sites left in all of southern Illinois! anchor points that will weather storm. 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