Although the inhabitants of Orangeburg landed near what was known as Lyon Creek in 1704, the city area did not truly take shape until 1735. n In the late 1770s, a slave killed the wife and child of his master, then dressed up in a military uniform and paraded around the countryside until he was apprehended and subsequently killed. With this in mind, one can safely conclude that blacks caring the above surnames are possibly connected. n At the beginning of the Civil War, Orangeburgh city was the home of 468 whites, 423 slaves and six free blacks. n By 1850, Orangeburgh had become the leading cotton growing area in the state. Enslaved laborers hand-hewed the sills and studs of the house from local oaks and made bricks for the fireplaces. The process of publication of slaveholder names beginning with larger slaveholders will enable naming of the holders Descendants Of The Enslaved Sheltered From Ida In A Historic Plantation's Big House. All Rights Reserved. included 8,108 whites, 205 "free colored" and 16,583 slaves. n In 1863, the state passed an act to organize and supply Negroes for the coast defense. WebFreed slaves, if listed in the next census, in 1870, would have been reported with their full name, including surname. How do you respond to people who say, Why should I care about slavery? SURNAME MATCHES AMONG AFRICAN AMERICANS ON 1870 CENSUS: (exact surname spellings only are reported, no spelling variations or soundex), (SURNAME, # in US, in State, in County, born in State, born and living in State, born in State and living in County). To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! It features a front portico. lower because some large holders held slaves in more than one County and they would have been counted as a separate twenty-sixth in the United States. I dont operate under any pretense of objectivity. Uncle Jim says he was born in 1844 making him 108 years old. Please don't show this again. urchinTracker(); Dantzler Plantation, Holly Hill, Orangeburg County, SC, Dantzler Plantation Mike Kullenberg, 2015 , 1860 Orangeburg County Slave Census Schedule, Origin of name Named for Dr. Lewis Dantzler, Other names Four Hole; SunnySide House (, 1846 Dr. Lewis Dantzler was issued a land grant for 703 acres that had been part of his relative Jacob Dantzler's grant (, 1878 Dr. Lewis Dantzler died and left the plantation to his son, Irvin H. Dantzler (, 1920 Irvin H. Dantzler passed away and willed Dantzler Plantation to nephew, Frederick Connor Dantzler (, 1930s Blanch Dantzler, wife of Frederick, operated a popular travelers stop and boarding house called SunnySide House at Dantzler Plantation. Capital and resources were what allowed the slaveocracy of the South to continue to flourish. Some of these former slaves may have been using the colored persons from Orangeburg County, included the following: Georgia, up 80,000 (17%); Texas, up 70,000 (38%); Black people were worth more than every bank, factory, and railroad combined. When too few of the Guanches were left alive from disease and overwork, African slaves were imported. n In 1847, one Sunday school reported 12 white scholars and 40 slaves who were taught orally. Then they heard from them again. Simple fact is that some had it good and some lived under not-so-good conditions. Your generous donations allow us to continue to operate and grow R&R for this generation and many generations to come. Instead, the plantation displayed statuettes of impoverished, emaciated Black children. Whether or not the ancestor is found to have been a slaveholder, a viewing of the slave census will provide an informed CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. enumerated in 1860 without giving their names, only their sex and age and indication of any handicaps, such as deaf or blind His mother who died more than 50 years ago was a slave on a plantation near Bowman. slaveholder. This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1850 United States Federal Census, the Seventh Census of the United States. Racially related terms such as African American, black, mulatto and colored are used as in Dantzler Plantation, also known as Four Hole Plantation House or SunnySide House, is a historic plantation house located near Holly Hill, Orangeburg County, South Carolina. 25,000 (127%); and Kansas up from 265 to 17,000 (6,400%). There was an investment across the country in the perpetuation of slavery. Jacob Dantzler received a land grant (1, p. 8). Thanks. Blood stains on the upstairs pine floors from this period remain to this day (3). {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Nebraska cheerleader competes by herself at state competition, but crowd doesn't let her feel alone, Richard Carroll Elementary evacuated; SLED searches; Bamberg school safe, Orangeburg County sheriff claims restaurant worker assaulted over drink; authorities seek IDs of suspects, Former NFL star Chad Johnson says he saved money by living inside Cincinnati Bengals stadium for 2 years, Attempted murder suspect faces drug charges; Orangeburg County sheriff: Like a 'pharmaceutical variety store, Off-duty Orangeburg officer saves mans life, Death of Orangeburg man leads DHEC to order changes at group home, When you love your people, they will love you back; Orangeburg County educators, support staff honored, S.C. Education Lottery: Man wins $300K in Orangeburg, Pedestrian killed in Orangeburg County accident, Cameron man identified as Orangeburg County crash victim, Orangeburg County man guilty in fatal crash; driver who fled sent to prison, Orangeburg traffic stop leads to gun charge; report: Suspect had violent felony on record, Driver robbed by passengers near Orangeburg, Homes, vehicles damaged by gunfire in Orangeburg. The two interior double chimneys and the two exterior chimneys at the rear of the main block are composed of soft brick that was made on the property and also used in the construction of the foundation. n During the Revolutionary War, Capt. Plantation is fine, as long as were clear what they were. Unfortunately, the film viewed by the transcriber had some faded ink and focus problems. can be viewed to see if there were smaller slaveholders with that surname. How the Word is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America., They grew up surrounded by racism. At best, they provide supporting evidence for a hypothesis derived from other sources. sense of the extent of slavery in the ancestral County, particularly for those who have never viewed a slave census. Following the holder list is a separate list of the surnames of A genuine curiosity was the governing force behind this book. Crews remove a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee on September 8, 2021, on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia. Please consider how you can help us continue our mission to preserve recollections, images and historical data across South Carolina and beyond. And instead, we would say, Oh, its very clear that this is the natural result of what was done to a group of people over generations in ways which we have not made amends for.. The Kullenbergs lovingly restored the house (, Number of acres 703 in 1846; 24.5 in 2007 (. The scene is one of many searing In South Carolina in 1860 there were 482 farms Please consider how you can help us continue our mission to preserve recollections, images and historical data across South Carolina and beyond. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much The official enumeration day of the 1850 census was June 1, 1850. It is possible to locate a free person on the Orangeburg Charleston County saw an increase in colored population of almost two thirds between 1860 Typically slave labor on the plantation was divided into two broad categories: house servants and field hands. During the Civil War, a small band of Union soldiers approached the house. through Heritage Quest at . As a member of the South Carolina Senate in WebThis memorial by Woodrow Nash at the Whitney Plantation commemorates an 1811 slave uprising after which its leaders were beheaded. All Rights Reserved. Because of the destruction wrought on such properties in Orangeburg County during the Civil War, such an intact property is rare for the county. Carolina, in 1860, is either non-existent or not readily available. Claim: A circulating list of nine historical "facts" about slavery accurately details the participation of non-whites in slave ownership and trade in America. 1846-1850, is a porticoed, two-story Greek Revival raised cottage of frame construction, set on a partially enclosed, brick pier foundation. AFLLC and, 4175 Booney Road, Rock Hill, S.C. 29730, U.S. Patented From 1670 until 1865, the majority of blacks living in Orangeburg County were enslaved. n The South fork of the Edisto included 5,681 whites and 1,402 slaves. It features a front portico. WebNo. Are you okay with people using the word plantation, or would you prefer another term? If the surname is found, they can then view the The blues and jazz and hip-hop, and the visual arts of the Harlem Renaissance, and literature from people like Frederick Douglass and Zora Neale Hurston to Alice Walker, those are shaped by a legacy of trauma. You have permission to edit this article. Loretto Dennis Szucs and Sandra Hargreaves Luebking (Salt Lake City: Ancestry, 1997). 1:27 PM EDT, Sat October 2, 2021, Public slave auction, 1965. S., 169 slaves, page 395, DANTZLER, Huddleston, 51 slaves, page 406B, WANNAMAKER, Jacob. of large farms must have resulted in lots of duplication of plantation names. 3,950,546 unnamed slaves, or an average of about ten slaves per holder. Though the census schedules speak in terms of "slave owners", the transcriber has chosen to use the How did they do that? Slave Schedules were population schedules used in two U.S. Federal Censuses: The 1850 U.S. Federal Census and the 1860 U.S. Federal Census. Oral histories included an account from an enslaved woman who recalled how her master would come at night to rape her sister and den have de nerve to come round de next day and ask her how she feel.. It features a front portico. Plantation names were not shown on the census. The last U.S. census slave schedules were enumerated by County in 1860 and included 393,975 named persons holding It would give a sense of why racial inequality looks the way it does today. n In 1860, there were 1,069 slave owners; 33 of them owned more than 100 slaves. In 1850, the slave census was also separate from the free census, but in earlier years it was a part of the free He opened their eyes a couple of weeks ago to the map data []. Due to variable film quality, handwriting African American descendants of persons who were enslaved in Orangeburg County, South Carolina in 1860, if they have an In terms of hope, so many activists and writers that came before me say that hope is a discipline. I just wanted to understand how people understood and made sense of and situated themselves in American history. But if I allow that visceral response to manifest itself in the form of anger, then its going to become an antagonistic interaction rather than one that is more open. In 1854, a plantation house was constructed on the site from yellow long-leaf pine lumber carried by ship from Florida, transferred to barges, and towed up the San Bernard River. During the 1860 United States Federal Census, enslaved individuals were recorded separately in what were called slave schedules. microfilm for the details listed regarding the sex, age and color of the slaves. Although the Emancipation Proclamation started in 1863, slave life continued its path in Orangeburg until the end of the Civil War in 1865. The transcriber did not notice any such slaves in the course of A poster advertising a slave sale in 1863 in Frankfort, Kentucky. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. This database provides details about those persons, including age, sex, and color, but unfortunately, most schedules omit personal names. Any information is appreciated. When researching enslaved individuals, the slave schedules are most helpful when used in conjunction with the 1870 U.S. Federal Census, the U.S. Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885, wills, and probate documents. John Salley had a faithful slave to stand sentinel under his window while he slept to warn him when the Tories were approaching. Photograph: Epics/Getty Images. William Dollarhide, The Census Book: A Genealogist's Guide to Federal Census Facts, Schedules and Indexes, Heritage Quest: Bountiful, Utah, 2000. County, South Carolina census for 1860 and not know whether that person was also listed as a slaveholder on the slave n During the later years of slavery, a large bell located near First Baptist Church was rung at 9 p.m. in the winter and 10 p.m. in the summer to signify curfew time for the slaves. 26 Jan 2023: Changes were made to improve the performance of this collection. Your email address will not be published. Its that simple. At that time, the spelling of this area was Orangeburgh.. WebPlantation slaves were punished for a number of infractions, including being late, not working quickly enough, and running away. PLANTATION NAMES. Linking names of plantations in this County with the names of the large holders on this list should not be a difficult research Boone Hall Plantation in Charleston, S.C. (iStock) Article. n Late 1770s, Orangeburgh village had a cemetery that was used for all church denominations to include both blacks and the whites. His mission is researching Orangeburg history, with a particular emphasis on the role of African-Americans in that history. 703 Junaluska RD Boone, NC 28607 (828) 773-6525. later, the County was listed as having 27,367 whites, over a three fold increase from the 1860 total, while the 1960 total of 1860 U.S. Federal Census - Slave Schedules, Provided in association with National Archives and Records Administration. There were certainly moments when I did feel angry. There is no other book on slavery quite like it. That had an impact not only on the Southern economy but the Northern economy. His secret for long life is simple clean living and no Liker.. You can cancel at any time. The term "County" is used to describe the main subdivisions of the State by which the census was enumerated. Out of this racism, out of this experience of being inundated with White supremacist violence, Black people were able to create something that would go on to define and create music and art and language and literature that would shape how America exists and understand itself. People find ways of doing evil things and convincing themselves that they arent evil and arent as bad as other people. It happened centuries ago. Additional slave schedule fields that are not indexed include: Sometimes the listings of enslaved persons on large estates or plantations appear to take the form of family groupings, but in most cases enslaved individuals are listed from oldest to youngest with no evident attempt to account for family structure or units. Excluding slaves, the 1860 U.S. population was 27,167,529, with about 1 in 70 being a WebDr. This transcription includes 109 slaveholders who held 35 or more slaves in Orangeburg Hi, I'm a Dantzler descendant, assuredly a slave descendant. The census shows no subdivisions within the County. It was built about 1846-1850, and is a two-story, frame raised cottage in the Greek Revival style. n In 1850, John Barrs, a free black, owned five slaves in Oragneburgh. Uncle Jim remembers well the hectic days during and after the War Between The States, recalling many stories of the Yankee troops who passed through this section on their march to the sea. The four million Black people were worth more than all the manufacturing in this country before the Civil War began. A Warner Bros. Smiths book is a systematic takedown of many myths about slavery, including one that the Whitney exhibit disproves that most slaves just passively accepted their fate. purposes. We see this most famously through Thomas Jefferson. WebDantzler Plantation, also known as Crutchfield House, was built in 1850 and is the oldest residence standing within the town limits of St. Matthews. According to The Historical Encyclopedia of World Slavery, in the section "Judaism in the Antebellum South" which begins at page 384:. Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, third president of the US, whose legacy is complicated by his ownership of hundreds of slaves. I believe that indigenous communities should have reparations for what theyve been subjected to. The 1860 U.S. Census Slave Schedules for Orangeburg County, South Carolina (NARA microfilm series We are surely descended from the Orangeburg Dantzler's. In 1811 some 500 slaves, led by a mixed-race slave driver named Charles Deslondes, marched through Louisiana in military formation before federal troops captured them. Smith, a journalist and a poet, was visiting the Whitney Plantation in Louisiana as part of his quest to understand the impact of slavery in America. They fought for freedom that they never had the opportunity to see, but they fought for it anyway because they knew that someday someone would. idea of the surname of the slaveholder, can check this list for the surname. A portrait of Civil War-era fugitive slaves who were emancipated upon reaching the North in the mid-1860s. The main block of the house is unique for its remarkable depth (triple pile) in comparison to its width (only five bays wide). of 984 slaveholders, and those slaveholders have not been included here. Hope demands active and proactive work. number. The idea that an institution that existed for 250 years and has only not existed for a little over 150 years. Between Others tell him there was no such a thing as a good slave master. Included here growing area in the ancestral County, particularly for those who never... Much the official enumeration day of the surname used for all church denominations to include both blacks the! 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