Blanchard Springs Baptist Church: . This week, xx submitted his resignation as Duluth Vineyard's Senior Pastor. After setting up a place to meet in person, police arrested all of them on October 29, including Blanchard, 51. Pastors John & Robin's continuation of the original vision expands to reach another generation for Christ through the . Franssen said she trusts the police department to do its job and is thankful Chief Katz made his concerns public. John Blanchard was arrested in October of 2021, but prosecutors recently set those charges aside. The former youth pastor worked at Bellevue Baptist Church from 2011 to 2016, when he joined the staff at First Baptist Bentonville. It is good to know of this funeral service connection, but I cannot nor did I intend to point out any wrong-doing on the part of the areas law enforcement as to special favors for this pastor, no. He is an Electrical Engineer with over 25 years experience working on major projects in the property and construction industry.<br><br>Specialising in utility solutions, industrial, hotels, retail, leisure, care homes, apartments and offices. There . Blanchard appeared in Chesterfield County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court on Nov. 15, 2021. But this is not a race issue. If GP will cave to SBC outrage over a tweet in order to GET the contract, what else might they quietly cave on for the sake of KEEPING the contract or for getting the next one? Solid Rock Baptist Church: 16663 Fm 2109 N: Zavalla: TX: 75980 (936) 897-3099: Son Light Baptist Church: 1129 N 6th Ave: Knoxville: TN: 37917-6754 In February, 13News Now took a look at available court documents on Blanchard's travels. Open Discussion Page. So, if the statement on the front of the church website is not enough for the inquiring visitor, perhaps we need to add more context. His mother-in-law was there in court and listened to every single detail of how I had to relay what he did to me.. Also, EVERY pedophile who gets arrested for child solicitation says they just wanted to talk. They care so much about these kids that they just want to give them a stern fatherly warning about talking to older creepy men. The only thing that is curious is that the statement hasnt changed on the Rock Church website. This concerns me. Kenn Blanchard from the album Speak Life Church - season - 1 free online on Gaana. John Blanchard at this time, says the statement on Rock Churchs website. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. In the documents, investigators say they posed as a 17-year-old girl online for prostitution and received a message from Blanchard. Rock Church encourages godly lifestyles by all of its members and leaders, in keeping with the tenets of the Bible, according to the statement. In a statement posted Wednesday, the church asked believers not to condemn., Under the guidance of our legal counsel, We cannot make a statement or comment concerning the accusations against Rev. Under Virginia law, sexual battery is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in prison. Church Administration; see less Rocky Bezet Email Address Found 1 email address listing: . The Christian Post reported Blanchard continued preaching inMegachurch pastor still preaching despite claims he stepped back from ministry over prostitution arrest. He needs to be out of the Rock Church ASAP until this is resolved. His humility and submission to those over him during this time has been a testimony to his character, Bishop Anne Gimenez, who is currently leading the church along with Blanchards wife, Robin, said. By racial statements? Hampton Roads locals open up about healthcare following Biden's speech, Supreme Court hears arguments for and against student loan forgiveness; Norfolk residents react, FORECAST: No roaring lion this year to start March, Hampton Roads breaks 1975 record for warmest February 23rd, Charges dropped against John Blanchard, Virginia Beach pastor accused of trying to solicit a minor, posted the documents about Blanchard's arrest on Facebook, Chesterfield County top prosecutor responds to criticism about handling of Blanchard case. Preparing Rocky profile View Rocky's Email & Phone (It's Free) 5 free lookups per month. That this pastor solicited what he thought was an underage girl makes it even worse. A former member of the church spoke with 13News Now about her experience with Blanchard in 2018, which led her to be ex-communicated. Why did you do this?" The next generation of leadership emerged in 2013, when founder Anne Gimenez along with the Rock Church elders & leadership installed John and Robin Blanchard as the new Senior Pastor of the Rock Church International. Other prohibitions include alcohol and tobacco use. but I think it is important to know that, probably because of its size as a sanctuary, The schools Honor Code Pledge, which all students must sign at the beginning of the year, requires people to promise at all times to keep my total being under subjection from all immoral and illegal actions and communications, whether on or off campus, and that they will not engage in or attempt to engage in any illicit, unscriptural sexual acts, which include any homosexual activity and sexual intercourse with one who is not my spouse through traditional marriage of one man and one woman.. It can be a lot easier to accept a plausible excuse vs. have to face reality. That meant the charges would be dropped, but could be refiled again at a later date if prosecutors felt they had enough evidence against Blanchard to move forward. Has he ever explained why he wanted to meet with a 17-year-old girl in a hotel? In an Oct. 11 statement on Facebook, Rock Church officials announced that Blanchard was cleared of all charges by prosecutors from the Chesterfield County Courthouse. Now Playing. The state attorney has been drawing attention to this case since they went after 15 people, and Blanchard wasnt one of them. I put it to you with a straight face that Rev Blanchard wanted to bring a girl into the Rock religion. . Under the guidance of our legal counsel, We cannot make a statement or comment concerning the accusations against Rev. Blanchard was one of 17 men arrested on Oct. 29, 2021, for solicitation of prostitution from a minor. REV. has been the site of police funerals for officers slain while on duty. The records show he said, "I can't have charges, I didn't do anything wrong. Jenna Sellers told The Roys Report that she started attending Rock Church of Virginia Beach in 2010. Shared by John Blanchard. Membership Covenants Back in the day I remember hearing that if you were arrested by the Feds, it was a righteous bust with no loopholes or bias, compared to those by the local police. The documents said the travel deals with a company called "Zion Solutions" and not Rock Church. Thanks Todd and Christiane for your comments. After The Roys Reports earlier story on Rock Church, the church added new language to its statement, claiming it supported efforts to hold leaders accountable to biblical standards of morality. Therefore, we are pleased to share with you that his return to preaching is scheduled for this Sunday, December 4., Whenever Im tempted to think Christianity is a fraud because of fraudulent pastors, Im reminded it was the religious establishment that had Jesus arrested and crucified. Blanchard faces charges including felony solicitation of prostitution and use of a vehicle to promote prostitution. A church should buy LED screens, if it needs them, from the vendor with the best price on the most practical product, not from a one-hand-washes-the-other side hustle of a pastor. In 1971 the first Rock Church sanctuary was dedicated debt free! The heart is deceitful above all things, Today its CHRISTIANS who have become the People of the Lie. Church leadership knew and decided not to remove him from his position.. There is no excuses for these guys but when you identify this as a white American evangelical issue are you not forgetting about the Catholic priest issues? Keep the money in the family. ", The transcription goes on to say Blanchard said he never solicited anyone for sex and never confirmed in the messages he wanted any sexual contact. 2 min read. And yet, thats exactly what Becky and Junior do the threesome with the Pool Boy. The documents include a detailed description of what detectives wrote regarding their interview with Blanchard on the night of his arrest on October 29, 2021. who can understand it?. Spiritual abuse and sexual abuse in an evil cocktail. Sellers said Blanchard sexually assaulted her one evening in February 2018 when he visited her home to discuss the website. Why? He needs to be out of the Rock Church ASAP until this is resolved. Blanchard was one of 17 men arrested on Oct. 29, 2021, for solicitation of prostitution from a minor. Blanchard also has to let the church know when and where he travels. Blanchards next court appearance on charges of solicitation of prostitution and use of a vehicle to promote prostitution is scheduled for March 22, Chesterfield County officials told The Daily Beast. ", However, the firm warns that such an assessment is "a subjective snapshot of our client's beliefs and attitudes at a particular point in time. Milky Way timelapse photobombed by the Aurora Borealis over Loch More in Scotland. Experience Vice President of Sales First Family Insurance Jan 2008 - Present 15 years 2 . She said that in 2018, Blanchard offered to come to her home to help her work on the church's website. Robin, is still listed as a senior pastor at Rock Church on the church's website as of this writing. By: Tyler Layne. fired an associate pastor for having affairs. Michev stated that Blanchard had a "built-in defense." JOHN D. BLANCHARD VICE PRESIDENT OF CHURCH PLANTING & GLOBAL EXPANSION. We would ask that the privacy of the Blanchard family be respected as they walk through this difficult journey together. And yes you can leave an apostate church. I hope my journey walking through the evangelical wilderness and landing in one abusive or authoritarian church after another has been instructive. @13NewsNow obtained new documents from when Rock Church Pastor, John Blanchard, was arrested in Chesterfield County on solicitation of prostitution charges.Recently, prosecutors set aside the charges against Blanchard. Just FYI I would not and cannot accuse any wrong-doing on the part of any police organization with regard to the pastors situation, no. Although everyone must address their own convictions and consequences, our assignment as believers is not to condemn (Rock Church statement). Megachurch asks congregants to forgive pastor for prostitution arrest because all have sinned. Example video title will go here for this video. God continued to move and grow the ministry, opening doors to broadcast on national television reaching millions of people with the gospel. Hampton Roads locals open up about healthcare following Biden's speech, Supreme Court hears arguments for and against student loan forgiveness; Norfolk residents react, FORECAST: No roaring lion this year to start March, Hampton Roads breaks 1975 record for warmest February 23rd, Hearing postponed for Virginia Beach pastor facing prostitution charges, Charges dropped against John Blanchard, Virginia Beach pastor accused of trying to solicit minor, New details emerging from Virginia Beach Rock Church pastor's court documents. The prosecutor in a statement to the Court indicated that due to new information coming to light and lack of evidence, they will no longer be pursuing charges against Blanchard. As ministers of justice, prosecutors are required to individually evaluate the strength of the evidence provided by the police in each case. Blanchard, 52, was among 17 men accused of solicitation of prostitution after an online sting operation by police on Oct. 29, 2021. 45:15. Solicitation charges have been dropped against Virginia megachurch pastor John Blanchard. The lawyer said there is church business outside of Virginia, and that Blanchard travels for his job. CBS 6 reached out to an attorney for Blanchard for a comment and has not yet heard back. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. "Do Theologians LIke Russell Moore Ever Apologize for Theological Blunders of the Past?" Blanchard was one of 17 people arrested in Chesterfield County . Police officers then brought him in for questioning. Have to find another church (if leadership continues to refuse to take action) and leave place where they are comfortable at. Pastor John was. Blanchard serves as the pastor of Rock Church in Virginia Beach. Many religions have abandoned the principle of attraction by an actually sound message for stealing of affections. Rock Church International Pastor John Blanchard is seeking to have prostitution-related charges filed against him in 2021 expunged from his record, online court records show. But to use prosecutorial discretion and say nothing happened here, thats, in my opinion, an abuse of discretion, especially when they went after 15 other people [following the sting operation].. John Blanchard. To all Rock Church leadership who know about this and are complicit: Your silence is an indictment of your hypocrisy.". John Blanchard is among 17 men accused of solicitation of prostitution after an online sting operation by law enforcement. Association of Related Churches massive evil in the white American evangelical community?? The judge asked Blanchard to "maintain good behavior" until Blanchard's trial which was originally scheduled to take place on Jan. 6, 2022. It must be based on the melanoma? Absolutely not! Ive given him the best 10 years of my life, so I cant leave now. Yes you can. Drives two and a half hours to a hotel and knocks on the hotel room door as directed by our undercover '17-year-old,' I believe a jury of Chesterfield County residents deserves to weigh in on the matter of criminal culpability," he wrote. Sellers ultimately decided to report her sexual assault to police. Nancy2(aka Kevlar): Legalities aside, he has proven himself, beyond any reasonable doubt, that he is unfit to hold any office in a church pastor, deacon, elder, bishop, or anything else! I would guess the social network goes much deeper. Preaching; Pastoral Care . He was expected back in court for his preliminary hearing on March 22. Oh, I forgot. Now Playing. She pressed charges, but Blanchard was acquitted, Sellers said. Hmmm lets check out the Scripture on that: For what business is it of mine to judge outsiders (non-believers)? Ah the old sunk investment fallacy. Sovereign Grace Ministries At the time, the church posted a statement that contained similar wording as that in this weeks statement, including, Pastor Blanchard has voluntarily stepped back as lead pastor and from all his ministerial duties until this present situation is totally resolved., It came to light in November 2021 that a former assistant had previously accused Blanchard of sexual assault, an incident that allegedly occurred in 2018. Gimenez remains the churchs bishop. I dunno, on top of everything else, I think the financials of that place ought to be gone over, but then again, I work for a Temple of Capitalism and of course thats where my mind goes. In a statement posted Wednesday, the church asked believers not to condemn., He wont come back until this is totally resolved. Yeah, right. The incoming message from Blanchard did not answer that question but instead asked for more details about the meet-up location. "What we have learned, among other things, is that multiple public statements made by Chesterfield Commonwealth Attorney Davenport that the Blanchard case lacked sufficient evidence to prosecute is a flat out lie.". Above reproach is the standard. After almost a year of legal maneuvering, however, the charges against Blanchardwere withdrawn or nolle prossedahead of a criminal trial in October. Great! Oh, I forgot. Thank you for your prayers and support. My dad sent letters telling them about this man. Were going to release to God some crazy faith and I believe were going to see the supernatural happen in this place tonight.. This exoneration comes after nearly 11 months of delays and continuances. Loss aversion judge hales cleveland county, black private chefs in orlando florida, Convictions and consequences, our assignment as believers is not to condemn., he wont come back this. 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