Keep up the good work!! But here's the thing: although it may have initially helped me head to dreamland, that alcohol seriously disrupted my REM cycle. It turned out to be a severe skin infection and the doctors had no idea how I got it. I also was hoping for instant weight loss but its happening just now. I have a domestic routine that involves getting all the tasks that were once impossible to even ponder DONE! smh. I started working out and business got better. The weight gain came (and quite a bit ) -but my 12 step program mentality is now helping me correct the weight problem! Two things that makes me stay sober, 1. When will i feel my happy self again ? Once you have reached six months of sobriety you will start to feel more comfortable with yourself but it can also lead to pink clouding. Hi Camilla, I can relate. Improved sleep overall health liver has chance to be healthy. During all those times I would say to my self please God make this stop 'I Lost 50 Lbs. I dont have nightmares anymore, off an ssri, and so much more. I started running. Within 6 months I had never been so flexible. Go on a little shopping spree or or anything that makes you happy. First alcohol consumption in almost 4 months. I will not be going back to the old ways. You can handle the conversation however you feel comfortable doing it, but rehearsing beforehand can help it flow more easily. Thanks Jon. TMI no more constipation. My prayers are with us all. I miss having a glass with friends. Since returning to work the desire has returned but choose not too drink, not sure why the urge came back as I do love and appreciate my job so much. If I feel like something special I grab a cold one of those and reward myself with that! One of the best things about giving up alcohol is that you may find yourself feeling happier overall. I was a very heavy drinker. Just read this Chris as I get ready to embark on my 30-day challenge. I feel great, no more flare-up, better sleep, weight loss and better eating habits, although the craving for chocolate and ice cream increased. The sugar cravings and dehydration are no joke. I am almost five months sober, and I really dont have any huge & obvious improvements, except I know my health/bloodwork has improved drastically. Zero weight loss, more of weight gain. I have been an alcoholic for 30 years and finally decided to stop drinking with the help of AA and my support system. Other than that Ive been feeling great and trusting in God and living one day at a time.. Hi everyone. If you are wondering what I do for work to spend so much on booze. Its a con, and you have been railroaded and (you) arent that stupid. Im just happy that I arent doing things that embarrass my family. I thought this would subside but its only become worse. I found both to be incredibly helpful! Hi, My happiness. . It is mine to own and nourish and I LOVE IT! But its still come down quite a bit vs day one. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 15 October 2020]. Just drank pretty much every day. 2003;6(6):639-644. doi:10.1097/00075197-200311000-00006. Im a 39 year old male. Now, there are a lot of things that happen in between these 6 months, from changes and improvement in mental health to ones physical health. Then I started drinking every day after work. Alcohol is so destructive, you get caught up in cycle, but you can break it. I guess I was just obese and cutting all those calories made a huge difference. We felt alone and turned to drink. It takes something big for you to wake up and take control. Any advice? Sugar craving is through the roof. It is important to not bottle up your feelings and talk about them. My greatest pleasure these days is tea! Many of the benefits listed above such as improved memory and ability to focus and concentrate, will continue. Required fields are marked *. Awful article. If not I would suggest that you go for an exam ..just to be on the safe side. I know I can now. Its absolutely brilliant. After an year, your body will have completely healed and emptied itself of all the toxins that drinking alcohol brought. i now cringe at the thought of vodka but I genuinely like the taste of beer so I have been drinking the 0 alcohol beer. Brain Damage Control: Different stage of alcoholism affect the brain differently. But now, thanks to my drink-and-sleep-it-off schedule, I was forced to exercise later in the afternoon. So heres how you can keep yourself motivated for your first 6 months and long term sobriety: Enrolling yourself in a sober program will help you keep tabs on yourself. As you go on staying sober for longer terms it will affect your brain positively. Lost 3 kgs just like that and feeling like the top of the world! Sharper and deeper thinking. Target set to go to Xmas. Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis Alcoholic hepatitis can lead to irreversible scarring and damage thats called alcoholic liver cirrhosis. this has resulted in better mood management (I lose my temper far slower if ever now.). Not being able to walk was the last straw. It was hard as hell for me but Im feeling so much better now and dont even think about it that much! Because this interupts energy levels etc too, I too have drank for at least 40 years, every night. Your sleep quality should continue to improve, and this (amongst other benefits) should provide an improvement to your overall health. For the last few days I was wondering why I was feeling sick, irritable, not getting hardly any sleep, cold sweats, the whole shabang. I have lost 12 kgs. Yet, aside from this introspection that the removal of alcohol has brought, I also feel very alert and healthy, I am also far more positive about my life and situation. It is easy to stop, but hard to quit 4ever when you are single. I am doing The Alcohol Experiment with Annie Grace. Ive lost weight and Look and feel much, much better. Will build a schedule around it Haha. Im back on the dry 14 days and determined to stay off it. So many of you have focused long and hard for your own betterment. Been told it might be that, but im going to prove the doctors wrong. I have been reading this sites comments every night to help me not drink. Done a 90 day break. Neurocircuitry of alcohol addiction: synthesis from animal models. Im now doing them more regularly, before I quit altogether. Sleep better, decreasing risk of disease etc but what happens to any of those benefits if you relapse for a night with 3 or 4 beers after 5 wks of sobriety? Lets assume at some point in the 1 or 2 years of being sober you are forced into a stressful situation and end up drinking alcohol. Addiction can go away but triggers dont. Its only been 4 days but its been a stressful week at work and I got through Friday evenings lovely meal without partaking in the rather nice red which accompanied it. Look better. I am just NOW putting the sugar down. If I can do it ANYONE can do it. Happy New Year and good luck to everyone addressing their drinking in 2021. I never really had a hangover, cuz my alcohol level had plateaued. Try alcohol free wine. Point is, it takes time and while I can appreciate the anxiety, I went through it terribly too, still do with the BP, as you allow your body to heal, you will start to feel better. There were no more morning trips for bagels (yes, bagels plural) and coffee to tend to my hangover. I think that was my rock bottom and I knew my life needed to change immediately. I am 2 months sober i became an alcoholic in just 1 year drinking 1 handle of vodka a day. Word! If you drink heavily and regularly, you may feel cravings for alcohol in addition to withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, insomnia, tremors, and palpitations. Im done with alcohol. Im also, in a negative environment Im trying to get out of (the reason I started drinking every day) most days have been easy for me not to drink, but today I am trying so hard not to drink, but I wont because I know Im 60 days closer to sobriety being a year. Twenty weeks in and not missing the hangovers one little bit. I quit 6 months ago I am skinny but still feel bloated (skinny fat ) and I feel worse now than when I was drinking ipa beers 3x a week my sleep sucks. However, when you stop drinking, your risk of developing these diseases decreases. Now sober, you must relearn how to socialize. It is not a diet. For a while I had to search for words to finish a simple sentence. this is a great article and the comments are good too so thanks. I was a weekend binge drinker up until the shutdown. Im awake most nights at 2 or 3, and Im exhausted. This made the sugar volume very low and also the carbohydrates. One thing, for sure. A common misconception is that you dont need rehab or a sober living home once you have completely recovered. Havent decided if this is permanent. night. Six months of abstinence is not a good predictor of long-term sobriety, and for people with conditions like Gorzneys, more than half die within that time. I take one day at a time and am really enjoying my life now sober. If my classwork was light, you could expect to see me out four nights per week. Good luck to everyone else out there! . My anxiety is through the roof, my panic disorder has become more severe, clinically depressed, I cant sleep more then 4 to 6 hours a night, I have restless legs, arms, shoulders, I have hot flashes mostly cold flashes, being cold has never hurt so bad, I have normal low blood pressure, and I do exercise often, I had gastritis which feels like it went away after a month of not drinking, my abdomen is still tender. I do hope the joint pain will resolve, the blood pressure will come down and the sleep will improve. Energy better I was thinking clearer and I didnt get overwhelmed as easy. Please know that you are helping this lurker.every. I to have a chocolate crave. If your body learned to live with alcohol for a long time then it will take time learning to live without it. Focus better I am ready sleeping better, waking up with more energy, and more confidence to do different things, also more able to manage complex emotions in relationships with myself and others, I know Im saving money, and experience less age related pain reducing alcohol is the best thing Ive done this year. Now at 150 days in my sugar cravings have gone way down and Im now craving healthier choices so hopefully 6 month mark for me too haha. So I came here, and I try not to beam so much around old friends who were old drinking buddies, including my wife, who still loves it. For those who do get craving I can highly recommend Heinken 0.0. Its all a process and you and only you can decide whats best for your health and wellbeing. I find that if the first drink I have after work is a cup of milo I dont want an alcoholic drink after that probably because of the milk content. Alcohol free benefits that I have experienced are an improved sleep pattern, better skin, increased mental calrity (with time) and an overall feeling of wellbeing. I need to find new ways to relax and destress without the instant mind numbing effects of alcohol. It can be a surprise for some, but alcohol rarely has a positive, long-term effect on peoples sex lives. Builds Positive Eating Habits. I didnt crave anything except red wine (I used this as part of my denial that I even had a problem). Love your truth about the lie. 187 pounds I quit drinking beer and wine due to personal health scare. But I rarely drink. Still working on the energy thing and thankfully my memory is improving. Bye, see you on the flip side booze. Youre not alone in this. This is because alcohol can cause dehydration, which can lead to dry, dull skin. Rebecca Berens, MD, is a family medicine physician who specializes in women's health. Now 57, and I just enjoyed the best year of my life. So far, I havent noticed any weird cravings except coffee. Hello Sunday Morning!!!! Completely resetting from the effects of alcohol, however, can take timeand not all effects may necessarily be reversible. Now I wanna see what I can do sober. I just recently have started to sleep better. These symptoms may begin anywhere from two to seven days after your last drink. I will be 10 months sober in 1 week. One of the key ones is my wife commenting that we fight a whole lot less. Only 36 and did drink alot when younger but not much since 2018, dont miss it at all so far and am trying to ditch it completely as its very bad for my condition now. I stopped binge drinking 5 weeks ago. I sat down at a machine in a Safeway and just measured right away no waiting. Think the booze and fags caused it. Im about to try! Im about to begin the first 3 months of 2021 alcohol free, Ive got 40+ years of habitual drinking to beat, Ill be revisiting this list along the way, to remind me why Im doing it, thanks. I was an every day drinker for about 13 years! Once you realize how unproblematic sober life is, you will keep yourself away from situations where you might face dangers of relapse. I used to smoke weed and drink. I think its really important to find something to replace the drinking with and to look forward to. This is your life, and your body needs you to stand up for it. Many thanks to you all xxx Take care and keep being good to yourself xx, Were glad that youre along for the ride hope you keep the changes up, and take care of yourself too . Weekends are still a struggle though, but weirdly got through Christmas and New Year without too much trouble. Alcohol literally stinks. Yes! Its only 8 days in but the low dose meds are making me not feel like alcohol + im eating 1/4 as the anxiety + panic is going. One of the surprising side effects of giving up alcohol is that your skin may start to look better. After a decade or more of nightly red wine consumption that culminated in two bottles a night, I am trying to stop, or at least cut it in half or less. Posts are all inspiring and mirror much of my journey. By not drinking alcohol, your sleep will improve, which will also give you more energy and improve your physical and mental health. Get some nice drinks in, I found fizzy water with ginger cordial an absolute must, it gives you a back of the throat kick, put ice in a nice glass and its a refreshing drink, that gets you through. I used to drink red wine daily, for almost 10 years. Last week I hit 6 months more improvements to discuss. The cravings was instant as if I never dranked. it wasnt just cos of the calories in the alcohol cut out tho because after a drinking session the next day everything in the house was eaten as well as huge take aways later that day too. They have annual group meets, and other practices that will give you something to look forward to and keep reminding you that staying sober is worth it. I mean, Im of Swiss decent so naturally I eat chocolate every day but not THAT MUCH. Cirrhosis causes the liver to become stiff and swollen in a way that impedes liver function and often needs a transplant. I suffered a tragedy that no parent should suffer, which I used to justify my drinking. All my medical testing came back with healthy liver, healthy kidneys, healthy heart have a routine check up next month as that will mark 1 year since the liver told us something was going wrong if I didnt stop. Alcohol is found at least in traces in the blood for many days after consumption. It does wonders, after my first few weeks ,felt like there was a drink waiting at the end of each week, each month. Listen to your bodys needs and you will follow its messages, not your minds; the ego is a powerful thing. Worried about the weekend coming up. For some its an easy choice and for others a painful one. No changes. I wish you all the success in the world. The longest I did was five weeks but that was about ten years ago. Four months today. I did fall over and could not get up without help and massive effort, even two weeks after. I want to and need to but i am scarred I cant. Age related pain. I feel better, with no fear of hangover. Hopefully, youve started to experience some of those benefits from the 1 month list and its ok if it took a little longer than a month to notice them. Then your time will be terrible. I was a daily drinker (around almost a bottle of wine in the evening, Id always leave a little bit just so I didnt feel guilty about drinking an entire bottle). Guess Im a bit slow , It is inspiring to see so many comments of success I would be celebrating 4 weeks today but I had a relapse celebrating a little food fortune.. The Incredible Health Benefits To Quitting DrinkingAll That Bad Starts to Go Away. Its Time to Shed the Pounds. Reduce the Acid Reflux. People at Work Will Notice the Difference. Never Be as Tired Again. Stop Treating the Symptoms of Stress. Its Time to Boost Your Emotions. Stop Playing Russian Roulette With Your Life. Your Bank Balance Will Thank You. Now Its Up to You to Quit Drinking. Felt no problem up to a week ago. Thought my good path would rub off as I was doing quite well but instead I slid. . Good luck, So happy to see I am not the only Milo addict here nowI am 6 days AF today and acquiring a good taste for Milo , 2 months and feeling a lot better. There are plenty of other perks to easing up on alcohol besides weight loss. I lowered my bad carbohydrate intake and focused on vegetables and fruit along with my favorite lean meats. Im fitter from being able to walk and cycle more often and further without fading and I know deep within that Im far more contented than I have been for a long time. I couldnt afford dealing with cirrhosis, especially living by myself. I only had one surprise. I didnt know why the website was named hello Sunday morning, until last weekend when I was laying in bed last Sunday morning and was enjoying another morning not hung over and miserable. If I had known it was doing this to me I would have quit years ago (am 23 for those who are wondering). 2020. Making me reflect on why I drank, what it was doing to me and my family and what had happened with alcahol in my parents lives, that still continues. Current fave: NA lite ginger beer with a splash of cranberry and fresh lime. Keep yr fingers crossed for me, pls! More focused and determined during my career journey. I now have 2 to 3 mid strength beers of an afternoon rather than a few heavy beers then red wine with dinner and post dinner. I decided on New Years to only drink on weekends. Id have periods Id clean up a month, maybe 2 at most. Sleeping better, In the next two months I will wean myself off sugar. (I did have one small shot of tequila a few weeks ago, and found the taste almost disgusting, fortunately.) Your liver will also begin to repair itself. No maybe on the weekend or just for a couple of months. When you negotiate, you can fk with the rules and conditions. Im sure you have fatty liver, just as I do. I originally quit for 2 weeks to get a little healthier for a family gathering. Heineken and Becks make really great ones and I was an IPA fan. 6 months of sobriety is a long journey of patience, challenges and determination. Im not a Dr so dont take this as medical advice but have read some vitamin/mineral deficiencies can cause nail defects. If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol use disorder, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area. Wish me luck! Ok, so far I do not feel as elated, but I have started to dance at outings which is huge. I am really struggling. Used to experience blackouts and was very nasty. Keep going yall! Research shows that one month in, some people start to feel a sense of achievement and control over their relationship with alcohol (O de Visser & Piper, 2020). Chocolate is part of it, but dutch chocolate only. Going out every weekend and during the week too. Read the blogs and listen to the podcasts Alcahol explained is a fantastic read, from a scientific approach, but easy to understand. Doctors wrong in cycle, but im going to prove the doctors.... Feeling great and trusting in God and living one day at a time.. Hi everyone could not up. 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