Ships should carry a sufficient quantity of: These optimal recommendations can be modified to reflect individual ship capabilities and characteristics. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). NCL, Norwegian Cruise Line Announces 2023 Meet the Winemakers Series, Norwegian Cruise Line Unveils "Rebel Fish Creative Group", Norwegian Cruise Line Celebrates First Cruise Season in South Africa and Namibia, Boarding Pass for One: Over a Third of Brits Prefer Solo Trips to Holidaying with Other People, Norwegian Cruise Line Appoints Jason Krimmel as Vice President International, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings' New 'Experiences at Sea' Division to Host Most Back-to-Back Full Ship Charter Events in Company's History Aboard Norwegian Pearl, Assistive
Passenger:7-day passenger attack rates are calculated using the cumulative number of passenger cases in the last 7 days divided by the average number of passengers onboard the ship in the last 7 days. You may be asked to have a test: prior to travel or embarking the ship; onboard the ship; if you have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19; as part of a surveillance program and/or if you are considered a close contact with someone . We will accept documented record of vaccination from the Armed Forces. *Terms & Conditions Package not available on sailings less than 5 days or charter sailings. MSC Cruises has been testing passengers for COVID-19 as they arrive at the pier for sailings in Europe. At a minimum, this should include the following: Health and safety procedures to minimize respiratory and dermal exposures to both passengers and crew. Consider denying boarding to any persons with signs or symptoms of COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status. Potential for COVID-19 cases to overwhelm on board medical center and/or public health resources, defined as the inability to maintain: Evaluate symptomatic travelers and their close contacts. Ship operators, at their discretion, may deny boarding to crew who were exposed to a person with COVID-19. For example, if symptomatic person has only vomiting and diarrhea and tests negative for COVID-19, then acute gastroenteritis (AGE) protocols should be followed. Guests on longer voyages will be provided additional information about protocols based on ports visited. Approval for isolation facility required from local health department. August 8, 2010. No additional treatment of wastewateris needed on cruise ships. Cruise ship operators should test newly embarking crew on the day of embarkation and may consider follow up testing after embarkation. The same vaccination rules for passengers arriving by air will apply to arrivals on cruise ships and recreational vessels such as ocean-going yachts. To see whether your holiday has vaccination and testing requirements, please check your cruise number below. Disembarkation procedures (e.g., separate disembarkation routes/times for travelers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, passenger pick-up, luggage retrieval, and passenger transportation) that will be implemented in the event of an outbreak of COVID-19 onboard the ship, Procedures for routine and outbreak-level cleaning in areas travelers are reasonably expected to gather or otherwise use, including terminals, restrooms, and transportation vehicles under a cruise ship operators control (e.g., buses, shuttle vans), Protocols that avoid medical evacuations at sea to the extent possible, for either COVID-19 or other medical conditions (including if onboard medical capacity is reduced due to COVID-19 cases), Protocols should rely on commercial resources (e.g., ship tender, chartered standby vessel, chartered airlift) for unavoidable medical evacuation at sea and be designed to minimize the burden to the greatest extent possible on federal, state, and local government resources, including U.S. Coast Guard resources, Protocols for contacting emergency medical services while at port for urgent circumstances not covered by the medical care component of the plan (e.g., a medical emergency not related to COVID-19, such as a heart attack), Procedures for providing emergency medical transportation of critically ill persons with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 from the ship to a shoreside medical facility in such a manner as to minimize potential for exposure, Considerations for the potential medical care needs of travelers including the capacity of local public health, port authority, hospital, and other emergency response personnel to respond to an onboard outbreak of COVID-19. Follow assay storage and handling guidance found in the assays FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Display instructions, infographics, and similar material in close vicinity to where the CDC-approved onboard testing instrument is used and in clear view of the medical personnel using the instrument. Maintain adequate supplies of antipyretics (e.g., acetaminophen and ibuprofen), Adhere to standard and transmission-based precautions when healthcare personnel are caring for patients with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. That in turn reduces the risk of visitors having to use Aotearoa New Zealands healthcare system, adding additional pressure. COVID-19 Refund and Cancellation Policy. These records include: Surveillance log for acute respiratory illness (ARI), influenza-like illness (ILI), pneumonia, positive, Medical documentation of prior positive SARS-CoV-2 viral test results for crew, Records should be available to review the ships tracking of the 90-day timeframe for crew who have tested positive prior to resuming routine screening testing of these crew, Records relating to the isolation of persons positive for SARS-CoV-2. Laboratories that perform only waived tests should obtain and maintain, at minimum, a Certificate of Waiver. Masking: for 10 days after their last exposure. Travelers should also isolate if they have COVID-19 symptoms but do not yet havetheir COVID-19 testresults. The following formats are acceptable proof of a negative COVID-19 test: For lateral flow/ rapid-antigen tests (RAT): Guests who are unable to provide their proof of vaccination status and a negative COVID-19 test result, as required, will unfortunately be denied boarding. At a minimum, triggers should address a graduated approach to IPC management in response to increasing case counts. Take steps to prevent crowding throughout the ship. Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL), the innovator in global cruise travel, today announced that it has updated its global health and safety protocols by removing all COVID-19 testing, masking and vaccination requirements effective Oct. 4, 2022. Supplies (e.g., paper towels, cleaners, disinfectants) can be provided to sick persons, to the extent possible, so they can clean their own cabins as necessary. For cruise ships: Click here to return to guidance. Frequent, routine cleaning and disinfection of commonly touched surfaces such as handrails, countertops, and doorknobs with an EPA-registered disinfectant effective against coronaviruses is strongly recommended. Option 1: COVID-19 Testing Location Please note: When selecting a testing location, make sure it provides the test type your destination requires. Ways to Complete Your Pre-Cruise Test. Self-administered tests with a negative . Below only applies while embarking in Australia. For all country specific travel requirements, travelers should visit,, Combined the guidance for all maritime vessels, Updated to note that vaccination status is no longer used to inform decisions about testing and management, Updated guidance for testing and management of symptomatic, infected, and exposed persons to align with current CDC guidance, CDC recommends all travelers (passengers and crew) be, Maritime travel presents a unique combination of health concerns where individuals from diverse regions, brought together in the often crowded, semi-enclosed, environments on board ships, can. Saving Lives, Protecting People. If so, have they been isolated? Norwegian Cruise Line announced Monday that it will suspend all Covid-19 testing, masking and vaccination requirements. We will accept the digital or printed version of the NHS England COVID-19 pass. Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you. If you are aged 50 or over, you can get a second booster now. Inform travelers of any mandatory specific public health measures prior to boarding. Note: The ship should be allowed to come into port for disembarkation, disinfection, and embarkation. Ship companies should develop, implement, and operationalize an appropriate, actionable, and robust plan to prevent, mitigate, and respond to the spread of COVID-19 on board ships. Many travelers have been patiently waiting to take their long-awaited vacation at sea and we cannot wait to celebrate their return. Properly dispose of items that cannot be effectively cleaned and disinfected or laundered. Procedures to minimize contact between travelers in isolation and support staff, while still ensuring the delivery of essential services: Procedures to return travelers to their home communities after completing isolation or when no longer advised not to travel. These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. Updated December 19, 2022 - Multiple cruise lines have announced they will eliminate COVID-19 vaccine requirements and pre-cruise COVID testing requirements later this summer as a part of their health and safety protocols. I am sure vaccination record is not required for cruise but see conflicting data regarding vaccine record for entry to US. Some modules are disabled because cookies are declined. Exemptions to the requirements, for both air and sea arrivals, include New Zealand citizens, permanent residents, Australian citizens who are ordinarily resident in New Zealand, and children aged 16 years and younger. Position posters educating passengers on how to properly wear high-quality. Recommended information requirements for pre-embarkation testing documentation: Type of test (indicating it is a NAAT or antigen test), Entity issuing the result (e.g., laboratory, healthcare entity, telehealth service), Information that identifies the person (full name plus at least one other identifier such as date of birth or passport number). This cruise will be operated as a vaccinated cruise, as defined by health authorities, with guests and crew vaccination rates approaching 100%. Does CDC have a threshold that they recommend under this guidance? For those of us travelling east from the UK its making the cruise of a lifetime a curse of a life time! than 5 days or charter sailings. Persons should wear a high-quality. Cruise ship operators that choose to conduct embarkation testing should follow theirshoreside response plans to ensure all travelers identified through embarkation testing as positive for SARS-CoV-2 are appropriately managed. Passengers who tested positive for COVID-19 within 10 days before embarkation should be denied boarding. River cruise itineraries no longer require pre-embarkation COVID-19 tests, as of August 1. Our vaccination and testing policy is reviewed on a regular basis and may be changed or enhanced at any time. For ships with onboard laboratory capacity: sterile viral transport media and sterile swabs to, Fever-reducing medications such as acetaminophen, paracetamol, or ibuprofen, routine antiviral and antimicrobial medications, and supplemental oxygen. Do not shake dirty laundry; this minimizes the possibility of dispersing SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, through the air. CDC recommends all travelers be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines. Embarkation procedures that the cruise ship operator intends to use during passenger voyages, Procedures for day-of-embarkation screening for, Procedures for reporting COVID-19 cases identified during a voyage to local authorities (if requested), including thresholds for reporting, timelines, reporting mechanisms, and local points of contact. Cruise ship operators should consider serial viral (antigen or NAAT) screening testing of crew every 3 days for ships when the 7-day traveler (crew or passenger) attack rate reaches 1%; serial viral screening testing is recommended when the 7-day traveler (crew or passenger) attack rate reaches 2%. NOTE: Norwegian Cruise Line is working closely with local government and health authorities to gather travel requirements to the destinations we visit. Ship operator or shipping agent should inform ship pilots and ground transportation of the situation and confirm the operators have plans in place to notify and protect the health and safety of their staff. Specifically, neither CMS nor the state survey agencies on its behalf will require such foreign-flagged cruise ships to obtain a Certificate of Waiver to perform such testing. Beginning October 1, 2022, pre-cruise testing is no longer required, including at embarkation. A single, negative antigen test result does not rule out infection. Screening testing is defined as testing of asymptomatic crew who have not been identified as a close contact to a person with confirmed COVID-19 or a COVID-19-like illness. However, guests must fulfill all requirements for pre-cruise testing and post-cruise as the destination requires. & Conditions Package not available on sailings less
Cruising with Carnival is easy! Test all passengers prior to the end of the voyage, regardless of their vaccination status. Over-the-counter COVID-19 tests meet the requirements. Medical personnel should document all positive SARS-CoV-2 test results (pre-embarkation, throughout crew members contract duration, and post-disembarkation) in the ships medical records. Can anyone clarify. For more information about the Company's award-winning 18-ship fleet and worldwide itineraries, or to book a cruise, please call +1-888-NCL-CRUISE (625-2784), contact a travel professional or visit, EMBARK with
Although CDCs guidance for community settings offers an option for use of antigen tests to remove masks earlier than 10 days, this option is not recommended for cruise ship settings because of their congregate nature, potential for limited access to higher levels of medical care, and inability to avoid contact with people at higher risk of severe illness. Cruise ships may have their own requirements for testing, isolation, mask wearing, and dining for people with COVID-19 or their close contacts. As you prepare for your upcoming sailing, we want to ensure that your embarkation process runs smoothly and inform you of the following important requirements. Guests can also visit for more information about the required travel documentation they will need for their NCL voyage. They should also wear a high-quality mask or respirator inside their cabin if any other person (e.g., a crew member) enters the cabin. ^, Masking: for 10 days after their last exposure. Additional terms and conditions may apply, see our COVID- 19 Policies and Procedures and your Cruise Ticket Contract for details. Before anyone boards the ship, conduct verbal or written screening in appropriate languages and in a private environment to determine whether persons have had signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or a known exposure (close contact)to a person with COVID-19 within the past 10 days. One photo which shows, all together, the RAT negative result, a government-issued photo ID (such as a drivers licence), a clock displaying the time (a watch, mobile phone or wall clock, for example) and the date of testing (this can be written on a piece of paper). If deceased, will the body be transferred to the medical examiner? Norwegian Encore - The Waterfront - Lifestyle 2, Harry Sommer, President and Chief Executive Officer Norwegian Cruise Line, Norwegian Cruise Line to Eliminate Covid-19 Testing, Masking and Vaccination Requirements Beginning Oct. 4, 2022. Accept cookies to experience the full functionality of this page. Testing: Viral (NAAT or antigen, NAAT preferred) NAAT: on day 6 after last exposure. Protocols should rely on commercial resources (e.g., ship tender, chartered standby vessel, chartered airlift) for unavoidable medical evacuations at sea and be designed to minimize the burden on federal (including U.S. Coast Guard), state, and local government resources. Provide alternative meal services options, such as prepackaged grab-and-go meals, for consumption on open decks or in individual cabins to minimize risks associated with congregate indoor dining. Plans should include the following components: Shipping involves the movement of people from different geographic areas in settings with inevitable close contact. If youre travelling on a holiday with additionalCOVID-19 vaccination requirements, you will need to show proof of your vaccination status which will also be checked against your photo ID at the terminal/airport prior to boarding. While the protection COVID-19 vaccines provide to individual travelers in preventing severe illness or death from COVID-19, having a high proportion of travelers on board who are up to date with COVID-19 vaccines reduces the likelihood that cruise ships medical centers are overwhelmed by cases of COVID-19. Recommendations for Continued Operations of Non-Passenger Carrying Vessels with One or More Cases of COVID-19. Follow applicable guidance for, Instruct crew members and other staff who may have contact with people with symptoms of COVID-19 in the, What PPE is necessary and why for each role (see above for PPE recommendations), If a U.S.-based crewmember is a confirmed case, maintain the persons confidentiality as required by the. If possible, wait up to 24 hours before beginning cleaning and disinfection. Map of COVID-19 vaccination rates in New Zealand, History of the COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic lights), Advice for people who have difficulties wearing a face mask, Support and information for whnau, hap and iwi Mori, Support and information for Pacific Peoples, Support and information for disabled people, What to expect when you get your vaccination, Vaccination for children aged 6 months to 4 years, COVID-19 vaccination: Your questions answered, Talking to your friends and whnau about the COVID-19 vaccine, What happens if you test positive for COVID-19, If your support worker or carer gets COVID-19, COVID-19 media conference 23 February 2023, COVID-19 vaccine available for younger children at higher risk, Changes to eligibility for free COVID-19 healthcare, Government reminds international arrivals to test for COVID-19, History of the COVID-19 Protection Framework. To reduce likelihood of onboard transmission, pre-embarkation testing is recommended for all passengers, including those on back-to-back sailings. Azamara will provide a complimentary test for our pre-cruise land program or hotel stay guests prior to embarkation. CLIA allows for a primary site (e.g., a shoreside corporate office) to have a CLIA Certificate of Waiver and perform testing at temporary sites (e.g., cruise ship medical centers). Alternatively, to prove your vaccination status you can show a screenshot of your vaccination details which appear below your unique barcode within the app. This page covers all you need to know about Cunard Queen Mary 2 cruise ship at Barcelona cruise port. Medical transport to the shoreside medical facility must be arranged in advance in coordination with the receiving facility. Vaccination requirements Testing requirements Inadequate onboard capacity to fulfill minimum safe manning or minimal operational services, including but not limited to housekeeping and food and beverage services. Test! Waived COVID-19 diagnostic test systems include those cleared or with an EUA by FDA for point-of-care use (e.g., outpatient medical facilities or mobile clinics) and those tests categorized by FDA as waived after FDA approval or clearance (though no COVID-19 tests have been cleared or approved yet). formulation Moderna Takeda. The following persons should not be included in these calculations because they do not pose a risk of transmission onboard the ship: Disclaimer: The accuracy of attack rates is dependent upon the frequency of routine screening testing of asymptomatic travelers on board. We will accept the printed or digital version of the NHS Scotland vaccination status record. Please register for the NHS app well in advance of travel as NHS app accounts can take up to 14 days to approve. At a minimum, the protocol should include the following: Plans for disembarking and housing persons with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 needing shore-based hospital care and their travel companion(s) for the duration of their isolation period. Inform travelers that use of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, pipes, or smokeless tobacco can lead to increased contact between potentially contaminated hands and their mouths. Posted 3 hours ago (edited) This may be a rhetorical question, but why are Silverseas still asking for a PCR or Allergen test 48 or 36 hours before embarkation. Select a testing location that can be verified through your local or state health department. If you do not allow these cookies we will not know when you have visited our site, and will not be able to monitor its performance. To the extent possible, reduce the dining cohort size for crew, and shorten dining times to avoid crowding. # All guests regardless of age are required to take a self-administered Lateral Flow Test within 24 hours OR a PCR test within 48 hours of embarkation. Required testing can be completed using any type of PCR or antigen COVID-19 test. If allowed to board, see information below regarding. Ensure adequate supplies to minimize sharing of high-touch materials (e.g., serving spoons) to the extent practicable; otherwise, limit use of supplies and equipment by one group of food workers at a time and clean and disinfect between use. Overview to Cunard Queen Mary 2 cruise ship Schedule for Cunard Queen Mary 2 arrival and departure times for 2023 Pre-boarding COVID test requirements Book services in advance (transport, luggage transfer etc) Completed using any type of PCR or antigen, NAAT preferred ) NAAT on! 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