In November 2020, Allegan District Court JudgeWilliam Baillargeon's granted Loew'smotion for a new trial, saying such one-sided communications, called ex parte communications, between the judge and the prosecutor gave the appearance of impropriety. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population as well as mayoral, city council, and district attorney election coverage in state capitals outside of the 100 largest cities. During the runup to the primary election in August, prosecutorial candidate Michael Villar accused his opponent, incumbent prosecutor Myrene Koch, of inappropriate ex parte communications with Judge Margaret Bakker. County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: Staff: George R. Corsiglia (Chief Judge), William A. Baillargeon Hours: Open Weekdays 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Additional: Frederick Anderson (Prosecuting Attorney), Margaret Zuzich Bakker (Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney); Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys: Douglas E. Ketchum, Roberts A. Kengis, Steven J. Lanting, Myrene K. Koch, Daniel Norbeck, Judy H Contact reporter Carolyn Muyskens at and follow her on Twitter at @cjmuyskens. Allegan County Circuit Court Judge Roberts Kengis was asked to disqualify himself from the case and agreed to do so in a hearing Thursday. They began investigating and recommended she contact the sheriffs department. The appeal was heard by Allegan County District Judge William Baillargeon. Presiding Family Court Judge, Allegan County, Michigan
While Koch said she did not talk to her assistant prosecutor about the judges remarks, Lynch said in court filings that APA Jipp had ample time to adjust her trial strategy and presentation of evidence to address concerns the judge voiced with remarkable candor., He said the trial transcript indicates that APA Jipp indeed addressed the issues raised by Judge Bakker.. Sarah Leach is editor of The Holland Sentinel. The investigation of Field began earlier that summer after the victim told college officials about Fields actions against her. The Michigan Supreme Court will ultimately decide after agreeing to hear oral arguments in the case of Daniel Loew. I will add that this case was decided by a jury based on the evidence presented in the courtroom. Bakker did not submit a request to be reappointed which left an opening for Kengis. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. If any of these apply to you, contact the court to verify they observe the exemption. Bakker was Allegan Countys first female circuit court judge. "We think the court wants to hear and have robust conversations on these issues. The emails between Koch and Judge Margaret Bakker showed the two discussing the case while Loew's trial was occurring in Bakker's courtroom. The same date Kengis starts as a Circuit Judge. 48th Judicial Circuit Court
The Michigan Supreme Court is providing the information on this website as a public service. ", Koch responded, "They do but not typically for CSCs. The emails were made public by Villar during the 2020 Republican primary for the Allegan prosecutor post. Jennifer Garcia. Judge Kengis handles all the case types that are dealt with in circuit court: criminal felonies, civil cases with a value over $25,000.00, divorce, custody, and paternity cases, personal protection order cases, child protective proceedings, guardianships, adoptions, and appeals from district court and administrative bodies. Honorable Michael L. Buck . ALLEGAN Should a criminal defendant in Allegan County get a new trial after claiming he didn't get a fair shake? My office is contemplating an appeal. The case was tried by assistant prosecuting attorney Emily Jipp. Loew currently is free while awaiting the outcome of his appeal. ALLEGAN COUNTY, MI -- Allegan County Prosecutor Rob Kengis has been appointed to a recently vacated judgeship with the Allegan County Circuit Court. Field had been a popular instructor at the college before his dismissal. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Friday, Judge Kengis kept Fields bond the same. Loew's attorney, Heath Lynch, argued it's impossible to know whether Koch shared the communications with Jipp and whether trial strategy was altered due to what Bakker wrote in the emails. Bowman says he hid Aundria's body in a barn on the property and called police to report that she had run away. * is not affiliated with the Official US Government, or any state, local, or federal office. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Beginning January 1, 2022, Judge Roberts Kengis assumed the chief judge leadership of the 48 th Circuit Court. Circuit Court Judge, Honorable Michael Buck
Kengis replaces Judge Margaret Zuzich Bakker who had been elected to the circuit court in 2010. The prosecutor said the emails and information were not shared with the assistant prosecutor trying the case. To learn more about judicial selection in Michigan, click here. The chief judges will remain in place until the MI Supreme Court reviews applications and makes the next round of appointments in two years. "Since Judge Kengis was appointed, Judge Bakker and Judge Kengis have worked together on chief duties, and the two plan on continuing this practice moving forward," Brink wrote in an email. Michigan District Courts Lynch responded: Thats not the point. The same date Kengis starts as a Circuit Judge. The case has volleyed around the higher court system after Loew's conviction in August 2019. Contact Info (269) 673-8471 Questions & Answers Q What is the phone number for Judiciary Courts of the Stt? Field has been free on $50,000 cash or surety bond since July 2018 after being held on a higher bond for several months after his arrest in September 2017. Allegan, MI 49010
None of the communications were ever intended to influence or provide advice nor did they. Dobrich said Allegan Circuit Judge Roberts Kengis will preside over the trial, which will take place in Cassopolis. Subscribe:Get unlimited access to our local coverage. ALLEGAN Two Allegan County judges have recused themselves from hearing the case of Daniel Loew, who is asking for a new trial after emails between the judge and the Allegan County Prosecuting Attorney were released during the prosecutors re-election campaign. 100% remote. Beginning January 1, 2022, Judge Roberts Kengis assumed the chief judge leadership of the 48 th Circuit Court. In Wednesday's announcement, the state Supreme Court said it would hear the appeal, but would limit the scope to the ex parte communications between Bakker and Koch, whether they were administrative in nature and whether Loew is entitled to a new trial. Justices Christopher Murray and Jane Markey were in the majority, saying the emails didnt provide an advantage to the prosecution. If you would like to help our coverage scope grow, consider donating to Ballotpedia. In a hearing Thursday, Judge Roberts Kengis alerted the. The fact that the presiding judge was commenting on the quality of the investigation while the trial was underway it's inconceivable to me that that could happen," Lynch said. In a hearing Thursday, Judge Roberts Kengis alerted the attorneys tohis history with the case. The jury found the Defendant guilty based on that evidence. On Wednesday, Oct. 5, the high court announced it would hear arguments in the case, but limited the scope to the ramifications of discovered communications where the presiding judge overseeing Loew's initial trial was sharing her opinion of the case through emails with the head prosecutor. He was convicted of five counts of criminal sexual misconduct and sentenced to at least 20 years in prison. However, the Michigan Court of Appeals reversed that decision in a split 2-1 opinion in January this year. Allegan County Circuit Judge Margaret Zuzich-Bakker (MLive File Photo)Emil Lippe | The two then exchanged several emails about the lack of a medical exam. He obtained the emails through a Freedom of Information Act request. In August, Bakker also recused herself from hearing the motion for a new trial. COURTS _____ Pursuant to MCR 7.201, IT IS ORDERED that the Honorable Elizabeth L. Gleicher is appointed as chief judge of the Court of Appealsfor the two year period - commencing . She said the counseling took place there and the sexual relations at Fields home next door to the center. They claim that Loew did not receive a fair trial. Gov. The jury was thereby improperly influenced.. In August 2019, Loew was convicted by a jury of multiple rapes of a relative of his wife, a girl who was 13 at the time of the first assault. This trooper has been given additional personal training since this investigation. His case was bound over for a jury trial in Allegan County's 48th Circuit Court last month. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; .courts-container { background-color:#fcfcfc; width:100%; border:1px solid black;padding:5px;text-align:center;clear:both; } Kengis said during Thursdays hearing that the hearing would likely be reassigned next to a judge in Allegan Countys 57th District Court. The people of Allegan County are served by the Michigan Third District Court of Appeals, a circuit court, district court, and probate court. 57th District Court Honorable Joseph S . Koch said in an email to MLive: "While I respect Judge Baillargeon, I disagree with the basis of his decision in granting a new trial. Although Koch didn't directly prosecute the case for the county, she was the supervisor of the assistant prosecutor who did. After the emails were discovered, Villar saidhe filed complaints against Koch and Bakker with the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission and Attorney Grievance Commission, respectively. a murder he committed in Norfolk, Virginia, in 1980, Hamilton man pleads guilty to 1980 murder of Virginia woman, Wife: Hamilton man killed their daughter in 1989, dismembered and buried body, Receive 3 months of all-access to The Sentinel's award-winning digital coverage for $1, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Michigan Probate Courts, Courts in Michigan Michigan judicial elections Judicial selection in Michigan. "Maybe it wasn't the case, but it creates the appearance of coaching, or at least flagging, 'This is something you're going to need to address,' and that's my worry," Baillargeon said. The sentences run concurrently. If there are more than twice the number of candidates than there are judgeships up for election, the race will appear on the primary election ballot. Roberts Kengis Circuit Court Judge at Allegan County Government Plainwell, Michigan, United States 781 followers 500+ connections Join to connect Allegan County Government Wayne State. Jim Wheat, MD. Example video title will go here for this video. Message to the Board of Commissioners, Prosecutor Koch, Judge Kengis, Judge Bakker, Sheriff Baker and the people who witness unconstitutional and corrupt actions in Allegan County and do nothing.. Allegan Attorney Michael Villar, who challenged Koch for her job in the August Republican primary, uncovered the emails in a Freedom of Information Act request. In a process run by a county clerk, the candidates choose slips of paper from a box that say either "elected" or "not elected".[2]. Subscribe:Receive 3 months of all-access to The Sentinel's award-winning digital coverage for $1. George Field, 60, of Dowagiac, had been scheduled to face trial starting Monday in Cass County Circuit Court on 17 criminal sexual conduct, insurance fraud and perjury charges. Contact 48th Judicial Circuit Court 113 Chestnut St. Allegan, MI 49010 (269) 673-0300 Judges Honorable Roberts Kengis Chief Circuit Court Judge Honorable Margaret Zuzich Bakker Circuit Court Judge Honorable Michael Buck Presiding Family Court Judge He said Field will be given the opportunity to withdraw his plea if Kengis decides to sentence him to more than a year in jail or change any other terms of the agreement. SMC completed its investigation in late September 2017 when they fired Field. Bowman, 72, is charged with her murder. All rights reserved. "The recommendation was timely as Chief Judge Kengis advises the number of potential jury trials awaiting scheduling is over one hundred. Judge Kengis is an Allegan Circuit judge who was assigned the case when Cass County Circuit Judge Mark Herman recused himself. 13 READS: Muskegon book store asking for help to stay open, continue to promote literacy, 13 On Your Side Forecast: Fog Thursday; Snowstorm Friday. *Please call to verify. The defense has not pointed to any ruling showing the judge to be compromised or biased, she said. In the emails, Bakker wrote to Koch: "This trooper didnt do a very good investigation. Copyright 2023, Wilcox Newspapers. Judiciary Courts of the Stt can be contacted via phone at (269) 673-8471 for pricing, hours and directions. Apply today! More:Hamilton man pleads guilty to 1980 murder of Virginia woman, More:Wife: Hamilton man killed their daughter in 1989, dismembered and buried body. Herman was a member of the board of directors of the counseling center where Field worked and where some of the incidents took place. Circuit Judge Roberts Kengis recused himself because he was the county prosecutor when charges were filed against Loew. He buried Aundria's body on their property, later moving her body when the Bowmans moved from Holland to the Hamilton area shortly afterward. JUDGES OF MICHIGAN ., The Public Access to Court Records (PACER), 36th Judicial Circuit Court Van Buren County. She said the jury reached the decision. Through a Freedom of Information Act request, Villar obtained emails sent during Loews case between Koch and Bakker in which Bakker wrote to Koch regarding the police: (T)his trooper didnt do a very good investigation. Allegan, MI 49010, Design By Granicus - Connecting People & Government. Under the plea agreement announced by Chief Assistant Prosecutor Tiffiny Montenegro and defense attorney James Miller, Field will plead no contest to three counts of attempted aggravated indecent exposure, one count of perjury, one count of unauthorized practice of a health profession, one count of health care fraud and one count of possession of marijuana. Is any of the above incorrect? This case has languished in the system for a few years and our victims deserve to have the ability to go on with their life. Contact her at or follow her on Twitter @SentinelLeach. More:Man wins new trial over email exchange between judge, prosecutor, More:Judges recused from hearing mans request for new trial, More:Allegan man says judge, prosecutor denied him a fair trial. This county is outside of that coverage scope and does not receive scheduled updates. Bakker was Allegan County's first female circuit court judge. The half hour hearing Friday afternoon featured Field being sworn in and agreeing to the no contest pleas on the seven charges. 3283 122nd Ave.
2023 Allegan County Friend of the Court et al 1:2021cv00195 | US District Court for the Western District of Michigan | Justia Collet v. Allegan County Friend of the Court et al RSS Track this Docket Docket Report This docket was last retrieved on March 3, 2021. If there are not more than twice the amount of candidates than there are persons to be elected, the race will not appear on the primary election ballot, but only on the general election ballot. 2023 This trooper has been given additional personal training since this investigation., Bakker then wrote: One more question..this victim was not referred for a medical, do you know why?, Koch replied a few minutes later: Yes, because the prior (assistant prosecuting attorney) assigned to the case did not catch that it was missed nor did anyone else who touched the file., Lynch said that the ex parte communication, or communication with only one side, showed bias and violated the Code of Judicial Conduct. Bakker, who remains on the bench, served in the role for 11 years. Allegan County Sheriff's Office Sheriff. After serving as the elected prosecuting attorney for the county, Kengis appointment to the circuit court occurred in March of 2018 by then Governor Rick Snyder when Judge Kevin Cronin resigned. Additional: Frederick Anderson (Prosecuting Attorney), Margaret Zuzich Bakker (Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney); Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys: Douglas E. Ketchum, Roberts A. Kengis, Steven J. Lanting, Myrene K. Koch, Daniel Norbeck, Judy H. Visit our Links Page for websites providing Employment Listings, as well as US Government holiday closings. The emails were unearthed by Allegan-based attorney Michael Villar, who was challenging County Prosecutor Myrene Koch's re-election bid in summer 2020. ALLEGAN Judge Roberts Kengis took over supervision of the 48th Circuit Court on Jan. 1 as chief judge after he was appointed by the Michigan Supreme Court to replace Judge Margaret Zuzich Bakker in the role. Kengis and Bakker have worked closely together over the years when making final decisions on a variety of issues. Koch and her husband married in 1993. Aundria Bowman's body was discovered buried on the Bowmanproperty in Hamilton in February 2020, after Dennis Bowman confessed the location of her body to his wife. This collaboration will continue as Bakker supported Kengis decision to apply for the leadership position. The appointment was made by the Michigan Supreme Court after reviewing applications completed by the candidates. While he was a prosecutorinthe Allegan County Prosecutor's Office, he participated in discussions about the unsolved disappearance of Aundria Bowman with the Allegan County Sheriff's Office and a cold-case panel of other prosecutors and detectives in Lansing. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER . In the nonpartisan primary, the two candidates who receive the greatest number of votes advance to the general election. Bowman strangled and stabbed a 25-year-old woman, Kathleen O'Brien Doyle,in her home. Cheshire Hills Golf Course . Allegan County, All civil cases at law over $300., Civil cases in equity., Proceedings in habeas corpus., Felonies and misdemeanors, Proceedings in quo warranto., Prohibition and certiorari cases., Appeals from magistrate court, municipal court, and administrative agenc, Phone Number: 269-673-0300 The point is she tried. 113 Chestnut St.
We routinely discuss cases with the victims, said Cass County Prosecutor Victor Fitz. Michigan Circuit Court On Jan. 1, theMichigan Supreme Court announcedJudge Roberts Kengis would replace Bakker in supervising the 48th Circuit Court. Myrene Koch will take over for current prosecutor, Roberts Kengis on March 19. Before that, she worked 28 years as an assistant prosecutor, the last eight as chief prosecutor. Judge Kengis relied on the testimony from the 2018 preliminary hearing in the case for his findings of fact in accepting Fields plea. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Website:, Staff: George R. Corsiglia (Chief Judge), William A. Baillargeon Services The Circuit Court Family Division provides the following services: Delinquency Proceedings Casework services -- Community Probation and Juvenile Diversion Protective Proceedings Guardianship of minors who are already under Family Court jurisdiction On Jan. 1, the Michigan Supreme Court announced Judge Roberts Kengis would replace Bakker in supervising the 48th Circuit Court. In 2020, Kengis was elected to the circuit court. The Michigan Supreme Court votes on the appointment of chief judges for Michigan courts every two years after "an extensive review process," according to the State Court Administrative Office. Michigan is one of 43 states that hold elections for judicial positions. The emails from Judge Bakker were an editorial expressing discontent with the case and as inquiry as to the breakdown in police and procedure that compromised the investigation, Schikora wrote in court documents. Dont they have detectives with MSP anymore? ALLEGAN COUNTY, MI - A judge ordered a retrial for a man convicted of sexual assault because the trial judge emailed the county prosecutor - who was not trying the case - during. Judge Kengis noted that Field will be sentenced before him on Friday, Sept. 10 in Cass County Circuit Court at 8:30 a.m. Neither side objected in court to Kengis'decision to recuse himself. Bakker, who remains on the bench, served in the role for 11. Field was arrested in the fall of 2017. In the motion for a new trial, the Defense team did not allege nor did the Judge cite any actual bias or impact on the integrity of the trial based on those communications.. 1983 against the County of Allegan, the State of Michigan, Kevin Cronin, a former judge of the 48th Circuit Court in Allegan County, and Robert Kengis, a current judge of the 48th Circuit Court, alleging claims for denial of due process, cruel and unusual punishment Dont they have detectives anymore?, The next morning, Koch replied: They do but not typically for CSCs. Daniel Albert Loew, 26, was convicted by an Allegan County Circuit Court jury of two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct (CSC), two counts of third-degree CSC and a single count of second-degree CSC. 113 Chestnut Street, Allegan, MI49010 I did not discuss those communications with the Assistant Prosecutor trying the case. Judge Kengis used previous testimony and evidence to show that Field committed perjury when he testified that he had not had sex with the victim, that he had held himself out as a licensed health practitioner when he wasnt, presented a false insurance claim for services rendered to another person, possessed marijuana in his home in 2017 and attempted to commit indecent exposure against the victim. Koch a 1992 graduate of Michigan State received her JD from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in 1999. The United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan has jurisdiction in Allegan County. Koch has served as an assistant prosecutor since July of 2002, and as the Chief Assistant Prosecutor since last June. The status of those grievances is unknown, as the merits of Loew's appeal are still pending. The Michigan Supreme Court made their current appointments to the courts across the state. Villar, a private practice attorney, later lost the electionby a handful of votes. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Before taking the bench, Kengis served as the elected prosecuting attorney for Allegan County. Bowman, 72, is charged with her murder. Judge Kengis noted that Field will be sentenced before him on Friday, Sept. 10 in Cass County Circuit Court at 8:30 a.m. 100 largest cities in America by population, United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan, United States Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, Michigan Fifty-seventh Judicial District Court, Michigan local trial court judicial elections, 2023, Michigan local trial court judicial elections, 2022, Michigan local trial court judicial elections, 2021, Michigan local trial court judicial elections, 2020, Michigan local trial court judicial elections, 2019, Michigan local trial court judicial elections, 2018, Michigan local trial court judicial elections, 2017, Michigan local trial court judicial elections, 2016,,_Michigan_(Judicial)&oldid=7667650, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. Assistant Allegan County Prosecutor Emily Jipp called a state police trooper as her second witness. She has been recognized for her volunteer work with South Haven Public Schools and the Allegan County Coordinating Council on Domestic and Sexual Violence. According to testimony from detectives, Bowman claimsthat he and Aundria physically fought and Aundria fell down the stairs, breaking herneck. ALLEGAN COUNTY, MI A judge ordered a retrial for a man convicted of sexual assault because the trial judge emailed the county prosecutor who was not trying the case during proceedings. Download the WZZM 13 app now. She became a judge on Jan. 1, 2010. ALLEGAN The judge assigned to oversee the trial of Dennis Bowman,accused of the murder of his adopted daughter Aundria 30 years ago, has recused himself because of his past involvement in the caseas a prosecutor. Community Volunteer . In this case, she was comfortable with the agreement. Call, or visit the court's website if listed above. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. (269) 673-0300, Honorable Roberts Kengis
They have four children. Generally, ex parte communications between a judge and only one party in a legal matter are prohibited by ethics codes for judges and attorneys because they can give an unfair advantage to one side in a case. The case likely will be heard in 2023. The same date Kengis starts as a Circuit Judge. The victim was a student of Fields at SMC and also went to him for counseling at the Family Center in Dowagiac. Bakker was immediately appointed chief judge and served 11 years as chief judge. Honorable Roberts A. Kengis . The defense said the emails show misconduct. Montenegro said the agreement calls for Field to be sentenced to a term of probation, a county jail sentence not to exceed one year and no requirement to register as a sex offender. Koch previously told The Sentinel she never discussed the emails with Jipp. By using this website, you agree to comply with all of the terms of use . Dissenting Justice Michael Riordan said reasonable minds could conclude that Bakker was biased in favor of the prosecution. Subscribe: Get unlimited access to our local coverage. Email, visit our Facebook page or Twitter. Plaintiff Jonathan King Meyer filed a pro se complaint pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Ballotpedia features 395,436 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Allegan County Circuit Court Judge. Kengis was the chief prosecuting attorney when. It was after his arrest in November 2019 for Doyle's murder that he began asking to speak to detectives about the circumstances of Aundria'sdeath. Appeals court walks back new trial for man after prosecutor, judge emailed during trial, Man wins new trial over email exchange between judge, prosecutor, Judges recused from hearing mans request for new trial, Allegan man says judge, prosecutor denied him a fair trial, Get unlimited access to our local coverage, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. His case was bound over for a jury trial in Allegan County's 48th Circuit Court last month. The chief judge holds "administrative superintending power and control over the judges of the court and all court personnel, including the friend of the court," according to Michigan Court Rule, managing staffing, caseload, court finances, making county clerk and prosecutor's office appointments and managing assignment and reassignment of cases. Judges Jon Van Allsburg, Mark Feyen and Bradley Knoll were reappointed to two-year terms as chief judges of Ottawa County's 20th Circuit Court, Probate Court and 58th District Court, respectively. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Betty Kortman . ", Bakker wrote back, "One more question this victim was not referred for a medical, do you know why?". Contact reporter Carolyn Muyskens at and follow her on Twitter at @cjmuyskens. After the trooper left the witness stand, Bakker emailed Koch: This trooper didnt do a very good investigation. . Jan Murray. *Not location specific. Ascension Borgess Allegan Foundation Director . Allegan County Prosecutor Myrene Koch disagreed with the retrial order and said her office is considering an appeal. Let us know here, 57th District Court Allegan County113 Chestnut Street0.0 mile away, Allegan County Probate Court2243 33rd Street2.2 miles away, 36th Judicial Circuit Court Van Buren CountyCourthouse - Second Floor, 212 East Paw Paw Street12.6 miles away, 2023 Everything-Bytes | Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. Or biased, she worked 28 years as an assistant prosecutor trying the case of Daniel Loew given personal! Remains on the property and called police to report that she had run away Daniel Loew victims, Cass... Plaintiff Jonathan King Meyer filed a pro se complaint pursuant to 42 U.S.C by Allegan County Sheriff & # ;. Trial after claiming he did n't directly prosecute the case Court after reviewing applications completed by the candidates history the! Remain in place until the MI Supreme Court reviews applications and makes the next round appointments! The years when making final decisions on a variety of issues reporter Carolyn Muyskens cmuyskens... 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His case was bound over for a new trial after claiming he did n't prosecute!, you agree to comply with all of the links on our site We! Doyle, in her home visit our Facebook page or Twitter Bakker, who remains on the icons.! Please donate here to support our continued expansion pursuant to 42 U.S.C on these issues handful votes... He obtained the emails, Bakker wrote to Koch: `` this trooper has been appointed to recently... Also went to him for counseling at the college before his dismissal relied on bench! ) Emil Lippe | Margaret Zuzich-Bakker ( MLive File Photo ) Emil Lippe Council on Domestic and sexual Violence applications and makes the next round of appointments in two.. Not the point states that hold elections for Judicial positions conviction in,! To report that she had run away Judge, Honorable Michael Buck Kengis replaces Judge Margaret Zuzich who!
Were The Delphi Murders Sexually Assaulted,
Hannah Anderson Today,
Articles J