revolver serial number

Guns made before 2002 may lack details such as country of manufacture or even the correct caliber, as these were not required. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. There was an overlapping of the serial numbers on the higher range since old barrels were used with new frames. [6] Another form of serial number is microstamping, where the firing pin and breach face are engraved to create unique markings on the ejected cartridge; this is a legal requirement for handguns in the state of California. These revolvers were produced until 1878. The Model 29 was offered with 3, 4, 5, 6, 612 , 838 and 1058 in (76, 102, 127, 152, 165, 213 and 270 mm) barrels as standard models. If you are interested in purchasing one of these firearms, it is important to do your research and understand the different models that were produced. Here is where problems may first appear when the data base doesn't list what you think your Colt is, or returns no information. . By engraving, casting, stamping (impressing), or otherwise conspicuously placing or causing to be engraved, cast, stamped (impressed) or placed on the frame or receiver thereof an individual serial number. While everybody, including the NRA, seemed to be in favor of prohibiting mail-in gun purchases, the law was not passed until 1968. There have been attempts at creating a privately owned database of stolen guns. If the worst case occurs before you have a chance to record and organize your serial numbers, there are a few ways you may still be able to recover them. ", Maynard, Philip, Kyle Skinner, Matthew Bolton, and Sbastien Moret. The primary distinction between the two revolvers is that the double-action H&R model has a shorter barrel length. So what is the letter designation on the Python s/n? A gun owner or even gunsmith couldn't just log on or call up a big parts house and order the parts he needed. On a Letter Of Authenticity, you are going to find the specifications of the Colt, features and the delivery address. Well, Colt serial numbers tend to go across the board in a rather unpredictable pattern so its near impossible to read without reference books. Polished stainless steel finish on the metal components. Numbers and letters can be used in relatively any length and configuration, with the only requirements being that it be properly cast, engraved, or stamped on the firearm and that it be unique. Your email address will not be published. In most cases if you sent your boy to school, a boy would come home! Enter the serial number (no spaces) of your firearm and click on "Search" to identify your model. Next, you need to hit search to see the result. Alternatively, Smith & Wesson andHarrington Richardsoncan help you by looking up the serial numbers in their records and sending you a nice certificate of authenticity telling where and when the gun was sold and how it was equipped. Do Scope Rings Affect Accuracy: Top 6 Mounting Secrets Revealed. There are many fake products out there, so dont be fooled! All around, its just good practice to hold onto them. This firearm was a double-action revolver that could be fired by pulling either the trigger or cocking the hammer. Take Colt revolver serial numbers for example: SA is Single Action, NF is New Frontier, You could see the same thing on others: SP is Sporter, MT is Match Target, Additionally, Colt also uses the characters in certain situations to illustrate the year of production. ", International Society for Optics and Photonics,, United States federal criminal legislation, United States federal firearms legislation, Articles with limited geographic scope from November 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Inadvertent destruction (during office cleaning), Records misplaced between ownership transitions. Some people consider it too small for proper self-defense. MANUFACTURED: 2000's. Made for French police units. Years ago gun parts were terribly expensive and often almost impossible to obtain. Most were small caliber single-action arms which You have come to the right place! Such numbers can be used to ascertain the name of the manufacture, place and date of manufacture. Check Out This Guide! You need to provide more of the serial number to get the date of manufacture. The same thing could be said about Colt serial numbers. Florida and Ohio are good examples of this, and you should check with your state to see if they have any resources in place. . In the case you are a weapon enthusiast, you should be able to comprehend the prefix and suffix characters on your Colt guns fairly well. Their products are backed by a longstanding tradition of quality craftsmanship. Some revolvers also have the serial number located on the inside of the frame, in the yoke area. The other bullets that can fit a 32 revolver include the .32 H&R Magnum, .327 Federal Magnum, and the .357 Magnum. Made in First Year/First Month Production Run of the Model 39A. half-disc front sights; top-strap or open-frame; removable side "A correct make code is essential to retrieve information from the system and is often the most difficult component to identify. The Remington 700 and 1100 shotguns will have the serial numbers in the same place. The Taurus Model Number Lookup System will help you find detailed information about your Taurus Gun. The general rule is to use the original maker rather than an importer. Feel free to reach out to us or read our affiliate disclosure and privacy policy. In 1968 the Gun Control of 1968 was passed. So, without further ado, lets get started! Is there a website that I can go to, to search my gun's serial number? **IMPORTANT!! The accuracy of the result is mediocre as well compared to other choices but its still better than nothing. Some of their most popular models include the Pardner Pump, Ultra Slug Hunter, and New England Firearm Survival Gun. The original 5-shot game changer, chambered in both 45 Colt and 410 shot shell, Judge. Gun #1- Serial 30-85009. For many years he hunts regularly. HOW TO MAKE AN AR-15 BINARY TRIGGER: A DIY GUIDE, BOND ARMS DERRINGER PROBLEMS AND HOW TO AVOID THEM, This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar, 2022 We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. If a gun is stolen or lost and is recovered by law enforcement, in many cases the gun will be returned to the owner. YEAR SER. Also, check the slide, looking in any indents and crevices in the guns design for numbers or markings. , you have to accumulate experience in addition to grasping key developments of the brand. They have literally changed the meaning of words in the dictionary, the following should be stricken from the vocabularyghost gun, gun violence and gun free zone! The serial number cannot duplicate the serial number appearing on any other firearm the importer previously imported. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This model also introduced patented black, rigid rubber grip panels with atarget logomolded on the top. Before you can determine when a Colt was made, you first have to determine WHAT Colt model you have. After the New Model Army Revolver, Harrington & Richardson released the Double Action First Model revolver in 1886. A responsible gun owner would be wise to understand why these serial numbers are required by law and what can be done with them. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. edited November -1. This allows users to voluntarily report their stolen weapons in an attempt to create a reliable database. Model 460 Airweight Performance Center (.38 Special) Scarce Model 460XVR Performance Center 12-Inch (Space Gun) . Most were small caliber single-action arms which utilized either .22 or .32 rimfire cartridges, although double-action revolvers chambered for .38 centerfire ammunition were also produced U.S. Patent Application 12/056,660, filed January 29, 2009. One importer may assemble guns of the same caliber and serial number from different original makers such as Interarms Star (STA) and Helwan (MDI), both having seven-digit serial numbers on 9mm semi-automatic pistols (PI). The Harrington and Richardson 32 revolver uses a variety of ammo depending on the model. The company offers a wide variety of shotguns for different purposes, including hunting, trap and skeet shooting, and self-defense. "Potential application of liquid dye penetrants for serial number restoration on firearms. Some were single-shot, while others possessed six- or seven-shot capacity, and at least one revolver utilized two cylinders which yielded a total of 14 shots. What E-Trace actually does is allow law enforcement to submit and monitor a trace request from the National Tracing Center, where they search the same paper documents and non-searchable PDFs as they would if the ATF called in a trace request. Its a bad day for a firearm owner if your firearm is used by someone else in a crime. Next, you need to hit search to see the result. How To Pick A Top-Notch Quality Rifle Scope While On Budget? Want to learn what year your Colt Revolver was made? The new system consists of four sets of digits separated by a hyphen. For most of the time, COAs include relevant details about the item from manufacturing date to the history of ownership. ", Uysal, Serdar, Mustafa Mercan, and Lokman Uzun. I've always received the full serial . Serial Number Lookup Enter your Ruger serial number above to view its model number, product line, caliber, production status, ship date and instruction manual. , you have up to 3 available choices to choose from depending on your preference: Step 2: Hover the mouse to Customer Service, Once you get to that page, enter all the characters and the numbers on your firearms into the search field. If you are thinking about purchasing a Harrington and Richardson 32 revolver, it is important to understand the history of these firearms first. This information must be placed in a manner not susceptible of being readily obliterated, altered, or removed. JavaScript is disabled. Because you are responsible for that weapon, you should have the number recorded somewhere in the event of your gun being stolen. He spends time away from work studying nature and practicing self-sufficiency. Unlock the Benefits of Knowing Your Winchester Serial Number, Complete Buyers Guide to the Sig Sauer P228. Note: This service is provided as reference only, and accuracy is not guaranteed. Yes, Harrington & Richardson still manufactures shotguns. [3][9] At least for some manufacturers, a serial number can unlock myriad details about the weapon. Standard sights. As a follow-up to the New Model Army Revolver, Harrington and Richardson created theDouble ActionFirst Model revolver in 1886. The second question is often "What Colt do I have"? Unfortunately, the friendly folk down at the gun shop cannot look up the guns serial number for you (even though many wish they could). The serial numbers ranged between A 288300 to A 300000. In 1878, the New Model Army Revolver was introduced. Reply during this period, including Harrington & Richardson and Iver The marking locations for semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns are usually the same or similar, but break-action shotguns will generally have a unique placement. To show you how things work, we shall check the model code that Colt uses on Colt Single Action models. The action flat, or water table, is the part of the shotgun that becomes visible when the action is open and generally has the serial number markings. 1,038,509 However, you will be charged for the service. Used to be you could speak your mind without spending time in solitary confinement. single-shot, while others possessed six- or seven-shot capacity, What gun do I have? Have you ever heard about the Certificate Of Authenticity (COA)? [6][16], In most jurisdictions, an application for firearm registration requires a recitation of a particular weapon's serial number. manufacturers including Smith & Wesson, to derringers and Frank Wesson eventually partnered with Augustus Harrington, and the Harrington & Richardson Company was born. As the website already stated, a couple of vintage guns share serial numbers between models so if multiple models appear, simply match the proper date. The Harrington and Richardson 32 revolver uses a variety of different types of ammunition, depending on the model. How To Read Colt Serial Numbers For First-timers, The majority of firearms in circulation these kinds of days feature serial numbers that facilitate identification in times of need. [15] "Factory-produced firearms bear serial numbers." Detail does not mean "in good shape" ,describe how the wood is, how much blueing (% of original finish left) there is etc., and anything else you see that may be helpful. You plug in the serial number and it will give you a list of guns it could be. Please have your model and serial number handy so you can provide it on the manufacturer's website in order to find out when your gun was made. The majority of firearms in circulation these kinds of days feature serial numbers that facilitate identification in times of need. 71, RB Rifle Models- 1866-1933, Contract Lee Rifles, Pistols and Revolvers 1857-1918 (incomplete serial . Serial Number Lookup by Manufacturer Browning Firearms Colt Firearms Glock Firearms Makarov Firearms Marlin Firearms Remington Firearms Sears Branded Firearms Taurus Firearms U.S. Military Firearms It depends on who you get to speak with. The serial numberrange was approximately 150000 to 289000. This handgun featured an improved Single Action Army Model. it still works very will. While there is no searchable, centralized database of legally owned gun serial numbers, there is a database of stolen serial numbers. ", Polk, D. E., and B. C. Giessen. His hobbies include motorcycle camping, shooting, hunting, foraging, hiking, photography, and travel. [9], Other manufacturers maintain similar databases. 1,395,312 Detective Special. It was manufactured between 1905 to 1908. The harrington and richardson 32 revolver is a great gun for self defense. Even more common is for a manufacturer to put the serial number in the same place on all of its guns of a particular style. About Us | Contact Us | Join/Renew | Corporate Ethics | Privacy Policy, Theodore Roosevelt and Elegant Arms - 1880s to 1920s, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Beyond - 1940 to Present, Frank Brownell NRA Museum of the Southwest, Serialization/ Date of Manufacture from The Blue Book, Store Brand Crossover List from The Blue Book, Gun Collector Organizations from The Blue Book. or deluxe walnut grips, nickel or gold plating, and elaborate To record the serial number, you had to remove the cylinder and view the number, which had a letter prefix stamped on the bottom side of the top strap. ", Cook, Philip J.; Cukier, Wendy; Krause, Keith "The illicit firearms trade in North America. Other markings and features are normal. Model 442 Centennial Airweight. Furthermore, has a serial number ever been used to convict, it's ballistics that match a gun to a bullet, not a serial number. The model, if such designation has been made; C. Your name (or recognized abbreviation) and also, when applicable, the name of the foreign manufacturer; D. In the case of a domestically made firearm, the city and State (or recognized abbreviation thereof) where you as the manufacturer maintain your place of business; and, E. In the case of an imported firearm, the name of the country in which it was manufactured and the city and State (or recognized abbreviation thereof) where you as the importer maintain your place of business. were also produced. In most cases they can help you identify exactly what model of Colt you have. French "crown" proofs on the barrel, frame and cylinder. .44 caliber. An assortment of features could be found, including Open up the cylinder, on the S&W model number and the serial number is stamped on the crane. The firstHarrington and Richardsonarms were manufactured in 1871. # end 199516-03-001-95 16-03-800-95 In the case of. These revolvers were produced until 1907. [8] There are forensic techniques for recovering serial numbers after they have been removed.[6]. The Army obtained no further deliveries of .36-cal. Convenience is a factor for most people regarding concealed carry, and the small 32 is often considered over larger guns that are more difficult to conceal. First Im going to ignore the argument if we should be able to manufacture our own firearms in our own shops, out of the eye of Big Brother. The Smith & Wesson Model 19, for instance, requires that you remove the grips to get to the serial number printed on the butt plate, though it can also be found on the frame. The manufacturers name must also be present on the gun, as well as the country of origin. Harrington and Richardson revolver serial numbers data. If its a right-handed gun, it will be on the left side, and vice-versa. Because of Colt's serial number systems it may not be possible to identify what model a Colt is based on just the number. The serial numbers had six or seven numbers and aletter prefix. Assuming that the methods above dont work in your favor, there is only one option left: decipher the Colt firearm serial numbers by yourself. And what are the other numbers stamped on it? Colt Database Search. ", Nichols, Ronald G. "Firearm and toolmark identification criteria: A review of the literature. The grips were black plastic and adorned with silver H&R emblems. It had a top strap, making it more rigid and durable than the other revolver, and was produced until 1885. It was manufactured by the Harrington & Richardson Arms Company from 1948 to 1986. ", Warrier, Varsha, and Rutwik Shedge. These revolvers were produced until 1897. That being said, its rather hard to extract key information from serial numbers if you lack experience and knowledge. The first source is the Colt Firearms Company. 5845; 27 CFR 479.11]. The auto-ejector featured a spring-loaded ejector plate and an expanded space added to the bottom of the top latch that kept the cylinder away from the threads on the cylinder arbor. Once you get to that page, enter all the characters and the numbers on your firearms into the search field. # START SER. The first model of Harrington & Richardson 32 revolver was the Single Action Army Model. Must be conspicuously engraved, cast or stamped (impressed) on the firearm frame, receiver, barrel or slide, For firearms imported after January 30, 2002, the engraving, casting or stamping (impressing) of the country of origin must be to a minimum depth of .003 inch, For firearms imported after January 30, 2002, the engraving, casting or stamping (impressing) of the model designation must be to a minimum depth of .003 inch, For firearms imported after January 30, 2002, the engraving, casting or stamping (impressing) of the caliber or gauge must be to a minimum depth of .003 inch. Then, on the street, when law enforcement sees it they dont automatically give it the Untraceable Ghost Gun Label. ii. While the serial numbers have no impact on field performance, they allow people to trace the origin of the guns. The Official Publication of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine 42, no. If theres no serial number searching option on the website, you can give them a call and get additional information about the gun. IMHO and Im not sure if it was a suggestion or regulation there were specific font size and depth required to properly serialize a lower/frame et. Our flagship line of compact, full-size and hybrid EDC pistols. Take. With other regulationssuch as the creation of the Federal Firearms License systemand further amendments, the GCA made it a legal requirement that all newly manufactured firearms include the following markings: There are no uniform requirements for the serial number itself. This firearm was remarkably similar to the Colt Single Action Army revolver, one of historys most recognizable firearms. Subscribe to our newsletter today to receive updates on the latest news, upcoming events, useful tips and new products releases. It may be old enough to be exempt, and you may be in the clear to pull the trigger on that beautiful antique rifle. Furthermore, the letter covers historical fact tied to the gun which usually increases its collectible value by a large margin. Revolver was introduced the Harrington & Richardson 32 revolver is a database of stolen serial numbers six. Theres no serial number located on the inside of the serial number restoration on firearms correct,! Contract Lee Rifles, Pistols and revolvers 1857-1918 ( incomplete serial criteria: review! Your Taurus gun Survival gun just log on or call up a big house... Important to understand the history of ownership after the New model Army revolver, and was until... 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