Labeled: API SP/ILSAC GF-6 Distributed By: Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI. Our more than 600 corporate members, from the largest major oil company to the smallest of independents, come … API SP will be represented by the traditional “donut” mark shown below. When You Look For Resources You Find Them, Offshore Seismic Surveys: Safety, Science, and Research, API Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Oil Spill & Emergency Preparedness and Response,, Starting May 1, 2020, ILSAC GF-6A provides a new basis for issuance of a license to use the API Certification Mark “Starburst.” Until April 30, 2021, ILSAC GF-5 also provides a basis for issuance of a license to use the API Certification Mark “Starburst.”, Starting May 1, 2020, ILSAC GF-6B provides the only basis for issuance of a license to use the API Certification Mark “Shield.”. Consequently, some of the motor oils sold as SN PLUS were utilizing additive packages expected to meet API SP specification, and some likely did, or came close prior to finalization of the API SP specification. Our more than 600 corporate members, from the largest major oil company to the smallest of independents, come from all segments of the industry. API will revise an existing process that covers the development of the API CI Plus diesel standard to include API SN (gasoline). It was developed in response to auto manufacturers request to ensure gasoline direct engines have guaranteed protection against low speed pre-ignition (LSPI) events. This has led to new EPA regulations under the Clean Air Act that limit the maximum GHG emissions allowed for vehicles from different model year (MY) ranges. The first group tested include Castrol, Mobil 1, Pennzoil, Valvoline, and Super Tech. What are the claims of anti-fracking activists? return false; Meaning you can restock your inventory with API SP motor oil or continue distributing API SN and API SN Plus while it lasts. The new passenger car motor oil standards, ILSAC GF-6A and GF-6B, and API SP are set to come into effect May 2020. As of May 1, 2018, Castrol … You can count on having the same high level of protection that Kendall has always provided. How is groundwater protected during hydraulic fracturing? The new API SP motor oil is fully compatible with legacy API SN PLUS, SN, SM, SL and SJ categories. Advancements in oil production have led to the creation of the lowest-viscosity oil grade yet, OW-16. API CK-4 oils are designed to provide enhanced protection against oil oxidation, viscosity loss due to shear, and oil aeration as well as protection against catalyst poisoning, particulate filter blocking, engine wear, piston deposits, degradation of low- and high-temperature properties, and soot-related viscosity increase. API Gravity Definitions: Definition of API Gravity of water provided by WikiPedia: The American Petroleum Institute gravity, or API gravity, is a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water. API gravity is thus an inverse measure of a petroleum liquid's density relative to that of water (also known as specific gravity). Gasoline engines: The service level category contains two letters. Another important engine design change has been the advent of start-stop engines. A third standard, AP SP, is API’s latest engine oil performance standard. Oils licensed against the new standards will not appear in the online EOLCS Directory until May 1, 2020. // Return false to prevent the submission handler from taking the lead to the follow up url API SP is available for different viscosity grades. The release of these new specifications, to meet the performance needs of current and next-generation engines, marks the conclusion of a seven-year journey. In this scenario, a stop-start engine has little chance to heat up before being required to quickly reach highway speeds, potentially causing wear, sludge, and varnish issues. Does fracking cause flaming water faucets? API began licensing oils against the SN PLUS classification on May 1, 2018. AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE (API) •Only national trade association representing all facets of oil and natural gas industry, which supports 10.3 million U.S. jobs and nearly 8 percent of U.S. economy •API’s more than 625 members include large integrated companies, as well as exploration and production, refining, marketing, pipeline, and The diesel process has been in place since CI-4 Plus was introduced in 2002. The American Petroleum Institute gravity, or API gravity, is a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water: if its API gravity is greater than 10, it is lighter and floats on water; if less than 10, it is heavier and sinks. For the most part, it mirrors API specifications. API’s New Engine Oil Standard for Passenger Vehicles Takes Effect . Company Information: Ford Motor Company created its Motorcraft auto parts division in 1972. Kendall has also been testing the new GF-6 and API SP oils in our own fleet of vehicles to ensure optimal performance in both real-world and testing scenarios. To accommodate lower viscosity levels like OW-16, ILSAC GF-6 has been divided into two separate categories: GF-6A and GF-6B. Marketers that want to claim their oils are licensed by API as meeting ILSAC GF-6A, GF- 6B, and/or API SP on the first licensing date must apply for licensing of the GF-6A, GF-6B, and API SP oils through the on-line application system at. The American Petroleum Institute gravity, or API gravity, is a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water: if its API gravity is greater than 10, it is lighter and floats on water; if less than 10, it is heavier and sinks.. API gravity is thus an inverse measure of a petroleum liquid's density relative to that of water (also known as specific gravity). Engine oil manufacturers, in turn, label containers with the oil rating. More to come. While GF-6B oils will be compatible with new vehicles and will NOT be backward-compatible in most cases (unless specifically indicated by the OEM). The American Petroleum Institute (API) defines specifications for engine oils, such as SG or SE. API SN PLUS is the interim spec within the lubricants industry that supplements the API SN category for gasoline engine oil performance. What is LSPI and how does it affect my engine? From May 1 2020, licensed oils will be able to display API SP in the donut and use the “shield and “starburst”. The new ILSAC GF-6 and API SP specifications for passenger car motor oil will launch on May 1, 2020, directly affecting both installers and consumers. As did ILSAC GF-6, the latest spec from the International Lubricants Standardization and Approval Committee. Both GF-6 and API SP oil grades offer important benefits, including reduced emissions, improved fuel economy, greater wear protection, in addition to helping prevent major issues like LSPI. The market gleaned further support from decreases in product inventories. The new ILSAC GF-6 and API SP specifications for passenger car motor oil will launch on May 1, 2020, directly affecting both installers and consumers. It’s crucial for both consumers and installers to be aware of the new motor oil specifications to ensure you use the correct oil type for each vehicle. ILSAC GF-6, API SP & dexos: Making Sense of New Oil Specifications. There are several factors that contribute to this phenomenon, including engine design, calibration, fuel properties, and engine oil formulation. All rights reserved. API’s Lubricants Standards Group approved by letter ballot the adoption of two new ILSAC specifications, GF-6A and GF-6B, and a new API Service Category, API SP. jQuery("#TYMessage").css("display", "block"); ©2020 Phillips 66 Company. Lower viscosity levels in motor oils allow for improved fuel economy. // Add an onSuccess handler Mobil 1 motor oils are so advanced they met the API SP performance standard since 2010. Last week, API announced that its Lubricants Standards Group has approved by letter ballot the adoption of two new ILSAC specifications, GF-6A and GF-6B, and a new API Service Category, API SP. After outlining the process for licensing ILSAC GF6A, GF-6B and API SP — the three new passenger vehicle gasoline engine oil standards — Ferrick shared some action points for shops to consider. Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards require a fleet-wide average of about 40 mpg by 2026 in the United States. These new, higher performance oil categories have been developed in response to several driving forces. In addition to API, the International Lubricants Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC), original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and producers like Kendall® Motor Oil have all contributed to the development and upcoming implementation of these new standards over the past seven years. As a lube shop owner or consumer, you may have seen quite a bit of buzz about the new ILSAC…, Houston, Texas — Phillips 66 and Kendall® will add their most advanced diesel engine oils yet to their proven heavy-duty product portfolio.…. Does hydraulic fracturing cause earthquakes? GF- categories and API S specifications. “Products licensed by API as meeting ILSAC GF-6A, GF-6B, and/or API SP will be able to use the appropriate API engine oil mark(s) in conjunction with the licensed products beginning on May 1, 2020 — less than a year from now,” Ferrick emphasized. ILSAC GF-6A, GF-6B, AND API SP Release. API SP is available for different viscosity grades. The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the only national trade association that represents all aspects of America’s oil and natural gas industry. Obsolete Specifications. Be sure to check Kendall’s GF-6 video series and FAQs. ILSAC GF-6 will replace the previous GF-5 specifications, which covered fuel-efficiency grade oils OW-20, 5W-20, 5W-30, and 10W-30. ILSAC GF-6A, GF-6B, AND API SP Release. Purchased at: Edison, NJ Date of purchase: 10/27/2020 Website(s): API SP . After outlining the process for licensing ILSAC GF6A, GF-6B and API SP — the three new passenger vehicle gasoline engine oil standards — Ferrick shared some action points for shops to consider. These new, higher performance oil categories have been developed in response to several driving forces. API Service Level Category . SP is the API’s newest service category. As engine-operating conditions grow more severe, so do the demands placed on your motor oil. However, it is also requested by many wider vehicle manufacturers worldwide. © Copyright 2021 – API. New engine hardware such as turbochargers, direct injection and variable valve timing (VVT) place increased stress on your engine oil. It includes all the ILSAC requirements while providing performance requirements for oils that do not fall under ILSAC-member recommendations. API’s New Engine Oil Standard for Passenger Vehicles Takes Effect . I’ve heard that hydraulic fracturing is linked to cancer. Working with the auto industry, oil marketers, additive companies and others, ILSAC and API developed new standards known as ILSAC GF-6A, ILSAC GF-6B and API SP. As chemists make new discoveries, the old oils are phased out. API SP will be fully backward-compatible with previous API service categories, including API SN PLUS, SN, SM, SL or SJ. Pipeline Strategic Data Tracking System (PSDTS). The Split: GF-6A and B The International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC) has set a new precedent in the passenger-car motor oil market by splitting its specification into two parts. According to Keven Ferrick, director, API Product Programs, 59% of all greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, According to the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). The GF-6 and API SP oils have also been formulated to help prevent these problems in engines with stop-start technology. Hence the need for updated oil specifications, like ILSAC GF-6, API SP and GM dexos1 Gen 2. API SN Engine Oil Category. Our more than 600 corporate members, from the largest major oil company to the smallest of independents, come … // Return false to prevent the submission handler from taking the lead to the follow up url API SP is the new minimum engine oil standard developed to address the critical needs of today’s engines; including chain wear, Low Speed Pre-Ignition, and deposit formation. The oil formulations for API SP are specifically designed to help prevent LSPI in TGDI engines. Your Quick Guide to the ILSAC GF-6 and API SP Motor Oil Standards. The industry has responded to these advanced engine technologies and ultra-light oil viscosities with two new oil specifications: ILSAC GF-6 and API SP. API is devised jointly by the American Petroleum Institute and the NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology.The measuring scale is calibrated in terms of degrees API. Last week, API announced that its Lubricants Standards Group has approved by letter ballot the adoption of two new ILSAC specifications, GF-6A and GF-6B, and a new API Service Category, API SP. Phillips 66® Lubricants Develops Leading Edge Diesel Engine Oils. According to Keven Ferrick, director, API Product Programs, “API [American Petroleum Institute] developed these new performance standards in response to a request from automakers to introduce more robust engine oils that would be capable of meeting the needs of current and future gasoline engines.”. Since 1924, the American Petroleum Institute has been a cornerstone in establishing and maintaining standards for the worldwide oil and natural gas industry. The new standards specify more stringent engine oil performance requirements for spark-ignited internal combustion engines. For example, imagine it’s a cold winter day, and your route includes a short 3-4 stoplight commute before getting on the highway. ‘SP’ is the latest API engine oil performance standard applicable across viscosity grades. What does EPA say about water contamination? While API SP is backwards-compatible to previous API service categories, motor oils will still be able to be licensed as meeting the API SN PLUS, SN, SM, SL or SJ categories. However, stop-start engines also present some unique problems in terms of wear, sludge formation, and varnish. Product: Speedway Motor Oil Viscosity Grade: SAE 5W-20 Labeled: API SP/ILSAC GF-6A Distributed By: Speedway LLC, Enon, OH Purchased at: Woodbridge, NJ Date of purchase: 11/16/2020 Website(s): Company Information: Headquartered in Enon, Ohio, Speedway LLC is a gasoline and convenience store company with approximately 3,900 locations in 36 states. API Introduces Three New Gasoline Engine Oil Standards, ILSAC GF-6A, GF-6B, and API SP. There are several factors driving the need for the new passenger vehicle motor oil standards, including environmental, market, and technological influences. Today’s consumers, especially in developed economies, are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Munchel also affirms that “given the improvements over a wide slate of engine types, we’re going to implement API SP and ILSAC GF-6 technology in our full line-up for Kendall Motor Oils.”. Increased ability for OEMs to comply with environmental regulations, Improved wear protection, especially for newer engine technologies, Reduced sludge formation and varnish deposits for start-stop engines, Protection from the LSPI phenomenon in TGDI engines. WASHINGTON, May 1, 2020 —API today announced its new passenger car engine oil standard takes effect immediately, providing improved engine performance and fuel economy for today’s gasoline engine cars, light-trucks and SUVs. The Petroleum Quality Institute of America (PQIA) is now starting to see motor oils with the new API SP/ILSAC GF-6A standard on store shelves. // Add an onSuccess handler Ultra1Plus Full Synthetic Motor Oil, SAE 0W-20, API SP, ILSAC GF-6A is formulated with synthetic base oil and a premium additive package. On the lubricant industry’s target date of May 1, engine oil packaging began to look a little different. GF-6 is the newest ILSAC engine oil performance standard aimed at improving fuel economy and enhancing engine capabilities for passenger cars. Since 1924, the American Petroleum Institute has been a cornerstone in establishing and maintaining standards for the worldwide oil and natural gas industry. form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl) { In this brochure the API Service Categories are summarised in easy to use charts. Is that true? Ultra1Plus Full Synthetic Motor Oil, SAE 0W-20, API SP, ILSAC GF-6A is formulated with synthetic base oil and a premium additive package.. }); And with it comes improved fuel efficiency for light-weight vehicles. The American Petroleum Institute (API) is a domestic focused, automotive organization that sets engine oil standards for all segments of America’s oil and natural gas industry. Improved fuel economy. California Transparency in Supply Chains Disclosure. WASHINGTON, May 1, 2020 —API today announced its new passenger car engine oil standard takes effect immediately, providing improved engine performance and fuel economy for today’s gasoline engine cars, light-trucks and SUVs. form.getFormElem().hide(); The API Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System provides a simple designation of letters and numbers that allows engine manufacturers and oil marketers to clearly provide users with the information they need to ensure that the proper oil is selected for an engine. LSPI creates excessive pressure within the … This feature helps reduce emissions and improve fuel economy. The most important factors include need to improve fuel economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as the increasing demands of modern engine technologies. This is due to the chemical evolution in oils. To meet these requirements the automotive industry has focused on smaller, more fuel … How many jobs has the oil and natural gas industry created? A third standard, AP SP, is API’s latest engine oil performance standard. American Petroleum Institute Gasoline Engine Oil Service Classifications: Category: Status: Service: SN PLUS: Current: On November 9, 2017, the API Lubricants Standards Group approved the adoption of SN PLUS, a new classification that may be used in conjunction with API SN and API SN with Resource Conserving. In the past, ILSAC GF-6A and GF-b products ; start date Dec 16, 2020 for internal! 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