These fish can vary in size: the male will grow about 30cm, the female will grow about 25cm. This species diet must be high protein but make sure the diet includes some vegetable foods. This along with evaporation has resulted in alkaline water that is highly mineralized. This portrait by Scott Wallace depicts the Red Fin Kadango Copadichromis borleyi (previously Haplochromis borleyi) a fish with many desirable traits as an aquarium pet. Common Name: Red Fin Borleyi Cichlid, Yellow Fin Borleyi Cichlid, Haplochromis Borleyi Redfin, Kadango Adult Size: 6-7 INCH Life Expectancy: 7 Years Habitat: Lake Malawi Minimum Tank Size: 55 Gallon Ideal Tank Conditions: Temperature Range: 73 to 82° F; pH Range: 7.7-8.6; Hardness Range: 6 - 10 dGH; Temperament: Semi-aggressive Haplochromis Borleyi Redfins are susceptible to typical fish ailments, especially if water is stale and of poor quality and oxygenation. This makes it an especially good fish for the aquarist who wants to house different types Lake Malawi cichlids. The front part of these fins are soft and perfect for precise positions and effortless movements in the water as opposed to fast swimming. As these are messy fish, do water changes of 20 to 50% a week depending on bio load. Habitat: Rocks Diet: Carnivore Breeding: Maternal Mouthbrooder Temperament: Peaceful Conspecific Temperament: Peaceful Maximum Size: 8" Temperature: 78 - 82°F pH: These gorgeous cichlids would be a great addition to any freshwater african cichlid aquarium at home. This species is commonly called "plain," but perhaps that's because it is not quite as brilliantly adorned as the other gobies. Additional Information: An easily kept fish, that has several different color variations, depending on where it is collected from in the lake. We have an ever changing inventory that changes weekly, and we accept special orders also for your favorite cichlid EVEN WILD CAUGHT! Crushed coral or aragonite sand can also increase the water's carbonate hardness, and tend to dissolves easier than salts. Cart All. Common name: Kadango, Kandango, Red Fin Kadango, Red Fin borleyi, Yellow fin Scientific name: Copadichromis Borleyi, Haplochromis Borleyi, Cyrtocara Borleyi Average Adult Fish Size: 14cm / 5 Inches Place of Origin: Lake Malawi Typical Tank setup: Rocky Malawi tank Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 160 Litres Compatibility: Other Lake Malawi cichlids, generally less … Fish information and habitats for Dwarf Cichlid aquariums, includes types of cichlids like the Ram Cichlids, Kribensis and more. But the colors vary naturally depending on the geographic region they originate from. Compatibility: Other Lake Malawi cichlids, generally less aggressive ones. Fish tank care. The eggs take a little longer than the typical 21 days. What to feed tropical fish fry, livebearers and egglayers, Glossary of aquatic science terms used in ichthyology and aquarium circles for freshwater and marine animals, corals and plants. Posted 06/19/2017 by azgardens $ 12.99. African Cichlids | Red Fin Borleyi BREEDING | Copadichromis Borleyi Kadango A Video of my New Colony of Red Fin Borleyi Breeding. This makes it an especially good fish for the aquarist who wants to house different types Lake Malawi cichlids. They live in rocky areas or around isolated boulders in quite shallow (5-20 metres depth) water. Cichlide der kan holdes parvis, gerne med ekstra hunner. While the pictures featured here are unique to the "Red Fin" variant from Kadango, C. borleyi "Red Fin" is also collected from Tawain … Apr 12, 2020 - Explore Robynn Wells's board "Cichlids", followed by 556 people on Pinterest. They are Utaka cichlids from Lake Malawi, Africa. 386.295-8834 cel, LOOKING FOR ABA ABA if any one knows any store or person that has any size I'd be interested as they ship very easily because they breath fresh air, and are pretty hardy. The borleyi are relatively peaceful with other African cichlids and prefer ro The female is a mouth brooder and can carry up to 60 eggs. Provide some rock work that is placed to provide a areas for retreat but leaves plenty of open areas. A 48″ tank is a good size for a breeding project, and this should be furnished as suggested. The Red Fin Kadango Copadichromis borleyi (previously Haplochromis borleyi) was described by Iles in 1960. Copadichromis borleyi Kadango red fin. Red Pencilfish (Nannostomus Mortenthaleri) One of the most beautiful representatives of this family. Utaka are fish that live in the open water and feed on zooplankton, tiny planktonic crustaceans drifting on slight currents in the water column. Download high-quality Copadichromis borleyi Kadango (Kadango Red Fin, images, illustrations and vectors perfectly priced to fit your projects budget. Breeding: Typical Malawi mouthbrooder. The water does need to be kept clean and the aquascaping also needs to be correct. Copyright Tropical Fish Site © All rights reserved, API 800 Test Freshwater Aquarium Water Master Test Kit, Large-eyed Mouthbrooder – Callochromis Macrops. Region of Origin: Lake Malawi, Africa. They are moderate in size reaching up to 6 or 6 1/2 inches (15 -17 cm) in length, though are sometimes larger in the home aquarium. It can be treated with the elevation of the tank temperature to 86° F (30° C) for 3 days. 602.268-1462 ho Cichlids Stocklist by Indofishexporter Scientific Name Common Name - Size Pcs /Box Apistograma agassizi AGASSIZI - {S} - [2.5-2.8cm] 600 Apistograma agassizi AGASSIZI - {M} - [3-3.3cm] 500 Apistograma agassizi AGASSIZI - {L} - [3.8-4cm] 400 Apistogramma agasizii red AGASSIZI DOUBLE RED (FEMALE) - {L} - [3.0 - 3.5cm] 200 Apistogramma agasizii red AGASSIZI DOUBLE… This species is not listed on the IUCN Red List for endangered species. They should not be housed with aggressive cichlids or Mbunas. Malawi Cichlids are those endemic to a rift lake in Africa called Lake Malawi. The Utaka is currently comprised of only two slightly varying genera, the Copadichromis and the Mchenga, both of which share this distinctive feeding ecology. Females are silver with orange anal and pectoral fins,with a tipping of orange on top of the dorsal fin. Difficulty:Intermediate Max Growth Size: 15 -18 cm Temperament:Territorial, keep with similar types. A copper test also can be used to keep the proper levels. Temperature: 74-82° Aggressiveness: Aggressive. All rights reserved. Betta Fish Care Infographic, a handy cheat sheet that will benefit any keepers of Siamese Fighting Fish. They are best kept in groups of one male and 3 or more females. They occur at depths between 10 - 65 (3 - 20 m) but usually prefer the shallower waters at depths of about 10 - 16 feet (3 - 5 m). Copadichromis borleyi is quite common in the hobby, perhaps due in part to the several variants that have been collected and exported. Hi everyone, I have a big prodcution of Arapaima gigas, 2680 units, around 13-15cm. Avoid keeping fish of similar size and color to keep aggression to a minimum, they are said to fight with any blue colored fish in the tank. Hikari cichlid gold/biogold is good diet, if you can feed them purely with NLS cichlid formula. This tank picture looks better than 79.85% of tank pictures in this category.. Ranked #1505 out of 7468 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.. However, the cichlids are extremely variable in length with some growing up to about 8 to 9 inches long. Regards, Looking for Aba Aba any size willing to pay a reasonable fee for one or two, I am very familiar with these guys and have the tank space, If housing with cichlids that eat primarily a vegetable diet, be sure those fish do not consume the diet for this Utaka. Peacock Cichlid Size. Copadichromis borleyi x. Diagnose illness, chart symptoms, suggested medications, How to set up an aquarium for the best results. Sand used for saltwater fish or freshwater can be used, and if these fish are kept with a higher PH the saltwater sand can help keep the pH up. ), fungal infections, and bacterial infections. Most fish will reach their full length at about 3 years old. Temperature: 74 F – 80 F. Size: Up to 6 Inches. Lake Malawi fish live to an average of 7 to 10 years. Adult Size: 5 - 6'' Compatibility: Mild to moderately aggressive. The aquarium does need regular water changes. They are also fairly peaceful, making good inhabitants for the community tank, and will readily breed. Fish Information for South American Cichlids, Central American Cichlids, and Dwarf Cichlids including cichlid care, cichlid breeding, and fish diseases for South American cichlid aquariums. Photos and description will be available shortly. Scientific Name: Copadichromis borleyi Common Name: Red Fin - Kadango Max Size: 6" pH: 7.5-8.4 Hardness: Hard Temperature: 74-82° Aggressiveness: Aggressive Region of Origin: Lake Malawi, Africa Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred Diet: Flake or pellet Compatibility: Victorian Haps, Malawi Haps, Malawi Peacocks, Synodontis Tank Mate Options: Blue Dolphin … these varieties fit into two major categories "Red Fin" and "Yellow Fin." Other closely related open-water cichlids include the Haplochromine cichlids like the favorite Haps of the Haplochromis genus and the pretty Peacock Cichlids of the Aulonocara genus. Image of haplochromis, copadichromis, lake - 170136465 ... Pinedani pseudotrofeus, Cichlid aquarium fish. The borleyi cichlid at medium size is just getting into color, but at three inches this cichlid will look fantastic. Scientific Name: Copadichromis borleyi OWN NOW. They are fairly mild mannered and easy to keep … Fish information on Peacock Cichlids, Aulonocara types of cichlids from Lake Malawi, their habitats and keeping African cichlids tanks. Other color descriptions of the Haplochromis Borleyi Redfin depend on location within Lake Malawi. Young Red Fin Kadango will have a silver body with red tail, Dorsal and Pectoral fins. 20% discount when you buy 6. Hardness: Hard. RED FIN KADANGO - 6CM The Red Fin Kadango gets its name from the stunning colouration in the juvenile fish. Hap Cichlids General Description. However it not suited to a full brackish water tank. One of the most interesting things about these fish is that they will form large shoals. 300 ltr. akvarie str. The Haplochromis Borleyi Redfin rarely shows aggression to other tank mates except during mating when the male defends his territory. They are called "Red Fin" because the females and juveniles have red or orangish fins that contrasted with their dark silver bodies. Photo about Copadichromis borleyi Kadango Red freshwater fish in aquarium. Scientific Name: Copadichromis borleyi (Kadango) Common Name(s): Red Fin Geo. Origin: Found at nearly every rocky habitat along the shoreline of Lake Malawi. Copadichromis borleyi Levested.Malawisøen i Afrika. Malawi bloat is a typical disease especially if their dietary needs are not met with quality foods. 14 cm Min. bes 480.243-7351 bes, Photo © Animal-World: Courtesy Frank Schneidewind, Author: Carrie McBirney, Clarice Brough CFS, Freshwater Aquarium Setup and Maintenance, Online Dictionary of Aquatic Science Terms, Dr. Pindani Cichlid | 2-2.5 inches Malawi eyebiter | 2-2.5 inches. Once he has attracted one of the females, they will spawn on the vertical part of a large boulder or use fine sand on top of a boulder. Guide to marine supplies, putting the aquarium together, cycling the aquarium water and adding fish! Males are larger and more colorful. These cichlids make a great choice for the beginning cichlid keeper, and are appealling to the advanced aquarist as well. The female fish stays the same as the one in the photo above and the males get a totally red body with a bit of blue on the face, sort of like a red empress. Several copper based fish medications are available for Ich. What to feed your red kadango: The red kadango cichlid is omivorous, it will readily take flake or pellet food formulated for african cichlids. Aquarium Cycling Guide: starting up a new aquarium the right way. They are very peaceful and are willing to accept a wide range of foods. SKU: AACAT000006-1-2-1 ... Cichlids, Fish, Malawi Cichlid Tags: Copadichromis borleyi, Red Kadango cichlid. One common problem is Ich. The young are slow to grow. Haplochromis borleyi, Haplochromis red kadango-, male tilapia -cichlid- from Lake Malawi, mouth-breeder, freshwater aquarium Kadango red fin hap -Copadichromis borleyi, syn. They are easy to care for as long as the tank is large enough. Please check out out lastest arrivals picture will be available soon. These are one of the largest Utakas and are found in both shallow or deep waters. This hybrid retains the unique rust-orange color and gained the blue spotting. The Red Fin Kadango Copadichromis borleyi (previously Haplochromis borleyi) is a fish with many desirable traits as an aquarium pet. This makes it an especially good fish for the aquarist who wants to house different types Lake Malawi cichlids. Red, Fin, Kadango, Cichlid, fish, live fish. Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred. Red Fin Borleyi Cichlid; Where to buy. Buy 3 or more to take a The Neolamprologus is the largest genus of cichlids in Lake Tanganyika, containing 50 or so species. They are susceptible to Malawi bloat as well as the typical diseases that effect all freshwater fish if the tank is not maintained. C. borleyi is a relatively small cichlid, males grow to 13-16 centimetres (5–6 in) total length, while females are typically slightly smaller reaching 13 centimetres. Fish information on the types of cichlids from Lake Tanganyika, Tropheus Cichlids, Frontosa, Goby Cichlids, Shelldwellers and more, habitats and cichlids tanks for Tanganyika Cichlids. Males also get slightly larger than females. Female is silver with orange anal and pectoral fins and a tipping of orange on the top of the dorsal fin. They have a protrudable mouth designed for a specialized suction feeding action. Keep this in mind when stocking them as they will get to be around 8” inches when fully grown. Albino stingrays and Black Diamond X Super White cross rays. Skip to main Piranha Fish Species, description, information, habitat, and more! You can also combine increasing the temperature with an Ich medication treatment. Fish information on the Mbuna Cichlids, habitats, and cichlids tanks for these rock-dwelling types of cichlids. They can take just over 3 weeks to hatch. Cichlids have spiny rays in the back parts of the anal, dorsal, pectoral, and pelvic fins to help discourage predators. These cichlids prefer low to moderate light levels with places to hide. Haplochromis borleyi, Haplochromis red kadango A2 (59x42cm) Poster (#12506459) Framed Prints, Posters, Canvas, Puzzles, Metal, Photo Gifts … Kadango Cichlid (Copadichromis Borleyi) for sale, Buy 5 get 1 Free. The males are very gentle with the females and they will even school together if there is a larger group. He will pick an area next to a rock and spawning will begin. All are from the genus Aulonocara, and popular with aquarists because of the bright colors that males display, which is also their characteristic that helped them get the name of Peacock Cichlid. Copper use must be kept within the proper levels, so be sure to follow the manufacturers suggestions. Fish information on habitats and keeping African cichlid tanks for Lake Victoria Cichlids, Mbipi rock-dwelling cichlids, East and West African Cichlids, and African Dwarf Cichlids. If that does not cure the Ich, then the fish needs to be treated with copper (remove any water conditioners). The species is also sometimes sold under invalid names such as Haplochromis “red Kadango” or Haplochromis borleyi. Red Fin Borleyi cichlids are sexually dimorphic. Scientifis Name: Copadichromis Borley Common Name: Red Fin Borleyi Cichlid, Yellow Fin Borleyi Cichlid, Haplochromis Borleyi Redfin, Kadango Adult Size: 6-7 INCH Life Expectancy: 7 Years Habitat: Lake Malawi Minimum Tank Size: 55 Gallon Ideal Tank Conditions: Temperature Range: 73 … Guide to fish care with a simple look at aquarium filtration, how to clean a fish tank, and a fish tank maintenance Schedule. Knowing the signs and catching and treating them early makes a huge difference. While the females are smaller at 2.5” (6.4 cm), the males will reach up to 4 inches (10.2 cm) in length. Company: Copadichromis borleyi (Kadango) should be kept with other peacefull Malawi cichlids. This species is listed on the IUCN Red List as Lease Concern (LC) because although it is endemic to Lake Malawi, it is widespread throughout the lake. Red Pencilfish are found in the rivers of Peru. These fish are often found over the same rock piles as Mbuna cichlids, but they are larger than the Mbuna, They were once categorized as Haplochromis. Discover (and save!) Though many of the species that were once categorized in this genus have since been recategorized, the name Hap cichlid is still used as a general term for any no… $7.50 Sale Price. The Plain Goby Cichlid Spathodus marlieri is the largest, and also the most tolerant of the Lake Tanganyika gobies. Red Fin Kadango also known as Copadichromis borleyi is swimming underwater. These are one of the largest Utakas and are found in both shallow or deep waters. Origin: Man-Made Habitat: Rocks Diet: Carnivore Breeding: Maternal Mouthbrooder Temperament: Peaceful Conspecific Temperament: Peaceful Maximum Size: 8" Temperature: 78 - 82°F pH: 7.8 - 8.6 Water Hardness: Hard Difficulty: 1 Family: Hap Rating: 5.25 Votes: 12 They are commonly called "Red Fin" because the females and juveniles have red or orangish fins. Red Fin Borleyi Cichlid. A very slow acclimation to different pH levels can sometimes be achieved. Age: 12 years. Hello beauties and seasons greetings... Its been awhile since we had a look at him, so the updated video is here!!! They like rocks for comfort but enjoys open swimming areas as well. Copyright © [Animal-World] 1998-2020. Unit conversion calculator for aquariums: How many gallons are in your aquarium, how many drops in a teaspoon, whats the difference between a US gallon and a UK gallon, not to mention liters? 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Cichlid at medium Size is just getting into color, with a tipping of orange on top of most! It an especially good fish for the community cichlid aquarium at home have a body... Your address Pet Supplies around 13-15cm representatives of this family over 3 weeks to hatch tank diseases will their... Not as hard on the IUCN Red List for endangered species beautiful colors, Utaka. Enjoys open swimming areas as well illustrations and vectors perfectly priced to fit your projects.! Weekly, and cichlids are those endemic to a Happy, and should not kept... And characteristics of different types Lake Malawi cichlids, generally less aggressive ones less aggressive.!