As we head into a new year, I'm making it a priority to step back, reflect, and reevaluate my professional development goals. A personal development plan (PDP) is is a great tool to help you focus on developing your career, supporting you in gaining the skills required to do so. Below, you will find lesson templates and sample lessons, ... Use this UFLI Reading Lesson Planning Table as you plan your instruction. Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly presentations give different teachers a chance to talk about something related to teaching … These are typically developed for career planning, performance management or general self-improvement purposes. You are never done learning and growing—it's a lifelong process! Fiscal Wish List: Which Tech Takes the Top Spots for School Districts? We suggest that every educator include at least one broad SMART goal on their IPDP similar to the one below. But with the coronavirus pandemic, virtual professional development sessions became the norm too. 5 Teaching Techniques In The Virtual Classroom The traditional course of teaching in a classroom requires a board for the teacher to demonstrate. Relates professional growth to performance evaluation so that teachers … For ex… Find the Right PD Format. Goal: To expand teaching methods to address the individual learning styles of all students. information in the lesson. READ: What K–12 schools should keep in mind when implementing a one-to-one device program! They’ll also need to consider how many people will attend the session and how it will be structured to be intentional about providing effective learning opportunities. Give Students Some Reign. Professional development is the process of learning, developing talents and staying up-to-date with changes that impact your work. At a base level, it is designed to fit your student, grade-level (PreK-12) and teacher needs, along with conforming to your current learning platform (packets, virtual, or project-based). S.M.A.R.T Goal Example: For the 2019-2020 school year, students will partake in two virtual field trips related to our human body science unit and natural resources social studies unit. Pursue Ongoing Professional Development This is another personal development goal that will keep you on top of your game at work. Every teacher can learn new strategies and techniques to enrich their teaching. An individual goal is a goal for an individual Teacher, differentiated according to experience and informed by feedback about individual performance. Below are 12 effective strategies that you can implement to properly plan and execute your virtual training sessions. Engages teachers in identifying a plan of action for improving teaching and learning in their classrooms. Example 1 This example helps you outline the skill, goal, specific objectives, criteria and resources/activities you will need to accomplish your plan. 85% of surveyed respondents received training in 2018-2019. A recent University of Phoenix survey of more than 1,000 K–12 teachers found that nearly 50 percent were unprepared for online instruction. The unexpected shift to remote learning last spring revealed that many educators still struggle to teach with technology. Step 1: Invest In Stable, Reliable Virtual Technology. All teachers need some inspiration as we roll into new semesters or summer prep. As part of your PDP you will be required to establish what your goals … Active Learning: Similar to the success teachers have found with students through new pedagogical … Examples of Professional Development Plans (PDP) Focus on Elementary Teacher Standards • Content Knowledge T1. Of those surveyed, 41 percent also reported feeling overwhelmed from receiving too much information, resources and tools to assist them with virtual learning. The constant connection to experts, teacher leaders, and their colleagues has enabled Dallas ISD teachers to feel supported during this transition. 3. If you plan to stay firmly planted in a face-to-face classroom, but you'd like to tap into the benefits of online education, you can create what's called a blended environment. There are also plenty of ed tech vendors that offer free, online training for teachers, which districts can incorporate into their PD. The purpose of having personal development goals is to continuously create a better life for yourself. Join my mailing list and get weekly tips, tools, and inspiration — in quick, bite-sized packages — all geared toward making your teaching more effective and joyful. Art educators can enhance their teaching … If information needs to be translated into a different language, then the teacher should seek assistance from a staff member that could assist with interpreting the information. Examples of Professional Development Plans (PDP) Focus on Elementary Teacher Standards • Content Knowledge T1. • The PDP is to be viewed as a dynamic plan. Goal 2: All educators will identify, prioritize, and incorporate the use of technology to achieve Department Elementary Secondary Arts Education 2nd Grade Music SMART Goal (accompanying data) 4th Grade Music SMART Goal … It’s equally important to keep educators engaged during a PD session, especially if they’re not collaborating or participating in an interactive workshop in person. To thank you, … Learning strategies should be selected that take into account the context, issues, and goals of a professional development plan. Now, in this quickly evolving world, you are figuring out how to proceed. Remote Learning Surface Old Challenges Under New Context, Google Classroom Updates K–12 Teachers Should Know. Delivering PD online requires strategic planning and execution. Using videoconferencing technology is one way of encouraging live interaction from a distance. Will it involve collaboration or real-time feedback? For information about the alternative PDP process for 2020, to support employees to manage the impact of coronavirus (COVID … “It Was Like I Was There”: Inspiring Engagement through Virtual … Include how you plan to meet these goals. I am a professional teacher. FETC 2021: This Year’s Gathering Reflects Shift to Virtual and Hybrid Education, Review: Lenovo Legion Y27gq-20 is an Esports MVP. For example, Google for Education has its Teacher Center, which features training courses that help new and advanced users leverage Google tools such as Classroom, Docs, Forms and Slides for in-person and remote instruction. Choose goals that are … A professional development plan is a list of actionable steps for achieving your career goals. Personalization Just as educators personalize learning for students based on interest, personal goals… The goal of an ESL professional development presentation should always be to help you and your colleagues become better ESL teachers. The College of Education (COE) has multiple professional development opportunities for teachers and current education students this fall. Stick around. Enroll in an online or in-person course and learn something new or enhance your skills. Student Teaching Application including Professional Development Plan. Tutorial: Using the Templates. Setting the goal of minimizing a primary classroom teacher’s involvement with basic preparation, such as making photocopies or creating bulletin boards, frees the teacher’s time for more targeted goals, such as interacting directly with underperforming students. Rehearsing a virtual PD session can help facilitators feel more confident and make the training more efficient by warding off any accidents such as sharing the wrong window during a presentation. Here you will find several examples of professional development plans for you to use as a guide in designing your own professional development journey. A facilitator may find it difficult to manage all the digital tools that come with running virtual PD, explained Matthew X. Joseph, director of curriculum, instruction and assessment for Leicester (Mass.) Also, there are numerous ways to deliver them — from hosting videoconferencing meetings to signing up educators for online courses. Technological mishaps happen all the time. Write, then review plan and Individual Professional Development Goals with supervisor, by October 31st 5. Sample Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) Goals 7/2015 SMART Goals Examples of SMART goals are provided below. To keep up with the evolving K-12 world, educators are receiving more training than ever before. Will the session be a whole group or small group discussion? Discussion of a specific lesson plan that involves analyzing Instagram posts. From podcasters to bloggers and speakers, these influential figures are helping school leaders, IT decision-makers and educators navigate today’s uncertain educational landscape. I am responsible for my personal and professional growth. Along with effective teaching and communication strategies, our professional learning is tailored to the specific goals and challenges of our partner districts and schools. Many of you had in-person professional development sessions scheduled. A personal development plan is an action plan designed to improve knowledge and abilities. Examples of strategies that are embedded in the daily lives of teachers and linked to student learning include, but are not limited to, study groups, professional networks, action research, lesson study, and demonstration lessons. Share a screen on Google Meet? Of 2,000 K–12 teachers surveyed, only 10 percent reported feeling secure in their abilities to incorporate “higher-level” technology into their classroom. Enroll in an online or in-person course and learn something new or enhance your skills. Include how you plan to meet these goals. Similarly, 60 percent of DLP teachers reported seeing a significant increase in their ability to interact with education technology, compared to 46 percent of other teachers. The teacher self-assessment, goal … Educator participation in professional development opportunities is an important part of the continued growth and improvement of teaching practices. 30 K–12 IT Influencers Worth a Follow in 2020, 5 Key Areas of Technology Professional Development for Teachers, How Virtual Education Supports Seamless Learning Opportunities, How to Manage the Virtual Classroom with GoGuardian Teacher, Data Shows K–12 Videoconferencing Is Overwhelmingly One on One, Data Driven Instruction: How Student Data Guides Formative Assessments, Add a Dash of Professional Development to Your Blended-Learning Program, Schools Can Train the Next Batch of Cybersecurity Pros, How Datacasting Can Help Bridge the Digital Divide, 5 Tips for an Effective Hybrid Instruction Experience. Expect performance improvement and self-appraise to determine if there is noticeable improvement. K–12 teachers are interested in adopting technology, but low confidence in their abilities to use it well enough to make the integration worth the investment is a significant barrier. When not in the office, Eli is busy scanning the web for the latest podcasts or stepping into the boxing ring for a few rounds. “What LA Unified is currently doing, side by side with our professional development plan for educators, is engaging parents and families and helping them be part of the overall plan in the education of our students, especially as the school closures continue,” says Caguioa. That means your students encounter a healthy dose of virtual content and interactivity (such as discussion boards and multimedia productions) right there in the real-world classroom. Part of professional development is continuing to learn new skills and practices, at any stage in your career. Here are some examples of how the Planning Table might be used. A sample of a Virtual Classroom Session Plan (developed by the Educational Development Team in McMaster University’s Continuing Education division) is included in the appendix. Awesome Supervisor/Evaluator: Dr. Spindler Mentor: C. Jones_ School DeKalb Junior Senior High School Year 2013-14 Higher Education Representative . Our virtual professional development model is a customized approach in which we work closely with you to create sessions that will meet the specific needs of your program. SMART Goals must be progress-based and should not be based on class averages. DLP uses five key points to guide teachers and coaches through the professional-development curriculum: FETC 2021: This Year’s Gathering Reflects Shift to Virtual and Hybrid Education, Review: Lenovo Legion Y27gq-20 is an Esports MVP. In response, DLP designed a curriculum for teachers to interact and experiment with new educational tools, and paired teachers with local technology coaches to perfect their training techniques. While some personal development goals may relate to improving your ability to be patient with other people, others may have to do with advancing your education … Presentations will be hosted by COE faculty, alumni, and teacher colleagues. Others have also used applications such as Flipgrid during PD training to ask teachers to create and post video reflections or build a digital bank of educational resources based on the topic they’re covering. If the need arises, teachers may amend and adjust their PDP throughout the performance and development cycle, to address emergent and unexpected issues … Role playing within the virtual classroom is another way of creating awareness and interest on various issues. 30 K–12 IT Influencers Worth a Follow in 2020, 4 Tips for Effective Virtual Professional Development, Remote Learning Surface Old Challenges Under New Context, How Administrators Can Support Remote SEL, Helping Hands: The Evolving Role of IT in Remote Education, Data Driven Instruction: How Student Data Guides Formative Assessments, Add a Dash of Professional Development to Your Blended-Learning Program, Schools Can Train the Next Batch of Cybersecurity Pros, How Datacasting Can Help Bridge the Digital Divide, 5 Tips for an Effective Hybrid Instruction Experience. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be fun. Through the PDP framework PDF that was presented in class, and the information that my teacher, Mr. Misner, gave me regarding the steps I should have in my lesson plan, true/ false questions was a natural next step in the PDP lesson plan process. Professional development helps you perfect your skills, maximize your knowledge, and advance your career. Similar to planning for an in-person session, it’s important to first identify goals and how they’ll be measured. Online sessions are more accessible, flexible and budget-friendly. To avoid them, facilitators should check to make sure all their devices — webcams, microphones, headsets, etc. All teachers need some inspiration as we roll into new semesters or summer prep. Professional development provides satisfying, relevant, and actionable guidance to K-12 educators. Previously, Eli was a staff reporter for medical trade publication Frontline Medical News, where he experienced the impact of continuous education and evolving teaching methods through the medical lens. If the need arises, teachers may amend and adjust their PDP throughout the performance and development cycle, to address emergent and unexpected issues in consultation with their supervisor. Google Classroom Updates K–12 Teachers Should Know. Lesson Structure. They should also be familiar with the different features on the platform they are using. Join my mailing list and get weekly tips, tools, and inspiration — in quick, bite-sized packages — all geared toward making your teaching more effective and joyful. When planning for virtual PD, facilitators should look at different delivery methods and select the one that best meets the session objectives they’ve identified. Micah Castelo is a web editor for EdTech: Focus on K-12. What does professional development really mean? MORE ON EDTECH: Learn how technology bolsters on-demand teacher training. Nevertheless, delivering PD virtually requires strategic planning from instructional coaches or IT teams. If you plan to stay firmly planted in a face-to-face classroom, but you'd like to tap into the benefits of online education, you can create what's called a blended environment. If you have good writing or presentation skills, you can create … education populations, including bilingual and ESL students. • The PDP template is used to record the results of the performance and development planning phase. — are properly working ahead of time. 1. Setting professional development goals for teachers guides you as you take your continuing education classes and pursue your own learning opportunities. Develop Individual Professional Development Goals 3. Professional development … Master your teaching skills. BSEd Professional Development Plan Form. Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) SAMPLE Goals and Activities Teaching Style Related to Student Learning In the space below, indicate any personal goals that coincide with this action plan. The development of a clear, … Listed below are ten examples of teacher goals that you surely would not want to forget when setting your goals: Educate properly When you were still a student who’s had encountered teachers that were unreasonably strict and demands respect when they were not deserving of it, then you probably know how your students would feel like, that is if you decide to be that kind of teacher. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching. Sample PDP Goal Statements 2013-2014 Statements without “…as measured by…” I will learn about and implement differentiated formative and summative assessment techniques to enhance my knowledge of my students, to evaluate student progress and performance, and to modify my teaching … Visit Some Of Our Other Technology Websites: Microsoft 365 Unlocked ― 4 Effective Workplace Tools (Not Named Teams), Copyright © 2021 CDW LLC 200 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Vernon Hills, IL 60061. Every aspect of the education system has gone virtual. Do they know how to create a poll on Zoom? Stick around. An individual goal is ideally connected to a Team and/or whole school goal that in turn relate directly to the AIP. Therefore, assigning roles such as moderator, technical support and timekeeper can ensure the session goes smoothly while empowering people to participate, he said. Fundraisers Including an aspect of financial literacy for kids is a great idea for a professional goal, as long as you can meaningfully connect it to a learning objective. To assist the professional development process for both teachers and IT professionals, Digital Promise, in conjunction with Google, has established a new program called the Dynamic Learning Project to help introduce new education technology into the classroom. Learning new material can be overwhelming, which is why training sessions should be clear and focused. Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) SAMPLE Goals and Activities Teaching Style Related to Student Learning In the space below, indicate any personal goals that coincide with this action plan. The survey also found that most teachers (81 percent) plan to seek additional training this summer to prepare for the upcoming school year, which may involve remote or blended learning for most districts. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching. Professional development is the process of learning, developing talents and staying up-to-date with changes that impact your work. For instance, facilitators can incorporate tools such as Microsoft Whiteboard or Google Drawings in their sessions to have participants ideate, present or collaborate with each other on a digital canvas while sparking creativity. Designating supporting roles is also crucial. GOALS STRATEGY FACILITATED BY TARGET DATE DATE ACHIEVED I. Instructional Process Complete the Job Embedded Professional Development Application 5. Elementary teacher aides can support the primary classroom teacher by assisting with or taking over preparation responsibilities. Lastly, whatever language a teacher uses during the virtual parent-teacher conference should be understandable to parents. Educators can also find additional resources such as a digital citizenship and safety course and accessibility tools training. Develop Individual Professional Development Goals 4. Eli has been eagerly pursuing a journalistic career since he left the University of Maryland's Philip Merrill School of Journalism. It's about learning, growing, and creating opportunities for yourself. • The PDP is to be viewed as a dynamic plan. The authors worked with preservice teachers and youth in a juvenile detention center to pilot a curriculum focused on critical engagement with online text. Engages teachers in identifying a plan of action for improving teaching and learning in their classrooms. Goals should also align with the school’s or district’s vision and learning objectives. Sometimes enrolling in courses or training plans is an invaluable way to gain the skills or knowledge you need to develop in your role and improve in specific practices. While educators may present interest in professional development, it can be hard for administrators and IT teams to train educators, especially if they are not familiar with technology coaching methods themselves. Name: I.B. A professional development plan helps you gain specific insight into how you can reach your career aspirations, such as earning a new certification or finding a mentor who can advise you. Teachers are able to plan different kinds of lessons Goal … Beyond that, it uses a proprietary process titled “Sustained Professional Development to … When planning for virtual PD, facilitators should look at different delivery … UFLI Virtual Teaching Resource Hub. The Personal Development Plan is also sometimes called Individual Development Plan because it includes a statement of one’s strengths, weakness, aspirations, education, etc, which gives a rough idea about how to make the personal development plan… Public Schools, during a Tech & Learning webinar. When creating your SMART goals … In some cases, goals and objectives are planned using a formal analysis technique such as a swot analysis.The following are illustrative examples of a personal development plan. Schools participating in DLP’s program found 86 percent of teachers used technology more during the course of the year, compared to 76 percent of those not in the program. Overview Alternative Performance and Development Process for 2020. Comprehensive professional development from StrongMind SM empowers educators with an understanding of hybrid and virtual learning environments. Districts are also noticing the long-term benefits of offering PD virtually. Schedule ESL Professional Development Presentations. Please check back as we add additional updated examples. To thank you, I’ll send you a free copy of my new e-booklet, 20 Ways to Cut Your Grading Time in … Every teacher can learn new strategies and techniques to enrich their teaching. That means your students encounter a healthy dose of virtual … professional development plan to attain those goals, t rack progress towards goals over the course of the year, andreflect on goal attainment, including how the goals and professional development actually refined practices. Here you will find several examples of professional development plans for you to use as a guide in designing your own professional development journey. Probably the most important consideration when adopting virtual training is researching and commissioning a reliable and robust platform on which to run your events.
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